1、Photovoltaic Solar EnergyFutures,Presented to the Minnesota Futurists 16 May 2009 Dick Saunders and David Keenan,But first a word from our sponsor,The Futurist Tool of the day Trend Analysis and Extrapolation,Trend Analysis * Proposed,/wiki/Photovoltaic_power_stations,Spain,Ble
2、ssed with almost year-round sunshine, Spains socialist government is trying to capitalize on this natural resource. In an effort to encourage private individuals and companies to install solar power, Spain introduced subsidies of 0.42 per kilowatt per hour ($0.57/KWhr) (feed-in tariff and off-grid s
3、ubsidies) But the Spanish government is considering reducing this subsidy in September, a move which is likely to face opposition from within the solar energy industry. 2007: 26,800 employees in Spanish solar companies,http:/www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/jul/09/solarpower.renewableenergy 9 Jul
4、y 2008, Solar Generation V Report Sep 2008,Olmedilla Solar Park,60 MWp photovoltaic park installed by Nobesol with modules from Silikin,http:/,Germany,10,000 companies, including installers work in solar PV 80 companies are cell and module makers 42,000 employees Sales were $5.7 B includ
5、ing $2.5 B in exports The feed-in tariff 2008 German utilities pay $0.47 to $0.68/kWh depending on type and size of system for new solar systems Utilities pass cost to consumers Germany average is $1.65/month, Solar Generation V Report Sep 2008,Waldpolenz Solar Park,The Waldpolenz Solar
6、Park is built on a surface area equivalent to 200 soccer fields, the solar park will be capable of feeding 40 megawatts into the power grid when fully operational in 2009. In the start-up phase, the 130-million-euro ($201 million) plant it will have a capacity of 24 megawatts, according to the Juwi
7、group, which operates the installation. The facility, located east of Leipzig, uses state-of-the-art, thin-film technology. Some 550,000 thin-film modules will be used, of which 350,000 have already been installed. The direct current produced in the PV solar modules will be converted into alternatin
8、g current and fed completely into the power grid. After just a year the solar power station will have produced the energy needed to build it, according to the Juwi group,http:/www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,3430319,00.html,Waldpolenz Solar Park,http:/www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,3430319,00.h
9、tml,Waldpolenz Solar Park,http:/,United States,2007 - PV production grew in all areas of US market US leads development of thin-film technology accounting for nearly half the global production 2007 about 50,000 employees CA dominates with 60% of installed capacity Various state Renewable Portfolio S
10、tandards (RPS) and Federal Investment Tax Credits (ITC) are incentives. Solar America Initiative making progress on goal to bring PV costs to grid parity by 2015, Solar Generation V Report Sep 2008,Renewable Energy Consumption in the US Energy Supply, 2007,/cneaf/sol
11、ar.renewables/page/trends/highlight1.html,Chart Data,/cneaf/solar.renewables/page/trends/figure1_1.xls,US Solar Industry Data,Size of U.S. Market2008 - U.S. had about 8,800 megawatts (MW) of installed solar capacity. 1,100 MW of photovoltaics (PV), 418 MW of utility-scale concen
12、trating solar power, 485 MWTh (megawatts thermal equivalent) of solar water heating systems 7,000 MWTh of solar pool heating systems. Ranking of U.S. Market: Cumulative installed solar electric power by 2007. 1st Germany 3.8 GW, 2nd Japan 1.9 GW, 3rd US 814 MW, 4th Spain 632 MW Growth of U.S. Market
13、 2008 - more than 18,000 individual PV systems were installed. Totaled 342 MW: 292 MW was grid-connected. Growth of U.S. Manufacturing 2008 domestic PV cell manufacturing capacity grew 65 percent to 685 MW and production grew 53 percent to 414 MW. (Results preliminary) (Source: Greentech Media Resea
14、rch and the Prometheus Institute,/cs/about_solar_energy/industry_data and Solar Generation V Report Sep 2008,Solar energy represents less than 1% of the U.S. energy mix. However, as a result of growing awareness about reliable, off-the-shelf technology, concerns about rising
15、 costs, energy security and supplies, and new state and federal incentives, deployment of solar energy has exploded since 2005,Nellis AFB Solar panels,/wiki/File:Nellis_AFB_Solar_panels.jpg,GM installs worlds biggest rooftop solar panels,The largest rooftop solar power station
16、in the world is being built in Spain. With a capacity of 12 MW of power, the station is made up of 85,000 lightweight panels covering an area of two million SqFt. Manufactured in rolls, rather like carpet, the photovoltaic panels are to be installed on the roof of a General Motors car factory in Zar
