高考英语母题题源系列 专题16 完形填空(故事类)(含解析)_第1页
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1、母题十六 完形填空 【母题来源】【2016北京】【母题原题】【2016北京】完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲该项涂黑。A Race Against DeathIt was a cold January in 1925 in North Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.On the 20th of that month, Dr.Welch 36 a Sick

2、boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的)disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 37 if it struck the town. Dr.Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 38 , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorag

3、e.How could the medicine get to Nome? The towns 39 was already full of ice, so it couldnt come by ship. Cars and horses couldnt travel on the 40 roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didnt exist yet. 41 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twemty more were 42 . Nomes town officials cam

4、e up with a(n) 43 . They would have the medicine sent by 44 from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, dogeled(狗拉雪橇)driversknown as “mushers”would 45 it to Nome in a relay(接力).The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. 46 h

5、e handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannons face was black from the extreme cold.On January 31,a musher named Seppala had to 47 a frozen body of water called Norton Sound .It was the most 48 part of the journey. Norton Sound was covered with ice,which could sometimes break up without warning.

6、If that happened,Seppala might fall into the icy water below.He would 49 ,and so would the sick children of Nome.But Seppala made it across.A huge snowstorm hit on February 1.Amusher named Kaasen had to brave this storm.At one point,huge piles of sonw blocked his 50 .He had to leave the trail (雪橇痕迹)

7、to get around them.Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to 51 the trail again. The only hope was Balto,Kaasens lead dog, Balto put his nose to the ground, 52 to find the smell of other dogs that had traveled on the trail.If Balto failed,it would mean disaster for Nome.The minutes pa

8、ssed by.Suddenly, Balto began to 53 .He had found the trail.At 5:30 am on February 2, Kaasen and his dog 54 in Nome. Within minutes,Dr.Welch had the medicine.He quickly gave it to the sick children.All of them recovered.Nome had been 55 .36.A.examined B.warned C.interviewed D.cured37.A.harmless B.he

9、lpless C. fearless D.careless38.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However39.A.airport B.station C. harbor D.border40.A.narrow B. snowy C.busy D.dirty41.A.From B.On C.By D.After42.A.tired B.upset C. pale D.sick43.A.plan B.excuse C.message D.topic44.A.air B.rail C. sea D.road45.A.carry B.return C.

10、mail D.give46.A.Though B.Since C. When D.If47.A.enter B.move C. visit D.cross48.A.shameful B.boring C.dangerous D.foolish49.A.escape B.bleed C. swim D.die50.A.memory B.exit C.way D.destination51.A.find B.fix C. pass D.change52.A.pretending B.trying C. asking D.learning53.A.run B.leave C. bite D.play

11、54.A.gathered B.stayed C. camped D.arrived55.A.controlledB.saved C.founded D.developed【答案】36.A37.B38.D39.C40.B41.C42.D43.A44.B45.A46.C47.D48.C49.D50.C51.A52.B53.A54.D55.B【解析】37. B考查形容词辨析。A.harmless无害的;B.helpless无望的;C. fearless不怕的;D.careless粗心的。如果白喉肆虐诺姆,那里的孩子们都将面临死亡,故选B。38. D考查副词辨析。A.Moreover而且;B.The

12、refore因此;C.Otherwise否则;D.However然而。然而,最近的药品供应站距离诺姆一千多里,前后是转折关系,故选D。39. C考查名词辨析。A.airport机场; B.station车站;C. harbor 港口;D.border边境。根据“so it couldnt come by ship”可知,这里指港口结冰,故选C。40. B考查形容词辨析。A.narrow狭窄的;B. snowy被雪覆盖的;C.busy繁忙的;D.dirty脏的。根据第一段可知,大雪覆盖了道路,汽车和马都不能通行,故选B。41. C考查介词辨析。A.From从,自;B.On在.上面;C.By通过,

13、在.之前;D.After在.之后。by+时间,与完成时连用,后跟过去的时间,用过去完成时;跟将来的时间,用将来完成时,故选C。42. D考查形容词辨析。A.tired劳累的;B.upset难过的;C. pale苍白的;D.sick生病的。四个孩子相继去世,还有20几个患病,故选D。43. A考查名词辨析。A.plan计划;B.excuse借口;C.message信息;D.topic话题。当地的官员想到了一个计划,故选A。44. B考查名词辨析。A.air空气;B.rail栏杆,铁轨;C. sea海洋;D.road道路。根据下一段“from the train at Nenana”可知,药物被用

