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1、Beef Processing in Canada加拿大肉牛加工,Canada slaughters a total of 3 373 431 beef/year. (2001 CFIA) 69% or 2 341 749 of these beef are slaughtered in Alberta. (2001 CFIA and Provincial Governments) $5.54 billion in shipments. Approximately $2.86 billion is exported. 加拿大屠宰总量:3,373,431头肉牛/年(2001年CFIA)。 69%

2、或2,341,749头在阿尔伯塔屠宰(2001年CFIA 和省政府) 出货$55.4亿,出口约$28.6亿,The Beef Processing industry in Canada 加拿大牛肉加工业,Canada Beef Slaughter加拿大肉牛屠宰,34 federally inspected beef slaughter establishments in Canada. 加拿大有34个联邦政府检验的牛肉屠宰厂。 6 of these plants are in Alberta (69% of beef slaughter) 6个在阿尔伯塔( 69% 的牛肉屠宰)。 21 Can

3、adian slaughter establishments are certified to export to China. 21个加拿大屠宰厂被鉴定出口中国。 5 of these export plants slaughter beef. 3 are from Alberta. 5个出口屠宰厂,3 个在阿尔伯塔,Alberta Beef Slaughter加拿大肉牛屠宰,Two large Beef plants in Southern Alberta. Cargill Foods and Lakeside Packers, IBP 两个大型肉牛屠宰厂在阿尔伯特南部Cargill Fo

4、ods 和 Lakeside Packers, IBP Each plant slaughters approximately 4200 beef/day. (250 head/hour) 1 million head/year. 每厂约屠宰4200肉牛/天(259头/小时),100万头/年。 2400 employees each. 每厂有2400雇员 1 plant has its own 75 000 head feedlot. 一个厂自有75000头的育肥场 Each produce almost 450 million kg of beef annually. 每厂每年生产几乎450

5、百万公斤牛肉,Canadas Largest Packer加拿大最大肉类加工厂,High River, Alberta阿尔伯塔高河,Fabrication Floor制做场所,Alberta Processors阿尔伯塔加工者,1 Southern Alberta beef slaughter plant with 1000 head/day capacity. 南阿尔伯塔肉牛屠宰厂生产能力是1000头/天。 35 000 Square Feet 3500平方英尺 140 employees 140雇员 60% of production goes to their 33 000 square

6、 foot fabrication facility. 60%生产进入33000平方英尺的制作设施,Medium Sized Facilities中等规模设施,2 beef plants, 26 000 square feet each with slaughter and fabrication capacity of 150 beef/day ea. 2牛肉工厂,2600平方英尺能力为150肉牛/天。 Over 45 additional beef slaughter facilities targeting the domestic market. 45以上肉牛屠宰厂设施目标为国内市场。

7、 Lacombe Research Station- contributes to the study of food safety, red meat quality, and carcass grading research on a global scale. 拉考研究站贡献食品安全、红肉质量和全球规模的胴体等级研究。 The Leduc Food Processing Development Center, AAFRD- Assisting processors with product development and market readiness for new meat pro

8、ducts. 莱杜克食品加工开发AAFRD中心,协助加工者进行产品开发和新肉类产品的市场准备,Alberta and China阿尔伯特和中国,Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development has been working with several provinces in China for 20 years. 阿尔伯塔农业食品和农村发展已经同中国的几个省份工作了20年。 Active in extension services and delivery of new technologies. 积极推广服务和传播新技术 Activities

9、 include: 活动包括: Trade Shows 贸易展览 Canadian Beef Breed Display Center加拿大肉牛品种展示中心 China-Canada Dairy Cattle Project 中国-加拿大奶牛项目,Trade Shows贸易展览,Canadian Beef Breed Display Center 加拿大肉牛品种展示中心,China-Canada Dairy Cattle Project中国-加拿大奶牛项目,Where is Alberta这里是阿尔伯塔,Beef Export牛肉出口,Canadas beef exports to Asia

10、and Mexico have increased by 47% in the last 2 years. 在过去的2年加拿大牛肉出口亚洲和墨西哥增加47%。 60% of Canadas beef production is exported. 73% of this export is to the United States. 加拿大生产的牛肉60%出口,73%出口到美国。 Growth areas for beef export include China,Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Mexico. 出口扩大区域包括中国、香港、

11、台湾、南韩、日本和墨西哥。 In 2001, Canada exported 1,425 tonnes of beef to China. 2001年加拿大出口1425吨牛肉到中国,Export Comparison出口比较,牛肉和牛出口,Albertas Export Advantage阿尔伯塔出口的有利条件,Alberta is located close to the Pacific Rim. 阿尔伯塔位于太平洋边附近 Slaughter facilities continue to invest capital for expansion of their processing cap

12、acity.屠宰场设施继续扩大投资以提高加工能力。 Companies are investing in new processing technology. 公司为新加工技术投入 Product shelf life extended by expanded cooler capacity, resulting in lower muscle temperature. 通过扩大冷却能力降低肌肉温度延长保存期限。 Producing a more stable and safe range of products due to the incorporation of HACCP princi

