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1、Unit 4Finding your way,根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词 1.Her mouth opens and shuts,but no sound( 声音 ) comes out. 2.The problem is quite( 相当 ) difficult.I cant work it out. 3.Its dangerous( 危险的 ) for people to use the mobile phone while crossing the street. 4.Go straight( 径直地 ) on until you come to a bus stop. 5.Plea

2、se remember( 记住 ) to close the window when you leave the classroom,根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.一直向前走,你们就会找到那家医院。 Go straight on,and youll find the hospital. 2.汤姆什么也不做,成天躺在家里。 Tom does nothing and lies down all day long at home. 3.记住它们很危险。不要靠近它们。 Remember that they are dangerous.Never/Dont go near them. 4.猴子喜欢

3、跳来跳去,惹得人们大笑。 Monkeys like jumping around and make people laugh. 5.过了桥,你们就能看到那座山。 Cross the bridge,and youll see the mountain,补全对话 A:Excuse me,where is the Xiehe Hospital?1.B B:Oh,its a little far. A:2.A B:Its about five kilometres. A:3.C B:I think you need to take a bus. A:Which bus do I need to tak

4、e? B:4.G A:How long does it take me to get there? B:5.F A:Thank you very much. B:You are welcome,完形填空 Lucy is my new friend.She is from America.Now she1in Beijing because she found a job here.Today,she wants to go to the2to buy a Chinese book for her friend in America.But she doesnt know the3.She se

5、es a policeman on the street.So she asks him,“Excuse me.I4there is a bookshop near here.But where is it?” “Go along this street,5left at the third crossing,and then6about one mile.You can see the bookshop on your right.You cant miss it,” says the7. “Err.is it far from here?” she8. “Yes,a little.Why

6、not go there by9?The No.2 bus can10you there,” answers the policeman. “Thank you very much,” says Lucy,D )1.A.playsB.goesC.readsD.lives ( B )2.A.bankB.bookshop C.museumD.station ( A )3.A.wayB.timeC.priceD.shop ( C )4.A.hopeB.seeC.knowD.find ( A )5.A.turnB.sitC.standD.put ( C )6.A.driveB.rideC.walkD.have ( B )7.A.managerB.policeman C.driverD.student ( A )8.A.asksB


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