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1、汉译英1. 题型介绍翻译是四级考试中的传统题型,主要考查考生的英语综合运用能力,即对语法、短语、词汇、单词拼写等全方面的考查。改革前四级考试的翻译部分为英译汉,做题时间15分钟,总分10分。改革后的新四级考试,翻译题型发生了重大变化,由考查英译汉转为考查汉译英,做题时间缩减到5分钟,分值为5分,变成了原来英译汉分值的一半,占总成绩的5%。新题型中汉译英部分的主要特点:第一,考题只考查汉译英,没有英译汉。很多大学英语精读教材中都有汉译英练习,应该是考生非常熟悉的题型。第二,内容单纯,不需要专业理论知识。题目内容既没有高难度的新闻翻译、文学翻译,也不涉及科技经贸翻译中的专业知识,只是一般的短句翻译

2、,没有大主题语境,翻译准确通顺即可。第三,重点考查语法结构,句型句式和词汇词组方面的知识。名为翻译,实为补全句子,每句只涉及15个左右的英语单词,需添入的部分也只有3到8个单词,其中包含了四级水平考生应当掌握的句型、语法、词组等知识点。通过以上三点我们可以看出,我们以往所准备的倒装句、虚拟语气、分词、从句等仍然有用武之地。只要熟练掌握四级大纲规定的词汇、词组、语法知识,活学活用,我们就不会被千变万化的题型吓倒,所谓“万变不离其宗”就是这个道理。需要注意的是,在完成这部分题目时,考生也必须注意避免因字迹潦草和书写不规范等引起的不必要的失分。2. 考点解读2.1 主要考点1) 固定搭配固定搭配是翻

3、译中的核心考点,也是近几次命题密度很高的知识点,应该引起考生的高度重视。比如说名词与动词搭配,形容词与名词搭配,动词与副词的修饰关系,名词与介词搭配,更为重要的是常见的固定词组以及固定表达等。例1: By contrast, American mothers were more likely _ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent. (新四级样卷)【答案】to attribute their childrens success to【解析】本题主要考查固定词组attribute.to (把归因于) ,其次考查be likely to do sth.的用法。2) 核心语法语法考

4、点大多数是旧四级题型中词汇结构考点的重现和转移,这一点要引起同学的重视。核心语法考点中最重要的是虚拟语气,其次是倒装结构、从句知识、非谓语动词等。 例2: The professor required that _(我们交研究报告) by Wednesday . (06.6)【答案】we(should)hand in our research report(s)【解析】本题是典型的语法题目。重点考查考生对虚拟语气的掌握。require后面接宾语从句的时候,宾语从句中要用虚拟语气,虚拟语气的形式为should+动词原形或直接用动词原形。“上交”可译为hand in。3) 核心动词以及动词短语例3

5、: Through the project, many people have received training and _(决定自己创业). (08.12)【答案】decided to launch / set up / establish / begin their own enterprise/ business【解析】本题重点考查“决定做某事”和“创业”的英文表达。4) 常见句型例4: The anti-virus agent was not known _ (直到一名医生偶然发现了它). (08.12)【答案】until it was accidentally discovered

6、 by a doctor until a doctor discovered it accidentally / by chance【解析】本题主要考查not until 句型。“偶然”可译为accidentally或by chance,“发现”译为discover比较合适,因为这里指的是科学上的发现,若译成find则不太符合语境。总的说来,尽管新四级翻译部分以汉译英的命题形式出现,考点的实质仍是基础知识。在解题过程中要注意很多题并不是只考一个知识点,而是考查学生对语法、句型、短语、词汇等的综合运用能力。老四级词汇与结构部分的重要词组,重点语法可能会成为汉译英部分的考查重点。故学生们有必要对改

7、革前四级考试的词汇和结构真题进行复习。2.2 重点语法2.2.1虚拟语气英语中一共有三种语气:陈述语气,祈使语气,虚拟语气。虚拟语气是一种特殊的谓语动词形式,是讲话人在主观上而不是客观上对事物的看法和态度,表达的是假设、愿望、建议、命令、祝福等。虚拟语气可用于条件状语从句、名词性从句(宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)、以及其他结构中。虚拟语气的运用很大程度上和其所在的句型有关。1) 虚拟语气在条件句中的应用英语中的条件句主要有两类:真实条件句和虚拟条件句。在虚拟条件句中,主句与从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,具体体现在以下几个方面:(1) If虚拟条件句这是虚拟语气的基本用法。If虚拟条

