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1、2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)英 语第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.We have entered into an age _ dreams have the best chance ofcoming true.A.whichB.whatC.when D.that【答案】C【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们已经进入到了一个时代,在这个时代梦想实现的机会最大。句中先行词为an age(一个时代),且先行词在从句中作

2、时间状语,所以关系词用when。故选C。22.The musician along with his band members _ ten performancesin the last three months.A.gives B.has given C.havegivenD.give【答案】B【详解】考查现在完成时与主谓一致。句意:在过去的三个月里,这名音乐家与他的乐队成员已经完成了十场演出。由“in the last three months”可知,这句话的时态为现在完成时,故排除AD选项。本句主语为the musician,为第三人称单数形式,句中的“along with his ba

3、nd members”是附加成分,故谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。故选B。23.The doctor shares his phone number with the patients _ theyneed medical assistance.A.if only B.as ifC.eventhough D.in case【答案】D【详解】考查状语从句的连词。句意:医生给了病人他的手机号码,以防病人需要医疗援助。A. if only要是多好;B. as if好像,仿佛;C. even though即使,尽管;D. in case以备,以防,免得。故选D符合语境。24.More wind pow

4、er stations will _ to meet the demand forclean energy.A.Takeup B.clearupC.holdupD.spring up【答案】D【详解】考查动词短语。句意:为了满足对清洁能源的需求,更多的风力发电站将会被建立起来。A. take up开始从事,占领,开始干(工作);B. clear up整理,收拾,解决(问题);C. hold up(论点、理论等)站得住脚,阻挡,举起;D. spring up出现,涌现。故选D。25.Scientists have obtained more evidence _ plastic is findi

5、ngits way into the human body.A.what B.that C.which D.where【答案】B【详解】考查同位语从句。句意:科学家已经获得更多证据,塑料正在进入人们的体内。从句不缺句子成分,意思完整,且与evidence指代的是同一事件,用that引导同位语从句。故选B。26.Nowadays the _ for travelling is shifted from shopping tofood and scenery.A.priority B.potential C.proportion D.pension【答案】A【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当今,旅

6、行的重点从购物转变成了品尝美食和欣赏风景。A. priority优先;优先权;B. potential潜在的,可能的;C. proportion比例,占比;D. pension退休金,抚恤金。故选A符合语境。27.Favorable policies are _ to encourage employeesprofessional development.A.in effect B.in command C.in turn D.in shape【答案】A【详解】考查介词短语。句意:好的政策事实上都会鼓励员工专业水平的提升。A. in effect实际上,事实上;B. in command指挥;

7、C. in turn轮流,依次;D. in shape在外形上,处于良好的状态。故选A符合语境。28.Unlike traditional gyms, app-backed gyms offer people _options to exercise.A.casual B.regular C.flexible D.tight【答案】C【详解】考查形容词辨析。句意:与传统健身房不同,应用程序支持的健身房为人们提供了灵活的锻炼选择。A. casual偶然的,随便的;B. regular定期的,有规律的;C. flexible灵活的;D. tight紧的,密封的。根据常识可知,有应用程序,人们的锻炼

8、方式和时间会更为灵活。故选C。29.A few months after he had arrived in China, Mr. Smith _ inlove with the people and culture there.A.would fall B.had fallen C.has fallen D.fell【答案】D【详解】考查时态。句意:史密斯先生到中国几个月后,就喜欢上了那里的人和文化。发生在had arrived之后,所以应用一般过去时。故选D。30._ the convenience of digital payment, many senior citizensstart

9、ed to use smart phones.A.To enjoy B.Enjoying C.To have enjoyed D.Enjoy【答案】A【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:为了享受数字支付的方便,很多老年市民开始使用智能手机。此处用不定式表目的,故选A。31.What a pity! You missed the sightseeing, or we _ a goodtime together.A.had B.will have C.would have had D.had had【答案】C【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:真遗憾!你错过了这次观光,否则,我们本应该在一起度过一段愉快时光的。

