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1、1,English for International Business Communication,2,Unit Five,Terms of Payment,3,I. Teaching Aims the buyer knows that no payment will be made before the export goods have been shipped.,9,The Letter of Credit,3) The parties concerned to an L/C: They are: the applicant (importer/buyer), the issuing

2、bank, the advising bank, the confirming bank, if any, the nominated paying/negotiating/accepting bank and the beneficiary (seller/exporter,10,The Letter of Credit,4) The procedure for issuing an L/C: The issuance of a letter of credit stars with the buyer who instructs his bank to issue an L/C in fa

3、vor of the seller for the amount of the purchase. The buyers bank (the opening bank) sends the L/C to its correspondent bank in the sellers country, giving instructions about the amount of the credit, the beneficiary, the currency, the documents required and other special instructions. On receipt of

4、 it, the correspondent bank advises the seller of the receipt of the credit. Sometimes a seller requires a confirmed L/C. In this case, the correspondent bank usually adds its confirmation (由自己保兑) to the credit. Hence, the correspondent bank has become the confirming bank. The advising or confirming

5、 bank informs the seller that the credit has been issued. The seller will then dispatch the goods accordingly. (For further details, please refer to 戚云方新编外经贸英语函电与谈判。,11,Collection,1) What is collection? After the goods have been shipped, the exporter may issue a draft based on the invoice amount and

6、 send all the shipping documents to the importer to ask him to pay for the goods. This is called “collection”. That is to say, the exporter ships the goods to the importer before he collects payment for the goods through his bank. It is called adverse exchange,(逆汇) for the exporter takes the initiat

7、ive to gather payment from the buyer. (The same is true of L/C.,12,Collection,2)Types of collection: Sometimes, the importer/buyer requests payment to be made by collection through banks under the terms of documents against payment (D/P) or documents against acceptance (D/A). In this case, the banks

8、 will only do the service of collecting and remitting and will not be liable for non-payment of the importer. (While in the case of an L/C the opening bank offers its own credit to finance the transaction.,13,Collection,D/P calls for actual payment against transfer of shipping documents. There are D

9、/P at sight and D/P after sight. The former requires immediate payment by the importer to get hold of the documents. In the latter condition, the importer is given a certain period to make payment as 30, 45, 60 or 90 days after presentation of the documents, but he is not allowed to get hold of the

10、documents until he pays. D/A calls for delivery of documents against acceptance of the draft drawn by the exporter/seller. D/A is always after sight,14,Remittance,1) What is remittance? By remittance we mean that the buyer on his own initiative remits money to the seller through a bank contracted. I

11、t is called favorable exchange.(顺汇) There are three kinds: Mail Transfer(信汇), Telegraphic Transfer(电汇), Demand Draft(票汇,15,Remittance,2) When to adopt remittance? This method of payment is accepted only in the following two cases: a. When the transactions are rather small and the finance involved is

12、 small, too. b. When some small sums must be paid such as the packing costs, inspection charges or the banking expenses,16,3. Compare the methods of payment,As far as the sellers benefit is concerned, L/C is better than D/P. D/P at sight is better than D/P after sight, whereas D/P is better than D/A

13、. In international trade, payment through collection is accepted only when the financial standing of the importer is sound or where a previous course of business has inspired the exporter with confidence that the importer will be good for payment,17,Part Two: Study of the Specimen Letters,What lette

14、r style does the writer use for the letter? Whats the main idea of the letter ? Who may write the letter, the Buyer or the Seller? Why,18,Part Three: Study of the Words and Expressions,1. draw (vt.) (vi.) a) attract e.g. We wish to draw/call/invite your attention to the fact that the terms in the re

15、levant L/C should strictly conform to those stipulated in our sales confirmation. b) compose (draw up) e.g. The contract is being drawn up. We expect to have the agreement drawn up in a day or two for approval. c) write out (a bill on sb. for) 向开具汇票 e.g. The documentary draft has been drawn on the B

16、ank of Singapore at sight for US$20,000 under their L/C No.123. As arranged, we have drawn on/upon you against the documents for the amount of invoice through the Bank of Asia. We regret to note that our draft drawn on you on the terms of D/P 30 days after sight was dishonoured,19,Part Three: Study

