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1、牛津英语(深圳版) 7A Chapter 3 Troubles 教案 Period One Troubles 2010.10.8 星期五知识目标: (1) 了解英语日记的写法. (2) 学习新的词汇 (3) 了解如何处理问题技能目标: (1) 用英语解释词汇 (2) 说 - 如何处理问题过程与方法: (1) 通过略读课文,大体了解将要学习的内容. (2)通过讨论了解日常生活中如何处理问题.情感, 态度与价值观学习和了解如何处理日常生活中问题.教学步骤: Pre-task PreparationWarm up questions: 1. Have you ever been in a troub

2、le? 2. How did you deal with the trouble? While-task Procedure I. Ask Ss to finish Exercise A on Page 30. 1. Have you ever been on a ferry? If a story happens on a ferry, what kind of story do you think it will be? 2. What number do you dial to call the police / an ambulance / the fire service?II. T

3、alk about a diary 1 What is a diary?2 What is the first date in most diaries?3 What do you think Paul will write about in his diary?III. New words and expressions 1 aboard: on or into a ship, boat, plane, bus or train2 argue: speak angrily to somebody to show you disagree with him/ her3 crowd: a lar

4、ge number of people gathering together4 deal with: act, behave in a certain situation, handle a problem or person5 dial: select the numbers on a telephone to make a telephone call6 notice: see sth.; become aware of it 7 stare: look at sb or sth with great interest, with your eyes wide open8 steal: t

5、ake sth. away without permission9 strange: unusual, different10 theft: the act of stealing sth.11 trouble: a problem or difficulty of some type12 report: to give information about sth.Consolidation Review new words and expressionsPeriod Two Troubles2010.10.11 星期一知识目标: (1) 了解英语日记的写法. (2) 学习新的词汇 (3) 了

6、解如何处理问题 (4)能听懂和会读日记内容技能目标: (1) 如何处理问题过程与方法: (1) 通过略读课文,大体了解将要学习的内容. (2)通过听和读了解怎么样处理问题情感, 态度与价值观宏扬正义的勇敢的精神教学步骤: Pre-task Preparation1. What is a diary ? Warm up questions:1.What number do you dial to when somebody steal your things ?2.When do you call the police ?3.What do you think Paul wrote about

7、?While-task Procedure1. look and think. Look at the pictures on the next page. Give short answers to the questions. 2. Read and find the words and the useful expressions3. Listen to the tape of the text.4. Read the text together or individual.Consolidation :Synopsis by paragraph:P1:Paul describes ho

8、w he and his father saw a man and two women arguing.P 2-4:Pauls father spoke to one of the women. She said the man and two other men had stolen her friends purse.P 5-7The people got onto the ferry, but Pauls father wouldnt get on.Paul couldnt understand why.P 8-9His father quickly phoned the police

9、with all the details.P 10-11The police met the ferry when it arrived and caught the man.Period Three Troubles2010.10.12 星期二知识目标: (1) 了解英语日记的写法. (2)用英语解释单词 (3)了解如何处理问题 (4)能听懂和会读日记内容技能目标: (1) 如何处理问题过程与方法: (1)通过做一定的练习巩固之前所学内容. (2)通过做笔头练习知道怎么样处理问题情感, 态度与价值观宏扬正义的勇敢的精神1. review the phrases in the diary2.

10、finish the exercises from C1 to E, use the game methods or the match methods to do them. 3. A, Complete the descriptions, ask some students to give the answers first and then the teacher show the right answers on the Bl.4. Use the descriptions in Exercise A to help you find the two thieves in the cr

11、owd of people in Page 34 B.5. TapescriptPeriod Four Troubles 2010.10.13 星期三知识目标: (1)了解英语日记的写法. (2)用英语解释单词 (3)了解如何处理问题 (4)能听懂和会读日记内容技能目标: (1) 如何处理问题过程与方法: (1)通过做一定的练习巩固之前所学内容. (2)通过做笔头练习知道怎么样处理问题情感, 态度与价值观: 宏扬正义的勇敢的精神1. The simple past tenses meaning refers to things happened in the past .2. Doing so

12、me EXX. About the simple past tenseA/ 肯定句:人称+was/were+adj/n/adv+其他. B/ 否定句:人称+ was/were not + was/were+adj/n/adv+其他. C/ 一般疑问句: was/were +人称+ adj/n/adv+其他D/ 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ was/were +人称+adj/n/adv+其他.3. 改写句子:1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the