14、火车运到Nenana,故选B。45. A考查动词辨析。A.carry运送,携带;B.return返回,归还;C. mail邮寄;D.give给。然后再由乘坐狗拉的雪橇的人把药物接力送到诺姆,故选A。46. C考查时间状语从句。A.Though虽然;B.Since因为,自从;C. When当;D.If如果。当他把药物交给下一个人时,他的脸已经被冻得乌青,故选C。47. D考查动词辨析。A.enter进入;B.move移动;C. visit拜访;D.cross穿过。根据“Norton Sound was covered with ice”可知,Norton Sound是一片冰冻的水域,Seppal

15、a必须穿过这片水域,故选D。48. C考查形容词辨析。A.shameful惭愧的;B.boring令人厌烦的;C.dangerous危险的;D.foolish愚蠢的。根据“which could sometimes break up without warning”可知,这是旅途最难的一部分,故选C。49. D考查动词辨析。A.escape逃跑;B.bleed流血;C. swim游泳;D.die死亡。如果掉进寒冷的水中,Seppala会被冻死,诺姆的病童们也会去世,故选D。50. C考查名词辨析。A.memory记忆;B.exit出口;C.way道路;D.destination目的地。根据下一

16、句可知,有的地方被大雪挡住了去路,Seppala不得不绕道行驶,故选C。51. A考查动词辨析。A.find找到;B.fix固定,安装;C. pass通过;D.change改变。当时的天气状况极差,Seppala找到雪橇轨道是不可能的,只能靠他的狗,故选A。52. B考查动词辨析。A.pretending假装;B.trying努力;C. asking问,要求;D.learning学会。Seppala的雪橇狗努力嗅着其它狗的味道,故选B。考点:人物故事类短文阅读【名师点睛】完型填空题的命题特点及答题方法:1.侧重基础知识,考查学生语言知识的能力完型填空以文入手,结合文章的内容考查学生的基础知识,

17、主要是词语搭配、固定句型、近义词辨析、辨析句子结构、掌握语法规则的能力,其中考查实词居多。2.上下文对照,考查学生捕捉关键词的能力解完型填空题时,单独看一句话是找不到正确答案的,需要注意句子间的关系及句子与段落的关系。所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相同的关键词。因此,在做题时要边读边在大脑中储存上下文信息的能力,捕捉关键词。例如第39空:A.airport机场; B.station车站;C. harbor 港口;D.border边境。根据“so it couldnt come by ship”可知,这里指港口结冰,故选C。3.设置语境,考查学生的分析推理能力旨在考查学生在选项都符

18、合语法及句子结构的情况下能否利用前后语境去推断出正确答案。4.结合生活,考查学生利用常识题的能力目的考查学生的生活常识,看看学生是否善于观察生活,积累生活常识,能否利用常识去做恰当的选择。5.关注连词,考查学生对行文逻辑、句子关联的理解能力此项用来考查学生在缺少连词的情况想,通过阅读能否理解句子的与句子的关系,是否了解行文逻辑的要求,能否掌握表示因果、转折、并列、条件、让步等的连词的用法。例如第46空:A.Though虽然;B.Since因为,自从;C. When当;D.If如果。当他把药物交给下一个人时,他的脸已经被冻得乌青,故选C。【命题意图】完形填空的命题思想是将词汇用法作为重点,以篇章

19、理解为基础,考核学生的语法知识和对词汇的运用能力。【考试方向】 这类试题在考查题型上,通常基本以记叙文和夹叙夹议类文章为主,文章词数250-300之间,有时兼顾说明文和议论文。【得分要点】1完形填空技法之首句理解首句是了解文章全貌的窗口。一般来说,记叙文类的文章的首句会交代4个W(when,where,who,what),说明文类的文章的首句会解释要说明的对象,议论文类的文章的首句会提出一个论点。首句往往是整篇文章的统领句,概括了整篇文章的中心和写作意图。而且每段的首句通常有承上启下的作用,是文章发展过程中的重要线索。细读首句可以判断文章体裁,预测文章大意和主旨。读懂首句可以帮助考生建立正确的


