影像—放射医学职称考试题(Image radiological medicine examination)_第1页
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1、影像放射医学职称考试题(Image radiological medicine examination)Title Examination of Radiological Medicine1. X rays pass through the human body according to the work principle of CTWhich part of the following is received first (C)?A. computerB. array processorC. detectorD. diskE. cameraThe main advantage of the

2、 2.HRCT scan is (D)A. image edge blurB. relative density resolution improvedC. noise is smallThe relative spatial resolution of D. is improvedE. or moreCompared to the traditional CT scan, the 3. helical CT scan has an important advantage over (D)A. scanning speedB. 2D or 3D imaging is goodC. is fas

3、t to rebuildD. volume scanE. single or multiple scan4. which of the following is not a CT compared to a flat film?Advantage (B)A. has high density resolutionB. has high spatial resolutionC. has high anatomical resolutionD. enhanced scan is favorable for qualitative diagnosis of lesionsE. can be reco

4、nstructed in many directions5. which of the following is CT compared to MRI?Potential (D)A. direct multi axial imagingB. chemical imaging, large amount of informationC. has high density resolutionD. has high spatial resolutionE. iodine free allergy hazard6. which of the following is CT compared to M

5、RI?Potential (C)A. no ray damageB. contrast agents have higher safety coefficientC. is sensitive to calcification and bone structureD. direct multi axial imagingE. chemical imaging, large amount of information7. what are the advantages of the following spiral CT scan?(B)A. shortens scan timeB. signi

6、ficantly improves spatial resolutionC. reduced the patients X-ray doseD. volume scanningE. reduces motion artifacts in imagesRadial artifacts in 8.CT images are usually generated (E)Autonomic or involuntary movement of A. patientsB.X ray dose insufficiencyThe C. computer deals with faultsThe D. circ

7、uit is unstableA high density structure or foreign body on the body of an E. subject9. in the scanning process, the scanning site is optional and notConscious movement,Produce (A)A. moving fringe artifactB. cup artifactC. annular artifactD. cap artifactE. above is OK10., the CT image density resolut

8、ion is the least affectedThe factor is (E)A. signal-to-noise ratio, medical. Full. Online. Net. StandB. shape of the object to be stoppedC. object density to be checkedD. noiseE. scan parameters11. the range of CT value for fresh bleeding should be (D)A.2040HUB.3050HUC.4060HUD.4080HUE.6080HU12. whic

9、h of the following Bush allergy reactions?Most dangerous (B)A. facial flushingB. tickles throatC. skin itchingD. sneezesE. skin papulesThe 13. helical CT scan enhanced the arterial early, inferiorOrganization structure,One of the earliest cases of uneven patchy enhancement (B)A. liverB. spleenC. pan

10、creasD. muscleE. abdominal aorta1. half oval center is (A)A. subcortical fibersB. subcortical gray matterC. projection fiberD. commissural fiberE. arcuate fiber2. which of the following does not belong to the basal ganglia structure (E)?A. caudate nucleusB. lenticular nucleusC. screen nucleusD. amyg

11、daloid nucleusE. thalamus3. cerebellum does not include (D)A. cerebellar hemisphereSuperior vermis of B.C. inferior vermisQuadrigeminal D.E. tonsil4., the normal variation of the brain pool is (D)A. optic chiasma poolSuprasellar pool of B.C. loop poolD. cisterna magnaE. large cerebral venous poolThe

12、 outer side of the 5. screen nucleus is (B)A. external sacB. extra sacC. insulaD. globus pallidusE. caudate6., CT scan is not suitable for brain enhancement is (E)A.Acute bleeding patientsB. coma patientsC. serious impairment of liver and kidney functionD. acute craniocerebral traumaE. or more7. dia

13、gnostic criteria for separation of sutures are (D)A.0.5mmB.1.0mmC.1.5mmD.2.0 mmE.2.5mm8. normal, three ventricle width is about (D)A. = 2mmB. = 3mmC. = 4mmD. = 5mmE. = 6mm9. the most favorable localization of CT for intracranial tumors is(B)The A. boundary is not clearB. cerebral cortex was compress