13、fridge.(变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ she _ there?4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup? Chapter 3 Troubles Period Five 2010.10.18 星期一知识目标:(1)学习一般过去时的意义,基本构成形式。(2)掌握规则动词变过去式的四个规律及读音变化;积累不规则动词的变化形式。(3)能用一般过去时来介绍发生过的

14、事情。技能目标:(1)听说学生回答问题并对话,操练一般疑问句。(2)读写学生学会知识的归纳,准确使用一般过去时。过程与方法1 通过对一般过去时的介绍与归纳让学生掌握其用法。2 通过提问与对话的方式,学生能够熟练运用一般过去时情感、态度与价值观让学生用一般过去时充实作文内容,培养交际能力。教学步骤:Pre-task Preparation1. Ask students to think about the regular things included in the following sentences.For example,What did you do last weekend?Did

15、you read English textbook 10 minutes ago?How old were you last year?How many gold medals did Chinese athletes win in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?Jim plays badminton everyday, but he didnt play it yesterday.While-task procedure1. Introduce the meaning and structure of simple past tense as well as rela

16、ted adverbial time phrases.Meaning: Simple past tense refers to the action done or state existed in the past (e.g., a minute ago, yesterday, last week/month/year, etc).Times expressions for the pastWe went shopping yesterday last night/week/Monday/year one hour agoStructure: 1. When the simple past

17、tense refers to the state existed in the past1.肯定句: 人称+was/were+adj/n/adv+其他. 2.否定句: 人称+ was/were not + was/were+adj/n/adv+其他. 3.一般疑问句: was/were +人称+ adj/n/adv+其他. 4.特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ was/were +人称+adj/n/adv+其他.2. When the simple past tense refers to the action done in the past 1.肯定句: 人称+V-ed+其他. 2.否定句:

18、人称+ didnt + 动词原形+其他. 3.一般疑问句: Did+人称+动词原形+其他? 4.特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ did +人称+动词原形+其他?2. Things to remember1. Adding ed/-d to regular verbs causes pronunciation changes ed在清辅音后在元音,浊辅音后在/t/,/d/音后pronounce/t/ e.g. finished helped passed cooked/d/ e.g. borrowed enjoyed called moved/id/ e.g. wanted shouted need

19、ed counted2. Introduce that regular verbs add ed or d to the base form to make the past tense form构成方法原形过去式一般情况在动词原形后加-edaskasked以不发音的e结尾的动词,只加-dmovemoved以“辅音字母y”结尾的动词,把y变为I, 再加-edcrycried以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加-edStopplanStoppedplanned以e结尾的动词,只加-ddiediedirregular verbs infinitive-simple pas

20、tbe-was/were know-knewbreak-broke leave-leftbuy-bought pay-paidcan-could put-putcome-came ring-rangcost-cost run-rando-did say-saiddrive-drove see-sawfall-fell speak-spokeget-got stand-stoodgive-gave steal-stolego-went take-tookhear-heard teach-taught3. Ask students to finish Exercise on page36 and

21、B1,B2,B3 on page 37Post-task procedureAsk students to practice the simple past tense by answering the following questions.1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提

22、问) _ _ _ she _ there?4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup? Answers:1. didnt do 2. Did, find any 3. How long did, stay 4. Was, any2. ConsolidationAdditional exercisesChapter 3 Troubles Period Six 2010.10.19 星期二知识目标:(1)学生复习一般过去时。(2)学生复习并掌握将动词变为过去式后的词末读音(3)学生学习写日记。技能目

23、标:(1)听说学生掌握动词变为过去式后的发音与语音语调。 (2)写学生掌握写日记的格式和技能。过程与方法1 通过跟磁带朗读,学生掌握动词变过去式后的读音。2 通过前几节的学习,学生试着写一篇日记。情感、态度与价值通过情景对话,学生掌握语音语调。让学生写日记,培养书面表达能力。教学步骤:1. Ask students to review the simple past tense2. Ask students to repeat the words and sentences after the tape and try to pronounce simple past endings corr

24、ectly in A1, A2 and A3 on page 38. Remember to make their voice go up or down at the end of the sentences.3. Ask students to work in pairs to finish Exercise B on page 38: Who was I?Suppose students were famous person in history. They have to say 4-5 sentences about themselves to the other students

25、without telling the name. Then ask the other students to guess the name.For example, S1: I lived in India 2,600 years ago. I was a prince and then a teacher. I believed that people should be king to other people and animals. I taught the people about Buddhism. Who was I?S2: Buddha4. Ask students to

26、work in pairs to finish Exercise A on page 39. They have to pay attention to the usage of simple past tense. Friday, 30 September Today was my birthday. In , the postman .He me a lot of . At 1 p.m., my parents, my brother and I for lunch. We at Thai Kitchen. The food delicious. In , my brother gave

27、me a present. It was .5. Ask students to work alone to complete Judys diary for yesterday and remember to put the verbs into simple past tense.Later I (Town Bank, robbery, at, see). Two men (come, bank, into). They (money, a lot of, take, run, out of) the bank. A (wait, helicopter) for them outside.

