



1、Unit 5 First aidi. 单项填空1. Guess what? I have got an A for my term paper.Great! Youread widely and put a lot of work into it.A .mustB.shouldC. must haveD.should have2. Jack has been out of work for a long time.So he wants toa job in this factory.A .care forB.apply forC . wait forD .prepare for3. What

2、 aboutparty you atte nded last ni ght?To tell the truth , it was too boring , you know , party like that.A. the; theB . the; aC . a; theD . the; /4. Let s go Dutch for this supper, OK?No , this time , as a reward for all your help.A . it s up to youB. it s my treatC. let s talk about itD. it doesn t

3、 matter5. Ofte n, even a com mon thi ng of the past canthe image of life in the ancient time.A. describeB. expressC . prese ntD . impress6 . Itthe twi ns who helped the old man several days ago.A . wasB . areC . wereD . had bee n7 . I couldn t speak any French, but a nice manand told me where to go.

4、A . helpedB . aidedC . came to my aidD . all the above8 . After every one,the meeting began.A . in stead of themB . took their placeC . took my placeD . in their place9. Have you fed the cat?No , butA . I mB . I amC . I m just goingD . I m just going to10 . She thought it was worthwhile for her to t

5、each in the small village to make atothe life of the children there.A . differe neeB. senseC . studyD . discovery11. Hardly had the teacher gone into the classroom when the pupilsA . fell sileneeB. fall silencingC. fell into sileneeD. fell silent12. Get up early; , you will be late for school.A . if

6、 you notB. if you are notC. if notD. if you so13. She played her role extremely well in Boys Don t Cry,won her an Oscar forBest Actress.A. itB . whichC . thatD . as14 . Tom had been working a couple of weeks he received a letter from hisgirlfriend , Mary.A . whe nB . asC . whileD . after15 . So you

7、have met Maria?Yes, it was last weekwe attended Jack s party.A . whereB . whe nC . thatD . whyn阅读理解Mayor Boris Joh nson Mon day outl ined pla ns to make London “the cleanest, greenest city on Earth” by the 2017 Olympics and called for commitme nts from other world cities at a climate change conferen

8、ce.The leaders of the world s 40 largest cities are meeting in Seoul this week for a summit on combating global warming the third to be held since 2005.What we should do in Seoul is that we will stop the en dless addict ion of mankind to theinternal combustion engine(内燃机),” said Johnson.He said at a

9、 press conference the world s cities consume 75 percent of the world s energy and produce 80 percent of the emissions whichcause climate change. “The problem of our planet is an urban problem,” Johnson said.He said the British capital wants to use the Olympics “ to drive the greening and the improve

10、me nt of our city ” and no ted that London is committed to reduce carb on dioxide emissi ons by 60 perce nt by 2025.Johnson said the key measure is being taken to solve problems relating to housing and commercial buildi ngs , which acco unt for 70 perce nt of carb on dioxide emissi ons in London. Th

11、is in volved retrofitti ng( 翻新)in stall ing laggi ng in large nu mbers of public build in gs.Joh nson proclaimed himself a “ passi on ate cyclist ” and said he would push ahead with cycle superhighways around London.London s air quality problem , he said, was caused by vehicle emissions from 8,300 w

12、orn and used diesel(柴油)buses, which could be replaced by low- carb on vehicles .In additi on , there were also 32,000 taxis running on diesel fuel , which could be replaced by electric vehicles.Joh nson said there would be a few programs in the n ext few years to produce a“ clea ner,greener” bus for

13、 the city. “The age of the diesel bus has got to be over in London. ”16. Which would be the best title for the passage?A . The Third Summit on Global WarmingB. London Plans to Make the Cleanest and Greenest City on Earth by 2017C. Some Measures to Deal with PollutionD. The Problem of Our Planet Appe

14、ared17. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?A . London s air quality will be improved in the near future.B. The used buses running on diesel will be replaced by electric vehicles.C. London promises to reduce carb on dioxide emissi ons by 60 perce nt by 2025.D. Som

15、ethi ng has bee n done to solve the problem of carb on dioxide emissi ons.18. What does the underlined word “combating” mean in the first paragraph?A .Resisting.B .Objecting.C .Agree ing.D .Solvi ng.19 . The topic of the meeti ng in Seoul might be.A .climate cha ngeB .global warm ingC .London Olympi

16、cs in 2017D .gree n en vir onment20 . If the passage was continually written , the following might be.A . measures to end the age of the diesel busB . measures to reduce carb on dioxide emissi ons in LondonC . measures to solve hous ing and commercial itemsD . measures to replace the old and used ve

17、hicles川.书面表达前不久,某中学发生了一起食品中毒事件。假设你叫李华,是这个学校的一名高三学生。请你给某报社英文栏目编辑写一封信(100词左右),反映一下该情况。内容要点应包括以下几个方面:1 . 20多名学生因中午吃了学校食堂的饭中毒;2. 你目睹了他们中毒后在老师和其他同学的帮助下脱险的经过;3 .呼吁社会采取行动杜绝此类事件再次发生。注意:信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Editer,I m writing to tell you about a food poisoning incident in my school.Yours, Li Hua1.C 2.B3.B

18、4.B5.C6.A7.C8.B9.D10.A11.D12.C13.B14.A15.B16.B17.B18.A19.B20.A参考范文Dear Editor,I m writing to tell you about a food poisoning incident in my school.Several days ago,more than 20 students had stomachache and brought up what they had eaten after the school lunch meal.Lear ning that they must be pois on ed,our teachers and other stude nts immediately called the ambulance,which carried them quickly to hospital.After several hours treatment,they were fortun ately brought out of dan ger.However,this


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