14、ed and shiftedC. tumors were markedly enhancedD. midline shiftE. cranial thinning10. cerebral infarction occurred in (B)A. anterior cerebral artery feeding areaB. middle cerebral artery feeding areaC. posterior cerebral artery feeding areaD. vertebral artery supply areaE. basal artery feeding area11

15、. cranial trauma 2 days, CT show sphenoid sinus gasPlane, intracranial accumulation of gas. Diagnosed as (C)A. acute ethmoidal sinusitisB. sphenoid sinusitisC. skull base fractureD. purulent sphenoid sinusitisE. bone fractureThe CT findings of 12. intracerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction are

16、 believed to be(E)A. hyperacute phaseB. acute phaseC. subacute early stageD. subacute advanced stageE. chronic phase1. iodinated contrast agents can cause allergic reactions, except which ones are mild reactions (B)A. nausea and vomitingB. has asthma and difficulty breathingC. flushedD. has a headac

17、he and a headacheE. hives2. commonly used contrast agents in digestive tract are (D)A. LipiodolB. meglumine meglumineC. UltravistD. barium sulfateE. Amie PeckThe advantage of 3.CT is that (A)A. has a high density resolutionB. has high spatial resolutionC. time resolution is highD. has low spatial re

18、solution and high temporal resolutionE. has low density resolution and high spatial resolution4. which is wrong about the use of contrast media (C)?A. bile meglumine - cholangiographyB. medical barium sulfate - digestive tract radiographyC. - lipiodol angiographyD. air ventriculographyE. meglumine m

19、eglumine urography5. which of the following methods of iodine allergy is wrong (A)?A. subcutaneous testB. conjunctival testC. sublingual testD. oral testE. intravenous injection test6. what kind of examination should be used in the treatment of intra-abdominal parenchymal organ disease (D)?A. Perspe

20、ctiveB. radiographyC.CTD. ultrasonographyE. cerebral angiography7. the value of CT examination in patients with atelectasis is (E)A. confirms the pathological changes and diagnosis of chest X-rayB. found slight or occult atelectasisC. clearly demonstrated atypical manifestations of chest X-ray and a

21、 specific type of atelectasisD. identifies the cause of atelectasisE. or more is correctThe fundamental reason for 8.CT scanning to expand the scope of diagnostic imaging is (A)A. has a high density resolutionB. displays a wide rangeC. can obtain coronal and sagittal imagesD. patients received less

22、X-raysE. has high spatial resolutionThe level difference in the height signal displayed by the 9.CT is called (E)A.CT value scaleB. matrixC. window widthD. window positionE. gray scaleThe advantages of the 10.CT scan do not include (C)A. has a high density resolutionB. can be used for quantitative a

23、nalysisC. has high ultimate resolving powerD. straight down section imageE. images are interference free of structure beyond the plane11. common CT scan and spiral CT scan the same point (E)Not following A.B. produces X-rays continuouslyContinuous moving bed at C. exposureD. continuous samplingE. co

24、ntinuous rotation of X-ray tubes12.CT image display technology, the application of many and the most important technology is (C)A. zoom inB. black and white inversionC. windowD. image direction rotationE. 3D image reconstructionThe quality parameters of the 13.CT image do not include (A)A. scanning

25、field of visionB. partial volume effectC. spatial resolution and density resolutionD. noise and artifactE.Peripheral space phenomenonThe 14.CT value of the tissue labeled 0 is (D)A. boneB. fatC. airD. waterE. brain tissue15. chest CT scan, the use of prone position is (E)A. to observe the shape of l

26、ung tumorB. measures lesion sizeStaging diagnosis of C. lung cancerDiffuse pulmonary lesions were observed by D.E. to understand the flow of pleural fluid16. indications for pulmonary CT are not included (D)A. diffuse lung diseaseB. hemoptysisC. emphysemaD. large range of pneumothoraxE. tumor stagin

27、g17. the lung CT examination technique describes the error (D)A. breath breathing, no breath holding scanB. range from apex to base lungThe thickness and clearance of C. layer are 10mmD. requires more scanningE. supine positionThe 18. genus of projection fibers is (E)A. arcuate fiberB. corpus callos

