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1、PART 1My n ame is .You can call me.I am an assista nt and work ing for a com muni cati ng compa ny which sells equipme ntI like my job for the cha nee to practice myself and lear ning some practice kno wledge in adm ini strati on.PART 2When we talki ng about/ make refere nee to /it comes to what is

2、importa nt in *, there are three point for this problem.1/2/3. To my point, 1 is the most considerable/significant/important/crucial/ reason, because/for the reasons below:Positive reas on1. In crease sales/profits/ customer loyalty/ employee/staff satisfacti on.2. Appeali ng to/attract pote ntial c

3、ustomer/clie nt.3. En rich product category.4. Laun ch/carry out market research , an alysis clie nt habit and dema nd.5. Provide us with convenien ce.6. Stimulate customer s desire, tap staffs potential.7. Is an esse ntial eleme nt in compa ny operat in g/ma nageme nt8. Broade n marketi ng area, en

4、 large our customer scope ,9. Save time/ cost/spacerelieve stress/burde n10. have good advanee preparations.Passive reas on1) Bring great loss to both in dividual and the whole cooperati on.2) Great mass of time= a waste of time3) Do harm to our harm ony /safe/e nvironmen t/health.4) Raise the finan

5、 cial burde nPART 3Are you ready? Shall we start?Youre right/As is known to all/ Sounds exciting. The first thing to do is of courseto make travel and accommodation arrangements, suchas choosing an airline offeringgood services and the flight of the right time so that we can arrange things well and

6、in an effective way.In addition /at the same time/what more , it would be useful / beneficial / adva ntageous / assista nt to know about some bus in ess customs in the US, in clud ing com monly accepted bus in ess practices, ways of doing bus in ess, and laws and regulati ons, etc.People attach much

7、 importa nee to formal agreeme nt and con tracts with detailed terms and con diti ons.It will be easier for our company to gain an larger marketing performanee, if wetake actions/measures/stepsto deal with/manage/handle/settle/resolve/figure out thisproblems/issues.We have differe nt approaches/ways

8、/measures to Completi ng Tasks.Raise the attractive of our company,and build up/accelerate/grow in/promote/boost /improve/i ncrease the customer loyalty.Establish/set up/builda/a n suitable/ adequate /proper/appropriate Pricing/advertis ing/ Product Strategy.Example 1As is known to all, it is very i

9、mporta nt for a compa ny to *.I thi nk a compa ny should try every possible way to *.First, it should always make sure that it provides its customers with quality goods and after-sales service.Second, it should lay eno ugh emphasis on the feedback from its curre nt customers a nd take prompt action

10、to take care of their needs and demands.Third, if possible it may provide some incentives to its old customers.For example, it can grant a certa in disco unt to them if their purchases reach a certa in amount.Apart from all these, a company should design strategies to attract new customers a nd crea

11、te transactions with them, to expand their customer base, so to speak. These strat egies include product diversification and upgrading.All in all, a company should try its utmost/best to keep its current customers satisfied with its products and services, and at the same time it should stay ahead of

12、 the market thr ough product and pric ing strategies.附商务知识首先是Marketing,般presentation部分考官会给三个题目供你选择,可以说必有一 道是关于 Marketi ng的,所以这方面的材料要好好准备。以下是我当时准备的一些常用材 料。I.Prici ng Strategy1. the product itself: the cost of producing plus your expecting profit2. similar products, the rival firms: What are their pri

13、ces? What are yourproduct competitive adva ntages? In what aspect does your product superior to others? This can addextra value to your product. customer: Whether they are wealthy or not? Can the y afford the price? Ex: How to en sure that price levels for new products are set appropriat el

14、y?Cl The first problem is who your target customers are. Their in come, occupati on, pre feren ce.C2 Do market research to make sure whether your target customers can afford the pr ice level. There are mainly four ways of doing market research: survey, telepho ne in tervie w, observation and questio