17、agoza, Spain. General Motors, which plans to install solar panels at another 11 plants across Europe, unveiled the 50M ($68M) project yesterday. The power station should be producing energy by September. The panels will produce an expected annual output of 15.1 million kilowatt hours (kWh) - enough
18、to meet the needs of 4,600 households with an average consumption of 3,300kWh, or power a third of the GM factory. The solar energy produced should cut CO2 emissions by 6,700 tons a year. Energy Conversion Devices who makes the panels, said it would be the largest rooftop solar array in the world,ht
19、tp:/www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/jul/09/solarpower.renewableenergy 9 July 2008,GM installs worlds biggest rooftop solar panels,http:/www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/jul/09/solarpower.renewableenergy 9 July 2008,Japan,2002 - Basic Act on Energy Policy to secure stable energy supply, enviro
20、nmental suitability and use of market mechanisms By 2006, installed 1.2 GW for 350,000 homes 2008 New research initiative to improve yields from 10-15% to 40% and reduce cost from $0.48/kWh to $0.073/kWh, Solar Generation V Report Sep 2008,China,2007 National Renewable Energy targets 10%
21、 by 2010 (300 MW) 15% by 2020 (1.8 GW) Supplies 1,130 tons of polysilicon from 6 companies Supplies 21,400 tons of silicon ingot from 70 companies Number 1 PV panel producer 1.1 GW 50 PV panel companies including Suntech, Yingli, Hebei Jingao, Jiansu Linyang, and Nangjing CEEG 82,800 employees (6 ti
22、mes that of 2005, Solar Generation V Report Sep 2008,Top 10 PV Cell Producers,Until recently BP Solar was dominant supplier. New Top 10 produce 53% of world total Q-Cells, SolarWorld - Germany Sharp, Kyocera, Sharp, Sanyo Japan Suntech, Yingli, JA Solar China Motech - Taiwan,BP Solar,BP
23、Solar to supply PV power systems for Wal-Mart in CA 22 April 2009 Under a power purchase agreement (PPA), BP will finance, install and maintain the systems and Wal-Mart will have immediate access to clean electricity with no up front capital cost to the retailer. Will initially build 10 to 20 roofto
24、p systems at Wal-Mart locations in California, and would work with the retailer to evaluate the potential for additional projects. Expects to complete the first set, 10 MW of installed solar power, within about 18 months. 2008 BP completed 4.1 MW solar systems for 7 Wal-Marts & Sams Clubs in CA. Sin
25、ce 1998, BP guarantees its modules for 25 years. BP Solar, part of BP Alternative Energy, is a global company with about 2000 employees. With over 35 years of experience and installations in most countries, BP Solar is one of the worlds leading solar companies. BP is one of the worlds largest energy
26、 companies, in more than 100 countries and over 96,000 employees,http:/,BP axes 620 jobs from solar business,01 April, 2009 - BP to axe 620 jobs from its solar power business more than a quarter of that workforce in a move it said was part of the long-term strategy to reduce the cost of solar power
27、to that of conventional electricity.“ Two cell manufacture and module assembly plants near Madrid, will be shut with the loss of 480 posts while module assembly will also be phased out at its Frederick facility in Maryland, US, with a further 140 redundancies. BP blamed the cutbacks on the credit cr
28、unch and lower-cost competition saying its global manufacturing capacity would still increase during this year and next via a series of strategic alliances with other companies,http:/www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/apr/01/bp-solar,Q Cells SE,1999 founded, 2001 began with the production of silico
29、n solar cells with 19 employees. By 2009, 2,600 employees (2007, 1700 employees) Now the largest solar cell manufacturer in the world. (since 2007) Continue to expand production in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany and start construction of new Malaysian production facility. Alongside the monocrystalline a
30、nd polycrystalline (90% of business) core business, we use a wide range of technologies to develop and produce thin-film modules. (thin-film - 25% share of smaller market) 2008 Sales $1.69 B 2007 Sales $1.16 B profitable QCE: Frankfurt exchange,http:/www.q- and http:/,Sharp Solar,Subsidiary of Sharp
31、 Electronics, Osaka, Japan Produces silicon solar cells and thin film, leveraging silicon knowledge from LCD manufacturing 2008, capacity will reach 1.6 million square meters of thin-film modules, as we simultaneously build the worlds largest thin film manufacturing complex, capable of 10 million sq
