



1、语言文学毕业论文官场中命运的抉择抉择与沧浪之水中 语言文学毕业论文-官场中命运的抉择抉择与沧浪之水中 摘 要:分子的存在对社会有着难以估计的危害。反对,与分子坚持作斗争是每1个有良知人的责任和义务。在面前是忍气吞声,是同流合污,还是掀起胸膛坚持到底,每1个人都面临的1个“抉择”,有些人能出淤泥而不染,而有些人却是“近墨者黑”归根到底在于“人”而不在于“事”。“李高成”是1个具有善良、正直、勤恳、认真务实 等性格特征的高大的共产党干部形象,是人民所歌颂的正面人物。“池大为”是1个早期具有浓厚书生意气,正直,后期却向分子妥协,并且私欲不断地增加为人民所唾弃的反面人物。“李高成”毅然决然地选择了人民

2、,选择了正义,选择了国家,宁肯牺牲自己也要将斗争到底。“池大为”却被分子所腐化,选择了自我,选择了物质生活的享受,造成两人抉择不同的关键在于“人”不在于“事”。 关键字:官场小说 抉择 正直 坚强性 妥协性 Abstract: The existence of the corrupt element has danger difficult to estimate to the society. Object to corruption , is it make struggle whether every have responsibility and obligation , intuit

3、ive knowledge of people to insist on with corrupt element. Submitted to humiliation in front of the corruption, associated with an evil person, or lifted the chest and persisted, a choice which everyone faces, some people can produce silt without dyeing , some people near getting black wicked lying

4、in after all people thing than lying in Li Gaocheng one have kindhearted , honest , industrious , serious getting practical tall and big image , cadre of Communist Party , , personality of characteristic, the positive characters that the people extol. Chi Dawei have strong business angry , honest bo

5、ok in early days one, promise to the corrupt element later stage, and the selfish desire is increasing the negative role that cast aside for people constantly. Li Gaocheng choose the people , choose justice , has chosen the country with resolution, is it die oneself take corrupt struggle through to the end too to prefer. Chi Dawei but degenerated by the corrupt element , choose oneself , has chosen the enjoyment of the material life, have chosen chief Chi of him. Key word


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