苏教版三年级科学上册复习资料及练习题(Jiangsu version of the third grade science book review materials and exercises)_第1页
苏教版三年级科学上册复习资料及练习题(Jiangsu version of the third grade science book review materials and exercises)_第2页
苏教版三年级科学上册复习资料及练习题(Jiangsu version of the third grade science book review materials and exercises)_第3页
苏教版三年级科学上册复习资料及练习题(Jiangsu version of the third grade science book review materials and exercises)_第4页
苏教版三年级科学上册复习资料及练习题(Jiangsu version of the third grade science book review materials and exercises)_第5页
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1、苏教版三年级科学上册复习资料及练习题(Jiangsu version of the third grade science book review materials and exercises)1 Jiangsu review version of the third grade science first volume unit we are scientists 1, curiosity always makes us to explore many things want to know why this is so, so we are constantly looking for

2、and driveThe answer to the question. Our experiences are quite similar to those of scientists.- 2, scientists working or four is the stage of scientific research experience questions, make a guess, looking for evidence, it is concluded thatTheory. In order to conduct scientific research, we must fir

3、st learn to ask questions. 3, everywhere in life science science is to ask questions and try to solve these problems.When scientists ask questions, they must figure out how to solve them.Scientific research is the process of asking questions and trying to find answers.4, Edward Jenner is a British c

4、ountry doctor he is the one who found vaccination against smallpox scientists.5 Niu Huisheng, a similar smallpox disease that is vaccinia.The 6, in 1824 the British Rogent made a moving villain fun activities and the activities of made theirExplain later this explanation is accepted by people movie

5、is according to the principle of making his interpretation of the.Rogent, a British physician, discovered that the human eye has a temporary capacity for memory7, I know that scientists haveYuan Longping breed was hailed as the father of hybrid rice new varieties of hybrid riceMadame Curie discovere

6、d radiumEdison invented the electric light is known as the king of the inventionLi Shizhen write Compendium of Materia Medica8, I know the scientific research agricultural research, medical research, space exploration.9, secret paper parrot stand up is under the light weight keep balance.10, the low

7、 center of gravity objects more stable.11, if an object f C share is not easy to fall.A heavy, light, B, placed in the low place, C light, heavy, D, as heavy as down12, why can the clown in the string acrobatic this is f shareA solves the problem, B guesses, and C asks questions13, just walk the acr

8、obats holding a long pole to share R BA keep the balance of the windshield B14, the observation of ants is also a scientific study. R V share15. Science is only about scientists. F * share16, science is very advanced problem our students dont need to know. F * share17, try to balance, so that a vari

9、ety of things stand on your fingertips. R V share18, as long as we observe carefully from the side of the inquiry problems can enter the world of science become a little scientist.R V share19, as long as it is engaged in scientific research work of the we call them scientists. F * share20, the activ

10、ities we do have nothing to do with scientific inquiry. F * share21, the following does not belong to the scientific inquiry activity is f B share2 A. students study a problem that appears in the textbookB. Xiao Ming smashed the TVC. technicians observed the growth of corn in TanakaThe D. army made

11、his own model plane22, do you think a scientist is observed following behavior in D from exergy is wrong.A. careful observation, B. is good at thinking, C. has curiosity, D. dont doubt adults words23, we should conduct scientific research should first learn from La exergyA. asks questions, B. makes

12、assumptions, C. looks for evidence, and D. concludesUnit second the life world in my eyesThe 1 is a life, biological objects of common biological features in LA could grow and die, need nutrition, can reproduce, toBreathe, react to stimuli. So I can judge by the robot is inanimate increase because i

13、t does not eat.2, water droplets, robots, computers, clouds, waterfalls are not biological.3, living objects must be able to move. In the trees, such as those included * activities4, in the observation activities included C from LA is not correct.A. Caution! B. doesnt scare small animal C. can direc

14、tly touch the animal, snatch. D. keep quietThe 5 plants, is to rely on sunlight for independent activities generally do not move the position of La La does not need to search for food.6, through the observation and comparison of LA I think the common characteristics of plants are in the sunlight and

15、 air are tending to have root absorption of water and nutrients can increase openThe results shown are flowers can reproduce.The growth of 7, the leaves have long form of birth, alternate, in whorls of three forms. The place where the leaves are grown is called the festivalOppositeYe ZiAs in the lea

16、ves of Osmanthus fragransEach section of the two leaf growth of 22 relative increaseAlternateYe ZiAs in the pile of leavesEach section of the growth of a leaf is observed in the interactionarrayVerticillateYe ZiAs in Ginkgo biloba leavesThere are three leaves growing in each section8, some plant lea

17、ves increase some plant leaves. As in the poplar leaves observed for deciduous pine9, in the shape of snail snail has a spiral shell, soft body, head tentacles K when the snail is frightened or touchedWould curl up into the shell love life love in La snail activity at night in the dark, damp places