8、件句中,主句与从句的谓语动词形式可列表如下:假设类型条件从句的谓语动词形式主句的谓语动词形式与现在事实相反动词过去式(be多用were)would (should/ could/might) +动词原形与过去事实相反had+过去分词would (should/ could/might) + have+过去分词与将来事实相反动词一般过去式were to+动词原形would (should/ could/might) +动词原形 与现在事实相反If he were here, everything would be all right. 与过去事实相反If the United States ha

9、d not entered the Second World War,probably the 1940 unemployment rate of 14would have risen still further. 与将来事实相反It is said Tom will go to an interview tomorrow. If he were to come tomorrow, I would ask him to go to your place. If he were here this evening, he might be able to help.(2) 错综时间虚拟语气(主从

10、句时间不一致情况下的虚拟语气)有时条件从句中动作发生的时间与主句中动作发生的时间不一致,这时谓语动词的形式应根据它所表示的时间加以调整。例如: 从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反If I had worked harder at school, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now. 从句与现在事实相反,主句与将来事实相反If you hesitated this moment, you might suffer in future.(3) 虚拟条件句的倒装形式在虚拟条件句中,如果省略if, 从句要用倒装形式,即把谓语助动词had,

11、were, should, could 等提前至句首,其他词序不变,例如: 与现在事实相反Were you (=If you were )free to choose among all the cars available today,what type of automobile would you buy? 与过去事实相反The millions of calculations involved, had they (= if they had) been done by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they

12、 were finished. 与将来事实相反Were he (=If he were) to start out. today, he would get there by Thursday.(4) 含蓄虚拟条件句在表示假设的虚拟语气中,有时假设的条件并不以条件从句的形式表达,而是通过上下文或句中内在的逻辑关系,或用其它形式表达出来,我们称之为含蓄虚拟条件句。常见的用来表示含蓄虚拟条件的词有:but for, but that,without, otherwise, or, under more favorable conditions, given等。例如:But for/Without

13、your help, we wouldnt have accomplished the task on time.He hadnt had food for two days, or/otherwise he wouldnt have fainted out at work.Given more time, we could have done the work much better.Under more favorable conditions, we could have achieved success.2) 虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用(1)“It is (was)+形容词(或过去分

14、词)+that”结构中的虚拟语气在“It is (was)+形容词(或过去分词)+that”结构中,某些表示愿望、建议、命令、可能、适当、迫切、重要等形容词或过去分词后的主语从句的谓语也要用虚拟语气,其形式为should 动词原形或直接用动词原形(美国英语中省去should)。常用的形容词和过去分词见下表: natural (自然的) appropriate (适当的) advisable (合适的) preferable (更可取的)necessary (必须的) important (重要的) urgent (急迫的) essential(必要的)vital (极重要的) compulso

15、ry(必须的)crucial(紧急的) imperative(迫切的、必需的)urgent(紧迫的) advisable(应该的) incredible(惊人的)strange(奇怪的),essential (本质的) probable (很可能的) possible (可能的) desirable (合意的,值得的)required (必须的) demanded (要求) requested (被请求的) desired (期望的) suggested (建议) recommended (推荐的) ordered (命令) proposed(建议的) decided(确定的)It is vi

16、tal that enough money (should) be collected to fund the projectFrom the standpoint of the long-term strategic interest of the West,it is imperative that their territorial unity (should) be a safeguard.注:上述所列形容词后用that引出的宾语从句中,谓语动词也要用虚拟语气, 例如:I dont think it advisable that Tom be assigned to the job s

17、ince he has no experience(2) suggest, propose等动词后所接宾语从句中用虚拟语气表建议、命令、要求的动词(见下表)引导的宾语从句中, 从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,其形式为should+动词原形,或直接用动词原形。suggest propose recommend move (提议) advise insist urge(极力主张) require request demand desire order command decide intend prefer urge(敦促)They demanded that the right to vote (s

18、hould) be given to every adult man.The committee recommends that the matter(should)be discussed at the next meeting.(3) suggestion, proposal等名词后所接同位语或表语从句中用虚拟语气表建议、命令、要求的名词(见下表)后所接的同位语或表语从句中,从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气, 其形式为should +动词原形,或直接用动词原形。order request requirement insistence suggestion command necessity im

19、portance idea plan motion(提议) proposal(建议) recommendation(建议) resolution(决定,决议)We are all for your proposal that the discussion(should)be put offMy idea is that we (should) get more people to attend the conference.3) 虚拟语气在其他句型中的应用(1) 动词wish所接宾语从句中的虚拟语气当动词wish后面接that引导的宾语从句(that经常被省略)时,宾语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟

