IBM P系列内存更换操作步骤及注意事项(1)_第1页
IBM P系列内存更换操作步骤及注意事项(1)_第2页
IBM P系列内存更换操作步骤及注意事项(1)_第3页
IBM P系列内存更换操作步骤及注意事项(1)_第4页
IBM P系列内存更换操作步骤及注意事项(1)_第5页
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1、.项目编号版本号1.0密级IBM P系列内存更换操作步骤及注意事项作 者李王杰编写时间2012.7.31审 核审核日期批 准批准日期.引言小型机内存为了保证其使用性能及可靠性,在插法上都有非常严格的要求,每一系列,每一型号的,甚至不同的配置都会出现各种不同插法,并严格限定配对槽位和安插顺序。本文档以Power7-720、Power6-520、Power5-55A、Power5-52A为例来说明内存安插规则及注意事项。目录引言1一、Power7-720/740内存更换规则及注意事项2二、Power6-520内存更换规则及注意事项2三、Power5-55A内存更换规则及注意事项2四、Power5-

2、52A内存更换规则及注意事项2一、 Power7-720/740内存更换规则及注意事项1、 准备工作: 准备好服务器信息(客户准备)、故障内存位置、内存备件、笔记本、网线、十字螺丝刀一把、一字螺丝刀一把。2、 与客户到生产库房取内存备件,然后根据客户提供的信息,与客户一起,确认服务器位置、状态及是否关机,如未关机,向客户说明,协调进行关机。3、 服务器关机后,首先进行服务器下电工作。4、 下电之前,工程师务必再次确认服务器所在位置,可让两名工程师站在服务器所在机柜的前后,通过两名工程师上下计数方法确定服务器所在位置,确认无误后将服务器下电。5、 服务器下电之后,将服务器后面的KVM IQ适配器

3、、网线、光纤线、等连接线缆分别取下,注意光纤线和网线的左右顺序,千万不可混插,如果线缆太多可在取下前做好标记。6、 服务器线缆整理完毕,需要将服务器从机柜中抽出,抽出前需要注意:7、 首先,用工具将服务器前面板上的螺丝卸下,以便服务器能正常从机柜中抽出。8、 两名工程师需站在服务器所在机柜的前后,后面的工程师负责检查服务器在抽出的过程中,是否会拖拽其他服务器线缆,此环节必须要仔细,前后工程师密切配合,避免造成其他事故。9、 前面的工程师负责将服务器拉出到合适的位置。注意:如果服务器在机柜的中央以下位置,可不用将服务器下架,若服务器在机柜的顶部或中央以上,不方便更换备件,则必须将服务器下架后再更

4、换故障内存。10、 将服务器后面的两个螺丝松开,打开顶盖,可以看到P720/740内部结构如图1-1所示。P1-C15、P1-C16、P1-C17、P1-C18是4个内存盒,每个内存盒可以插8块内存。根据CPU个数的不同内存盒个数也有限制,720只支持最多两个内存盒,740一个CPU模块的支持两个内存盒,两个CPU模块的可支持4个内存盒。表1-1列出了P720/740 各型号机器对应内存盒的位置。P7-720图1-1 Power720/740 内部结构图表1-1 P720/740 各型号配置对应内存盒位置及安插顺序机器型号及CPU模块个数内存板的安插顺序P720 8202-E4B or 820

5、2-E4C只支持一个CPU模块1. Install the first memory riser at location P1-C18.2. Install the second memory riser at location P1-C17.P740 8205-E6B一个CPU模块1. Install the first memory riser at location P1-C18.2. Install the second memory riser at location P1-C17P740 8205-E6B两个CPU模块((to balance memory on each syst

6、em processor)1. Install the first memory riser at location P1-C18.2. Install the second memory riser at location P1-C16.3. Install the third memory riser at location P1-C17.4. Install the fourth memory riser at location P1-C15.P740 8205-E6C一个CPU模块1. Install the first memory riser at location P1-C18.

7、2. Install the second memory riser at location P1-C17.P740 8205-E6C 两个CPU模块((to balance memory on eachsystem processor)1. Install the first memory riser at location P1-C18.2. Install the second memory riser at location P1-C17.3. Install the third memory riser at location P1-C16.4. Install the fourth

8、 memory riser at location P1-C15.11、 拔出需要更换的内存盒,方法如图1-2所示,按下A处向上拉起内存盒即可。图1-2 拔出内存盒12、 拔出后的内存盒后就可以开始更换内存了。根据我们事先对机器故障的判断,确定了故障内存的位置,图1-3显示内存的具体物理位置。然后根据机器配置情况,对照表1-2 Power7 8202-E4B or 8205-E6B型号的机器内存安插顺序,和表1-3 Power7 8202-E4C or 8205-E6C型号的机器内存安插顺序,查找配对规则,然后进行更换。图1-3内存物理位置注意:由于小型机的内存都是成对或者4个一组起作用的,故