21、辑关系。答题时,考生首先要树立起语篇概念,抓住文章主题思想,理清其结构布局, 明辨句子之间以及段落之间的关系,利用句与句、句群与句群之间的逻辑关系解题。句子之间的逻辑关系主要包括:并列关系(连接词有and,while等);转折关系(连接词有but,however,whereas,nevertheless等);因果关系(连接词有so,therefore,thus,because, for,since,as等);让步关系(连接词或短语有though,although,despite, in spite of等);条件关系(连接词或短语有if,unless, once,provided that,i

22、n case of等);解释关系(连接词或短语有i.e.,that is to say, in other words等);顺序关系(连接词有before,after,and,first,second,then,next, finally等)。3完形填空技法之词汇复现词汇复现包括原词复现、同义词复现、同根词复现、概括词复现以及结构复现等。完形填空所选的文章都是具有逻辑关系、意义相连的语篇,因此,在行文中不可避免地会出现词语的复现、前后同义或反义、相互照应等现象。所以,解题时应联系上下文寻找相关线索,如某一个词的原词、指代词、同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词和概括词等。但由于我们在做题时不可能总是

23、重复地阅读文章,因此,在做完形填空时要培养一种捕捉并记忆相关信息的能力。4完形填空技法之搭配习惯英语语言中的很多词汇均以短语搭配的形式出现,完形填空中的词汇也不例外。很多时候,在分析语境、理清空白处含义的基础上,利用对词汇前后搭配的分析可以快速、准确地推断完形填空的未知信息。所谓前后搭配主要是指动词(名词、形容词等)与介词的搭配、动词与其宾语的搭配、句式结构和各种习惯搭配。在解答完形填空题时,充分考虑这些搭配关系,有助于我们做出正确选择。【母题1】完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(AB.C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。If life were

24、a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that_ my life forever.One day l went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than24 hours later,1 was in a _ on life support with less than two percent_ of living. It was

25、nt until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a _blood infection. Over the45of 2.5 months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knee. When my parents _ me out of the hospital, I_ that I had been put together like a patchwork(拼缝物)doll and I had to live with _ legs. I

26、was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, _streaming down.But I knew in order to move forward, I had to let go of the Old Amy and_ the New Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant_ .And that is when it _ me that I didnt have to be five-foot-five anymore, _ I could be a

27、s tall as l wanted. And _ of all ,I can make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were_here.Four months later,1 was back upon a _ .And this February, I won two Board World Cup gold medals, _me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world.So, instead of looking at our_ and our limitations as so

28、mething_ or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful _ that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.21A.saved B. risked C. ruined D. changed22A.hospital B. club C. f ield D. stadium23A.thought B. degree C. chance D. decision24A. mild B. severe C. potential D. slight25

29、A.journey B. break C. course D. schedule26A.wheeled B. dragged C.pulled D. delivered27A.made sure B. felt like C. worked out D. put forward28A.muscled B.heavy C. shapely D. false29A.blood B.sweat C. tears D. water30A.hug B. recognize C. fix D. introduce31A.plan B. question C. information D. favor32A

30、.dawned on B. knocked into C. depended on D.looked into33A.although B. so C. while D. but34A.first B. strangest C. best D. luckiest35A.struggles B. benefits C. rewards D. conflicts36A.stage B. snowboard C. track D. playground37A.allowing B. giving C. calling D. making38A.challenges B. achievements C

31、.devotions D. hesitations39A.active B. amazing C. negative D. terminal40A.ability B. skill C. tool D. gift【来源】2016届河北石家庄市高三复习教学质量检测(二)英语试卷(带解析)【答案】21D22A23C24B25C26A27B28D29C30A31B32A33D34C35B36B37D38A39C40D22A考查名词。A.hospital医院;B. club俱乐部;C. f ield领域,田地;D. stadium体育场,后面提到作者靠着设备支撑生命,故选A。23C考查名词。A.tho

32、ught思考;B. degree程度,等级;C. chance机会;D. decision决心,作者生命十分危险,只有20%的几率活下来,故选C。24B考查形容词。A. mild温和的;B. severe剧烈的;C. potential潜在的;D. slight细微的,根据下的描述,作者得的是很严重的病,故选B。25C考查名词。A.journey旅程;B. break间歇;C. course过程;D. schedule计划表,作者的治疗是持续了两个半的过程,故选C。26A考查动词。wheeled滚动;B. dragged拖动;C .pulled拉扯;D. delivered递送,前文提到作者失