20、语气,表示一种不可实现的愿望。与现在事实相反时,从句的谓语动词用一般过去时(be 用were的形式);与过去事实相反时,从句的谓语动词用过去完成时;与将来事实相反时,从句的谓语动词用助动词过去式+动词原形。I wish I were as strong as you.She wishes that we hadnt sent her the candy yesterday because shes on a diet.I wish you would stay here longer.(2) as if /as though引导的从句中的虚拟语气在as if (as though)引导的方式状

21、语从句或表语从句中,谓语动词有时用虚拟语气。若与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时;若与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。They treat me as though I were a stranger He was shaking with fright as if he had seen a ghost.(3) would rather、 would sooner、had rather引导的从句中的虚拟语气would rather , would sooner, had rather用来表达主观愿望,意为“宁愿”、“宁可”。这些短语所引导的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气。与现在或将来相反时,谓语动词用

22、过去时,与过去事实相反,谓语动词用过去完成时表示。You dont have to be in such a hurry. I would rather you went on business first.ld rather he hadnt told me about it.(4) It is (high, about) time所接从句中的虚拟语气it is (high,about) time所接从句中的谓语动词应使用一般过去时表示虚拟语气,指现在或将来的情况,表示“该(必须)做”Its time you looked ahead and made plans for your reti

23、rement.I think its time they were taught a lesson.(5) 特殊连词lest, for fear that和in case引导的目的状语从句中用虚拟语气lest等引导的目的状语从句中要用虚拟语气,表示“以防,以免”等意思,其谓语动词由should 动词原形构成,should也可省略。The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he(should)injure himself.He studies hard for fear that he (should) lag behind.(6) if

24、only引导的从句中用虚拟语气if only 引出从句,意思是“要是多好”,表示说话人的一种愿望。与现在事实相反,从句中的谓语动词用过去时;与过去事实相反,从句中的谓语动词则用过去完成时。If only the letter had arrived in time.If only my teacher had accepted my good suggestion.对将来情况的虚拟,表示主观愿望, 谓语动词用 would/should/could+动词原形。如:If only the sandstorm would stop!【同步练习1】1. Frankly speaking,Id rath

25、er you_(眼下对该问题不作任何评论).2. Its time someone_(为社会上不幸的人说说话了).3. The old man looked at the picture, and he felt as though_(回到20年前的时光).4. He was punished_(以免他再犯)5. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only_(我听从了你的劝告).6. But for your timely warning, we _(不会意识到有危险).7. It is essential that these _(申请表应

26、尽早地寄回).8. The judge assented to(同意)the suggestion that_(将罪犯判死刑) .9. I wish I _(今天早上能多睡会儿), but I had to get up and come to class.10. Had he listened to me,_(约翰就不会失败了).2.2.2 常见句式1) 定语从句(1) 关系代词引导的定语从句who, whom, whose, which, that引导的定语从句They are looking for the patient on whom doctors just performed a

27、n operation.Do you know the name of that girl whose brother is your roommate? 关系代词that 和 which 两者一般情况下可以互换,但有些情况除外。当先行词前面有形容词的最高级和序数词时;先行词是all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much, none, few等不定代词时;当先行词被no, every, some, any, only, very, much等限定词修饰时;当先行词的主句是以who或which开头的特殊疑问句时;当并列的两

28、个先行词分别表示人与动物或人与物时;当定语从句为there be句型时,定语从句只用that引导。例如:The first thing that I want to do this evening is to write to my parents.He knew everything that happened in the village. Thats the only thing that we can do now. Who is the person that is standing there?They are talking about the teachers and scho

29、ols that they have visited.在非限制性定语从句中,定语从句只用which引导。Taiwan, which is the largest island of China, is a beautiful one. 介词关系代词当先行词表示事物意义,在从句中做介词的宾语且介词提前时,定语从句只用which引导。例如:This is the house in which he lived last year.(2) 关系副词引导的定语从句关系副词when, where, why分别可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语,表示时间、地点、原因等。由于关系副词wh

30、en, where, why的含义相当于“介词+which”的结构,因此常常和“介词+which”结构交替使用。I shall never forget the day when/ on which I entered the university.The place where/ in which were to have the speech contest has not been decided yet.That is the reason why/ for which I am not in favor of the plan.(3) as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句在as

31、, which 引导的非限定性定语从句中,as和which可代整个主句,相当于and this, and that。as一般放在句首,which放在句中。As we know, smoking is harmful to ones health.The sun heats the earth, which is very important to us. 2) 状语从句(1) 时间状语从句 when引导的时间状语从句before引导的从句A在之前;趁着还没有;B句型It iswaswill bemay be(time)before“过(时间)才”;区别于It has beenis.(time)

