1、PPT制作图集和模板大全,Internet,Internet,目前现状,数据一,数据二,季度达标值,上半年平均得分 83.30,上半年平均得分 82.79,总体,选题理由,内容,内容,服务质量水平,客户满意度,提升公司的竞争力,目标设定,内容,目标,内容,CFO,活动开展情况,xx,jeny,COO,内容 内容 内容,课题小组人员挂靠管理门店,zoe,leo,lee,活动开展情况,概述2,内容1,内容1,内容2,内容1,内容4,内容3,内容4,内容3,内容5,内容3,内容2,内容6,内容2,服务能力培训,概述1,概述3,活动开展情况,及时汇报活动情况,每月进度汇报,投稿报道,调研会汇报,轨迹记
2、录,活动成果,数据,活动成果,说明,说明,内容,说明,活动成果,说明,活动成果,创新性,说明,说明,效益性,说明,说明,说明,可复制性,可延续性,影响性,工作启发,总结,总结,The Supply Chain Process Model,Product,Description of the companys products,1,000,000,Product,Description of the companys products,900,000,Product,Description of the companys products,1,100,000,ThemeGallery is a
3、Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Contents text,Contents text,1. Describe contents for a Chart Description of the companys sub contents Description of the companys sub contents,2. Describe contents for a Chart
4、 Description of the companys sub contents Description of the companys sub contents,Chart Title in here,Products Description of the companys products,Service Description of the companys service,Technology Description of the companys technology,Market Description of the companys market,Text,Text,Text,
5、Text,Title Add your text,Add your text in here Your text in here Your text in here Your text in here Add your text in here Your text in here Your text in here Your text in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Con
6、tent & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,Description of the products Description of the business,Description of the business,Description of the products Description of the business,Description of the pro
7、ducts,Description of the products Description of the business,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Title,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Your text in here,Text in here,Add your text in here,Add your text in here,Ad
8、d your text,Add your text,Add your text,Add your text,Add your text,Your Slogan here,10,5,60,25,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,Your text in here Your text in here Your text in here,Your text in here Your text in here Your text in here,Your text
9、 in here Your text in here Your text in here,Click to add Text,Your text in here Your text in here Your text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,Add your text in here,Subtitle,
10、Subtitle,Subtitle,Subtitle,A title about content,Subtitle01,Subtitle02,Subtitle03,Subtitle04,2005 Company Content,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,eCRM,WCMS,I
11、RM/PRM,Mailing,MES,CTI,PABX,IBS,Network Integration Automation System Enterprise Network,CRM/DW,EIP/EKP,ERP/SCM,GW/KMS,SI consulting SI development SI management,Web consulting Web development Web management,NI Area,SI Area,Web SI Area,eBiz Solutions & Service,Web SI Area SI Area NI Area System Area
12、,Company Logo,Table,Company Logo,Block Diagram,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,Company Logo,Table,Company Logo,3-D Pie Chart,Company Logo,Marketing Diagram,DW/E-CRM / CRM,E-Marketplace,SCM,ElS,GW/KMS,ERP,CMS,Management & Business,B2B,Marketplace,IPS,EIP/EKP,PMS,Partner & Supplier,Customer,B2
13、E,B2C,B2M,eBiz Sector & Solutions,2004,Consulting,eSolution,2004,Web Building,Web integration Publishing DB generation,Web Design,Innovation,Operation,Optimization,Business & IT Strategy,Supply Chain Execution,eBiz Enterprise Management,SI Area NI Area Solution Area SM Area Internet Area R&D Area Co