9、更换时也需要成对更换,而我们记录的故障位置可能只有一个,这是就需要判断与该故障内存成对的内存槽位。对于Power7 8202-E4B or 8205-E6B型号的机器内存安插顺序及槽位如表1-2所示。表1-2 Power7 8202-E4B or 8205-E6B型号的机器内存安插顺序及槽位处理器和内存数内存安插位置One processor module andone memory card, or twoprocessor modules and onememory card (8202-E4B or8205-E6B)一个或两个CPU,和一个内存板vPlug the first pair

10、of memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C18-C8) and slot 8(P1-C18-C10).vPlug the second pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7) and slot 7(P1-C18-C9).vPlug the next four memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1), slot 2 (P1-C18-C2),slot 3 (P1-C18-C3) and slot 4 (P1-C18-C4).Notes:vIf both pairs are ins

11、talled, they are the first quad of memory modules.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 must be identical.vMemory modules at slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be identical; however, they can bedifferent from the four memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8.One processor module andtwo memory cards (8202-E4B

12、or 8205-E6B)一个CPU和两个内存卡盒v Plug the first two memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C18-C8) and slot 8 (P1-C18-C10)on the first memory card.v Plug the second pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7) and slot 7(P1-C18-C9) on the first memory card.v Plug the next quad of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C

13、17-C7), slot 6 (P1-C17-C8),slot 7 (P1-C17-C9), and slot 8 (P1-C17-C10) on the second memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1), slot 2 (P1-C18-C2),slot 3 (P1-C18-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C18-C4) on the first memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory modules into slot 1 (P1

14、-C17-C1), slot 2 (P1-C17-C2),slot 3 (P1-C17-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C17-C4) on the second memory card.Notes:vThe first pair of memory modules must be two 4 GB memory modules. If quadsare being installed, these locations can have 8 GB DIMMs installed.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the first m

15、emory card must be identical.v Memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the second memory card must beidentical.vAll memory modules on the first memory card can be different from the memorymodules on the second card.vMemory modules at slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be identical; however, they can bediff

16、erent from the four memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the samememory card.Two processor modules andtwo memory cards (8202-E4Bor 8205-E6B)两个CPU和两个内存卡盒Balance memory on each processor module:vPlug the first two memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C18-C8) and slot 8 (P1-C18-C10)on the first memory c

17、ard.vPlug the second pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7) and slot 7(P1-C18-C9) on the first memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C16-C7), slot 6 (P1-C16-C8),slot 7 (P1-C16-C9), and slot 8 (P1-C16-C10) on the second memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory mod

18、ules into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1), slot 2 (P1-C18-C2),slot 3 (P1-C18-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C18-C4) on the first memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C16-C1), slot 2 (P1-C16-C2),slot 3 (P1-C16-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C16-C4) on the second memory card.Notes:vThe first pair of memory

19、modules must be two 4 GB memory modules. If quadsare being installed, these locations can have 8 GB DIMMs installed.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the first memory card must be identical.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the second memory card must beidentical.vAll memory module

20、s on the first memory card can be different from the memorymodules on the second card.v Memory modules at slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be identical; however, they can bedifferent from the four memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the samememory card.Two processor modules andthree memory cards(8205

21、-E6B)两个CPU和3个内存卡盒Balance memory on each processor module:vPlug the first two memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C18-C8) and slot 8 (P1-C18-C10)on the first memory card.vPlug the second pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7) and slot 7(P1-C18-C9) on the first memory card.vPlug the next quad of me

22、mory modules into slot 5 (P1-C16-C7), slot 6 (P1-C16-C8),slot 7 (P1-C16-C9), and slot 8 (P1-C16-C10) on the second memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C17-C7), slot 6 (P1-C17-C8),slot 7 (P1-C17-C9), and slot 8 (P1-C17-C10) on the third memory card.vPlug the next quad of

23、 memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1), slot 2 (P1-C18-C2),slot 3 (P1-C18-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C18-C4) on the first memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C16-C1), slot 2 (P1-C16-C2),slot 3 (P1-C16-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C16-C4) on the second memory card.vPlug the next four m

24、emory modules at slot 1 (P1-C17-C1), slot 2 (P1-C17-C2), slot3 (P1-C17-C3) and slot 4 (P1-C17-C4) on the third memory card.Notes:vThe first pair of memory modules must be two 4 GB memory modules. If quadsare being installed, these locations can have 8 GB DIMMs installed.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6