32、since “自从以来已经(多长时间了)”。 no soonerthan,hardlyscarcelywhen 一就表示一个动作刚结束,另一个动作就开始了。主句一般用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。no sooner,hardlyscarcely放在句首,主句要倒装。No sooner had he arrived than she started complaining.the instant,the moment,the minute一就The instant I saw him I knew he was angry.each timeevery time;next time,last t

33、ime引导时间状语从句My poor spelling annoys me each time I try to write something.(2) 地点状语从句地点状语从句的连接词是where,wherever,anywhere,everywhere;地点从句中的谓语动词表示将来的动作时,不用将来时,用一般现在时。Take this baggage and put it whereveranywhereeverywhere you can find enough space.(3) 原因状语从句原因状语从句中because, in that,since,now that出现频率较高; s

34、eeing that,now(that),considering(that),in that这几个连接词与since,as意义差不多,可换用。如:Seeing(that)she was seriously ill,they sent for the doctor(4) 让步状语从句 though/ although引导的让步状语I dont know him well though Ive known him for a long time. while引导的让步状语从句(一般位于主句之前)While these experiments are interesting and useful,i

35、t is important to remember that theymay not always tell us much.注:让步从句中已有连词(如though,although,while),主句前不能用but;反之,句中有but则不能用though,although,while。 no matter + 疑问词/ 疑问词 + ever引导的让步状语从句No matter what / Whatever you do, you must do it well. No matter who/ Whoever breaks the rule, he must be punished注意疑问

36、词 + ever引导让步状语从句与疑问词 + ever引导名词性从句的区别。You can choose whatever you like in the shop.(此句不能由no matter what引导)(5) 条件状语从句: if 引导的条件状语从句 as/so long as 只要As long as you dont betray me, Ill do whatever you ask me to (do). unless , in case等引导的条件状语从句 I wont go to the party unless Im invited.Please remind me i

37、n case I forget.3) 倒装句英语中的倒装结构可分为全部倒装和部分倒装,汉译英题目中经常涉及到部分倒装结构。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句子的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 表示否定或半否定的词或词组放在句首作状语,句子用部分倒装。这些词和词组有:never, scarcely, hardly, rarely, little, nowhere, no sooner, not only, in no case, in no way, on no account, at no time, unde

38、r no circumstance等。Rarely did Tom leave his lab those days.Little did I think a year ago that I could work for your company.Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.注:当not until位于句首,引出主从复合句时,主句倒装,从句不倒装。 only引出的状语放在句首,句子用部分倒装Only after class was he allowed to raise the question.

39、so, nor, neither引起的部分倒装句首为so, nor, neither等副词时,表明前句说明的情况也适用于后者,句子用部分倒装。If Julia can do it, so can I.He didnt say anything. Nor did his assistant. 虚拟条件句的倒装形式(参见虚拟语气部分) as, though引导的让步状语的倒装从句必须将表语或状语提前(形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前)。但需注意,句首名词不能带任何冠词;句首是实义动词, 其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语,随实义动词一起放在主语之前。例如:Poor as he w

40、as, he was honest.Child as he is, he knows a lot.Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.4) 强调句强调句的构成主要有两种形式: it is (was)+被强调的部分+that (who, which)+句子的其他部分It was Anne that (who) had a severe heart attack last night.It is not until they lose it that people know the value

41、 of health. whatis (was) 型强调句What impressed us most was his image.【同步练习2】1. Only then_(医生意识到他的病人需要做手术).2. _(只要你有个均衡的饮食), you will be healthy.3. Day in, day out, _(不管天气如何), she walks ten miles.4. Not until he came in_(他才知道发生了什么事)。5. He is unlikely to find the place_(他四十年前居住过的地方). 6. _(尽管他上了年纪),he is

42、busy with various kinds of social activities.7. The customer complained that no sooner_(他刚试着使用这台机器,它就不运转了).8. _(他们一听到警报), they fell in for action.9._( 正如打扫房屋一样), so we should sweep backward ideas from our minds.10._ (由于价格上涨太快), all my money is draining away.2.2.3 非谓语动词和独立主格结构1) 非谓语动词在句子中充当除谓语以外的句子成分

