已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一、选择题1看图,圈数字。 (1) five four(2)six seven(3)eight nine(4)eleven seven(5)nine ten ( )2There are_seasons in China. A. two B. three C. four( )3Beijing Olympic Games are the _ modem Olympic Games. A. 21st B. 27th C. 29th D.30th( )4February is the_ month in a year . A. first B. second C. third( )5-Where is

2、 the TV room? - Its on the _ floor.A. one B. first C. two( )6How old are you ? Im_. . A. eight B. 8 oclock C. clocks 87选出不同类的一项。( ) (1). A. look B. thirty C. stop( ) (2). A. ninety B. monkey C. sixty( ) (3). A. at B. it C. they( ) (4). A. sunglasses B. toy C. seventy( ) (5). A. little B. eighty C. f

3、orty( )8Do you know _ students in our school? Yes. Its about _.A. a number of; two hundred B. the number of; two hundredC. a number of; two hundreds D. the number of; two hundreds( )9Its January _. A12 Btwelve C12th( )10This is _ difficult. A two B. too C. to( )11-Where is the TV room? - Its on the

4、_ floor. A. one B. first C. two( )12Monday is the _day of the week. A. first B. second C. third( )13Touch your eyes with your fingers _ . A. ten times B. ten time C. for ten times ( )14Whats the date today? Its April_. A. twelve B. 12st. C. 12th( )15August is the_month of the year. A. eight B. eight

5、h C. twelfth( )16Which floor? The _ floor,Room 5A. A. five B. fifth C. fiveth( )17There are always _traffic lights. Aone Btwo Cthree( )18What is thirty and twelve? It s _. A. fourty-one B. forty-two C. forty-one D. forty two( )19There are _cows on the farm. A. twelfth B. twelve C. second( )20There a

6、re _visitors coming to visit Beijing every year. A. million B. hundred of C. thousands of( )21I have_pencils. A. ten B. eleven C. twelve( )22January is the_ month of the year. A. one B. once C. first( )23When is your birthday? Its _. A. June 9 B. June the 9 C. June 9th .( )24-How long is the road? -

7、Its ten_ metres long. A. thousands B. thousand C. Hundred( )25There are _ animals in Chinese Zodiac(生肖). A. twelve B. eleven C. twenty( )26The shop is about _ away from here. A. two hundred meters B. two hundreds meters C. two hundred meter D. two hundreds meter( )27The shop is about _ away from her

8、e.A. two hundred metersB. two hundreds metersC. two hundred meterD. two hundreds meter( )28There are _students in our class. That is 19 boys and 21 girls. A. forty B. forty C. fourteen( )29There are_days in a week. A. six B. eleven C. seven30选出下列单词中不同类的一项。( ) (1). A. went B. took C. visit( ) (2). A.

9、 with B. for C. plant( ) (3). A. cheese B. crayon C. pencil( ) (4). A. she B. her C. his( ) (5). A. fifteen B. twenty C. children二、填空题31在括号里填写合适的英文数字。seven + ( ) =twelve ( ) four=ninethree five= ( ) ( ) seven=two( ) + ten= eleven ( ) one=twentytwo ( )= hundred ( ) two=five32让我算一算。(将答案的字母标号填在等号的右边)(1

10、). six+seven=( ) (2). nine+five= ( ) (3). seven+eight=( ) (4). nine+seven=( ) (5). two+seventeen=( ) (6). thirteen+seven=( )(7). six+eleven=( )(8). three+fifteen=( )(9). three+eight=( )(10). eight+four=( )来源:Z#xx#k.ComA. elevenB. twelveC. thirteen D. fourteenE. fifteen F. sixteenG. seventeenH. eight