25、, 7, and 8 on the first memory card must be identical.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the second memory card must beidentical.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the third memory card must beidentical; however, they can be different from the memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7,and 8 on

26、 the first and second memory cards.vAll memory modules on the first memory card can be different from the memorymodules on the second card.vMemory modules at slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be identical; however, they can bedifferent from the four memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the samememory c

27、ard.Two processor modules andfour memory cards(8205-E6B)两个CPU和4个内存卡盒Balance memory on each processor module:vPlug the first quad of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7), slot 6 (P1-C18-C8),slot 7 (P1-C18-C9), and slot 8 (P1-C18-C10) on the first memory card.vPlug the second quad of memory modules

28、into slot 5 (P1-C16-C7), slot 6(P1-C16-C8), slot 7 (P1-C16-C9), and slot 8 (P1-C16-C10) on the second memorycard.vPlug the third quad of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C17-C7), slot 6(P1-C17-C8), slot 7 (P1-C17-C9), and slot 8 (P1-C17-C10) on the third memory card.vPlug the fourth quad of memory mod

29、ules into slot 5 (P1-C15-C7), slot 6(P1-C15-C8), slot 7 (P1-C15-C9), and slot 8 (P1-C15-C10 on the fourth memorycard.vPlug the next quad of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1), slot 2 (P1-C18-C2),slot 3 (P1-C18-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C18-C4) on the first memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory mod

30、ules into slot 1 (P1-C16-C1), slot 2 (P1-C16-C2),slot 3 (P1-C16-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C16-C4) on the second memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C17-C1), slot 2 (P1-C17-C2),slot 3 (P1-C17-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C17-C4) on the third memory card.vPlug the next quad of memory mo

31、dules into slot 1 (P1-C15-C1), slot 2 (P1-C15-C2),slot 3 (P1-C15-C3), and slot 4 (P1-C15-C4) on the fourth memory card.Notes:vThe first pair of memory modules must be two 4 GB memory modules. If quadsare being installed, these locations can have 8 GB DIMMs installed.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7,

32、 and 8 on the second memory card must beidentical; however, they can be different from the first quad of memory modules inslots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the first memory card.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the third memory card must beidentical; however, they can be different from the memory mo

33、dules at slots 5, 6, 7,and 8 on the first and second memory cards.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the fourth memory card must beidentical; however, they can be different from the memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7,and 8 on the first, second, and third memory cards.图1-4显示的是内存槽位位置,从上往下数是C1、C2、

34、C3、C4、C7、C8、C9、C10,在表格中用Slot1-Slot8来代指。图1-4内存槽位位置图对于Power7 8202-E4C or 8205-E6C的机器内存安插顺序如表1-3所示,注意与8202-E4B or 8205-E6B的开始插得槽位是不一样的。一个是从C8和C10开始,一个是从C1和C3开始。表1-3 Power7 8202-E4C or 8205-E6C 型号的机器内存安插顺序及槽位处理器和内存数内存安插位置One processor module andone memory card, or twoprocessor modules and onememory card

35、 (8202-E4C or8205-E6C)vPlug the first pair of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1) and slot 3(P1-C18-C3).vPlug the second pair of memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C18-C8) and slot 8(P1-C18-C10).vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C18-C2) and slot 4(P1-C18-C4).vPlug the next pair of

36、 memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7) and slot 7(P1-C18-C9).Notes:vEach DIMM within a DIMM pair must be equivalent.vMemory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 must be identical.vMemory modules at slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be identical; however, they can bedifferent from the four memory modules at slot

37、s 5, 6, 7, and 8.One processor module andtwo memory cards (8202-E4Cor 8205-E6C)vPlug the first two memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1) and slot 3 (P1-C18-C3)on the first memory card.vPlug the second pair of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C17-C1) and slot 3(P1-C17-C3) on the second memory card.vPl

38、ug the next pair of memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C18-C8) and slot 8(P1-C18-C10) on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C17-C8) and slot 8(P1-C17-C10) on the second memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C18-C2) and slot 4(P1-C18-C4

39、) on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C17-C2) and slot 4(P1-C17-C4) on the second memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7) and slot 7(P1-C18-C9) on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-

40、C17-C7) and slot 7(P1-C17-C9) on the second memory card.Notes:v Memory modules at slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be identical; however, they can bedifferent from the four memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the samememory card.Two processor modules andtwo memory cards (8202-E4Cor 8205-E6C)Balance m

41、emory on each processor module:v Plug the first two memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1) and slot 3 (P1-C18-C3)on the first memory card.vPlug the second pair of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C16-C1) and slot 3(P1-C16-C3) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 6 (

