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1、学习必备欢迎下载反意疑问句一、英文中的反意疑问句1、什么是反意疑问句英语中,反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加 疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实 说话者所说的事实或观点。翻译为“是吗”2. 反意疑问句的回答。回答时,如果情况属实,用 Yes加上反问句的倒装肯定句;若果情况不属实, 则用No加上反问句的倒装否定句。Eg: 1. You were moved by your students, wereyou?情况属实:Yes, I were情况不属实:No, I weren2. He did ngo to work by bike yest

2、erday, didnhe?是,他没骑:No, he did n,不,他骑了: Y es, he did.二、反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词在语气上成相反的对应 关系,即:肯定+否定?否定+肯定?如: You cantdo it, can you?你不能做它,是吗? They are very late for the meeti ng, arenthey?三、当陈述句中含有be动词,助动词,或是情态动词时,反问句部分由这些 词加上主语人称代词构成,Be 动词包括: am, is, are, was, were助动词有:do, does, did, have (用在完成时),has

3、 (用在完成时)等情态动词有: can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, shouldEg: She is a lovely girl, is she?He will go home, won the?She doesn t like to eat popcorn, doesshe?她不喜欢吃爆米花,是吗?Baby wont sleep early, will it?小宝宝睡得不早,是吗?注意: He has supper at home every day, doesithe?(不能用has nt he?)他每天在家吃晚饭,是吗? T

4、hey have known the matter, havethey?(不能用 don t they?)他们已经知道那事情了,是吗?四. 当陈述句中只含有行为动词时,若动词是单三形式,就用does,若动词 为原形,就用do,动词为过去式,则用did.Eg: You cleaned your house last week, didrtyou?They look so happy today, dot they?五. 反意疑问句的 陈述部分带有little, few, never, hardly, seldom , nobody, no thi ng,barely, scarcely等否定意义

5、的词时,问句部分用肯定式。女口: She n ever tells a lie, does she?不 用 does nt she?) He was seldom late, was he?不用 wasnt he?)六. 反意疑问句的陈述部分为I am时,问句部分习惯上用Arent I ?表示。 如: I am a very honest man, arert I?七. 陈述部分为不定代词 something, anything, nothing, everything 时,问句部 分的主语用it。Eg: Somethi ng is wrong with the computer, is nt

6、it? Nothi ng has happe ned to them, has it?八. 陈述部分主语为不定代词为somebody (someone),anybody (anyone), nobody (noone),everybody (everyone)时,问句部分的主语用 he或they,这时问句动词的 数应和he或they 一致。Eg:Someone has taken the seat, hash t he? 有人已经坐了位置,是吗? Every one has done their best in the game, haventhey?每个人在比赛中已经尽力了,是吗?九. 陈述

7、部分为祈使句1) 若为let s引导,反问句用shall we?Eg: Let s go home together, shall we?2) 若为let us引导和其余的任何一般的否定祈使句,都用 will you,Eg: Let us stop to rest, will you?让我们停下休息,好吗?Dont make any noise, will you?别弄出噪音,好吗?3) 般的肯定祈使句则用 will you或won you都行,Eg: Do sit dow n, wonyou?/ will you?You feed the bird today, will you?今天你喂鸟

8、,是吗?Please ope n the win dow, will you? (wontyou?)打开窗,好吗?十:陈述部分为There (Here) + be + 主语时,问句部分用动词+there (here)?形 式。Eg: There are two cakes on the plate, arentthere?碟子里有两块蛋糕,是吗?Here is a story about Mark Twai n, ishere?这是关于马克吐温的故事,是吗?典型例题()1. Don tforget to give Polly some food and change her water,?A.

9、 shall weB. will youC. won t you D. do you()2. There is little juice in the glass,?A. is thereB. isn t thereC. is it()3. -He s seom late for school,?-No. He is used to going to school early.A. isn t heB. has heC. hasn t he D. is he()4.-This bus is always late,?-Sure, it is.A. is not itB. isn t itC.

10、isn t the bus D. doesn t it()5.-You re new here,?-Yes, I m from Dujiangyan. I came here last week.A. do youB. don t you C. are youD. aren t you()6. You used to be outgoing,?A. do you B. don t youC didn t yoD. did you()7. He has n ever watched such an importa nt match ,he?A. has ntB. has C. isD. is n

11、t()8.They have to work at once,they?A. have B. have ntC. do D. dont()9. She ofte n feels tired,she?A. does nt B. does C. is D. is nt()10. Lets take a short rest,?A. do we B. arent we C. will you D. shall we()11. Hun dreds of people lost their lives in the accident,they?A. dont B. did nt C. do D. did

12、()12. -Lily did nt come to school, did she?-. She was ill in bed.A.No,she did B. Yes, she did.C. No,she did nt. D. Yes,she did nt()13.-She isnt a teacher, is she?-. She works in a hospital.A.No,she is B. Yes, she is.C. No,she isnt. D. Yes,she isnt()14.Lily looks like Lucy,?A. is Lily B. is nt she C.

13、 does Lilly D. does nt she()15.Tom often has lunch at school,?A. does nt TomB. does nt he C. does Tom D. does nt he课后练习()1.He hardly hurt himself in the accident?A. doesn t he B. didn t he C. did he D. does he()2. Let s search the Internet for some information about famous people,?A. will youB. won

14、t youC. shall we()3. Eric s never seen a three movie at the cinema , ?A. hasn t he B. has heC. isn t he D. is he()4.-He didn t go to the lecture this morning, did he?-. Though he was not feeli ng very well.A. No, he didn t. B. Yes, he did. C. No, he did.D. Yes, he didn t.()5. He s already back to Au

15、stralia,?. He is on a visit to Shan ghai.A. isn t he; No B. hasn t he; YesC. isnDt hesYes t he; No()6.She doesn t like geography does she?A. Yes she doesB. Ye, she doesn t C. Nc, she does()7.He s flown to Hainan for a holiday,he?A. isn t B. hasn t C. wasn t()8. - Let s go skating,?一 OK. Let s go.A.

16、do youB. don t you C. will you D. shall we()9. -There is little milk in the milk bag,there?-OK. I ll get you a new bag.A. isB. isn tC. aren tD. are()10. Bob, you watched the fashi on show last ni ght,?A. weren t you B. didn t you C. haven t you D. won t you学习必备欢迎下载()11.1 don t think she has gone to Beijing,?A. has sheB. hasn t she C. do ID. don t I()12. There is no importa nt in formati on in the n ewspaper,?A. isn t there B. is itC. is there()13.There are two libraries in this city,?A. aren t there B. aren t they C. are two()14. Mom, my gran dfather goes for a walk after supper eve


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