33、去双腿,可以推断是由父母推轮椅出院的,故选A。27B考查动词词组。A.made sure确信;B. felt like觉得;C. worked out计算出;D. put forward提出,作者主观上觉得自己像一个拼接而成的娃娃,故选C。28D考查形容词。A.muscled肌肉的;B .heavy重的;C. shapely定型的;D. false假的,作者失去的双腿,需要靠义肢生活,故选D。29C 考查名词。A.blood血液;B .sweat汗,水珠;C. tears眼泪;D. water水,联系上文,作者出院时想到以后只能靠义肢生活,非常难过,泪流满面,故选C。30A考查动词。A.hug

34、拥抱;B. recognize认识;C. fix修理;D. introduce介绍,文中是告别过去拥抱未来,积极投入新生活的意思,故选A。31B考查名词。A.plan计划;B. question问题;C. information信息;D. favor喜好,呼应第一段,即那个改变作者一生的问题,故选B。32A考查词组。A.dawned on渐渐明白;B. knocked into撞上;C. depended on取决于;D .looked into调查,根据语境,作者在思考人生方向时明白自己可以不被生理的高度限制,成为一个“高大”的人,故选A。33D考查连接词。A.although尽管;B. s

35、o所以;C. while当时;D. but但是,联系上文,虽然作者生理上因失去双腿而矮小,但是却依然可以成为一个“高大”的人,故选D。134C考查比较级。A.first最先;B. strangest最强;C. best最好;D. luckiest最幸运,因为是义肢,所以可以做成适合任何鞋子的尺寸,另一方面来说这是最好的事了,故选C。35B考查名词。A.struggles奋斗;B. benefits益处;C. rewards奖励;D. conflicts冲突,联系上文,这是这场病带来的改变中的益处,故选B。36B考查名字。A.stage舞台;B. snowboard滑雪板;C. track轨道;

36、D. playground操场,由第二段第一句滑雪训练可知,这里是指回答滑雪板,故选B。37D考查动词。A.allowing允许;B. giving给予;C. calling呼喊;D. making使,制作,获得了两块金牌了,使我成为了这一领域的最高排名,故选D。考点:考查人生感悟类短文阅读。【母题2】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One minute means a lot in ones life.During his college years,Rogers _a summer in an Idaho logging camp(伐

37、木场).When the boss had to leave for a few days,he put Rogers in charge.“_if the men refuse to follow my orders?” Rogers asked. He thought of Tony,an immigrant worker who_all day,giving the other men a_time.“Fire them,” the boss said. Then,as if _ Rogers mind,he added,“I suppose you think you are goin

38、g to fire Tony if you get the_.Id feel_about that. I have been logging for 40 years. Tony is the most_worker Ive ever had. I know he is a troublemaker and that he _ everybody and everything. But he comes in first and leaves last. There has not been an_ for eight years on the hill where he works.”Rog

39、ers took over the next day. He went to Tony and spoke to him. “Tony,do you know Im in charge here today?”Tony grunted(嘟囔).“I was going to fire you the first time we tangled(纠缠),_ I want you to know Im not,”he told Tony,_what the boss had said.When Rogers finished,Tony _the spadeful(铲子)of sand he had

40、 held and tears streamed _ his face.That day Tony worked harder than ever before.Twelve years later Rogers met Tony again who was now the _ for railroad construction for one of the largest logging companies in the West. Rogers asked him how he came to California and happened to have such _ .Tony rep

41、lied,“If it not be for the one _ you talk to me back in Idaho,I kill somebody someday. One minute _ my whole life.”Effective managers know the _ of taking a moment to point out what a worker is doing well. But what a _a minute of yes can make in any relationship!141A.wasted B.spent C.trained D.trave

42、led142A.What B.How C.Why D.Who143A.troubled B.helped C.smiled D.spoke144A.easy B.surprising C.happy D.hard145A.recognizing B.having C.bearing D.reading146A.chance B.order C.support D.evidence147A.proud B.bad C.ugly D.well148A.quarrelsome B.elegant C.reliable D.silent149A.respects B.protects C.hurts

43、D.hates150A.accident B.chance C.opportunity D.argument151A.and B.or C.besides D.but152A.lying B.adding C.smiling D.replying153A.threw B.dropped C.carried D.lifted154A.through B.on C.down D.in155A.boss B.worker C.enginedriver D.immigrant156A.railroad B.companies C.life D.success157A.word B.thing C.mi