28、umAnterior commissure of C.D. hippocampi commissureE. internal capsule and external capsule19. secretion inhibits puberty hormone (E)A. thalamusB. pituitaryC. hippocampusD. globus pallidusE. pineal body20. does not belong to the ventricles of the brain system (A)A. mesencephalic fossa of footLeft an

29、d right lateral ventricles of B.C. third ventricleD. fourth ventricleE. aqueduct of midbrain21. cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, common in (A)A. ethmoid fractureB. fracture of sphenoid boneC. bone fractureD. fracture of temporal boneE. fracture of nasal bone22. subacute subdural hematomas were (D)A.5

30、10 daysB.1 weeks 3 weeksC.4 days 4 weeksD.4 days 3 weeksE.5 days 3 weeks23. subdural hematoma showed (B)A. spindle shapeB. CrescentC. diffuse cerebral sulcus typeD. ventricular shapeE. hybrid density sheet shape24. what is the distribution of cerebral infarction (E)?A. brain parenchymaB. brain white

31、 matterC. lobesD. sulciE. cerebral vascular distribution25. the common site of hypertensive bleeding is (E)A. putamen hemorrhageB. thalamic hemorrhageC. head hemorrhage of caudate nucleusD. internal capsule hemorrhageE. basal ganglia hematomaThe most common site of 26. germ cell tumors is (D)Suprase

32、llar region of A.B. sellar regionCerebellopontine angle region of C.D. pineal regionE. intraventricularCalcification of 27. craniopharyngioma is (B)A. blockB. eggshell sampleC. scattered calcificationD. wool sampleE. popcorn pattern28. the most common intracranial tumor is (A)A. gliomaB. medulloblas

33、tomaC. meningiomaD. pineal tumorE. germ cell tumor29., the fuzzy effect is often seen after infarction (C)A. first weeksB. second weeksC. week 23D. fourth weeksE. week 3430. subarachnoid spaceThe main CT manifestation of blood is (C)A. lateral ventricles showed high density shadowB. three ventricle

34、showed high density shadowC. lateral fissure pool showed high density shadowHigh density shadows were seen in the basal ganglia of D.E. saw the high density shadow in the occipital lobe31. the indirect sign of brain tumor is (E)A. densityB. sizeC. formD. how much?E. brain edema32. the following desc

35、ription belongs to the sign of the brain (D)A. adjacent cranial plate hyperplasiaB. adjacent cranial plate destructionC. white matter extrusion signD. peritumoral edemaE. cerebral sulcus widening33. astrocytomas are classified in four grades; I astrocytomas are (A)A. often has no enhancementGroup B.

36、 enhancementC. flower coronal enhancementD. peritumoral edema is obviousE. has a placeholder effect34. of the cases of benign astrocytomas are (E)A. position table is shallowB. mild edemaC. mildly enhancedD. calcificationE. has bleeding and necrosisThe 35. ependymoma is best known as (C)A. left vent

37、ricleB. right ventricleC. four ventricleD. three ventricleE. aqueduct36. ependymoma occurs in (A)A. teenagersB. middle ageC. elderlyD. elderlyE. any age37. where the meningioma does not occur is (E)A. falx cerebriB. convex brainC. tentorial notchCerebellopontine angle region of D.E. lateral white ma

38、tter area of lateral ventricle38. the description of acoustic neuroma is wrong (E)A. extra brain tumorB. inner listening crossing enlargementC.Often reinforcedD. may be necrotic and cysticE. generally does not affect the fourth ventricle39. of the CT manifestations of pituitary adenomas are incorrec

39、t (C)A. sella enlargement medicine. All. Online. Net. StandB. the bottom of the saddle is sunkenC. peritumoral edemaD. tumor is enhancedE. pituitary stalk shift40., CT is wrong with craniopharyngioma (C)A. round or oval low density shadowB. plaque or eggshell calcificationC. common peritumoral edema

40、D. is located outside the brainE. can cause hydrocephalus41. intracranial chordoma occurred in (A)A. sellaB. slopeMiddle cranial fossa of C.Cerebellopontine angle region of D.E. jugular foramen region42. does not correspond with the CT of metastatic tumor (E)A. more diffuse in the ring like density

