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1、Britain ten big tourist attractions,Topics,Different time , Different points of view, Different feeling,Big Ben,Big Ben, it is also named Big stupid Clock, is Westminster palace bell Tower and the nickname of British congress conference hall affiliated Clock Tower of Big chimes. Big Ben lies on the

2、north side of the parliament of the river Thames in London , set with the clock. As the symbol of London city and Britain, Big Ben is enormous and resplendent, weigh up at 14 tons, named after its engineers Benjamin,大本钟,或大笨钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,有英国国会会议厅附属钟楼 (Clock Tower) 大报时钟的昵称。大本钟位于英国伦敦泰晤士河畔议会大厦的北面

3、,镶有大钟。作为伦敦市的标志以及英国的象征,大本钟(Big Ben)巨大而华丽,重达14吨,以建造它的工程师本杰明的名字命名。1859年以来,每逢整点敲响一次,非常精确。另有4个较小的钟每隔15分钟响一次。开放时间为周一、二、四14:3022:00,只要国旗在大厦上飘扬,可免费入内参观,Since 1859,every one hour strike one time, its very precise. Another four smaller clock every 15 minutes ring a time. Big Ben opens on every Monday, Tuesday

4、, Thursday at 14:00-22:00, as long as the national flag flying in the parliament house, it will free to visit,自然历史博物馆 Natural History Museum,Its the largest natural history museum in Europe. It Originally founded as one part of the British museum in 1753 ,break away general museum in 1881,and it bec

5、ome independent in1963. 它是欧洲最大的自然历 史博物馆。原为1753年创建的 不列颠博物馆的一部分,1881年由 总馆分出。In 1963年正式独立,它坐落在伦敦南肯辛顿地区,为维多利亚式建筑,形似中世纪大教堂。总建筑面积为 4万多平方米。拥有世界各地动植物和岩石矿物等标本约4000万号,其中古生物化石标本 700多万号,图书馆有书刊50万种,并保存着大量早期的自然研究手稿和图画等珍贵品,It is located in London south Kensington area. The building is Victoria style ,similar to me

6、dieval cathedral. With a total construction area of 40000 square meters. It has about 40 million specimens of piants, animals , rocks and minerals from all over the world, , including more than 700 palaeobios fossil specimens, 500,000 kinds of books in the library and preserved a lot of the early na

7、ture study manuscripts and rare picture items,London BridgeLondon Bridge which was built in 1886,and started work in 1894 also named Tower Bridge,London .It is across the Thame and connected London with South wark. As well,it is the long-historiest bridges in London. Because it boarded south walker

8、autonomous city high street and Willian king street of London city,it was called main entrance of London in history,伦敦大桥的侧面,伦敦大桥夜景图,HYDE PARK,DE PARK is located in the centre of Westminster AbHYbey with 360 feets .It is not only most famous park but also the largest Royal Park.Before in 1066,it was

9、a latifundium of Westminster Westwood church.In 16 centure,Henry VIII made it as a park for Royal noble.During Charles I watch,it opened public to use for free,世界上最贵的英国公寓,每平方米售价约67.7万RMB,王宫,The Regal Cinema,The Regal Cinema,London eye,British Museum,白金汉宫(Buckingham Pala,Buckingham Palace is the offi

10、cial London residence and office of the British monarch. Located in the City of Westminster, Originally known as Buckingham House, built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1705,During the 19th century it was enlarged, forming three wings around a central courtyard. Buckingham Palace finally became the of

11、ficial royal palace of the British monarch on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837,伦敦塔桥(Tower of London,The Tower of London is built in 1886. It is located on the Thames River in London. The White Tower, the square building with turrets on each corner that gave it its name, is actually in the mid

12、dle of a complex of several buildings, which have served as fortress, armoury, treasury, mint, palace, place of execution, public records office, observatory, refuge, and prison, particularly for upper class prisoners. In 1078 William the Conqueror ordered the White Tower to be built there, as much

13、to protect the Normans from the people of the City of London as to protect London from anyone else. It was King Richard the Lionheart who had the moat dug around the surrounding wall and filled with water from the Thames. 其历史可追溯到1078年,当时是因军事需要而建,防止敌人逆河入侵。英国史上许多失宠的王侯后妃及叛国者都被关押在此。伦敦塔最重要而且最古老的建筑是位于要塞中心

14、的诺曼底塔楼,它是整个建筑群的主体,因其是用乳白色石块建成,故又称白塔。白塔因系主人居住与守备部队进驻之所,所以最为坚固,英国国家美术馆,英国国家美术馆(The National Gallery,又译为国家艺廊),是位于英国伦敦市中心特拉法加广场的正北方向,相当于北京天安门广场正北方向的故宫博物院。国家美术馆又称伦敦国家美术馆,成立于1824年。当时仅有38幅画作,从这些由乔治四世说服政府购买林布兰、拉尔等人的38个作品,陆续拓展为现在以绘画收藏为主的国家级美术馆。被称为“世界第四大”美术馆,现在国家美术馆收集了从13世纪至19世纪、多达2,300件的馆藏绘画作品。由于其收藏属于英国公众,因此

15、美术馆是以免费参观的方式向大众开放,但偶尔也有要收费的特展。 国家美术馆分为东南西北四个侧翼,所有作品按照年代顺序展出,早期文艺复兴有达芬奇著名的圣母子与圣安妮、施洗者圣约翰炭笔素描,施洗者圣约翰,圣母子与圣安妮,梵高向日葵,米开朗琪罗埋葬,维纳斯与战神,圣罗马诺之战,岩间圣母,科学博物馆(Science Museum,Exhibition profile,It was built in 1857, and it is the National Museum of Science and Industry (英国国立科学与工业博物馆 ) part of the museum. Historic

16、al collection(历史收藏展馆 ) exhibition hall on mathematics, astronomy, physics and chemistry, and other disciplines and application of exhibits. The galleries with computer technology, space research and new scientific development as the key point of the exhibits. Industrial collection (实业收藏馆 )including agriculture, transportation industry, electrical engineering, Marine engineering, and mec


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