10、根据上文可知,是对过去事情的虚拟,是与过去事实相反的假设。其句子结构为:从句:If+主语+过去完成时+其他,主句:主语+should(would, could,might)+现在完成时+其他,故选C。32.Chinas image is improving steadily, with more countries _its role in international affairs.A.recognizing B.being recognized C.to be recognized D.recognized【答案】A【详解】考查with复合结构。句意:中国的形象正在稳步提升,更多的国家认识

11、到中国在国际事务中的作用。“更多的国家”和“认识”之间是主动关系,用现在分词,故选A。33.They are trying to make sure that 5G terminals _ by 2022for the Beijing Winter Olympics.A.will install B.will have been installed C.are installed D.have been installed【答案】B【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:他们正努力确保在2022年北京冬奥会之前安装5G终端。表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成或一直持续的动作,用将来完成时;“5G终端”和“安

12、装”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,故选B。34.A city is the product of the human hand and mind, _ mansintelligence and creativity.A.resembling B.reflecting C.reviewing D.restoring【答案】B【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:城市是人类的双手和思想的产物,反映了人的智慧和创造力。A. resembling像;B. reflecting反映;C. reviewing回顾;D.restoring恢复。故选B符合语境。35.Letstake a coffee break._

13、 Weve been working for hours.A.Why bother? B.What for? C.You got me there. D.You said it.【答案】D【详解】考查情景对话。句意:我们休息一下喝杯咖啡吧。你算说对了。我们已经工作好几个小时了。根据下文说“我们已经工作好几个小时了”,上文应该是赞同这个建议。A.Why bother?没有必要;B.What for?为什么;C.You got me there.你把我搞糊涂了;D.You said it.你算说对了。故选D符合语境。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后

14、各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Wildlifehas been greatly threatened in the modern age. There are species(物种)that are_36_every day. The white-naped crane is a typicalexample. So scientists are trying their best to_37_the species from going out of existence.Chrisand Tim work at a zoo, helping end

15、angered cranes with their_38_. Emma, a female crane, has been in their_39_since she arrived in 2004.Bornat an international crane foundation, Emma was_40_by human caretakers. This led to an unexpected_41_,though she had a wonderful time there. Emma had_42_taken herself as a crane and become deeply a

16、ttached to humans. She_43_to live with male cranes, and even had a_44_for killing some of them, which made it_45_for her to become a mother._46_, the two zookeepers didnt want to see theextinction(灭绝) of this precious species. With their patienceand efforts, they successfully developed a_47_of artif

17、icial breeding(人工繁殖) and natural reproduction. This_48_Emma to give birth to five baby cranes.Thetwo keepers are proud of their productive work. But before they can be_49_, more efforts must be made, because the population of the cranein the wild is on the_50_, and many other species appear headed t

18、owardextinction._51_, not everyone has realized that wildlife hasthoughts, feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive.Howcan we_52_the ever-widening gap that separates us fromother animals? Chris and Tim offered us the_53_:human beings took it for granted that their_54_held all the solu

19、tions, but maybe their hearts can be a better_55_.36. A.growing B.migrating C.competing D.disappearing37. A.ban B.save C.split D.remove38. A.abortion B.recreation C.reproduction D.administration39. A.care B.eye C.mind D.story40. A.found B.chosen C.raised D.seized41. A.bonus B.consequence C.victory D

20、.sacrifice42. A.never B.always C.unluckily D.cheerfully43. A.liked B.refused C.decided D.hesitated44. A.gift B.skill C.concern D.reputation45. A.illegal B.inspiring C.important D.impossible46. A.Therefore B.Moreover C.However D.Instead47. A.combination B.collection C.strategy D.system48. A.forced B.

