



1、顺利解答托福口语需要把握这3个要点 顺利解答托福口语需要把握这3个要点1、掌握好答题时间托福口语的答题时间有限。仅就托福独立口语部分而言,准备时间只有15秒,答题时间在60秒之内。如果考生说不完,根本不可能取得高分。建议大家在答题时,规划好时间,比如用5秒左右的时间说完总论点,然后用40秒左右的时间论述一至两个分论点。当然要做到这样的答题时间精确度,还需要考生在平时准备托福口语的时候强迫自己对于某个话题在最短的时间内形成一个清晰、有逻辑性的观点以及证明过程,并试图先用中文表达出来,以后再慢慢地过渡到英语上面去2、基本的语音与语法很多中国没有真正理解托福口语的作答要求,以为自己说得快就是托福口语


3、用了逻辑的开头,以此来陈述立场,进而发展论点,就会让考官形成思想认同,觉得你这个人逻辑思维到位,从而取得高分。而中国考生的问题大多在于答题过于“含蓄”,回答问题毫无计划性。新托福口语指导:春运系列的词春运(passenger)transport during the spring festival period客运量 volume of passenger transport客运列车 passenger train客流高峰期 peak time for passenger transport加开列车 operate / arrange extra trains开通24小时售票窗口 open 2

4、4-hour ticket sales windows集体预定火车票 group ticket-booking送票上门 deliver train tickets to the doorsteps规范售票 regulate ticket sale打击票贩子 crack down on scalpers缓解交通压力 ease the traffic pressure春节期间客流量最大。the volume of passenger traffic reaches its climax before and after the spring festival.今年春节期间火车票票价不上涨。the

5、train ticket prices will not be raised during the spring festival period this year.大多数乘客是放寒假的大学生和返乡过年的农民工。most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers returning home forspring festival.客流将集中在北京、广州、重庆、武汉等城市。passenger flows will be concentrated in beijing, g

6、uangzhou, chongqing, wuhan and some other cities.托福口语考试80题1. 说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。(q1:物)2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。(q2:优缺点)3. describe the most important decision that you made in your life.(q1:事)4. do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?(q2:观点)5. 空闲时间

7、用来做什么? (q1:事,假设)6. 打手机该不该在一些地方禁止?(q2:观点)7. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。(q1:事,经历)8. which one acts more influence on you newspaper, tv or teachers? (q2:偏好)9. describe a social or politics celebration events in your culture.(q1:事)10.政府是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院。说出你的观点和理由。(q2:观点)11.说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因。(q1:物)1

8、2.你和朋友在一起的时候喜欢去哪个地方?为什么?(q1:物)13.你是喜欢自己在家里吃还是去外面餐馆吃?为什么?(q2:偏好)14.你通常喜欢去什么park或者public area。(q1:物)15.喜欢到大城市读书还是小城市读书。(q2:偏好)16.杂志,小说,诗歌,喜欢哪个(q2:偏好)17.喜欢一个人住还是和室友住(q2:偏好)18.和朋友在一起,喜欢在restaurant,caf还是在家(q2:偏好)19.computer have improved our lives while others think computers have caused problems(q2:优缺点)

9、20.老师的character(q1:人)21.是说愿意在办公室工作还是在家工作,为什么。(q2:偏好)22.说一个你敬佩的人的好性格(q1:人)23.大学是应该向所有人开放还是只对一部分学生开放(q1:观点)24.whether parents should lead their children to watch tv or the children should choose(q2:观点)25.the most efficient transportation in your country。(q1:物)26.说近100年最important的invention之一(q1:物)27.at

10、tend college是否比不读college容易successful in career ,why?(q2:观点)28.characteristics of friends;(q1:人)29.someone suggests school to cut the recycling(q2:观点)30.你是愿意当leader还是当follower(q2:偏好)31.which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books?(q2:偏好)32.人是被电视,报纸,广播上的信息影响得多,还是家人朋

11、友得影响多?(q2:偏好)33.理想的职业(q1:物)34.take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year?(q2:偏好)35.what do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?(q1:人)36.do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in group?(q2:偏好)37.你的目标是什么(q1:物)exam838.描述一次challenging experie

12、nce,以及如何解决这个challenge(q1:事,经历)39.应该选择工作好找的专业还是应该选择自己感兴趣的专业(q2:偏好)40.喜欢看那种电影,为什么:comedy, drama(q1:物)41.what will you do to relax yourself?(q1,物)42.is it important for students to attend class regularly or study by oneself?(q2:偏好)43.describe an enjoyable event in your childhood(q2:事,经历)44.描述一个你参加过的学校(