14、nsulting Area,SI Business Area,SI consulting SI development SI management N/W management New technology,Network Integration - Network Consulting - Network Integration - Network Management,CRM,Forecasting, Opportunity Management, Configuration, Generation,Forecasting, Customer Care Spare Management,F
15、orecasting Personalization Campaign Management Marketing Encyclopedia,ERP,CMS,SCM,EIP,eStrategy,Solution & Service - SI Development & Solutions,Marketing,Sales,Services,One-Stop Service,10,10,5,5,BSP,IT consulting IT development IT management N/W management New technology,Wireless Internet,Web Conte
16、nts,Web Mailing,Web SI,eBiz Solutions & Service,BSP Area Internet Area SI Area NI Area Consulting Area,BSP MU : (Business Service Provider Management Unit,Internet Area BSP Area SI Area NI Area,55,15,20,10,eBiz Solutions & Service,Consulting for eBiz eStrategy Consulting. eManagement Consulting eBus
17、iness Restructure Consulting e-CRM,e-Marketing Consulting,e-Solution/ e-Infra/ e-Infra,SI consulting & management,Network Integration / Automation System,IT development & management,SCM,CRM,e-Supply chain Management,e-Customer Relationship Management,E-biz transformation,System, -,- Supply Chain,ERP
18、/EIP,e-Business Perspective,eBiz Consulting,e-Marketing & Promotion,eCreative & Contents,eBiz SI & Solutions,eBiz Service Domain,eBiz Total Service,e-CRM function,e-Customer Relationship Management,e-CRM,e-CRM,Adaptation,Analysis,Data Gathering,eBiz Solution analysis _e-CRM,/ ,46,22,19,Source:Execut
19、ive Issues Survey CEO Global Business Study,The Alexander Group, Incorporated,7,6,Summary,CEO,1 2 3 4 / 5 Restructuring 6 7 (Globalization) 8 9 (Geopolitical),1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Restructuring 8 (Globalization) 9 (Value-Added Supplier Relationships,Click to add title,Click to add title,Click to add title,
20、Click to add title,1,2,3,4,Contents,Diagram,Positioning,Products,Targeting,Marketing Plan,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Your text in here,Diagram,01.Title Add
21、your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,02.Title Add your text in here Add your text in here Add your text in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,Diagram,Text,Text,Text,Description of the contents Description of the conten
22、ts,Description of the contents Description of the contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Description of the companys products Description of the companys business Description of the companys technology
23、 Description of the companys contents,Description of the companys products Description of the companys business Description of the companys technology Description of the companys contents,Diagram,Description of the companys products Description of the companys business Description of the companys te
24、chnology Description of the companys contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Text,Text,Text,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Diagram,Diagram,Text in he
25、re,Text in here,contents,Description of the contents,Title in here,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc,PACS,ERP,CRM,EIP,Mailing,B2Emall,Integration Developers,Chart Title in here,Chart Title in here,Chart Title in here,Chart Title in here,Project Su
26、pervisor,Source of Projects,- - Open-source,I,II,III,IV,I,):,126 (46.3,03,257 (38,1,170 (46,933 (41.6,03,04,04,Value-chain,(00) : 1.059, 1.147 * (00) : 70.6, 187.9, 205.9,80% * 100(04) : 82, 79, 77,R&D * 90% * (56.4%), (20.9%) (04, ( ),1,2,3,2,4,5,Company Organization,Company,Organization,eBiz Solut