21、forbade C.taught D.enabled49. A.defeated B.grateful C.assured D.tolerant50. A.list B.rise C.agenda D.decline51. A.In contrast B.After all C.By the way D.On the contrary52. A.leave B.bridge C.open D.identify53. A.course B.excuse C.answer D.reward54. A.brains B.behaviors C.services D.projects55. A.gui

22、de B.treat C.example D.companion【答案】36.D 37. B 38. C39. A 40. C 41. B42. A 43. B 44. D45. D 46. C 47. A48. D 49. C 50. D51. B 52. B 53. C54. A 55. A【解析】这是一篇夹叙夹议类的文章。在现代,野生动物正在遭受巨大威胁,每天都有一些物种灭绝。白鹤就是其中之一。但是,有很多人正在竭尽全力保护这些物种免于灭绝。如Chris和Tim通过努力,帮助一只名叫Emma的雌鹤繁殖了五只幼鹤。【36题详解】考查动词辨析。A.growing生长;B.migrating迁

23、移;C.competing竞争;D.disappearing消失。根据第一句“Wildlife has been greatlythreatened in the modern age”和最后一句提到的“the species from going out of existence”可以推知,野生动物正在遭受巨大威胁,每天都有一些物种灭绝,即:“消失”。D选项正确。【37题详解】考查动词辨析。A.ban禁止;B.save挽救,保护;C.split分裂;D.remove移除。前文提到每天都有物种消失,那么该句应指科学家们正在竭尽全力保护这些物种,使它们免于灭绝。故B选项正确。【38题详解】考查名

24、词辨析。A.abortion堕胎;B.recreation娱乐;C.reproduction繁殖;D.administration管理。上文最后一句提到科学家们竭尽全力保护濒临灭绝的物种,由此推知,该处应指Chris和Tim帮助濒危物种繁殖,增加它们的数量,这样它们才不至于灭绝。故该空应指“繁殖”,C选项正确。【39题详解】考查名词辨析。A.care照顾;B.eye眼睛;C.mind思想;D.story故事。自从2004年,Emma一直由Chris和Tim照顾。该空和下一句中的“human caretaker”呼应。故选A。【40题详解】考查动词辨析。A.found发现;B.chosen选择;

25、C.raised抚养;D.seized抓住。根据空后的“human caretakers”可知,caretaker当然是照看Emma的。故该句应指:出生在一个国际鹤基地,Emma由人类抚养照看。故选C。【41题详解】考查名词辨析。A.bonus奖金;B.consequence结果;C.victory胜利;D.sacrifice牺牲。根据空后的though(尽管)可知,though前后的两个句子之间是转折关系。后面提到,她过得很开心。根据转折关系,那么前文应该表示“但是这导致了出乎意料的结果”。B选项正确。【42题详解】考查副词辨析。A.never从未;B.always总是;C.unluckil

26、y不幸运地;D.cheerfully愉快地。根据下文中“become deeply attached to humans.even.killing some of them”等内容可知,因为Emma一直由人类照看,所以它没有将自己看作是一只鹤,而是深深的依恋上了人类。故选A。【43题详解】考查动词辨析。A.liked喜欢;B.refused拒绝;C.decided拒绝;D.hesitated犹豫。根据上文,Emma不把自己当作鹤,所以它“拒绝”和雄鹤生活在一起。B选项正确。【44题详解】考查名词辨析。A.gift礼物;B.skill技巧;C.concern涉及;D.reputation名声。根


28、文之间是转折关系。C选项正确。【47题详解】考查名词辨析。A.combination结合;B.collection收集;C.strategy策略;D.system体系。经过努力,Chris和Tim成功的将“人工繁殖”和“自然繁殖”结合在一起。A选项正确。【48题详解】考查动词辨析。A.forced强迫;B.forbade禁止;C.taught教;D.enabled使能够。Chris和Tim成功的将“人工繁殖”和“自然繁殖”结合在一起,这使得Emma诞育了五只幼鹤。enable sb. to do sth.意为“使能够做某事”,D选项正确。【49题详解】考查形容词辨析。A.defeated被打败