44、nute D.lesson158 A.save B.change C.color D.lose159A.importance B.method C.result D.influence160A.choice B.decision C.difference D.conclusion【来源】2015-2016学年重庆杨家坪中学高二下期第一次月考英语试卷(带解析)【答案】141B142A143A144D145D146A147B148C149D150A151D152B153B154C155A156D157C158B159A160C142A考查固定搭配及语境理解;句意:倘若这个人拒绝的我订单怎么办?wh

45、at if 倘若,故选A项。143A考查动词辨析A.troubled困难;B.helped 帮助;C.smiled微笑;D.spoke说;句意:托尼,一个移民工人,一天找麻烦,让别人过得很不好,故选A项。144D考查形容词辨析A.easy 容易的;B.surprising令人吃惊的;C.happy高兴的;D.hard困难的;句意:托尼,一个移民工人,一天找麻烦,让别人过得很不好,故选D项。145D考查动词辨析A.recognizing辨认;B.having有;C.bearing 容忍;D.reading读;句意:解雇他们,老板说,然后好象看懂Rogers的心思,说,如果有机会你会开始托尼,矿选

46、D项。146A考查名词辨析A.chance机会;B.order顺序;C.support支持;D.evidence证据;句意:解雇他们,老板说,然后好象看懂Rogers的心思,说,如果有机会你会开始托尼,故选A项。147B考查形容词辨析A.proud 骄傲的;B.bad坏的;C.ugly丑陋的;D.well好的;句意:我对于此感到很不舒服,故选B项。148C考查形容词辨析A.quarrelsome 好争论的;B.elegant优雅的;C.reliable可依赖的;D.silent沉默的;句意:托尼是我见过的最可依赖的工人,根据语境可知选C项。149D考查动词辨析A.respects 尊重;B.p

47、rotects 保护;C.hurts 伤害;D.hates讨厌;句意:我知道他是个麻烦制造者,他讨厌一切人和物,根据语境可知选D项。150A考查名词辨析A.accident 事故;B.chance 机会;C.opportunity机会;D.argument争论;句意:在他上班的八年来从来没有出过任何事故,故选A项。151D考查连词辨析A.and和;B.or否则;C.besides况且;D.but但是;句意:第一次我们发生矛盾时我打算解雇你但我想你知道我不是这样的,又加上刚才老板所说的,故选D项。152B考查动词辨析A.lying躺;B.adding 加;C.smiling 微笑;D.reply

48、ing回答;句意:第一次我们发生矛盾时我打算解雇你但我想你知道我不是这样的,又加上刚才老板所说的,故选B项。153B考查动词辨析A.threw扔掉;B.dropped 掉了;C.carried 携带;D.lifted举起;句意:当Rogers说完了,托尼把铲子掉在沙子上,泪流满面,故选B项。154C考查介词辨析句意:当Rogers说完了,托尼把铲子掉在沙子上,泪流满面,可知眼泪是向下的,故选C项。155 A考查名词辨析A.boss老板;B.worker 工作;C.enginedriver火车司机;D.immigrant移民;句意:二十年之后,Rogers再次遇到已经成为最大伐木公司老板的托尼,

49、故选A项。156D考查名词辨析A.railroad铁路;B.companies公司;C.life生活;D.success成功;句意:Rogers问他如何来加利福尼亚的,碰巧取得巨大的成功,故选D项。157C考查名词辨析A.word 单词;B.thing事情;C.minute分钟;D.lesson课;句意:要不是那一分钟的影响,我可能会杀死一个人,一分钟改变我的人生,故选C 项。158B考查动词辨析A.save挽救;B.change改变;C.color颜色;D.lose失去;句意:要不是那一分钟的影响,我可能会杀死一个人,一分钟改变我的人生,故选B项。考点 :人生百味类阅读。【母题3】完型填空阅

50、读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was invited to attend a presentation at the Kentucky School. That evening I found gratitude had amazingto change our attitude and our life.The young musician Mr. Patrick wasonto the stage in his wheelchair and began to play the piano. His fingers danced

51、 across the keys as hebeautiful music. He then began to sing as he played, and it was wonderful. But what shocked me most was his smile.Mr. Patrick was born with no eyes and an illness in the legs, which him lame for life. However, as a child, he was with artificial eyes and placed in a wheelchair. Before his first , he discovered the piano. When his mom hit any note on the piano, and within one or two , hed get it. By his second birthday, he was playing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. His father was .“We might not play baseball,


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