27、ion,Consulting,Internet Biz,System,Solution Mu,R&D MU,Planning MU,INFRA MU,Organization,Planning & Public,Supporting Team,President & CEO,CS team Biz 1 team Biz 2 team Biz 3 team,Sales 1 team Sales 2 team SI System team SI Develop team,Sales 1 team Sales 2 team Automation team Network team,Consultin
28、g 1 team Consulting 2 team Consulting 3 team,eBiz team Solution team,SI MU,INFRA MU,Consulting MU,R&D MU,BSP MU,Organization,How to reach online user and provide Customised In-depth product information,How to sell products and process orders Over the Web,What are new offerings, unique to the Web,How
29、 to revolutionise business models and shift value creation,Product/Service Innovation,Business Model Innovation,Marketing Innovation,Channel Innovation,Source : Arthur D.Little,eBusiness Perspective,e-Business,Channel Enhancement,Value Chain Integration,Convergence,Industry Transformation,Win-Win,(:
30、 ) ,PwC,eBusiness,Web SI - Web SI Consulting - Web Applications - Web Solutions,e-Biz / M-biz - e-Biz Consulting - e- Biz Integration - e-Biz Solutions,e-Biz Total - e-Total Consulting - e- Biz Total Integration - e- Biz Total Solution,Business Value,100,250,300,120,400,700,Degree of Innovation,Web
31、build - Web Planning - Design/Component,Web build - Web Planning - Design/Component,Web SI - Web SI Consulting - Web Applications - Web Solutions,e-Biz / M-biz - e-Biz Consulting - e- Biz Integration - e-Biz Solutions,e-Biz Total - e-Total Consulting - e- Biz Total Integration - e- Biz Total Solutio
32、n,Business Value,100,250,300,120,400,700,Degree of Innovation,Knowledge Management,e-Commerce services,CRM,ERP,SCM,Business Intelligence,enablement Service,Web + IT Integration,Business Value,Technology Value,Suppliers,Customers,e-Business Perspective,IBM,Technology & Communications Infrastructure,e
33、Biz Solutions,eBiz Integration,eBiz Strategy,B2E,B2B,B2C,B2M,Product Leadership,Relationship management,e-Business Transformation,e-Business planning,Mailing,Business,SCM,e- Automation,PABX,e-Market,ERP,MES,IBS,EDMS,Group D,GW,HRM,PRM,DW,IRM,KMS,EIP,WCMS,RMS,ERM,e-IPS,e-Fax,e-Search,e-CTI,e-Communit
34、y,Employee,Customer,eBiz Solution analysis _CRM,CRM : Customer Relationship Management,e-CRM,CRM,e-CRM,Customer,Customer,Customer,Customer,Customer,Customer,CRM,:,:,CRM System,one to one marketing,eBiz Solution analysis _CRM,CRM,Customer Relationship Management,Information,Portal,eGS,Transaction,Inf
35、ormation,eGS,eGS,Transaction,Portal,e-Gov. Service Integration,e-Government Service Network,e- Company System Network,SCM System,EKP/EIP System,CRM System,Supply chain Integration,Enterprise Knowledge Information Portal,Customer DB Integration,EUROPE,ASIA,N. AMERICA,S. AMERICA,OCEANIA,AFRICA,SCM ERP
36、 EKP/EIP,eBiz Solution,EUROPE,ASIA,S. AMERICA,OCEANIA,AFRICA,Global network,Los Angeles ARTCOMPT(AMERICA), INC. TEL : 1-714-999-8990 FAX : 1-754-999-9901,N. AMERICA,Web Agency Service Domain,Web Building,Web Solution,Web Consulting,Web CI Web Design Web application,e-Business Consulting Market Analy
37、sis,e-Marketing,E-CRM,e-Marketplace,SCM,Supplier,Customer,Supplier,Customer, Order Fulfillment,e-Business Value Chain,Consulting,Marketing,Contents,Flash,Design,Coding,CTI,UMS,Mailing,Server,D/B,Creative,Interaction,System,ebiz Integration,Strategy,Sopping,eCRM,IRM,VOC/ RMS,e- Learning,Interactive F