29、的;B.grateful感激的;C.assured使确信;D.tolerant忍耐的。根据后文的more efforts must be made可以推知,尽管两个人为自己的成就感到骄傲,但是他们还需要付出更多努力,因为野生鹤的数量在减少。所以他们还不能完全放心(白鹤不会灭绝)。故选C。【50题详解】考查名词辨析。A.list清单;B.rise上升;C.agenda议程;D.decline下降。前后句之间是因果关系,根据more efforts must be made可以推知,野生白鹤数量在减少,所以,还要付出更多的努力(来挽救白鹤灭绝)。故D选项正确。【51题详解】考查介词短语。A.In

30、contrast相反;B.After all毕竟;C.Bythe way顺便问一下;D.On the contrary相反地。前文提到野生白鹤数量正在减少,很多其他物种似乎也在逐渐灭绝。该句提到,并不是所有的人都意识到野生动物有思想,感情,以及平等生存的权利。很明显,该句是对前文出现野生动物濒临灭绝原因的一种解释。故B选项正确。【52题详解】考查动词辨析。A.leave离开;B.bridge搭桥,弥合;C.open开;D.identify确认。针对上文提到的很多物种灭绝这种现象,作者提出一个问题:我们如何来弥合将人类和动物隔开的不断扩大的鸿沟呢?B选项正确。【53题详解】考查名词辨析。A.co

31、urse课程;B.excuse借口;C.answer答案;D.reward回报。前文提出一个问题:我们如何来弥合将人类和动物隔开的不断扩大的鸿沟呢?Chris和Tim的做法给我们提供了一个答案。C选项正确。【54题详解】考查名词辨析。A.brains大脑;B.behaviors行为;C.services服务;D.projects工程。根据下文中的“hold all the solutions”可以推断出,人类认为自己的“大脑”掌握着所有的解决办法。即:人类认为自己的大脑可以想出所有的解决办法。A选项正确。【55题详解】考查名词辨析。A.guide指导,指引;B.treat对待;C.exampl

32、e例子;D.companion同伴。根据转折词but可以推知,人类想当然的认为自己的“大脑”掌握着所有的解决办法。但或许他们的新是更好的指引。故A选项正确。第三部分: 阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题2 分, 满分30 分)请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhatever your age or interests, Buxton has something to see or do to make your visit truly memorable.High energyIf you desire physica

33、l activities, you can choose activities from swimming to horse riding. Explore the heights with Go Ape, the high wire forest adventure course, or journey beneath the earth at Pooles Cavern. And dont forget: we are surrounded by a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycl

34、ing.High mindedBuxton is justifiably proud of its cultural life and youll find much to suit all tastes with art, music, opera and the performing arts at Buxton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre and Green Man Gallery. There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to become involved, incl

35、uding workshops and events.Keeping the kids happyChildren love the small train and playgrounds in the Pavilion Gardens and theres plenty more to explore at the Buxton Museum. Theres a new indoor play centre, plus the special events and workshops, and others during school holiday periods56.If you wan

36、t to take an undergounld journey, which place is thebest choice?A.Poles Cavern. B.Pavilion Gardens.C.Buxton Museum. D.Green Man Gallery.57.Buxton Open House & Pavilion Arts Centre is special because itoffers _.A.rides in small trainsB.courses in modern artsC.artistic and cultural activitiesD.basic c

37、ourses in horse riding【答案】56.A 57. C这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了去布克斯顿旅游可以去的一些景点的相关信息。【56题详解】细节理解题。根据Highenergy中的or journey beneath the earth at Pooles Cavern.可知,在Poole的Cavern,可以在地下旅行,也就是乘坐地铁旅行。所以如果你想乘地铁旅行,Pooles Cavern是你最好的选择。故A项正确。【57题详解】细节理解题。根据Highminded中的Buxton is justifiably proud of its cultural lifeand youl

