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1、New Concept English(Book 1)(新概念英语)(第一册,Vincent Sue,Everyday English,1. Where can I wash my hands? 请问洗手间在哪里? 2. I wasnt born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩。 3. Would you care for a cup of coffee? 要杯咖啡吗,Lesson 47-48 A cup of 本次课重点:like的用法,black coffee 纯咖啡,Kinds of coffee,Blue Mountain 蓝山咖啡,Latte 拿铁(意式奶泡咖啡,拿铁咖啡是诸

2、多意大利式的鲜奶咖啡中的一种,拿铁(latte)在意大利语意思是鲜奶。 在英语的世界,泛指由热鲜奶所冲泡的咖啡,Mocha muk 摩卡,Cappuccino 卡布奇诺,kpti:n,Irish Coffee 爱尔兰咖啡,Ask,Answer,and,New Words and Expressions,like v.喜欢,想要 want v.想,like v. 喜欢,想要,v. 喜欢 What do you like? Do you like fish? 翻译:她喜欢他,但是不爱他。 王老师是个好老师,我们都喜欢他。 v. 想要;希望有 Do you like some apples? Wou

3、ld you like some coffee? Would you like something to eat? Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow? 明天来吃饭好吗,Would you like +名词 to do sth.?意为“你想要吗?”,用来询问对方是否需要什么或征求意见与看法。 例如: Would you like some water? 你想要一些水吗? Would you like to play football with us? 你愿意和我们一起去踢足球吗,她喜欢他,但是不爱他。 She likes him but does

4、nt love him. Mr. Wang is a good teacher. We all like him. 王老师是个好老师,我们都喜欢他。 likes n. likes and dislikes 好恶 爱憎 He has so many likes and dislikes. 他好恶爱憎这么多,How do you like.?意为你认为怎么样?(What do you think of.?) 例如: -How do you like the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样? -Its very interesting.很有趣,like prep. be like, look li

5、ke后接名词或代词作宾语,意为像;跟一样,1. 他是怎么样的一个人? What is he like? 2. 我想当像迈克尔.杰克逊那样的流行歌星。 Im going to be a pop star like Michael Jackson. 3. 他像他的父亲。 Hes like his father. 4. 那个小姑娘看起来像她的父亲。 The little girl looks like her father. like 作后缀 childlike孩子般的 ladylike贵妇人似的 snakelike蛇形的;蛇一般的,feel like,feel like后接动词ing形式、代词或名

6、词,意为想要做某事。例如: Do you feel like having a rest? 你想休息吗? Well go for a walk if you feel like it.如果你想散步,我们就去吧,want v. 想,v. 想要;希望 want sth. 想要某物 What do you want? Do you want some tea? want sb. to do sth. 想某人做某事 The boss wants Pamela to type a letter for him. v. 需要 My leather shoes want cleaning. 我的皮鞋需要擦擦

7、了,I like coffee. Do you like coffee,Today well learn a story about having coffee,Does Ann like coffee,1. Who are talking in the conversation ? 2.Does Ann like tea? No, it isnt mentioned. 3.Does Ann like coffee? 4.Does Ann want any sugar in her coffee? 5.Does Ann want any milk in her coffee? 6.Does A

8、nn like biscuits? 7.Does Ann like white coffee,Listen to the tape, and then answer the questions,Text,CHRISTINE: Do you like coffee, Ann?ANN: Yes, I do.CHRISTINE: Do you want a cup?ANN: Yes, please, Christine.CHRISTINE: Do you want any sugar?ANN: Yes, please.CHRISTINE: Do you want any milk?ANN: No,

9、thank you. I dont like milk in my coffee. I like black coffee.CHRISTINE: Do you like biscuits?ANN: Yes. I do.CHRISTINE: Do you want one?ANN: Yes, please,Language Points,1.like,sth. to do sth. doing sth,2.want,sth. to do sth. sb. to do sth,3. some和any 用法: 既可以修饰可数名词 又可以修饰不可数名词,some 常用在肯定句中译为“一些” 可作形容词

10、和代词 any 常用在否定和疑问句中为“任何一些” 注:在表示建议、反问、请求的疑问句中, 或期望得到肯定回答时,用some 当表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时, any可以用在肯定句中,like doing sth. 和 like to do sth. 区别,like to do sth 是偶尔一次的爱好,意为(偶尔或具体地)喜欢做某事。 而like doing sth 是长期性的爱好.意为(经常或习惯地)喜欢做某事。 like+doing这里面的进行时表示喜欢经常做一件事情,这件事情也就是这个人的爱好, 例如“Do you like reading?”意思是你爱好读书吗? He likes

11、 singing.他喜欢唱歌。 like+to do加不定式表示想做什么事情,意思类似于want 想去做, 例如“Do you like to go with me?”表示现在愿不愿意去做某事 I like to swim with you today.今天我喜欢和你一起去游泳,How to refuse politely,Have a cigarette. -Thanks./ Thats nice. No, thanks. Sorry. I dont smoke. -Would you like to have a party with us? -Id like to, but Id lov

12、e to, but I have to work,1.A: Do you like coffee? B: Yes, I do. No. I dont. 2. A: Do you want any sugar? B: Yes, I do. No, I dont,Key Structures,Do you want to be my wife/husband? -Yes, I do. -Do you want a cup of coffee? -I do. Sure,Key expressions,1. How can I help you? Can I help you? 2. Yes, wou