17、of the Words and Expressions,2. drawer (n.) person who writes the order for the payment of money 出票人 3. drawee (n.) person to whom the order is addressed or payer of the order 受票人 ( Note: In international trade, the drawer of a draft is usually the exporter, the drawee or payer is usually the import

18、er or the importers bank, and the payee is usually the exporter who is also the drawer.,20,Part Three: Study of the Words and Expressions,4. accept (vt.) a) entertain; consent to; agree to meet e.g. We cannot accept fresh orders on account of heavy commitments (or heavy sales). Cant you accept L/C a

19、t 60 days sight for future regular orders? b) sign (a bill of exchange) to indicate that you promise to pay it 承兑(汇票) e.g. Our bank will accept your 60 days draft on them for the amount of your invoice. We have received your Invoice No.123 and are willing to accept your draft for the amount involved

20、, payable at 30 days sight,21,Part Three: Study of the Words and Expressions,5. acceptance (n.) a) take (sth. offered), consent, approval e.g. Acceptance of our offer from many customers proves that our prices are reasonable and feasible. Our quotation bears a time limit for acceptance. b) signing a

21、 bill of exchange to show that you agree to pay it e.g. to present a bill (of exchange) for acceptance: for payment by the person who has accept it 6. acceptable (a.) welcome; worth accepting e.g. We do not think the offer is acceptable. Your proposals are hardly acceptable,22,Part Three: Study of t

22、he Words and Expressions,7. confirm (vt.) ratify; agree definitely to (a treaty, an appointment, etc.) e.g. We confirm our fax of yesterday. We confirm having sent you a letter of acceptance today. We confirm that we have sent you an order for your furniture today. The order was confirmed for CIF To

23、ronto. We cannot confirm the proposed alteration. 8. confirmation (n.) ratification e.g. Please fax your confirmation. We are making (you) an offer for the following (items), subject to our (final) confirmation,23,Part Three: Study of the Words and Expressions,9. effect (vt.) accomplish; bring about

24、 e.g. Shipment can be effected in early October. You must effect payment of the draft plus the accruing interest immediately. (n.) result; outcome e.g. Inflation in capitalist countries has had the effect on inducing the rise in price in the world market. 10. in effect: in fact; (of a rule, law, etc

25、.) in operation e.g. It is in effect the same thing. This contract is still in effect,24,Part Three: Study of the Words and Expressions,11. take effect: come into force; operate e.g. The new pricelist will take effect from (on) the first of next month. 12. to the effect: with the general meaning (or

26、 information) e.g. We have received your message to the effect that shipment is to be held pending your instructions. Information has been received here to the effect that prices on your side are showing signs of recovery. 13. to the same effect: with the same meaning (or information) e.g. We sent a

27、 telegram and wrote a letter to the same effect,25,Part Three: Study of the Words and Expressions,14. verify (vt.) testify; assert or prove to be true 证实,核实 e.g. Please recheck the coding and verify it. We would ask you to verify this matter with your bank,26,Part Three: Study of the Words and Expre

28、ssions,15. be subject to sth.: be conditional(ly) upon sth. e.g. Our quotations are subject to alteration/change /variation without (previous) notice. This order is subject to delivery before 15th November this year. We have pleasure in offering you the following, subject to our final confirmation.

29、16. be subjected to: cause to undergo or experience e.g. The visiting speaker was subjected to very close questioning. The goods will be subjected to breakage if you do not pack them in cartons,27,Part Three: Study of the Words and Expressions,17. book (vt.) a) secure (seat, shipping space, etc.) in

30、 advance e.g. We have booked shipping space on s.s. “White Cloud”, which is scheduled to arrive in Barcelona on 11 September. b) record, write down (orders, etc.) in a book or list e.g. As we are fully booked with orders, we regret being unable to satisfy your requirement for this article. Please in

31、form us by return whether we may book your order at those adjusted prices,28,Part Four: Study of the Useful Sentence Patterns,Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit in our favour, available by draft at sight, reaching us one month ahead of shipment, remaining valid for n

32、egotiation in China for another 21 days after the prescribed time of shipment, and allowing transshipment and partial shipments. In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight (or at 30 days sight) for the value of the goods shipped. In compliance