38、ull Service,ebiz,eSolution,eBiz Sector & Solution,eSolution,LIFE,System,INFORMATION,COMMUNICATION,Techno Village,/ /,Mail+SMS+Fax,DB,eBiz Total Service,eBiz Strategy,eBiz Operation,eBiz Consulting,Planning,Contents,Solution,Marketing,eBusiness Integrator,eBiz Building,eBiz total service,eBusiness Tr
39、ansformation,Supplier,Supplier,Supplier,stockholder,Employees,On-line,Off-line,SCM ERP IPS,eCompany,EIP/KMS/GW,IRM/RMS/PRM,WebSite CRM/CP,Partners,eCompany,SCM/IPS,DW/CRM,Customer,Stockholder,Supplier,eCompany,IRM/RIS,GW/KMS,ERP/EIP,Data Integration,Enterprise CRM,eCRM,Data Warehousing/Integration,W
40、eb LogData,Data Base,TransactionData,Customer Profile,SM MU,SI MU,NI MU,R&D MU,eBiz Total Service,eBiz Total Service,E-Mail,EDMS,GW,KMS,2(,ERP,1 (,CRM,SCM,E-Planning,Office Management System,Customer A,Customer B,Customer C,Supplier A,Supplier B,Supplier C,eBiz Consulting,eBiz Solutions,eBiz Integra
41、tion,eBiz Solutions & Service,Internet Area BSP Area SI Area NI Area,1.,5.,4.,3.,2.,1.,( ) ? ,Site ,Site Site ( , ) ,/ ? , ,eCRM,e-CRM,2,2,3.,2.,4.,5.,6.,1.,2,(,/,: 100 / : 10,/ (,5,Strategy,Contents,Solution,Brand A,Brand B,Ebiz,Brand C,Summary,Integration Branding & Identity,Off-line On-line Busin
42、ess WCMS e-CRM,1. 7 ( ) 2. Web Solution,Off line Business On line Business,Vision,Mission,Planning,1. Summary,Supplier,Customer,eCompany,Partner,Stockholder,Employee,IPS SCM,IRM PRM,e-Marketing,GW+KMS EDMS,Buy Side,Sell Side,ERP EIP,e-Business Sector & Solutions,Customer,Partner,Shareholder,Employee
43、,e-Business Solutions,Sales Team,System Team,Consulting Team,SI MU,Network Team,Automation System Team,Enterprise Network Team,NI MU,eBiz,CRM,EIP,R&D,eBiz Collaboration Network,Website Strategy,Site E,Site B,Site H,Site F,Site A,Site G,E-biz Transformation,AS IS,TO BE,Site C,Site D,Strategy and Impl
44、ementation,e-Shopping,Information,eBusiness,Business Function & Strategy,Himart,2.,Publish,Interact,Transact,Integrate,Customer Information Access HSE Communication,Customer and Technical Support Supplier Relationship Management,Electronic Order to Cash Electronic Procurement Supplier Bidding & Sele
45、ction,Integrated Planning and Forecasting Integrated Plant Management,e-Business _Fulfill Demand,Proposal,Web Site System,Value,2003,2004,2005,2006,/,e-Branding B2B / B2E Web (EIP) personalization(e-CRM / DM,E-Biz,1,2,3,Branding & Identity (Web CI) Business / (Site Concept) System & Solutions,Web Si
46、te,2003,2004,EIP,e-Biz SI,Web SI,Web,2005,eBiz Planning eBiz Integration e-Package/Solution e-learning Solution e-Total Marketing,Web Identity Web Contents Web Promotion Web Applications,Web SI Planning Web System Integration SMS / eFax / Mailing eCRM / IRM / CMS e-Marketing(PRM,Web SI & eSolution,e
47、-biz Total Solution,eBiz Value,eBiz Transformation,e-Business,Convergence,Industry Transformation,Value ChainIntegration,Channel Enhancement,: PwC,eBiz Transformation,Solution Development,30,60,30,60,Customer,Customer,Supplier,Supplier,Loyalty,System Integration,eCRM IRM PRM,Solution Development,eOf
48、fice,eConsulting,eVenture,eSolution,eCompany,Business Domain,eBiz Strategy Consulting. eBiz Management Consulting eBiz Restructure Consulting,eCRM(Web call center) eCommunity eFAX(Dial Fax) eIRM WCMS,Real estate portal Network swap service Internet Fax Tour portal Internet broadcasting Community por
49、tal,EDMS GroupWare Enterprise Knowledge Internet Purchasing System,Application,Web DB Integration Mobile Application Customer Integrated,Home Page,System,Solution,e-branding Web Style Guide On-line Marketing,DB/Web Server Multimedia Server Wireless/Security,e-CRM e-Marketing WCMS,e-Business Transfor