13、ples. 由于结合HACCP原则生产稳定和安全的产品范围扩大,Beef Grading牛肉等级,CANADIAN BEEFGRADING AGENCY 加拿大牛肉等级机构,Why Do We Grade为什么分等级,Grading is intended to place carcasses into uniform groups of similar quality, yield, and value, in order to facilitate marketing and production decisions. Grading may be used as a basis for

14、producer settlement. Grading attempts to ensure that consumers have an improved product through greater consistency and predictability in the eating quality of specific grades of beef. Grading is not mandatory. 分等是打算使一致的胴体组达到相同质量、产量和价值,以便促进销售和生产决定。 等级可作为支付给生产者的基础。 分等是通过稳定和具体登记的质量预测力,尽量保证消费者有一个改进的产品。

15、 分等不是强制的,Key Grading Criteria主要等级标准,Carcasses are evaluated for:胴体评估: carcass maturity 胴体成熟 muscling 肌肉 meat quality 肉质 external fat covering表层脂肪覆盖 marbling.大理石花纹,Maturity成熟,Carcasses are evaluated as either youthful or mature according to the degree of bone ossification. Youthful carcasses will hav

16、e cartilaginous caps on the thoracic vertebrae. The lumbar vertebrae will show evidence of cartilage or at least as red line present on the tips. More advanced ossification is considered to be mature and must be graded in one of the Canada D grades or as Canada E in the case of a bull. 根据骨头固化程度胴体即可评

17、估为“年轻”也可作为“成熟”。 年轻的胴体在胸椎骨上有软骨盖。 腰椎骨表明软骨或至少在顶端有红线出现。 较老的骨化考虑为成熟必须分在加拿大其中一个D等或公牛E等,确定年龄: 脊骨顶端有白的的软骨“苞”。 表示年轻胴体。 大半后驱顶部明显骨化。 表示A/B成熟分界线,High Quality Grades高质量等级,Carcasses must be youthful. This ensures a high level of tenderness in all four grades of high quality Canadian beef. Muscling must range from

18、 good with some deficiencies, to excellent. The ribeye muscle must have a bright red colour and be firm in texture. There is a minimum external fat thickness of 2 millimetres required at the ribeye measurement site. The external fat must be firm and white. These criteria are identical for all four g

19、rades. 胴体必须年轻。这能够在加拿大高质量肉牛的4个等级中保证高的鲜嫩度。 肌肉必须从有一些不足的好到优秀。 肋部眼肌肌肉必须是鲜红色并且结构稳定。 在肋部眼肌测量部位最低有2毫米厚的表层脂肪。 表层脂肪必须坚固和白。 全部4个等级有统一的标准,Making the Grade等级标准,To distinguish between A, AA, and AAA and Prime graded carcasses, the grader evaluates the level of marbling. CANADA A grade- Trace Marbling CANADA AA- S

20、light Marbling CANADA AAA- Small Marbling CANADA Prime- Slightly Abundant Marbling 为区分A、AA 、AAA和特级胴体,评等员/分等机评估大理石花纹的程度。 加拿大A等-微量大理石花纹。 加拿大AA等微小大理石花纹。 加拿大AAA等少量大理石花纹。 加拿大特级等稍丰富的大理石花纹,The Yield Grades产量等级,When a carcass qualifies for Canada Prime or any of the A Grades a prediction of lean yield is al

21、so made. 当加拿大特级或任何A等级的胴体质量形成时,瘦肉产量的预测也就形成: Y1= 59% or more Y1= 59% 或更多 Y2= 54 to 58% Y2= 54 到 58% Y3= 53% or less Y3= 53% 或更少,Marbling Charts大理石花纹图表,质量等级,Technology CVS技术,Computer Visual Systems (CVS) - Using computers and video imaging the CVS is designed to objectively assess carcass yield and deg

22、ree of marbling. 计算机视觉系统 (CVS) 使用计算机和视频图像的CVS 是为评价胴体产量和大理石花纹程度而设计的,The Beef Carcass肉牛胴体,Beef Cuts牛肉切割颈肉、肋骨肉、前腰、腰后、臀部、前腿、胸肉、腹肉、肋肉,再次基本切割,臀部:无骨臀部、内大腿、外大腿平展、大腿眼肉、后腰顶部,再次基本切割,腰:前腰、嫩腰肉/背肌、根端嫩腰肉、后脊、后腰端、后腰顶端、去盖后腰顶端、后腰顶-盖、后腰底-球型顶、后腰底-三角型顶,再次基本切割,肋骨肉:肋骨肉-准备烘烤、灸烤肋骨肉、肋眼、短肋骨、肋骨肉盖,再次基本切割,颈肉:扁平部、去骨扁平底部、顶扁平部颈嫩肉、顶扁