18、La snail. Put the wine in front of the snail,Vinegar stimulus shown it will shrink tentacles.The snail head, chest and abdomen, the shell is composed of four parts.The snail will accelerate the escape from danger and stimulation of exergy x10, how to share the snail is crawlingFlat belly snail under

19、 the foot is actually a transverse increase these stripes like water as shown by the snail back wave stripesThe fluctuation observed extending and retracting forward. That is, a snail crawls on its belly. The snails mucus acts as a protective element on its creeping parts.3 snails eat food on their

20、tongues.If you want a snail to run fast, you can lure it with apples11, the ant is a social animal in love together in love ants eat sweets and biscuits and life peer. The body of an ant is divided into head and thorax,The three part of the abdomen. Ants are the strong men of animals. It transmits i

21、nformation through the tentacles and secretions of the gas.The 12, not a ant together in particular when they will immediately end number in the bite up with the ants in the nest is notBut dont bite in the will to feed each other.13, small animal has characteristics of common R growth, death, breath

22、ing, eating, exercise, breeding,Small animal living environment, the different characteristics of F shape characteristics and habits and so different14, to classify plants F, water hyacinth, cactus plants, Shorea, coconut trees, corn, peanut, duckweedTerrestrial plants have R cactus, Shorea, coconut

23、 trees, cornAquatic plants, water hyacinth, K, duckweed and Alternanthera philoxeroides15, some small animal does not need the air to breathe can survive from La *16, some animal does not need water for example by ants never drink at the river. From La *17, observation is the effective means of lear

24、ning science in that observation is to watch and record.* 18, animal and plants have life in them so people referred to as biological.19, observe the trees can be used in the bark when rubbing method to record the results of the observation of bark.The 20, below the circle in the proper position in

25、person, animal, plant K, inanimate object.Third unit - the source of life - waterThe 1, water is an important part of the animal and plant body in the water in almost all biological life activities play a essential role.The water absorption and nutrition for our health is very important in the excre

26、tion of waste from boiling water. We are able to maintain normal body temperature as wellWater. In general if 5 consecutive days without water in the peoples life will be threatened.The 2, water in plants and animals in a large proportion of the human body is 65% water in 90% water vegetables.3, lon

27、g life without boiling water in the water like a mothers milk as in the feeding of all life on earth.4, we study the grass every day to drink in the in vitro when a few drops of oil to prevent evaporation of water.5, water is the cradle of life in the water or the nature of the air conditioner from

28、your laThe 6 objects are commonly used methods, understanding R with eyes to see and smell, taste and touch. To understand the objects in the orderFor the sake of safety in the end do not casually smell more not just taste.7, liquid water will flow in the F shape in the fixed water has such characte

29、ristics as the object in the liquid we call it.- 8,The characteristics of the solid waterCheckExplain the magic of waterplaceNo colorNo smellInsipidness、transparentNot fixedTheyll crawlwaterCapillarity of waterWill uniteThe waterSurface tension of waterThe pressure of spraying water4 shapeEasily mob

30、ileliquidThe waterLiftThe waterBuoyancy of waterCan dissolve oneMaterialwaterWater dissolves some thingsqualityUnit fourth what are they made of?Also, 1 items are made of materials with La materials include natural and artificial materials have shown natural materials from nature is observed accordi

31、ng to its originSuch as wool, wood, stone. The artificial material is made by processing natural materials or the properties of natural materials have shown changes made afterIncoming. Such as paper, iron, glass and plastic are artificial materials.5 kinds of natural materials in the life of common

32、wood, stone, cotton, silk, linen, clay.5 kinds of common life in plastic, nylon, artificial materials, alloy, glass, paint.Write as much as possible in the use of paper packaging, printing, decoration, writing, wiping, dress.2. Different parts of an object are often made of a variety of materials of

33、 different characteristics. Tick from exergy3, is the Eastern Han Dynasty Cai Lun invented papermaking increase papermaking is one of the four great inventions of ancient china.The main raw material, the paper is 4 k with wood waste paper, straw, cotton cloth and paper can also be old. In order to p

34、rotect the information we want to note La woodSave paper. Saving paper is protecting wood resources.5, there are many interesting properties in the paperThe tensile strength of the same sheet, lengthwise and crosswise, is not firmequallyTransmittance showed fiber gap sizeThe absorbency of absorbent

35、paper and the density of the paper fibersRelating to whether there is wax capillarity effectFruit6, all of the same color paper which have different share, strong degree of flash, water absorption and transparencyIn 7, the commonly used textile materialsCotton cloth soft breathable underwear can be

36、observedWool wool soft warm winter cold can be used to increaseFilar thickSynthesisfibreNylon strong wear sportswear can increase.Nylon is the earliest synthesis in the worldLa fiberDistilled from petroleum.The 5 umbrella is made of nylonUnit fifth questions 1, love is a question starting point F is

37、 human nature of curiosity of scientific inquiry activities. We must continue to develop from love to questioningAsk questions.2, the text asked us many questions because f question is the starting point of scientific inquiry activities as much as possible.3, scientific problems in three aspects f t