38、l find much to suit all tastes with art, music, opera and theperforming arts at Buxton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre and Green ManGallery.可知,Buxton以其丰富的文化生活而自豪,在Buxton OperaHouse&Pavilion Arts Center and Green Man Gallery,您将发现许多适合各种品味的艺术、音乐、歌剧和表演艺术。所以Buxton OperaHouse&Pavilion Arts Center特别是因为它

39、提供艺术和文化活动。故C选项正确。BInthe 1960s,while studying the volcanic history ofYellowstone National Park,Bob Christiansen becamepuzzled about something that,oddly,had not troubled anyone before: he couldnt find the parksvolcano. It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic innaturethats what

40、 accounted for all its hot springs andother steamy features. But Christiansen couldnt find the Yellowstone volcanoanywhere.Mostof us,when we talk about volcanoes,think of the classic cone(圆锥体) shapes of a Fuji orKilimanjaro, which are created when erupting magma(岩浆)piles up. These can form remarkabl

41、y quickly. In 1943,aMexican farmer was surprised to see smoke rising from a small part of his land.In one week he was the confused owner of a cone five hundred feet high. Withintwo years it had topped out at almost fourteen hundred feet and was more thanhalf a mile across. Altogether there are some

42、ten thousand of these volcanoeson Earth,all but a few hundred of them extinct. There is,however,a second less known type of volcano that doesntinvolve mountain building. These are volcanoes so explosive that they burstopen in a single big crack,leaving behind a vasthole, the caldera. Yellowstone obv

43、iously was of this second type,but Christiansen couldnt find the caldera anywhere.Justat this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by takingphotographs of Yellowstone. A thoughtful official passed on some of the copiesto the park authorities on the assumption that they might make

44、 a niceblow-upfor one of the visitors centers. As soon as Christiansen saw the photos,he realized why he had failed to spot the caldera: almost thewhole park2.2 million acreswas caldera. Theexplosion had left a hole more than forty miles acrossmuchtoo huge to be seen from anywhere at ground level. A

45、t some time in the pastYellowstone must have blown up with a violence far beyond the scale of anythingknown to humans.58.What puzzled Christiansen when he was studying Yellowstone?A.Its complicated geographical features.B.Its ever-lasting influence on tourism.C.The mysterious history of the park.D.T

46、he exact location of the volcano.59.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?A.The shapes of volcanoes.B.The impacts of volcanoes.C.The activities of volcanoes.D.The heights of volcanoes.60.What does the underlined word “blow-up” in the last paragraph mostprobably mean?A.Hot-air balloon. B.D

47、igital camera.C.Big photograph. D.Birds view.【答案】58.D 59. A 60. C【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了二十世纪六十年代Bob Christiansen在研究黄石公园的火山历史时,奇怪地发现到处看不到火山的影子,原来,这儿的火山并不是像我们大部分人想象的那种圆锥体形状的高耸的样子,而是一个巨大的洞,这个洞太大了以至于从地面上的任何地方都看不见。【58题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句But Christiansen couldnt find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere.可知,他困惑的是在黄石公

48、园找不到火山。故选D。【59题详解】主旨大意题。本段讲述了两种形状火山,一种是通常人们所理解的由火山岩浆堆积形成的圆锥体,还有一种极具爆发力的火山,它们会在一个大裂缝中爆裂,留下一个巨大的洞,故选A。【60题详解】词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句Just at this time NASAdecided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs ofYellowstone. A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the parkauthorities

49、 on the assumption that they might make a nice blow-up for one ofthe visitorscenters.可知,美国国家航空航天局为测试一些新的高海拔照相机而拍摄了黄石公园的照片。一位深思熟虑的官员把其中的一些照片副本转交给了公园管理部门,认为他们可能会将其放大以供一个游客中心展示。根据常识可知,游客中心的照片一般都很大,以吸引游客的注意,故此处意为“将照片放大”,选C。CWhocares if people think wrongly that the internet has had more importantinfluences than the washing machine? Why does it matter that people are moreimpressed by the most recent changes?Itwould not matter if these misjudgments were just a matter of p


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