11、eenI. nineteenJ. twenty33根据题意,选择正确的一项。A . forty-two B . sixty-nine C . eighteen D . fifty-fourE . ninety-one F . thirty-three G . twenty-seven H . eighty (1). 17 + 16 = _ (2). 25 + 44 = _(3). 65 + 15 = _ (4). 8 + 19 = _(5). 31 + 11 = _ (6). 10 + 8 = _(7). 29 + 25 = _ (8). 72 + 19 = _提升题一、填空题34英文数学题I

12、f half of a number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is_.35写出单词的相应形式。(1)read(现在分词)_(2)eating(动词原形)_(3)leaf(复数形式)_(4)three(序数词)_(5)we(名词性物主代词)_36小朋友,你能将下列单词进行分类并把它们装进小火车车厢里吗?A. computer B. pen C. sixteen D. twenty E. eraser F. television G. ruler H. diskman I. thirteen J. radio37读单词,根据每组单词的类别

13、,在横线上填写一个同类别的单词。(1)book shop museum supermarket _(2)hundred thirty million _(3)answer collect choose _(4)snake kangaroo sheep _(5)China Japan Australia _38填空。(1). ten - four = ( )(2). one + three =( )(3). five + two =( )(4). eight - seven =( )(5). six + three =( )(6). seven - five =( )39写出下列时间,并在钟表出

14、标出时针和分针的位置。(1) Its half past nine. _(2) Its twelve. _(3) Its four fifteen. _(4) Its ten to nine. _(5) Its six forty. _40英文数学题If half of a number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is_.二、单词拼写41根据图画内容和句子,在横线上写出合适的单词。(1).Im from _.(2)The cat is _ the table. (3)-How many caps do you see? -I see _

15、.(4)Look, the rat has a _ tail.(5)-Whos that boy? - _ is my brother. 42根据提示,填入句中所缺的单词。(1). It often_(snow) here in winter.(2). She_ (see)a play next week.(3). I_ (meet) her just now.(4)No.7 bus(车站)_is in front of our school.(5).Please turn left at the_ (two) crossing.43词型转换(10%)(1). country (复数) _ (

16、2.) far (比较级)_(3). open (现在分词)_ (4) quick (副词)_(5). sea(同音词) _ (6)we(形容词性物主代词)_(7). one (序数词) _ (8)hear (同音词) _(9)sun(形容词)_ (10)ran(原形)_44看图写单词。 (1) _ (2) _ (3) _(4)_ (5)_ (6)_(7)_ (8)_ (9)_(10)_45按要求写出下面单词或词组的对应形式。(1). 按顺序来(汉译英)_ (2). keep to the right(英译汉)_(3). my(名词性物主代词)_ (4). dance(-ing形式)_(5).

17、 thirty(序数词)_46填空。(1).Tom was_(three) in the race.(2).Yesterday was school_(sport) day.(3).Did Mocky_(win) the high jump?(4).Ann didnt_(go) to the park yesterday.(5)What_your friend_(do)yesterday?(6).She_(put) her prize on her desk.47用所给词的适当形式填空。(1). Tree Planting Day is on March_.(twelve)(2). There

18、 are _ sheep in front of the house.(four)(3). Fathers Day is on the _ Sunday in June.(three)(4). A: How much are the gloves? B: Theyre_ yuan. (twenty-two)(5). A: How many kites can you see? B: I can see_. (five)(6). A:What time is it? B: Its_ oclock. Its time to go to school. (eight)(7).A: Where is

19、the library? B:Its on the _floor.(one)(8).A: When is your cousins birthday? B: Its on December_.(thirty)48用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整、正确。(1) There are ten _(box) in the classroom .(2)Childrens Day is on the _(one) of June.(3) Toms schoolbag is _(heavy) than Jims.(4)Please give this postcard to _(she).(5)Liu

20、Tao and his mother _(go) for a walk after dinner yesterday.49用所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)December is _ (twelve) month in a year.(2)My father can _ (swim)and he often _ (swim)with me on hot days.(3)She is a _ (beautiful) girl and she can dance _ (beautiful).(4)Look! Mary _ (dance)in the classroom.(5)These flower