15、nnaire.C Test your product in a small region. Find out how itsells, get the feedbacks of the customers. Decide whether to make any adjustme nt.II. Product PackageEx: The importa nee of packagi ng products appropriatelyCl Traditi on ally, the purpose of packagi ng a product is to protect the product

16、or to make it convenient for carry ing, as some products are liquid or sticky.C2 Today, the package add value to the product, especially to the con sumer goods.The package is the product first impression to the customer. They may judge the quality of the product by its package and decide whether to

17、buy it or not. Sometimes, a gorgeou s package is a symbol of identity, especially when the product serves as a gift or present.C3 You have to packagi ng your products appropriately so that your products can sta nd out from the crowd and be bought by the customers.III. Diversificati onEx: The importa

18、 nee of product diversificati on to the success of a bus in ess.这 时你可能 对 product diversification 并不是很熟悉,可以举一些案例,比如 ,the case of coca-cola: despite of its regular cola, it produce diet cola for people who get diabetes or adiposity problems.然后借以说明 product diversificati on 的作用。Cl Meet the n eeds of dif

19、fere nt customers.C2 In crease the compa nys market shares/market pen etratio n.C3 Market ing segme ntati on: the divisi on of pote ntial buyers accord ing to age, sex, lif estyle, etc with the aim of desig ning and promoti ng goods and services to meet their specific need.(此定义引自牛津英汉双解商务英语辞典,我认为很不错的

20、一本商务英语词典,每个词汇都有在商务方面的中英两种解释和例句)IV. Advertisi ng 1. MediaCl The types of media: TV and radio commercial, n ewspapers and magaz ine, posterand bill board, direct mail, the Intern et, etcC2 Adva ntages and disadva ntages of the major types2TV: high atte nti on, comb in ati on of sight, sound and moti o

21、n; high cost and less audie n ce selectivity.Newspaper: flexibility, good local market coverage, broad accepta nee; short life, poo r reproduct ion quality. Magaz ine: high geographic and demographic selectivity, credibility, long life, good pass-al ong readership; hav ing rivals in the same magaz i

22、ne.Direct mail: audience selectivity, flexibility, no ad competition within the same mediu m; relatively high cost, j unk mail image.Intern et: high reach of intern ati onal audie nce, similar effect as TV commercial, i ntera ctive; the users of Internet are limited, compared with TV.C3 Con sider yo

23、ur target audie nce and your budget to make a wise decisi on. 2. Age ncyCl Select a suitable age ncyA. C on sider the reputati on and past performa nces of the age ncy. Age ncies provide th e client with the services of highly skilled individuals who are specialists in their chosen fi eld.B. Same co

24、mpe nsati on philosophies. Different compe nsati on systems may result in d isagreeme nt.C. Stability in agenc y policies. Mergers and acquisitions may lead to policy changes .This will have n egative effect on the performa nee of the age ncy.C2 En sure that age ncies mai ntai n a high level of effe

25、ctive ness. A.Regular reviews: fi nan cial and qualitative assessme nts.B. Financial audit: It is designed to verify costs and expenses, salaries for the employ ees, and payme nts to the media and outside suppliers.C. Give detailed in struct ions or certa in trainings to the age ncies about how to r

26、eprese nt a compa ny.D. Make full disclosure of any potential and existing conflict of interest. One agency c annot run two acco unts which are in direct competiti on with each other. I n some cases, ev en in direct competitio n will not be tolerated.3. Trade fair and exhibiti onCl Types of exhibiti

27、o n. What are exhibited? Whether it is related to your field? Wheth er you can find potential customers, suppliers, or partners?C2 Scale of exhibiti on. How many participa nts are listed? Whether it is local or n ati on al or intern ati on al?C3 Publicity of exhibiti on. How far is the orga ni zer w

28、illi ng to in crease public aware ness? Whether they are able to attract public atte nti on and the leadi ng compa nies of the field?C4 Cost of admissi on. Some of the exhibiti ons are relatively high, because they wish to attract only the professionals of their own field. Some are admission free, b