50、mation,Marketing Innovation,Channel Innovation,eOffice Solution Planning,/,45,15,5,35,KMS,EIS,EDMS,SCM,CRM,Non-formal Information,Enterprise Knowledge/Information Portal,EKP-EIP,Solution & Service - SI Development & Solutions,GW,ERP,How convenient would it be, if we can view all the numerous informa
51、tion scattered on the internet, such as Intranet, GroupWare,(ERP),(CRM),(SCM) gathered in single screen,eBiz Solution,eCRM,2003,2004,2002,SMS,CMS,PMS,EIP,ERP,SCM,Electronic Decision Making,E-mail,E-board,Schedule Management,MIS,Name Card Management,Career Management,Human Relationship Management,Sur
52、vey,messenger,GW eagleOffice,Solution & Service - eagleOffice,Defense Defense, the Agency for nationalsecurity institution etc,Finance Bank, Insurance, Security, Credit Card, Investment Trust etc,Chemistry Petrochemical, heavy chemical/ explosive/energy etc,Service Distribution /service/leisure/ edu
53、cational institution etc,Public sector Government organization/ government investment institution etc,Industry Machine, construction, assembling, equipment etc,SI MU Business Fields,Business Fields : SI MU,_,800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,200
54、6,2007,182,475,730,34,192,305,343,385,289,924 :742,:,2001,2002,2003,400,700,1,500,250,Value Profit,350,500,Solution,2,000,:,2004,700,CMS,GW/KMS,ERP,CRM/DW,UMS,EIP,SCM,PMS,CMS,2003,IT,IT,100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0,240 200 160 120 80 40 0,143,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,133,154,157,147,157,154,153,1
55、71,190,186,IT,:,34.7,27.7,20.8,12.9,16.2,10.0,18.2,27.4,26.7,31.3,24.7,2004,:,2003,2004,2005,1,000,500,1,500,20,12,600,400,300,500,1,000,15,IT,228,24,20,41,59,67,40,52,134,174,73,137,228,310,162,2,6,10,117,166,:16,:16.6,KISDI,400,1,000,9 IT,S/W,SoC,TV,Post-PC,S/W,2002,2007,2002,2007,1,300 1,200 1,10
56、0 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,:,924 :742,61,166,195,238,369,611,924,1337,350,551,538,543,561,645,742,862,1,007,_,44.9,2.3,9.4,15.9,15.4,12.3,eBiz Service & Solutions,10,15,20,55,2004,Web Service & Solution,eBiz Consulting,SI Service & Soluti
57、on,Network Integration,50,15,10,10,15,30,20,30,7,10,5,SCM CMS ERM ERP KMS HRM,SCM (Supply Chain Management,2004,2003,ERM (Enterprise Resource Management,SI Development & Solutions,IT.,:,IT,IT,10 20 50 100 100,100 (845,10 (4,159,5 10 100 200 200,30,30,40,50,: ,100 80 60 40 20 0,1,2,3,4,Solution,CMS,G
58、W/KMS,PMS,SCM,946,973,989,1,078,1,110,1,195,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000,450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0,:,2004 1,10,000,20,000,Solution,21,626,18,122,9,807,7,984,7,467,10,266,14,073,7,810,ERP CRM/DW KMS/GW EDMS WCMS Mailing Community B2B FAX,:,50,100,Solution,ERP CRM/D
59、W KMS/GW EDMS WCMS Mailing Community B2B FAX,97,87,75,52,55,75,65,100,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,Product,:,5,000,6,800,5,500,8,000,6,500,5,500,Extension,Front end,Back end,B2C / e-Community / Cyber IR Web Business / e-Marketing,System (HW) / Network(LAN,WAN) Solutions / Applications,9,000,5,000,4,500,
60、7,500,2004,目录,媒体报道不断,媒体选择,报刊,短信,电视,广播,户外广告,在船未到达城市前,即展开充分的舆论攻势,形成民众期盼的氛围,首开先河、气 势磅礴、政企 合作、群众参 与、舟山特色 等,烘托和渲染氛围,增加参与性和娱乐性,制造诉求,先期宣传,持续报道,宣传策略,Case 001,Advertising Strategy,Corporate image AD,Product AD,Director,AE / PI,Director,Animator,designer,CEO,R&D Team,Design Team,Chief Executive Officer,Invest
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