33、with your request, we will make an exception to our rules and accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent,29,Part Four: Study of the Useful Sentence Patterns,We regret having to inform you that although it is our desire to pave the way for a smooth developmen

34、t of business between us, we cannot accept payment by D/A. We regret our inability to make any arrangement contrary to our usual practice, which is payment by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable against presentation of shipping documents and valid for at least 15 days beyond the promised

35、 date of shipment. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that as a special sign of encouragement, we shall consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales-pushing stage. We trust this will greatly facilitate your efforts in sales, and we await your favorable reply,30,Part Four: Study of the

36、 Useful Sentence Patterns,Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed, irrevocable (divisible and transferable) letter of credit without recourse for the full amount of purchase. (Much to out regret,) we have not yet received your letter of credit against our Sales Confirmation

37、 No. 3246 although it should have reached us by the end of March, as stipulated. As you have failed to establish the letter of credit in time, we regret being unable to effect shipment within the stipulated time limit,31,Part Four: Study of the Useful Sentence Patterns,As the goods against your Orde

38、r No. 4567 have been ready for quite some time, it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering letter of credit established. Please insert the word “about” before the quantity in your L/C No. 123. Please amend the credit as allowing transshipment. We have received your L/C No.

39、524, but we find it contains the following discrepancies: We would therefore request you to instruct your bankers to make the necessary amendment,32,Part Four: Study of the Useful Sentence Patterns,Please amend L/C No. 283 to read “This L/C will expire on 28th February, 20in China. ” On examination,

40、 we find that the amount of your L/C is insufficient. Please increase the unit price from RMB¥0.53 to RMB¥0.60 and total amount to RMB¥36,520.00 Owing to the late arrival of the steamer on which we have booked space, we would appreciate your extending the shipment date and the validity of your L/C N

41、o. 4985 to 31st Jan. and 15th Feb. respectively,33,Part Five: Reminders for Writing Letters about Payment,Enquiries about terms of payment and replies to such enquiries: 1). Use the persuading tone to talk the recipient into accepting your terms of payment; 2). Take the “You Attitude”; 3). Give the

42、reason(s) why you suggest this method of payment; 4). Hope for an early reply,34,Part Five: Reminders for Writing Letters about Payment,Letters urging establishment of L/C: There may be cases where the buyer fails to open the L/C, or the L/C does not reach the seller in time, then a letter, usually

43、a fax or an e-mail has to be sent to the buyer to urge him to expedite the L/C or to ascertain its whereabouts. As a seller, he must bear in mind the following while drafting such a letter,35,Part Five: Reminders for Writing Letters about Payment,Whatever the cause may be, no suggestion of annoyance

44、 is to appear in his letter; He should not blame the buyer for non-performance of contract in his first letter; Be polite, saying that the goods ordered are ready but the relevant L/C has not come to hand; If the first message brings no reply, send a second one; The second message, though still rest

45、rained, will express disappointment and surprise,36,Part Five: Reminders for Writing Letters about Payment,Letters asking for amendment to L/C: Acknowledge the receipt of L/C; State the points which disagree with the contract/confirmation; Ask the receiver to amend it as soon as possible so that you

46、 can ship the goods,37,Part Six: Key Points remit; accept; draw; open; issue; establish; endorse; confirm; negotiate; stipulate; rush; expedite; urge; amend; extend; honour; dishonour,39,Part Six: Key Points payee; drawer; drawee; draft; bill of exchange; negotiation; L/C; L/C at sight; L/C at 30 da

47、ys sight; documentary L/C; confirmed L/C; irrevocable L/C; the relative/relevant /covering L/C; collection; D/P; D/A; D/P at sight; D/P after sight; remittance; bank; amount; value; total; documents; payment terms; stipulation; amendment; establishment,40,Part Six: Key Points to open/establish an L/

48、C with/through a bank; L/C payable/available by draft at sight; to draw a draft on/upon sb.; against presentation of shipping documents; to rush/expedite an L/C; to urge (establishment of) L/C; to amend an L/C; to extend an L/C; to honour ones draft on presentation; payment by L/C,41,Part Six: Key P