41、shadowB. has multiple nodulesThe edema near the C. is obviousThe position of D. is superficialE. no reinforcement43. the following sellar tumor scan showed that the mixed density image was (E)A. aneurysmB. pituitary adenomaC. craniopharyngiomaD. meningiomaE. chordoma44. which description of acute su

42、bdural hematoma is wrong (E)?A. injuries occurred within 3 days of hematomaB. crescent high density shadowC. may exceed cranial suturesD. has a placeholder effectE. has peripheral edema45. the following signs of equal density subdural hematoma are wrong (E)A. unilateral cerebral sulcus, brain fissio

43、n narrow, or even disappearB. ventricle compression deformation, midline structure shiftC. white matter extrusion signD. enhanced scan showed no enhancement of hematomaThere was low density shadow in E. frontal plate46. is not characterized by epidural hematoma (E)A. is spindle shapedB. smooth sharp

44、 edgeC. often has fracturesD. midline structure shift is lighterE. may pass through cranial sutures47. traumatic brain hematoma described incorrectly as (D)The common sites of A. are frontal and temporal lobesB. can be broken into the ventriclesC. homogeneous high-density massThe hematoma around the

45、 D. is faster than the deep hematomaE. is often found in the brain contusion areaThe 48. brain laceration describes the error (D)There is patchy high density hemorrhage in the area of A. low density edemaB. obvious occupying effectC. lesions become smaller and smaller in the cisterna sulciD. can occ

46、ur in the white matter or gray matter, and can not be affected simultaneouslyE. may be associated with subarachnoid hemorrhageThe thickness of the scan usually seen in 49. eyes and orbit is (B)A.2mmB.5mmC.10mmD.15mmE.20mm50. diagnosis of orbital blowout fracture, the best method of examination (B)A.

47、 X-ray plain filmB.CT coronal scanC.CT transverse scanD. sagittal reconstructionE.MRI51. which eye foreign body CT is not the preferred method of examination (C)?A. low density foreign bodyB. foreign body on the border of the eyeball wallC. metal foreign bodyD. multiple foreign bodiesE. small foreig

48、n bodies52., the popcorn pattern can be calcified (B)A. tuberculomaB. hamartomaC. silicosisD. pleural mesotheliomaE. lung cancer53. the most common cause of atelectasis is (B)A. respiratory weaknessB. bronchial obstructionC. extra pulmonary compressionD. inflammation restrictionE. lung tumorThe CT f

49、indings of 54. atelectasis were not included (C)A. lung volume contractionB. the chest is smallerC. mediastinal shift to the uninjured sideD. increased diaphragmatic muscle on the same sideE. transposition of the pleura between the lobes55. irregular calcification, cavity and bronchiectasis were see

50、n in the atelectasis, most commonly seen in (B)A. pneumoniaB. tuberculosisC. lung cancerD. silicosisE. histoplasmosis56. the most common cause of localized obstructive emphysema is (B)A. bronchiectasisB. bronchogenic carcinomaC. chronic bronchitisD. bronchial asthmaE. lobular pneumonia57. in the dia

51、gnosis of lung cancer, the most significant CT sign is (B)A. burrB. lobulatedC. cavitationD. bronchus inflation signE. pleural indentation sign58. what are the characteristics of a cancerous cavity (E)?A. eccentric cavityB. is visible on the outer wallC. wall thickness exceeds 1.5cmD. cavity diamete

52、r is greater than 3cmE. thin walled cavity around the lung field can be seen fiber strips59. the most common cause of pericardial effusion is (B)A. rheumaticB.TuberculousC. purulentD. rheumatoidE. pericardial metastasis60. common benign nodules with calcified types do not include (C)A. central compact calcium nestsB. concentric circular calcificationC. sand like calcificationD. popcorn pattern calcificationDiffuse calcification of E. Center61. bronchopneumonia is prone to occur in (E)A. two upper lobe of lungB. right middle lobe of lungC. two apexD. left lingularE. t


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