21、s are for _ (they). _ (they) all like the flowers.50按要求写出单词的正确形式。(1)sheep(复数)_ (2)strawberries(单数)_(3)small(近义词)_(4)one(序数词)_(5)sun(同音词)_ (6)twentieth(基数词)_(7)tall(反义词)_(8)t (同音单词) _(9)cant(完整形式) _(10)They are(缩写形式)_答案1【答案】(1)five (2)six (3)eight (4)eleven (5)nine【解析】(1)第一题呈现的是五只熊猫,那么是数字“五”,英语是five.

22、即答案是five.(2)第二 题呈现的是六顶帽子,那么是数字“六”,英语是six.即答案是six.(3)第三题呈现的是八只小鸟,那么是数字“八”,英语是eight.即答案是eight2【答案】C【解析】一年有四个季节。3【答案】C【解析】北京奥运会是第29届现代奥运会。2008年在北京举行了第29届奥运会,故排除ABD.4【答案】B【解析】本句意思是二月是一年里的第二个月,序数词第二是:second,故答案为:B。5【答案】B【解析】句意:-电视房在哪儿?-它在一楼。在第几层,要用序数词。6【答案】A【解析】这是提问的年龄,A是回答年龄,其他是时间的表达方式。时间+ oclock7【答案】(1

23、). B (2). B (3). A (4). C (5). A【解析】(1). AC项是动词, B项是数词。(2). AC项是数词, B项是名词。(3). A项是介词,BC项是人称代词。(4). AB项是名词, C项是数词。(5). A项是形容词,BC项是数词。8【答案】B【解析】the number of的数量,可后接可数可或不可数名词, a number of许多,固定短语;hundred百,前加数词时,不加s,故选B; A项a应换成the,排除A; C项a应换成the,hundreds中s去掉,排除C; D项hundreds中s去掉,排除D; 句意:你知道我们学校学生数吗?是的,大约2

24、00人。规律总结:the number of的数量,可后接可数可或不可数名词, a number of许多,固定短语;hundred百,前加数词时,不加s, 表具体数量,加s时后接of表成百上千的。9【答案】C【解析】表达日期时,几号需用序数词,数字后要加序数词最后两个字母。10【答案】B【解析】此题考查too的用法,题干的句意是:它太难了。Too译为太,故答案为:B。11【答案】B【解析】句意:-电视房在哪儿?-它在一楼。在第几层,要用序数词。12【答案】B【解析】本句意思是星期一是一周里的第.天?在英语国家中,星期天是一周的第一天,星期一是一周的第二天,故答案为:B。13【答案】A【解析】

25、用你的手触摸你的眼睛十次,表示几次fortimes.14【答案】C【解析】本句意思是今天是几号?是四月十二号。表示日期的是序数词,十二的序数词是twelfth, 缩写为12th, 故答案为:C。15【答案】B【解析】句意为“八月是一年中的第八个月。”第八个月要用序数词。A. eight意为“八”,为基数词 B. eighth意为“第八”,为序数词 C. twelfth意为“第十二”为序数词。August 是第八个月,A和C是错误的,故选B。16【答案】B【解析】第几层楼,用序数词,A. five五,基数词B. fifth第五,序数词C. fiveth写法错误。故选B。17【答案】C【解析】本题

26、是一个常识题。traffic light交通灯,根据常识可知交通灯有三个颜色红黄绿,故本题答案为C。18【答案】B【解析】根据句意“30加12是多少?”可知应该是42,英语中42的写法是forty-two。19【答案】B【解析】本句意思是农场上有十二头牛。本句中,十二应该用到基数词,故答案为:B.20【答案】C【解析】句意为“每年有数千游客来参观北京。”准确数字如:two hundred数词后不加s;这是个模糊数字,数词后应加s, A. million 和B. hundred of数词后都没有加s,不能选,C. thousands of 数词后有s,故选C。21【答案】B 【解析】根据图片,选