43、的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词分为三种形式:不定式,动名词,和分词(分词包括现在分词和过去分词)。(1) 不定式 不定式的用法不定式具有动词的性质,在句中可有自己的宾语,并可被状语修饰,同时还有名词、形容词和副词的性质,在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、宾语补足语、主语补足语等成分。作主语 To become a good teacher was my hope. 作表语 Our purpose is to finish the job in the two weeks. 作宾语 The Children refused to listen to me. 英语中有一部分动词常跟不定

44、式作宾语,如:agree, fail, promise, afford, forget, prove, arrange, guarantee, refuse, ask, happen, resolve, attempt, hesitate, seek, bother, hope, seem, care, learn, tend, choose, threaten, claim, manage, trouble, consent, neglect, try, decide, offer, undertake, demand, plan, volunteer, determine, prepare

45、, want, pretend, wish等。作定语 She was the only one to look after the children.作状语 To earn more money for his family, he sold newspapers in his spare time.作宾语补足语 He asked me to call him back at 11.作主语补足语 They were made to work day and night.不定式的时态和语态不定式有时态和语态变化。下面以write为例,具体形式如下表:主动式被动式一般式to writeto be

46、written进行式to be writing完成式to have writtento have been written一般式表示的动词,有时与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,有时发生在谓语动词的动作之后;完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前;进行式表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。I have some news to tell you.They seem to be getting along quite well.I am sorry to have kept you waiting.(2) 动名词动名词也是一种非谓语动词形式,由动词原形加ing构成。动名词兼有动词和

47、名词的某些特征,不仅能带宾语、状语、或逻辑主语,而且在句中的作用类似于名词,可作主语、表语、宾语、介词宾语等。 动名词的用法作主语 Reading aloud is very important in learning a foreign language.作表语 Her job is nursing the disabled.作定语 sleeping-car drinking water作宾语 He always avoided giving us a direct answer. 以下及物动词后面通常接动名词作宾语,例如:admit, excuse, postpone, anticipat

48、e, fancy, practise, appreciate, finish, prevent, avoid, forbid, propose, consider, forgive, recollect, delay, imagine, resent, deny, involve, resist, detest, keep, risk, dislike, mind, save, dread, miss, suggest, enjoy, pardon, escape, permit等。以下短语后通常接动名词作宾语,例如:instead of, look forward to, put off,

49、cant stand, canthelp, feel like, give up, object to, keep on, see about, take to, admit to, preferto, be used to, lead to, devote oneself to, stick to, no good, no use, be fond of, be tired of, be capable of, burst out, be successful in等。以下短语中, 动名词作介词in的宾语,in常省略,例如:have difficulty (trouble, problem,

50、 a hard time, fun, a good time)(in); be busy (in) ; waste time (in) ; be long (in) ; lose time (in) ; there is no point(in) 有些词后加不定式和动名词均可, 但意义截然不同,例如: remember, forget, try, stop, regret, go on, cease, mean等。remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事remember doing sth. 记得做过某事forget to do sth. 忘记要去做某事forget doing

51、sth. 忘记做过某事regret to do sth. 因要去做某事而感到遗憾regret doing sth. 因做过某事而感到遗憾try to do 努力try doing 试一试mean to 打算mean doing 意味着在prefer, like, hate等词后,如果表示一般倾向,多用动名词作宾语。如果指特定或具体某次行动,用不定式更多一些。 动名词的时态与语态动名词有时态和语态变化。下面以do为例,具体形式如下表:主动形式被动形式一般式doingbeing done完成式having donehaving been doneI apologize for not having

52、 kept my promise.She didnt mind being left alone at home.(3) 分词分词是一种非谓语动词,它有两种形式:现在分词和过去分词。现在分词由动词原形加-ing构成;过去分词由动词原形加-ed构成。不规则动词的过去分词无一定规律,须单独记忆。现在分词与过去分词的区别主要在于:现在分词表示主动意思,过去分词表示被动意思;现在分词表示动作的进行,而过去分词表示动作的完成。例如:burning forest 燃烧着的森林 burned skin 烧着了的皮肤developing countries 发展中国家 developed countries

53、发达国家 分词的作用作定语 We can see the rising sun. He is a retired worker.作状语 Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.作表语 The news is exciting.The door remained locked.作宾语补足语 She suddenly heard someone knocking at the door.He was glad to see his son well taken care of in the day-care center. 作主语补足语 The children were heard singing the song. 分词的时态和语态现在分词也有时态和语态变化,现在分词有一般式和完成式,过去分词没有这种区别。及物动词的现在分词还有主动形式和被动形式的区别。下面以动词do为例:时态语态主动被动一般式doingbeing done完成式having donehaving been doneWe must keep a secret


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