13、q2:地)45.学校应不应该在普通课程中加入sport courses?(q2:观点)46.what do you miss most when you are away from home?(q1:物)47.人们往往认为应该在危急时刻帮助别人,但另一种观点认为你首先应该看清楚情况(q2:观点)48.describe a special opportunity given to you(q1:事,经历)49.good leader应有哪些qualities?50.同不同意people should always tell the truth .(q2:观点)51.describe an obj

14、ect which is very important to you.(q1:物)52.do you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at the first glance?(q2:给观点)53.如果有机会你会选择job or career?(q2:偏好)54.若果有一大笔钱,你会做practice thing or happy thing?(q1:事)55.学生放假应该做些什么?(q2:观点)56.描述一件童年很happy的event,然后explain why it is memorable(q1:事,经历)57.com

15、municate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone?(q2:偏好)58.favorite time of a year(q1:物)59.have a relaxed and unhurried life, yes or no?(q2:偏好,与life full of surprises and challenges相比)60.favorite room(q1:地)网61.在旅行时,有些人喜欢直接到达目的地,有些人却喜欢沿途一路上观光。(q2:偏好)62.当你去restaurant或cafe得时候最

16、care about的features有那些(q1:物)63.城市建设中应该保持old building呢还是应该用new building replace old building(q:观点)64.get advice from family and friends or learning through personal experience.(q2:偏好)65.do you agree or disagree: students should wear uniform. in school?(q2:观点)66.你选择online courses还是traditional courses(

17、q2:偏好)67.subject which will lead to better job or subject which you are interested.(q2:偏好)68.有些人觉得在大学的学习是很重要的,有的人觉得它并不怎么重要,你的观点?(q1:观点)69.describe a letter or poem or .that is important to you(q1:物)70.森林,沙漠,平原.你喜欢住在哪种环境里?(q2:偏好)71.说说你向别人要求帮助的经历,别人是怎么样帮助你的(q1:经历)72.赚钱的工作还是personal satisfaction高的工作(q2

18、:偏好)73.学生在工作之前应该做part-time job或者summer intern来确定自己是否合适那份工作,同意否?(q2:观点)74.最想学的一个技能(q1:物)75.是否同意学生进入大学前有一个one-year的break(q2:观点)76.some good news and why(q1:物)77.新生是和其它年级混住还是单独一个楼(q2:观点)78.同意或不同意students will learn more when they have discussions(q2:观点)79.do you agree or disagree: “the most important l

19、esson cant be learned in class.”(q2:观点)80.should the university education be free?(q2:观点)新托福口语独立题分析介绍1. describe an object that is very special in your life. explain why this object is important to you.2. some universities require students to participate in community service activities. what do you

20、think are the advantages and disadvantages of having such a policy? include details and examples in your explanation.在回答的时候,要通过举例或细节描述支持论点,表达时可以运用定义,描写,比较,比喻或举例等合适的方法。恰当的细节描述来支撑自己的观点。例如:就上面的两个问题来回答:1. describe an object that is very special in your life. explain why this object is important to you.t

21、he object that is special for me is the book harry potter one. i cherish it very much for the following several reasons. first, it is a present that my mother gave to me as my eleventh birthday gift. second, after reading this book, i found books are actually amazing; the plots in it are quite impre

22、ssive. and then, i developed an interest in reading books. i really appreciate that the book brings me to this fantastic world. finally, by talking about the book, i meet so many friends that have the common interest of me. therefore, this book is truly special for me, ill cherish it forever.分析:首先明确

23、指出了书的名字:harry potter one. 开门见山。很多时候中国考生说话喜欢兜圈子,话说了好多,但还没有说到要点。这是不对的,美国人的思维是看门见山,直截了当的说出自己的观点。接下来,采用了first, second, finally这样的词汇来阐述自己的观点,这样可以让听者很清晰的把握内容的脉络,很具有条理性。而且在论证的过程中还才采用了大量的细节描述,after reading this book, i found books are actually amazing; the plots in it are quite impressive. and then, i devel

24、oped an interest in reading books. i really appreciate that the book brings me to this fantastic world. 使回答的内容更具有了说服力,内容完成,回答缜密。2. some universities require students to participate in community service activities. what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having such a policy? includ

25、e details and examples in your explanation.there are both advantages and disadvantages of a policy that requires students to participate in community service activities. one of the advantages is that it might help students understand the importance of good will and charity. another advantage is that

26、 it will help students understand other people better. the most important advantage of such a policy is that it will help bridge gaps between different age, class, and ethnic groups. some people might also argue that there are some drawbacks to having such a policy. one of those disadvantages might be that forcing people to do things they dont want to do usually has some kind of consequence. furthermore, when pe


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