29、ecause their target market is the en tire populati on.C5 Other poin ts: Locatio n, tran sportati on, accommodation and time.Ex: The importa nee of selecti ng appropriate members of staff to atte nd exhibiti ons.Cl The exhibiti on is a stage for a compa ny to exhibit its product, capacity and credibi

30、l ity.C2 The members n eed to know every aspect of the product and the compa ny, and w hat the compa ny wants in the exhibiti on.C3 They should have eloque nee to promote the product and the flexibility to adapt to the cha nges.C4 Because they represe nt the image of the compa ny, they should also h

31、ave a good physical appeara nee.V. Market ResearchThe defi niti on of market research: study carried out by a compa ny before launching a new product, into the n eeds, lifestyle, in come, etc of pote ntial buyers and to measure the success of similar products that are already available. It may in vo

32、lve in terview ing people in the street or giv ing away sample product.Cl Market research can be done for both a product and a compa ny. As for a product, it is the first step when promoting a new product. It can find out whether the market acce pt the product or not. As for the3company, market rese

33、arch can find out the cus tomers opinion about the after-sales services and corporate image.C2 There are gen erally four ways of doing market research, observati on, survey, que sti onn aire and teleph one in terview.C3 There are four procedures while doing market research. First, represe nt suitabl

34、e questions. Second, record the customers feedbacks. Third, gather these statistics. Forth, an alyse them and draw a con clusi on.VI. SalesEx: How to sell a product effectively in intern ati onal markets.C1 Advertis ing. Choose a media to advertise your products in a foreig n country, TV c ommercial

35、s, magaz in es, bill board, or etc. Make sure it suits the local tastes. Maybe you can try to sell on the net; it will receive the world-wide attention.C2 Do market research. Find out whether the products are accepted by foreig n custo mers. It can be carried out as surveys, observations, and questi

36、onnaires.C3 Adjust your product to the local tastes. Although the case of your products are the same, you can change some details. Take IKEA, the largest furniture retailer, for exampl e, is doing well in suit ing the local taste.C4 What I want to put emphasis on is fran chis ing.Fran chis ing is a

37、good way to sell your prosuct in a foreig n coun try. As local bus in essme n un dersta nd their own culture best.其次是 HR Man ageme nt,这一部分也很重要,而且这些材料在写作时都可以派上用场 I.Recruitme ntEx: How to en sure that the best can didate for a post is selected. How to orga nise a n effective recruitme nt drive.C Hirin

38、g a new employee is an investment. Getting a niche person for a niche role w ill add value to an organization. Organization can never be sure that they have selected t he right person until he or she starts working, but an efficient recruitment and selection pr ocess can reduce the risk.C2 Produce a

39、n accurate job description, a list of skills, experienee, attitudes and so o n.C3 Choose the best recruitme nt method: internal recruitme nt, job advertiseme nts, rec ruitme nt age ncies and headh un ti ng/executive search.C4 A shortlist of can didates will the n be draw up to be put through thecomp

40、a nys recruitme nt processes, usually in terviews. This will produce the ideal can didate.C5 Negotiate terms with this can didate. It should be both affordable for the compa ny and attractive eno ugh to get the ideal can didate.II. Motivatio nEx: How to achieve and maintain high motivati on among a

41、workforce. The importa n ce to a compa ny of havi ng well motivated staffs.Cl Well motivated staffs can add value to the compa ny. They are en thusiastic, creati ve and loyal. They in crease the productivity and quality. C Spiritual motivati on.A. Give employees guida nee whe n they are just recruit

42、ed.B. Dem on strate a commitme nt to career developme nt and promoti on from with in. C.F orster a sense of team spirit.D. Publicly recog nize and con gratulate employees for good work.C3 Material motivation.A. Set i ncen tive schemes: profit shari ng, bonus scheme.4B. Fringe ben efits: compa ny car