28、 The men (climb up to, it), but (money, out of, fall, bags). It (rain, money, to, start)! The people (be excited, very, in the street).6. Writing practiceAsk the students to write a diary with the help of the given information in Exercise C on page 12. Sunday, In the morning, At noon, In the afterno

29、on, In the evening, Chapter 3 Troubles Period Seven 2010.10.20 星期三知识目标:(1)学生学会准确运用一般过去时。(2)通过练习,学生巩固一般过去时及本章重要知识点。技能目标:(1)听说学生熟练运用一般过去时。(2)读写学生操练一般过去时,巩固本章重要知识点。过程与方法1 通过练习,学生掌握一般过去时的运用及相关题型。2 学生通过操练习题巩固本章的所有重要知识点。教学步骤:1. Ask students to finish 15 multiple choices by themselves.2. Ask students to pa

30、raphrase 20 sentences on their own.3. Ask students to do translation. 语言知识要点2010.10.25-29 星期一-五一、 背诵下列短语1 对付,处理 deal with2 伸出,取出 hold out3 逃走,跑开 run away4 等候 wait for5 盯着看 stare at6 匆忙登上 hurry aboard7 开始做某事 begin doing/to do sth.8 走上前 go up9 乘渡船 take a ferry10 和某人说话 talk to sb.11 上车 get on12 下车 get

31、off13 戴上手铐 in handcuffs14 几分钟前 a few minutes ago15 两个女游客 two women tourists16 拿起电话 pick up the phone17 举报偷窃行为 report a theft18 跟随某人 follow sb./go after sb.19 在河的对面 on the other side of the river20 就某事与某人争吵 argue with sb. about sth.21 匆忙赶往 hurry to/go to .in hurry22 某事发生在某人身上 sth happen to sb.23 把某物给

32、某人看 show sth. to sb./ show sb. sth.24 其中一个妇女 one of the women25 争吵,吵架 argue v. argument n.26. 麻烦,困难 trouble n.27. 游客;旅游者 tourist n.28. 盯,凝视 stare v.29. 偷窃 steal (stole, stolen) v.30. 遗失的 missing adj.31. 大门 gate n.32. 赶快,匆忙 hurry v.33. 上(船,飞机等) aboard adv.34. 举报,报告 report v.35. 小偷,窃贼 thief n.36. 注意 n

33、otice v.37. 相当 rather adv.38. 体重 weight n. weigh v.39. 按;压 press v.40. 录音 record v.41. 用开关开启(或关掉) switch v. 把(电灯或电器的)开关打开 switch on 把(电灯或电器)关掉 switch off 不注意,不理睬 switch off42. 发现 discover v. discovery n.43. 抢劫 robbery n. rob v.44. 直升飞机 helicopter n. 重点句型: 2010.11.1-12 星期一1 突然。一个女游客和一个男人开始争吵起来。Sudden

34、ly, two women tourists and a man began arguing.2 那个男人取出一个包,给那两个女人看。The man held out a bag and showed it to the women.3 每个人都盯着那三个人看。 Everyone stared at the three people.4 他偷了我的钱包。 He stole my purse.5 然后我就发现我的钱包不见了。Then I found my purse missing.6 其他两名男子跑了,可我们却跟随这名男子来到这儿。The other two men ran away, and

35、 we followed this man here.7 这名男子匆忙上了船,那两名游客却跟在他后面。The man hurried aboard, and the two tourists went after him.8 我爸爸匆忙进了一家冰淇淋店。My father hurried to an ice cream shop.9 我想报告一桩偷窃案。I want to report a theft.10 他戴着手铐。He was in handcuffs.三.同义句.1. How to deal with the trouble? = What to do with the trouble

36、?2. Suddenly, two women tourists and a man began arguing. =Suddenly, two women tourists and a man stared argue. =Suddenly, two women tourists and a man began/started to argue.3. Tom showed a book to the class. = Tom showed the class a book.4. The bag was empty. = There was nothing in the bag.5. Everyone stared at the three people. = Everyone looked at the three people with great interest.6. We followed this man. = We went after this man.7.


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