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1、名校名 推荐unit 1 women of achievement课时精练人教版必修4(建议用时: 30 分钟 )一、完形填空i woke up this morning with a fright!there appeared to be a mouse in my bed tickling my nose and _1_ scratching me.it had to be a mouse, for those tiny sharp little nails were scratching me all across my _2_.it couldnt have been a(n) _3_

2、 as i didnt own any pets; it couldnt have been a rat, because if what i had read about rats was _4_ , their sharp teeth could _5_ their way through solid stone.they do this because their front teeth never stop growing and this is the only way to keep them _6_.i didnt dare to open my eyes and face th

3、e _7_ of the disgusting mouse in the bed with me.ifelt so dirty and _8_.i didnt want to change my position either,_9_ the mouse would slideonto other areas of my body, which would _10_ give me horrible dreams for years to come!despite my fears, i finally decided to swiftly _11_ the mouse away.but it

4、 _12_ ! i did it again and again and it kept coming back, every single time.there was no way out.i had to face my enemy.i took a breath, gathered my _13_ and slowly opened my eyes.to my relief, i saw something far _14_ than a mouse and it all came back to me.i had put my baby daughter rebecca into b

5、ed beside me after her first bottle in the morning!that also _15_me: i needed to trim ( 修剪 ) her nails.()1.a.warmly b lightlyc wildlyd thoroughly()2.a.footbhandc stomachd face()3.a.mouseb insectc catd.fly()4.a.truebsuitablec interestingd clear()5.a.fightb pullc carved.wind()6.a.strongb sharpc slimd.

6、short()7.a.horrorb thoughtc riskd.cost()8.a.tiredb stupidc uncomfortabled disappointed()9.a.hopingb fearingc assumingd.doubting()10.a.graduallyb temporarilyc surelyd hardly()11.a.throwb brushc keepd.send()12.a.returnedbrepeatedc droppedd stayed()13.a.memoriesb thoughtsc energyd courage()14.a.softerb

7、 cutercuglierd worse()15.a.hurtb fearedc remindedd.interested二、语法填空howto protectanimals? as isoftenread inthenewspaper reports, wild life (1)_(especial) the rare species is threatenedwithextinction.humanbeingsare makingattempts(2)_ (kill) wild animalsfor abigprofit,(3)_, of course, results ina sharp

8、decrease in the number of animals.so it is hightimefor us totake quickmeasures to protectthem.first of all,(4)_ is quitenecessary forevery citizento realize the importance ofanimal protection.only(5)_ knowingits importancecan peopledevelop asense of1名校名 推荐(6)_ (responsible) people will surely take i

9、t for granted to have the duty to prevent anykilling of wild animals.so a national publicity campaign should be launched, thus giving animals(7)_ good living environment.inaddition,the government shouldpass some laws toforbid any hunting of rare animals.we dontexpect anything harmful(8)_wild lifetoh

10、appen again.(9)_ everyone (10)_ (involve) in the protection of wild life, weresure man will be a good friend of animals rather than their enemy.三、阅读理解(2014 届中山华侨中学三模)humansare naturally drawn to other life forms and the worldsoutside of our own.wetakedelight in the existence of creatures and even wh

11、ole societies beyond our everyday lives.thissense of wonder is universal.lookattheefforts that scientists have madetofindoutwhetherlife ofsome kindexists on mars,andthe popularity offantasy (幻想 )literatureormovies like the lord of therings.this sense ofwonder draws us toeach other, tothe worldaround

12、 us, and to the world of make-believe.buthave we gone so far increating worldsoffantasy that we are missing the pleasure of other worlds that already exist all around us?humanbeings, as biologists have suggested, possess an inborndesire toconnectwithandunderstandother life forms.however, people, esp

13、ecially in big cities,oftenlead ratherisolatedlives.in a study of british schoolchildren, it was found that children by age eight were much morefamiliarwithcharactersfrom television shows and videogames thancommonwildlife.without_modern_technology,_a_small_pond_could_be_an_amazing_world_filled_with_

14、strange_and_beautiful_plants,_insects,_birds,_and_animals.whenwelackmeaningfulinteraction with the world around us, and sometimes even with our families and friends, we seekto understand and communicate with things that exist only in our imaginations or on a computerscreen.the world of make- believe

15、 is not necessarily bad, but when the world of fantasy becomes theonlyoutletforour sense of wonder, thenwe are really missingsomething.we are missing aconnectionwiththe livingworld.otherwonderfulworlds exist all aroundus.buteven moreinteresting is that if we look closely enough, we can see that thes

16、e worlds, in a broad sense, arereally part of our own.()1.what man is curious about is mainly _.a the unknown worldb the unusual eventsc the daily triflesd the isolated lives()2.the popularity of the lord of the rings proves _.a the close connection between man and the fantasy worldb the wonderful a

17、chievements of fantasy literaturec the fine taste of moviegoers around the worldd the general existence of the sense of curiosity()3.what can we infer from the underlined sentence in paragraph 3?a people are far less familiar with the world of fantasy.b the world around us could serve as a source of

18、 wonder.c the world of fantasy can be mirrored by a small and lively pond.d modern technology prevents us from developing our sense of wonder.2名校名 推荐()4.if our sense of wonder relies totally on the world of make-believe, we will _.a fail to appreciate the joy in our livesb be confused by the world o

19、f make- believec miss the chance to recognize the fantasy worldd be trapped by other worlds existing all around us()5.what is the main purpose of the passage?a to show us the hidden beauty in our world.b to warn us not to get lost in the fantasy world.c to argue against the misuse of the sense of wo

20、nder.d to discuss the influence of the world of make- believe.一、本文是一篇 叙文。 把床 抓她的女儿 是小老鼠,最后才意 到 女儿修剪指甲了。1b此 表示 “ 微地抓 ”,故 b。2d根据上一句中的 nose 可知 face。句意:那肯定是只老鼠,因 那些 利的小指甲在我的整 上抓着。3c由“ pets可”知 cat。4a由句意 “如果我 老鼠 (大老鼠 )的 知是 的 , 他 利的牙 可以 硬的石 。 ”可知。5c由“ stone可”知填 carve 比 合适。6d句意:他 的 牙一直在生 ,所以 是使牙 保持短小的唯一方法。7

21、a句意:我不敢 开眼睛去面 在我床上有 心的小老鼠的可怕景象。8c根据前面的 “ felt dirty可推 ”, “我 ” 得不舒服。9b同 复 。根据下文的 “ despite my fears可知 ” b。句意:我也不想 ,怕小老鼠会滑 我身体的其他部位,否 一定会 我 来多年的噩梦。10 c根据句意可 c。 surely 一定。11 b句意:我最后决定迅速地把小老鼠 掉。其他三 不符合 境。12 a同 复 。根据下文 “ it kept coming back 可知 ”a。 return come back 回来。13 d由句意 “我鼓起勇气 开眼睛。”可知。14 b由句意 “我看到比小

22、老鼠可 多了的小 西。”可知。其他三 不符合 。15 c句意:那也提醒了我,我需要帮她修剪指甲了。remind 提醒。二、本文 人 大量捕 物的事 , 表了作者的看法,并提出了解决 的措施。1especially especially 意 “尤其是 ”,副 修 整个句子。2to kill固定搭配 make attempts to do sth. 企 做某事。3whichwhich 在此 引 非限定性定 从句,作主 ,指代前面整个句子。4itit is adj. for sb.to do sth. 做某事 某人来 是的。5byby 在此 表方式,意 “凭借;通 ”。6responsibility a sen


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