38、hey shareIn the 1 increase in careful observation of the activities ofIn the 2 question compared to some popular sayingIn the process of Science in the 3 increase in the production of small.4, Farber is the worlds first study of insects in the natural environment and the life scientists Farber f f b

39、ecame watching insectsThe book of insects, the immortal book.5, Galileo in Leaning Tower of Pisa experimental f to overthrow the Aristotle weight falling speed point of view.6 goldfish, the most common cause of death is unknown and it is not f insatiably avaricious hunger. Goldfish not prey so it wo

40、nt let f every grain of investmentFood for it.6, Cordyceps is also called the golden grass which both insects and grass at shape but not non grass insect f f belongs to algae. It doesnt winterDays into the summer into the grass insect F.In 7, f in the scientific inquiry to find the answer to the pro

41、blem with share methodLa 1 in the library or on the Internet to find information, obtain indirect knowledgeIn his 2 shown by observation and experiment to find the answer, direct access to knowledge.8, in order to deepen the understanding and memory f we can make information card.9, we choose the re

42、search question F should raise the question of what1 more in the LA can through investigation, observation and experiment to find the answer to the question ofIn about 2 compared with the knowledge of science problemsIn 3 La mention the problem does not involve complicated knowledge.10, when tempora

43、rily not discussed the f we want to put it into the problem can be studied.11, I want a pair of is breathable and soft and comfortable shoes r you think should choose what material whyA share because strong r r soft soled. Cloth uppers r r because of sweat breathable cotton.12, scientists made the c

44、onclusion is correct we should not doubt F. Increase in the future13, scientists do what we simply can not do. In the La *14, in order to study their need f I can see what love is collecting the home study. In the La *15, as long as we make rational use of water resources f would not be facing water

45、 crisis. Increase in the future16, things far away with the naked eye can see f r with which of the following tools shown in the6 A. magnifier, B. telescope, C. microscope17, when we watched the ants will want to see more clearly in use which of the following tools exergy rateA. magnifier, B. telesc

46、ope, C. microscopeThe first part, unit 1, lesson 1, were all little scientists1, when you hear the word when you think of what science should be included2, Yuan Longping is an agricultural expert he is in the exergy research.In 3, exergy always makes us to explore many things, want to know why this

47、is so, so.At the beginning of eighteenth Century 4, the scientists found that people in exergy vaccination can prevent smallpox.5, scientist Li Shizhen edited a medical encyclopedia in the exergy Madame Curie discovered ().6. The process of scientists work is (,.7, the scientists found in the modifi

48、ed Watt exergy gravity is in exergy.In 1824 8, the British people will find a temporary memory exergy human ability of the people later according to the principle of making it into a movie.Unit 1, class second, be a young scientistSecret 1. little parrot standing up is in exergy.2. I know that scien

49、tists will, in exergy, exergy exergy and exergy in tobacco.Unit second lesson 1 searching for living objects1. I have seen the object in life, in exergy, exergy, exergy exergy in tobacco.2. we know that living things can be divided into exergy exergy exergy in in in.What are the common features of t

50、he 3. common features of a plant? Plant is in a certain environment the need moisture, sun growth,The air and the nutrition will the growth and development of offspring will have the process of life from birth to death.There are 4. common features of the life object is in exergy exergy exergy exergy

51、 in in in.Unit second lesson second plants on the campusOneThe campus plants in exergy exergy exergy exergy in in in.The 2. leaf arrangement in stems. There are mainly three kinds of exergy exergy exergy in in in.Unit third second small animals on campus1. different creatures such as the fish living

52、 in the ant lives in exergy exergy in in in in exergy environmentThe tiger lives in exergy in.2. snail is crawling with the love to eat it in the exergy exergy in.3. insects are divided into in exergy exergy in exergy in three parts. In the foot of ants have exergy exergy in theAntenna。4. to the fol

53、lowing animal classification pigeon turtle frog elephant zebra salamander Dragonfly butterfly MantisA classification standard according to the living environment in the sky fly 1 divided exergy exergy in 2 walk on the ground in 3 exergy,Travel from 7 water.5. you have observed small animal what comm

54、on features from a laUnit fourth lesson second animals. Botany。 people1. rabbits and radish also have the same place as the exergy.2. chimpanzee has the finger with the ear exergy.3, the animal, living objects, people, 4, comparison of people, chimpanzee similarities and differencesThe plant is fill

55、ed in the correct position in the figure below. PlaceHuman and chimpanzeeSimilaritiesHuman and chimpanzeeDifferenceUnit third the first lesson is that life can not live without water1. water is an important part of the water exergy in almost all biological life activities play an essential role.The

56、water is characterized by the.2. we can keep the normal thanks to water. Generally if the included continuous days without water included peopleLife can be threatened.At present, 3. people are facing the crisis of the water shortage exergy exergy so we should be the.The 4. body% is the% egg water exergy is water fish the water is% exergy exergy is% water the vegetables.5. the grass water in the experiment of


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