1、Lesson 4 Making plans一、教材分析:本课是新路径英语(三年级起点)第8册Lesson 4 Making plans的第一课时。学生在以前的学习中已经学习过相关的交通工具及be going to 的句型。本课通过一个将要到果园出行游玩的情景,谈论出行地点和方式。要求学生会用英语讨论外出旅行的目的地和方式,并通过讨论选择何种交通方式对学生实行英语思维方面的训练。二、教学目标1 知识目标:(1)通过创设情境、图片、肢体语言等方式,让学生初步理解情境内容。(2)词汇目标: by bike, by bus, by taxi, by ship, by car, by plane, by
2、 train, on foot.(3)句型目标: Where are you going? Im/Were going to visit. How can we get to Beijing? Lets go by plane.(4)对话目标:Lets talk 部分的会话。2水平目标:(1)通过多样的方式和方法,使学生在学习本课后能够认读本课所授的新词、句型及课文会话。(2)通过引导,学生能够用已学过的知识对该课的句型实行替换练习。如:Im going to visit an orchard/Beijing/the Great Wall/Chengdu/Zigong. Im going to
3、 .by plane/by bus/by bike/on foot.(3)通过多层次的听说,让学生能用比较标准的语音语调跟读课文。(4)通过入情入境的故事讲解,让学生能分角朗读或表演部分课文。(5)通过本课的学习,学生能够用英语对出行目的地和方式实行选择和谈论。3情感目标让学生体会在集体讨论、决定一件事情时学会尊重同伴和集体的意见。让学生了解“绿色出行”的知识,并能结合实际情况选择适当的出行方式。三、教学重难点(1)重点:本课知识目标所设定的单词句型及会话。(2)难点:first,then的理解和使用。 对课文对话的表演。 小组合作制定出行计划,并参与出行方式的思考的讨论。四、教具准备 多媒体
4、课件、卡片、出行计划表、磁粒等。五、教学过程Min教学流程教学活动学生活动设计意图1Warm upT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! How are you today? OH, Im fine, too, thank you. What day is it today? Whats the date today? Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.S1: Its Friday.S2:Its April 17th. .通过师生问好创设和谐氛围,并在Free talk 中询问到日期,为接下来的引入做铺垫。3Lead in
5、1.T: May Day is coming.Im going to visit a place. Where am I going? Can you guess? 2.T:How can I get to the Great Wall?3.Introduce my friend Le Le to Ss,tell them that he is also going to visit a place.1.Look at the picture and guess where the teacher is going.2.Talk about how the teacher can get to
6、 the Great Wall.3.Guess where Le Le is going.通过猜图片的方式让学生首先感知I am going to visit.这个句型,再引导学生对如何到达实行谈论,使学生的英语思维得到初步的训练。最后从教师的出行过渡到乐乐的出行,创设乐乐一行到果园游览的情景,为本课中Lets talk部分的教学做准备。15Presentation &Controlled Practice1. 听录音: Ss listen and number the sentences.2. T: Where are Le Le and his friends going? Show a
7、picture of an orchard, help Ss know the meaning.3. T: How many sentences are there in this dialogue?4.Play the tape again, let Ss listen and repeat,then answer the questions: a. How can they get to the orchard? b. When will they meet?c. Where will they meet?5. Have the Ss go on listening and repeati
8、ng, then answer the questions: Are they happy? How do you know? 6. Help Ss know the meanings:Good news! I cant wait.Let Ss read the two sentences happily.7. Have Ss ac it out .1. Listen and number the sentences,and try to find out where Le Le is going.2. Ss: They are going to visit an orchard. Look
9、at the picture and learn the word: orchard.3. Check the numbers with teachers help.4. Listen and repeat, then answer the questions.5. Listen and repeat, then answer the questions:Yes, they are. Because.6. Learn the sentences:Good new! I cant wait.And try to read them happily.7. Read the text in role
10、s in groups.1. 通过层次递进的听、跟读、回答问题,使学生对文本材料及对话情景进行逐步深入的感受和理解。2. 问题的设计遵循由简到难、由浅入深的原则,在学生回答的基础之上适时追问Why?使学生的思维得到挖掘和训练。3. 通过抓关键句Good news! Good news! Oh,great.I cant wait. 让学生体会文本的感情基调,为下一步制定自己的出行计划做出积极的情感铺垫。4. 在学生对文本的意义、情感都有一定的体会和理解的基础之上,让学生分小组进行角色朗读表演,强化对课文语言材料的巩固,同时使练习能够面向全体学生,调动每一个学生的学习主动性。15Free Prac
11、tice1. T:May Day is coming, where are you going for this holiday?2. Set the Situation that we are going to make a plan for May Day.Let Ss talk about where we are going . And we can give the plan to the headmaster.3. Ask each group for the answers.Then decide the most popular place to go.4. Have Ss t
12、alk about how to get there. 5.Let Ss discuss which one is the best way,and why. Give them help when they cant express accurately.1. S1:Im going to visit. S2:Im going to visit.2. Do a survey in groups.The group leader asks each group member:Where are you going? The group members answer one by one:Im
13、going to visit. Then choose the most popular place to go.3. Group leader report the result one by one:We are going to visit.4. Give advice about the way to go there:By bus/By bike/By taxi/on foot.5. Open uptheir minds and shareideas with each other.通过图片、语言激励等方式,形象地为学生创设五一出行的情景,激发学生的兴趣和热情 。通过出行目的地、出行
14、方式的逐步讨论的决定,引导学生在解决问题的过程中运用语言,帮助学生进入到真实任务的解决、完成的过程当中,体现做中学、用中学。 通过对出行方式的选择和讨论,引导学生打开思维,分享观点,使其从中得到语言和思维的双重训练。5Emotional penetration 1.T: Why do you think it is the best way to go there? Lets watch video. Maybe we can find the answer in it. Play the video.2.T: What do you know from the video?3. Let Ss
15、 complete the plan.1.Watch the video.2.Ss:Wed better go there on foot. Because it is good for our health and the environment.3.Complete the plans in groups,then send it to the teacher.在讨论出行方式的过程中渗透“绿色出行”的情感教育,教育学生尽量选择低碳、健康的出行方式,最后在达成共识后完成计划书并上交。使学生的语言知识、技能得到提高的同时,在思想和思维方面也能有所收获。1HomeworkT:I know tha
16、t you want to go to visit some farther places.For example.Maybe you can go there in this summer vacation. So please make your family traveling plan with your parents. Ill ask some of you to show your plan in class next Monday. Make a family traveling plan for summer vacation. 在家庭作业的设计上呼应和弥补了之前课堂中制定“五一”集体出行计划时,不能选择更远的旅游点的遗憾,也使学
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