27、择B。22【答案】C【解析】本句意思是一月是一年当中的第个月?根据所学知识,是第一个月,要用到序数词first,故答案为:C。23【答案】C【解析】本题考查日期的正确写法。几月直接用相应单词表示,几号除了写数字,还要写该数字序数词的最后两个字母,如1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th等。故本题答案为C。句意:-你什么时候生日?-六月九日。24【答案】B【解析】句意:这条路多长?它有一万米长。thousand前加数词ten时,不能加s, 故答案选B.选项A加s,排除;选项C中hundred中的h不应该大写,排除。【规律总结】hundred. thousand, million等词前加数词时只能为

28、单数形式,如three hundred,two million; 如为复数形式,后接of,如hundreds of成百上千的,thousands of成千上成的。25【答案】A【解析】通过生活常识可知中国有十二生肖,是十二种动物,故答案为:A。26【答案】A 【解析】句意:商店离这儿有二百米远。hundred百,前有具体数字时不加s,可排除BD,metre米,变复数,排除C,故答案为 A.27【答案】A【解析】句意:商店离这儿有二百米远。hundred百,前有具体数字时不加s,可排除BD,metre米,变复数,排除C,故答案为 A.28【答案】A【解析】思路分析:本题考查的是句意的理解和相近词

29、的辨析。名师解析:从本题的第二句话,男孩19个,女孩21个可知,班上一共是40人。表示几十的单词常以ty结尾,表示十几的单词常以 teen结尾。答案是A。易错提示:容易混淆forty和fourteen。29【答案】C【解析】一周有7天“seven days”。30【答案】(1)C, (2)C , (3)A, (4)A, (5)C【解析】(1).本题前两个单词都是动词过去式,第三个是动词原形,所以选择C。(2).本题with和for都是介词,第三个不是,所以选择C。(3).本题cheese奶酪,crayon是蜡笔,pencil是铅笔,所以选择A。(4).本题she是主格,his和her是物主代词

30、,所以选择A。(5)本题前两个单词表示数字,最后一个单词是孩子,所以选择C。31【答案】five;thirteen;fifteen;fourteen;one;twenty-one;fifty;ten【解析】思路分析:本题考查的是英文数字之间的加减乘除法运算。名师解析:只要翻译对了数字,再根据数学上的加减乘除法运算规则来计算就可以。易错提示:不认真做题容易出错。32【答案】(1). C (2). D (3). E (4). F (5). I (6). J (7). G (8). H (9). A (10). B【解析】由题分析一一对应即可。33【答案】(1). F (2). B (3). H (

31、4). G (5). A (6). C (7). D ( 8). E【解析】(1). 17 + 16 = 33,英文是“thirty-three”,故选F。(2). 25 + 44 = 69,英文是“sixty-nine”,故选B。(3). 65 + 15 = 80,英文是“eighty”,故选H。(4). 8 + 19 = 27,英文是“twenty-seven”,故选G。(5). 31 + 11 = 42,英文是“forty-two”,故选A。(6). 10 + 8 = 18,英文是“eighteen”,故选C。(7). 29 + 25 =54,英文是“fifty-four”,故选D。(8

32、). 72 + 19 = 91,英文是“ninety-one”,故选E。34【答案】45【解析】一个 数的一半是30,这个数就是60那它的四分之三是多少?就是4535【答案】(1)reading (2)eat (3)leaves (4)third (5)ours【解析】(4)three是基数词,意思是“三,三个”,那么其序数词就是“第三”的意思,是单词third.(5)we的意思是“我们”,其名词性物主代词是ours,意思是“我们的”。36【答案】(1). A F H J (2). B E G (3). C D I 【解析】一一匹配,适当选择即可。37【答案】(1)cinema (2)thou