49、oints & Difficult Points,3) Regarding letter-writing: The letter asking for amendment to L/C is the most important kind in this unit. Students must grasp its way of writing, and familiarize themselves with the often-used expressions,42,Part Seven: Doing Exercises,Exercises in Class: I. Answer the fo

50、llowing questions: 1. Why is the problem of payment rather complicated in international trade? 2. What are the chief methods of payment in international trade? 3. What is the most-often-used one in the financing of international cargo trade? Why? 4. What are the parties concerned to an L/C? 5. Tell

51、the whole process of how an L/C is issued. 6. What is the main difference between payment by L/C and payment by collection? 7. Compare the methods of payment you learned. To the sellers benefit, which is better and safer, D/P or D/A? Why? 8. Under what circumstances shall a seller agree to payment b

52、y D/A,43,Exercises in Class,II. Choose the best answer: 1. With regard to Contract No.11, we are agreeable _ D/P payment terms. A. for B. to C. with D. on 2. As agreed upon in our negotiations, payment _ L/C. A. by B. is to be made by C. is by D. have to be 3. All the banking charges outside China s

53、hould be _ the buyers account. A. with B. for C. of D. to 4. Payment is to be made by letter of credit payable _ shipping documents. A. with B. to C. against D. in 5. With regard _ Contract No. 202, we are agreeable _ D/P terms. A. to, to B. for, to C. to, for D. in, to,44,Exercises in Class,6. The

54、letter of credit has been _ in your favor. A. drawn B. closed C. opened D. made 7. Please see (to it) that the L/C stipulations are in strict accordance _ the terms of the contract. A. with B. for C. in D. against 8. Please amend the credit _ allowing transshipment. A. to B. in C. for D. as 9. The s

55、eller should, if necessary, ask the buyer to make an amendment _ the L/C _ shipment. A. ofof B. tobefore C. ofafter D. inwith 10. We wrote you last week _ we are inspecting the goods. A. to this effect B. to the effect C. in effect D. to that effect,45,v Exercises in Class,III. Translation work: (1)

56、 From English into Chinese: Put the sentences in Part Four (Useful Sentence Patterns) into Chinese, paying attention to the technical words and terms and expressions,46,Exercises after Class,2) From Chinese into English: 1. 至于支付,我们要求保兑的、不可撤销的,允许分装和转运的,金额为全部货款的信用证,凭即期汇票并附全套装船单据向这里的议付行议付。 2. 按你方要求,我们破

57、例接受即期付款交单,但只此一次,下不为例。 3. 我们建议以见票30天付款的汇票,承兑交单。你方若接受,请确认。 4. 货已备妥待装,请即来电告知确切开证日期。一旦收到该证,即予装运。 5. 请速开信用证,以便赶装预定于五月底到达你港的直达轮。 6. 若有关信用证能于3月15日开到,可保证准时装运,47,Exercises after Class,7. 如果你们不按期开证,因延迟开证而引起的损失,概由你方负责。 8. 我们已收到你方第345号信用证,发现有下列不符之处: A. B. 请通知银行对该信用证进行必要的修改. 9. 经核查我们发现你方的信用证金额不足。请将单价从USD123增加到US

58、D125,总金额增加至10,000美元。 10. 请修改信用证第890号,使之成为“本信用证将于2009年4月30日在中国到期”。 11. 请删除你方信用证上“银行佣金及费用由受益人负担”条款,因为银行佣金及费用应由买方负担。 12. 请划去转船前面的“not”,使之成为“可以转船”,因为本月无直达船至你港口,48,Exercises after Class,IV. Letter-writing job 1. Write a reply to ABC Co., who wants to know what method of payment your firm is prepared to a

59、ccept. 2. Messrs. J. Harvey & Co. asked you to supply them with goods to the value of 45,000. They suggest that you draw on them at 60d/s for the amount of your invoice. Write a letter tactfully explaining that you can only do this against an irrevocable L/C confirmed by your bank,49,Exercises after Class,3. Messrs. Abdullah Ali Mohamed & Co., Baghdad, purchased from you 2,000 dozen of Thermos Flask for delivery in July. As the goods are ready for shipment, draft a fax to the buyers urging establishment of the cov


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