32、uare meters per year. And this gigawatt-scale factory is only the first to come. Katsuga City, Nara and Sakai City, Osaka, Japan Thin film efficiency 9%, expecting 10% from GW factory line. Sharp powers more homes and businesses than any other solar mfg in the world. First mfgr to reach 2 GW cumulat
33、ive production since mass production start in 1963 Memphis, TN 100 MW manufacturing facility,http:/ and http:/,SunTech Power,BEIJING, Jan 12, 2009 (Xinhua via COMTEX) Chinas solar product maker SunTech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (STP.NYSE) recently laid off 800 workers or 10 percent of its total emplo
34、yees and postponed its previous plan on recruiting 2,000 people, said Shi Zhengrong, chairman and CEO. SunTech delayed plan to expand production capacity to 1.5 GW in 2009, which requires 2,000 more employees. Plants in Wuxi and other areas are in normal operation with more than 50% capacity running
35、, compared with 85% prior to financial meltdown. SunTech has received more than 800 MW of orders in 2009 including 650 MW from Europe. 2008 overall orders of 500 MW,http:/,SunTech Power,Sales $1.9B 2008, 1.3B 2007 profitable Employees: 6784 STP:NYSE Wuxi, China Worlds largest silicon cell maker Aver
36、age conversion efficiency rates of their monocrystalline and multicrystalline silicon PV cells 16.4% and 14.9% respectively 10 May 2009 announces plan to build manufacturing plant in US, now shopping states for incentives,http:/,Kyocera Solar,US Solar Division Scottsdale, AZ Subsidiary of Kyocera, K
37、yoto, Japan (KYO:NYSE) $13B 2008 2008 broke ground for new plant in Tianjin City, China to expand there from 60 MW to 240 MW by 2011. First one in China 03 2012 total production capacity to be 650 MW from Japan, Mexico, the Czech Republic and Tianjin. Technology built on knowledge of fine ceramics,
38、with metals, plastics, and electronics developed for copiers and printers,http:/,First Solar,TEMPE, Ariz.-(BUSINESS WIRE)-Feb. 24, 2009- First Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR) today announced it reduced its manufacturing cost for solar modules in the fourth quarter to 98 cents per watt, breaking the $1 pe
39、r watt price barrier. 2004 Began full commercial operation. Manufacturing capacity has grown to more than 500 MW in 2008 and will double in 2009 to more than 1 GW, the equivalent of an average-sized nuclear power plant. Escalating volumes accompanied by a rapid reduction in manufacturing costs. Manu
40、facturing costs have declined from over $3 per watt to less than $1 per watt. Further significant cost reductions are possible. First Solar has industrys first and only comprehensive pre-funded, end-of-life module collection and recycling program, recycling more than 90% of each collected module int
41、o new products. (A serious issue due to Cadmium-Telluride) High throughput, automated lines that integrate each production step, from CdTe semiconductor deposition to final assembly and test, in one continuous process. This advanced manufacturing process transforms a piece of glass into a complete s
42、olar module in less than 2.5 hours,First Solar,Sales $1.2B 2008, $504M 2007, profitable Employees: 3524 Tempe, AZ FSLR:NASDAQ,Motech Industries,Modern Technology for a Sustainable World Founded 1981, Motech Solar started 1997 2003 Publicly trades 6244: Taiwan Exchange 2008 8th largest manufacturer 2
43、72 MW crystalline and multi-crystal silicon solar cells Plants in Tianan,Taiwan and Kunshan, China 2008 Sales $691M, profitable 1,331 employees,.tw,Shell dumps wind, solar and hydro power in favor of biofuels,Shell will no longer invest in renewable technologies such as wind, solar and hydro power b
44、ecause they are not economic, the Anglo-Dutch oil company said today. 17 Mar 09 Sold US operations to SolarWorld - Germany,http:/www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/mar/17/royaldutchshell-energy,SolarWorld AG,SWV: Frankfurt exchange 1,825 employees Bonn, Germany with production in Freiborg and Sweden 2
45、006 acquired assets from Shell Solar which had been largest US solar products maker (fka Arco Solar and Siemens Solar) Camarillo, CA and Vancouver, WA 2007 acquired Komatsu silicon wafer production facility Hillsboro, OR Single and multi-crystalline silicon cells,http:/,Sun Power,Founded 1985, purchased by Cypress Semiconductor in 2004, spun out in 2008. SPWRA and SPWRB NASDAQ HQs in San Jose and Geneva, Switzerland 12 polysilicon solar cell line in Philippines with capacity 314 MW/yr Expansion plan for 1 GW capacity by 2010 High efficiency cells: 21-23% PG&E plans
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