23、平部平铁、横切肋骨、肩后颈切割块、胸肌、肩,再次基本切割,胸肉和前腿:去骨胸肉部、前腿肉,再次基本切割肋,肋肉/边,Case Ready Beef现成牛肉装箱,Meats are cut at one centralized facility and packaged for retail sale. Modified Atmosphere Packaging promotes extended shelf life. Retailers do not require butchers or expensive meat equipment. Automation reduces labour

24、 costs and improves food safety. All food safety issues can be controlled at the centralized plant. Retailers can order specific cuts to fit consumer demands. 肉在一个集中的场所切割包装用于零售。 改进的气包装促进延长保存期限。 零售商人不需要屠宰或昂贵的肉类设备。 自动控制减少劳力费用并改进食品安全。 所有的食品安全问题可在中心工厂控制。 零售商根据消费者要求订购具体的切割肉,Portioning Machine分份机器,Retail

25、Displays零售陈列,Ready to Eat Beef速食牛肉,Food Safety食品安全,Canada has a very effective food safety system. The government has created food production control systems that are scientific and economically sound. Food Safety programs rely on processing controls instead of end product testing. The Food Safety E

26、nhancement Program (FSEP) and Hazard analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) are programs designed to reduce the physical, chemical, and microbial hazards in food. 加拿大有一个非常有效的食品安全系统。 政府创造了健全科学和经济的食品生产控制系统。 食品安全程序依靠加工控制而不是最后产品测试。 食品安全增强程序(FSEP) 和哈泽德分析鉴定控制点( (HACCP) 是为降低食品物理、 化学和微生物危险而=设计的程序,Inspectio

27、n检验,Meat facilities in Canada adhere to strict food safety protocols enforced by the federal and provincial Governments. Facility inspection- Sanitation, maintenance, product flow Carcass inspection- ensuring that all food animals are healthy. Processing Controls- ensures all processing procedures p

28、romote a safe food product. Food Safety Programs- Assist Processors with program development. 加拿大联邦和省政府对肉类设施严格坚持食品安全协议。 设施检验卫生、维护、产品流动。 胴体检验保证所有的食品动物是健康的。 加工控制-保证所有的加工程序促进安全食品。 食品安全程序协助加工者进行程序开发,FSEP,The Governments approach to encourage the establishment of HACCP based programs in all food processi

29、ng establishments. Principles are consistent with Good Manufacturing Practices. Promotes the uniform application of HACCP programs across all food commodities. All system forms and procedures are identified and controlled under the FSEP principles. Provides a logical 12 step process for implementing

30、 a HACCP program. 政府研究鼓励在所有食品加工企业中建立HACCP 基础程序。 原则是制造业一致好。 所有系统形式和程序按照FSEP 原则识别和控制。 为实施HACCP 程序提供12个合理步骤,HACCP,HACCP is the internationally recognized systematic and preventative approach to ensuring food safety. Monitors isolated quality control procedures at various points in the process. Is an ex

31、ceptionally reliable guarantee of food safety for consumers. Cost effective way of reducing product recalls and product disposal. Controls all aspects of processing from the receiving of raw materials to the shipment of the final product. HACCP是国际公认的确保食品安全的系统和预防性办法。 在每一步的不同方面独立监测质量控制程序。 对消费者来说是一个异常可

32、靠的食品安全保证。 减少产品回收和处理成本的有效办法。 控制加工的所有方面,从接收原料到最后的产品出货,7 Principles of HACCP HACCP的7个原则,1. Identify the hazards and list preventative measures to control them. 2. Determine the critical control points. 3. Establish tolerances at each critical control point. 4. Establish procedures to monitor the critic

33、al control points. 5. Establish what corrective action to take in case of a deviation. 6. Establish procedures to verify that the program is working correctly. 7. Establish effective record keeping. 1.识别危险病列出控制这些危险的预防性措施。 2.确定关键的控制点。 3.在每个关键控制点设立公差。 4.建立程序以便监测关键控制点。 5.建立万一发生误差的纠正行动。 6.建立程序以查证程序在正确运转

34、。 7.建立有效的保持记录系统,Prerequisite Programs程序的先决条件,Premises 房屋建筑 Transportation and Storage 运输和储存 Equipment设备 Personnel人员 Sanitation and Pest Control卫生和有害物控制 Recall回收,Why Food Safety为什么食品安全,To prevent chemical, physical, or microbial contamination. Bacteria (microbial) are the number 1 cause of food borne illness. Pathogenic bacteria usually cause diarrhea, cramps, nausea. Spoilage bacteria do not cause illness but reduce shelf life and consumer acceptability of foods. 防止物理、化学或微生物污染。 细菌(微生物)是引起食品患病的1号问题。 病原细菌通常导致痢疾/腹泻、腹部绞痛、恶心。 损坏细菌不引起疾病但减少保存期限和消费者对食品的可接受性,Microbial Growth微生物的生长,Factors affect


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