42、P1-C18-C8) and slot 8(P1-C18-C10) on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C16-C8) and slot 8(P1-C16-C10) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C18-C2) and slot 4(P1-C18-C4) on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of

43、 memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C16-C2) and slot 4(P1-C16-C4) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7) and slot 7(P1-C18-C9) on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C16-C7) and slot 7(P1-C16-C9) on the third memory

44、card.Notes:vMemory modules at slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be identical; however, they can bedifferent from the four memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the samememory card.Two processor modules andthree memory cards(8205-E6C)Balance memory on each processor module:vPlug the first two memory modu

45、les into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1) and slot 3 (P1-C18-C3)on the first memory card.vPlug the second pair of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C16-C1) and slot 3(P1-C16-C3) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C17-C1) and slot 3(P1-C17-C3) on the second memory card.vPlu

46、g the next two memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C18-C8) and slot 8(P1-C18-C10) on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C16-C8) and slot 8(P1-C16-C10) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C17-C8) and slot 8(P1-C17-C10) on

47、the second memory card.vPlug the next two memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C18-C2) and slot 4 (P1-C18-C4)on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C16-C2) and slot 4(P1-C16-C4) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C17-C2) a

48、nd slot 4(P1-C17-C4) on the second memory card.vPlug the next two memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7) and slot 7 (P1-C18-C9)on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C16-C7) and slot 7(P1-C16-C9) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules i

49、nto slot 5 (P1-C17-C7) and slot 7(P1-C17-C9) on the second memory card.Notes:vMemory modules at slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be identical; however, they can bedifferent from the four memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the samememory card.Two processor modules andfour memory cards(8205-E6C)Balanc

50、e memory on each processor module:vPlug the first two memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C18-C1) and slot 3 (P1-C18-C3)on the first memory card.vPlug the second pair of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C16-C1) and slot 3(P1-C16-C3) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 1

51、 (P1-C17-C1) and slot 3(P1-C17-C3) on the second memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 1 (P1-C15-C1) and slot 3(P1-C15-C3) on the fourth memory card.vPlug the next two memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C18-C8) and slot 8(P1-C18-C10) on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of

52、memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C16-C8) and slot 8(P1-C16-C10) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C17-C8) and slot 8(P1-C17-C10) on the second memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 6 (P1-C15-C8) and slot 8(P1-C15-C10) on the fourth mem

53、ory card.vPlug the next two memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C18-C2) and slot 4 (P1-C18-C4)on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C16-C2) and slot 4(P1-C16-C4) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C17-C2) and slot 4(P1-C

54、17-C4) on the second memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 2 (P1-C15-C2) and slot 4(P1-C15-C4) on the fourth memory card.vPlug the next two memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C18-C7) and slot 7 (P1-C18-C9)on the first memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P

55、1-C16-C7) and slot 7(P1-C16-C9) on the third memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C17-C7) and slot 7(P1-C17-C9) on the second memory card.vPlug the next pair of memory modules into slot 5 (P1-C15-C7) and slot 7(P1-C15-C9) on the fourth memory card.Notes:vMemory modules a

56、t slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be identical; however, they can bedifferent from the four memory modules at slots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the samememory card.13、 根据机器的型号及配置情况找到正确的内存位置,就可以将对应的两条内存拔下了,换内存的方法可见图1-5,先按下内存两边的卡扣,然后轻轻将内存从插槽中拔出,换上新的内存,然后按回卡扣即可。图1-5 内存拔插图14、 换好所有的内存卡,将内存盒插回机箱内,盖上顶盖,将服务器缓慢推回机柜中。注意:在服务器

57、往回推之前,机柜后面仍需一名工程师查看在往回推得过程中是否会拖拽到其他线缆,前后工程师需密切配合,避免避免造成其他事故。15、 将服务器电源与KVM IQ适配器等线缆连接上,等服务器完成加电硬件自检后,按开机按钮开机。注意:网线与光纤线先不连接,等确认服务器能正常起机后再插上,避免服务器因电源或其他硬件故障引起的二次报警。16、 将笔记本与服务器的HMC管理口用网线相连,登陆到ASMI界面。查看事件日志中是否存在当前时间点的内存报警,或其他硬件报警,若没有,则证明服务器已更换的内存与其他硬件工作正常。此时可把故障灯关闭。提示: HMC有两个接口,其中接口地址为,(IBM P5 服务器)HMC1:,HMC2: P6/7服务器)HMC1:,HMC2:界面,用户名:admin 密码:admin17、 告知客户内存更换完毕,现服务器工作正常,然后将网线或光纤线按之前拔下的顺序重新插上


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