13、ld you please Can you bring me a cup of coffee? 3. Do you want any sugar? Do you want any milk? 4. Yes, sugar/milk, please. No, thanks./ I like black coffee,I like black coffee,black coffee是指不加牛奶或咖啡伴侣的咖啡,加牛奶的咖啡叫white coffee,black tea 红茶,Lesson 48Do you like?Do you want,Numbers drill,second seventh f

14、irst fifth tenth ninth fourth eleventh third sixth twelfth eighth,第十一 第三 3rd 第八 第四 4th 第十二 第五 5th第七 7th 第二 2nd 第九 第六 6th 第一 1st 第十,New Words and Expressions,fresh adj.新鲜的 egg n.鸡蛋 butter n.黄油 pure adj.纯净的 honey n.蜂蜜 ripe adj.成熟的 banana n.香蕉 jam n.果酱,sweet adj.甜的 orange n.橙 Scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌 choic

15、e adj.上等的 apple n.苹果 wine n.酒 beer n.啤酒 blackboard n.黑板,fresh adj.新鲜的,fresh air 新鲜空气 fresh fruit 新鲜水果 fresh/latest news 最新的消息 break fresh ground 做以前从未做过的事情 开垦处女地 开辟新天地,egg n.鸡蛋,我想要一些鸡蛋。 I want some eggs. -Do you want any eggs? -Yes, I do. No, I dont. Put all the eggs in one basket. 冒很大的风险,butter n.黄

16、油(不可数,Do you want any butter? Yes, I do.No, I dont,pure adj.纯净的,drinking water饮用水 pure water 纯净水 pure milk 纯牛奶 mineral water 矿泉水,honey n.蜂蜜(不可数,He doest want any honey. honey 亲爱的(Am) Honey. come here. honeymoon蜜月,ripe adj.成熟的,a ripe apple. 一个熟苹果。 The time is ripe. 时机成熟了。 mature,banana n.香蕉,the ripe

17、bananas 熟香蕉 -Do you like bananas? -Yes, I do. No, I dont,jam n.果酱,They dont like jam. Do you want any jam? Yes, I do. No, I dont. jam n.堵塞 traffic jam 交通堵塞,sweet adj.甜的,The apple is very sweet. 表示不同味道 (tastes) 的词: sour 酸的 bitter 苦的 salty 咸的 spicy/hot 辣的 pungent 辛辣的 bland 清淡的 sweet-and-sour 酸甜的,Scotc

18、h whisky 苏格兰威士忌,Scotch skt adj. 苏格兰人的;苏格兰语的 Scotland苏格兰,choice adj.上等的,choice apples 上等的苹果。 choice n.选择 make a choice 做决定,做选择,apple n.苹果,There are some apples and an orange in the basket. There is an orange and some apples in the basket. the apple of sbs eye 某人最喜欢的人或物 心肝宝贝/掌上明珠 Her son is the apple

19、of her eye. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A pill a day keeps the doctor away,wine n.酒(不可数) beer n.啤酒(不可数) blackboard n.黑板,I want some wine. She is drinking beer with her friend,Practice,one first 1st two second 2nd three third 3rd four fourth 4th,five fifth 5th six sixth 6th seven seventh 7t

20、h eight eighth 8th nine ninth 9th,ten tenth 10th eleven eleventh 11th twelve twelfth 12th,英语中序数词必须与定冠词(the)连用。如:the 1st month,the twelfth century(12世纪,序数词(1):序数词从字意来看,表示:第几第几。一般情况下在基数词后面加-th,有以下口诀助记,一般现在时的基本用法: 1. 描述现在的事实或状态,常用be等表示状态的动词。 There flowers are very beautiful. I am thirteen. / We are stu

21、dents. 2. 表示经常性的习惯性的动作,常与表频度的 时间状语连用。 (always ,often ,usually ,sometimes): He goes to school at 8 oclock everyday. He reads English everyday. 3.表示主语具备的性格、能力和特征。 I dont want so much,Grammar,4. 描述客观的事实或普遍真理: The sun rises on the east. The earth moves around the sun. 5. 口语的时候也可以代替将来时(come go leave arri

22、ve start get stay 等单词): The meeting starts at 5 oclock. 会议将在5点中开始 注意和be going to的区别。 We are going to a meeting at 5 oclock,肯定句: She is a teacher. 这第一种形式就是已经学过的S+be的系表结构,不再举例。 I like beef. He likes the beef. 第三人称单数要进行-s es的变化。 否定句与疑问句: I dont like beef. Do you like beef? Yes, I do. No, I dont. What d

23、o you like? He doesnt like beef. Does he like beef? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. What does he like? What does he do? 他在干什么? 1. 由此可见,一般现在时中,否定句与疑问句要用助动词do来提问(第三人称用does)。 2. 注意的是,如果句子中有了助动词does了,那么实义动词本身不变化。 3. 注意这个does的发音。 动词的变化:当主语是第三人称单数时,动词需要变化,规则与名词的复数类似: 1. 一般动词加 s 2. 以s/sh/ch/x/z 加-es,如:push、pa

24、ss、catch、fix、buzz 3. 以辅音+y结尾,把y变i再加-es,如:study、cry 4. 以辅音+o结尾加es,如:do、go,Do exercises on P96,练习答案 Key to written exercises,A 1 The aeroplane is flying over the village. 2 The ship is going under the bridge. 3 The children are swimming across the river. 4 Two cats are running along the wall. 5 The boy is jumping off the branch. 6 The girl is sitting between her mother and her father. 7 The teacher is standing in f


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