43、, con tributi on to pension/health scheme, relatio n allo wance. C. Establish the incen tive-based compe nsati on system.III. Career developme ntEx: The importa nee of havi ng a career pla n in order to achieve high levels of success at work. The importa nee of acquiri ng a range of skills throughou

44、t your career.How to assess the career opport un ities provided by differe nt types of compa ni es.C When people first entering a company, many dream that they will one day be runn ing a major bus in ess, wieldi ng power and in flue ncing market. But only a few of them succ eed. For the rest, compro

45、mise, mediocrity and alter native career will be their lot.C2 If you want to climb up to the summit, the first thing you have to do is having a car eer plan. It should be a long-run plan and be set out one step after another. Maybe you c an start with increasing your sales volume by 10%. Make a marv

46、elous proposal of the pro blem happens to your department and draw themanager sattention to promote you to the Man ager Assista nt. Then you know what you should do, work hard, be creative and wai t for the n ext promoti on. See, step by step, you will achieve high level of success at work.IV. Trai

47、ningEx: How to mon itor in ternal staff trai ning scheme effectively.The importa nee of a cumulous program of staff training within a compa ny. How to evaluate the effective ness of compa ny training program.C Staff training is a win-win situati on. It both ben efit the compa ny and the staff mem be

48、rs. It offers opport un ities to staffs who want to acquire some specialized skills and impr ove themselves. It also in crease the efficie ncy which means more profit to the compa ny. Moreover, the company can pass its corporate culture to the staffs during the training.C2 As for the internal staff

49、training, the training and En terprise Coun cils should take t his responsibility. Before the training, they first have to do a survey to find out which traini ng course is welcomed by staff, compare it with the compa ny sobjectives, and the n make a final decisi on. Second, they will select a train

50、er and make a schedule for the course. It can be an on the job trai ning, which means employees lear n while un dertak ing the job, or off the job training, which means employees are trained away from the actual job. It really depe nds.C3 After the trai ning, the HR Departme nt should arrange in ter

51、views with the employe es who took part in the training and get feedbacks to improve the training in the future. Th e evaluati on system also contains evaluate the performa nces of these staffs and make co mparis ons betwee n the previous performa nces and the prese nt on es. If the prese nt perfo r

52、ma nces are better and staffs make more profits tha n before, the trai ning program can be see n as effective, especially whe n the compa ny soutput is well over its in put.V. Communi cati onEx: How to en sure appropriate levels of con fide ntiality over the Ion g-term staffi ng pla ns of a compa ny

53、. O1 We all heard about the bus in ess espi on age. One compa ny sends pe ople to another company to gather sensitive information. The law forbids these indecent b ehaviors. But these behaviors are always difficult to legally ide ntify. What the compa ny ca n do is tak ing care of itself and make th

54、e sen sitive in formati on con fide ntial.O2 Firstly, the compa ny should be aware of the recruitme nt process. CV or resume c an sometimes tell whether a can didate is sent by its competitors.O3 Secon dly, give differe nt rights to differe nt levels of staff on access to the compa ny important5docu

55、me nts.O4 Thirdly, add code to the computer and in stall firewall.Ex: The importa nee of providi ng employees with clear job descripti ons.O It is part of the incen tive schemes and com muni catio n. It improves the commu nic ati on with you and your employees and motivates them. They will feel bein

56、g recog ni zed p ublicly and devote themselves to their work.O The job descriptions include requirement of any skills, responsibility and payment.VI. Health and SafetyEx: The importa nee of a safe worki ng environment for mai ntai ning staff morale.How to develop a resp on sible attitude among staff

57、 to the health and safety require ment of a compa ny. The importa nee to a compa ny of hav ing a health and safety policy.O1 It is an esse ntial part of laws concerning the workplace. Health and safety regulati on must be followed by employers and employees to preve nt accide nts and protect the h ealth of people at work. In the UK, there regulati ons are based on the Health and Safe


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