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1、旅游翻译2英语旅游文本的句型特点及翻译,英文旅游文本的句式特点一,英:The environment is friendly. The physical beauty of Hawaii is almost unparalleled. Majestic mountains were created millions of years ago by volcanic activity that thrust these islands three miles from the ocean floor. Wave action across endless time created coral r

2、efs, and then battered and broke them to create miles of white sand beach. 特点:简单句短促有力,读起来朗朗上口。,More Examples,Welcome to heaven on earth- a summer vacation paradise at an altitude of 1,050 meters. Engelberg entices both young and old with its attractive range of offers and activities. Who could resis

3、t the temptation of spending several unforgettable days in the heart of Central Switzerland? Scope out the town on e-bikes or let the new Brunni cable car transport you closer to the sun in just a matter of minutes.,简短句的汉译,1. 直译,多用汉语的并列句。 2. 注意标点符号的变通。汉语多用并列结构,句号的使用频率不如英语。英语译为汉语时,多将句号变成逗号。,参考译文1:,夏威

4、夷环境优美,无与伦比。数百年的火山活动形成了宏伟的高山,使其高达三英里,永久不息的波浪形成了珊瑚礁,然后又将这些珊瑚礁击碎,形成了绵延不断的银色沙滩。,参考译文2,欢迎来到人间天堂海拔1,050米的夏季度假天堂。英格堡丰富多彩的报价和活动吸引着男女老幼,在瑞士中部心脏地带度过几个难忘的日子,谁能抵得住这样的诱惑?可以骑着电动自行车在城镇附近兜风,也可以乘坐新的布汝你缆车,在短短几分钟内登上高山之巅。,英文旅游文本的句式特点二,英:Take time to wander among Kazan Cathedrals semi circle of enormous brown columns. D

5、ont be surprised if theres an hour-long wait to ascend. Look over your right shoulder. The massive golden dome of St. Isaacs Cathedral rises above the skyline.,英文旅游文本的句式特点二,旅游文本属于呼唤类文本,号召读者采取行动,因此中英旅游文本中都会使用一些祈使句来增加号召和呼唤的语气。 翻译策略:一般采用直译。 参考译文:1. 慢慢漫步于喀山大教堂巨大的棕色圆柱所围成的半圆形。,英文旅游文本的句式特点二,参考译文: 2. 如果等待一小

6、时方可攀登也不要大惊小怪。 3. 朝右后方看去,圣以撒大教堂巨大的金制圆顶直插云霄。,英文旅游文本的句式特点三,英文:Are you too old for fairy tales? If you think so, Copenhagen is sure to change your mind. Why not discover all three regions of the “ Triangle” yourself in a fun-packed week long itinerary?,英文旅游文本的句式特点三,英文:Would you like to travel through Sw

7、itzerland without laving to lug around heavy bags? Then why not try the Express Baggage service available to rail passengers travelling to and from 45 different destinations in Switzerland.,英文旅游文本的句式特点三,旅游文本中经常使用疑问句(包括一般疑问句和特殊疑问句),目的在于启发读者,引起注意,从而发挥旅游文本的号召作用。同时,疑问句就像对话,使读者读起来有亲切感。 翻译策略:直译。如果碰上“whyno

8、t”句型,可以转译为祈使句,添加语气助词“吧”。,英文旅游文本的句式特点三,参考译文:1.您真的到了不想听童话年龄吗?如果真的这样想,哥本哈根一定会改变您的想法。 2. A. 为什么不花上一周时间亲身探索一下“金三角”中的三个地区呢? B. 花上一周时间亲身探索一下“金三角”中的三个地区吧。,英文旅游文本的句式特点三,参考译文3: A. 想在没有沉重行李拖累的情况下在瑞士各地旅行吗?为什么不试试瑞士45个旅行目的地为铁路乘客提供的行李快运服务呢? B.想在没有沉重行李拖累的情况下在瑞士各地旅行吗?试试瑞士45个旅行目的地为铁路乘客提供的行李快运服务吧。,英文旅游文本的句式特点四,英文:Ever

9、ything reachable within minutes. Reservations at Interlaken Tourism up to 17:00 on the day before the cruise. A highly popular public event at which everyone-whether a child, beginner or expert- selects their own distance and challenge.,英文旅游文本的句式特点四,英语旅游材料在提供一些信息或加强宣传语气时,会使用一些短语结构。 翻译策略:这些短语结构译为汉语时一

10、般需要添加动词。具体来说,如果该短语是作为广告词的形式出现,旨在加强宣传语气,可以直译。如果是较长的短语结构,在汉译时,往往需要变成完整的句子。,英文旅游文本的句式特点四,参考译文: 1. 短短几分钟,一切触手可及! 2. 需要在巡游当日17:00之前预定购票。 3. 这是一项广受欢迎的大众活动,不管是儿童,入门者还是专家,他们都可以选择适合自己的骑行距离和难度。,课堂练习1译文辨析,1. A population center since ancient times, modern Mexico City is one of the most crowded cities in the wo

11、rld, with upwards of 20 million inhabitants. 译文:自古以来就是人口中心,现在墨西哥城拥有多2,000万人口,世界上最拥挤的城市之一。,课堂练习1译文辨析,2. If this isnt enough, and you want something quirkier, why not come in January for the annual ice canoe race, when five-man/woman teams haul canoes across the ice floes? 译文:如果这还不够,且您想来点新奇,那为什么不等到五人一

12、队的赛手划着船穿过浮冰的1月来观看一年一度的冰上船赛?,课堂练习2英译汉,A fascinating city between sea and sky, like Venus rising from the waves, Venice welcome tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her water and pellucid light, free from all dust and cooled by the sea breeze. She also offers the intellectual pleasures to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the meeting of East and West.,课堂练习 2英译汉,To


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