33、sand (3)ask (4)horse (5)Italy 【解析】(1)词意:书店、博物馆、超市、电影院。题中所给三个单词都是公共场所类,故答案可填cinema. (2)词意:百、三十、百万、千。题中所给三个单词为数词类,故答案可填thousand.(3)词意:回答、收集、选择、问。题中所给三个单词为动词类,故答案可填ask. (4)词意:蛇、袋鼠、绵羊、马。题中所给三个单词为动物类,故答案可填horse.(5)词意:中国、日本、澳大利亚、意大利。题中所给三个单词为国家类,故答案可填Italy. 38【答案】(1). six(2). four(3). seven(4). one(5). ni

34、ne(6). two【解析】牢记英文书写,仔细分析题目。39 (1) 9:30 (2) 12:00 (3) 4:15 (4)8:50 (5) 6:40 【解析】40【答案】45【解析】句意:如果一个数的一半是30,那个数的四分之三是多少。30*2=60,60*=45,故答案填45. 41【答案】(1)USA(2)under(3)eleven(4)long(5)He【解析】(1)句意:我来自美国。USA美国(2)句意:猫在桌子底下。under在下面(3)句意:-你看到多少顶帽子?-我看到11顶。eleven十一(4)句意:看,那只老鼠有一条长尾巴。long长的(5)句意:-那个男孩是谁?-他是我

35、的哥哥。He他,这里注意首字母大写。42【答案】(1). snows(2). is going to see(3). met(4). Stop(5). second【解析】(1).由时间状语“in winter”可知,该句为一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,动词后应加s ,故为snows.(2).由时间状语“next week”可知,该句为一般将来时,一般将来时由“be going to+动词原形”构成,故为is going to see.(3).由时间状语“just now”可知,为过去的时间状语,该句为过去时态,动词应用过去式,meet-met.(4).stop在这作名词,意为车站。(5).

36、由句意可知,“在第二个十字路口向左拐“,应用序数词,two-second规律总结:如要填动词,首先确定时态,然后看是v+ing,v+或是v+ed等形式。如是名词变复数,就想到在名词后加s或es.如是数词,就想到它对应的序数词。43【答案】(1). countries (2). farther (3). opening( 4. quickly (5). see (6). ours (7). first (8). here (9). sunny (10.) run【解析】(1). countries, country辅音加y结尾的名词变复数,把y变i再加es.(2). farther , far属

37、于特殊变法,加ther.(3). opening , open的现在分词,直接加ing.(4). quickly,quick的副词加ly.(5). see, sea的同音词是see.(6). our. swe形容词性物主代词是our.(7). first , one 的序数词为first。(8). here ,hear的同音词是here.(9). sunny , sun的形容词双写n , 再加y,(10.) run, ran是run 的过去式。44【答案】(1). three (2). eight (3). ten (4). eleven ( 5). fifteen(6). nineteen

38、(7). twenty (8). thirty-five (9). sixty (10). one hundred【解析】对数词记忆巩固,熟悉构词法。45【答案】(1). take turns (2).靠右 (3).mine (4).dancing (5).thirtieth【解析】词组巩固记忆。46【答案】(1). third (2). sports (3). win (4). go (5). did do (6). put【解析】(1). 句意:Tom在比赛中是第三名。“第三名”be third(2). 句意:昨天是校运动会。“运动会”sports day(3). 句意:Mocky赢了跳高

39、比赛吗?did已经体现了句子的过去时态,win用原形。(4). 句意:Ann昨天没去公园。didnt已经体现了句子的过去时态,go用原形。(5). 根据时间标志词yesterday可知句子用一般过去时,动词do变疑问句在一般过去时的情况下其助动词为did,主语后动词do用原形,所以本题答案为did, do。(6). 句意:她把奖品放在了她的桌子上。句中动作已经完成,所以用一般过去时,put的过去式形式与原形相同,即put。47【答案】(1).twelfth (2).four (3).third (4).twenty-two(5).five (6).eight (7).first (8).thi



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