1、翻译资格口译学习经验分享 翻译资格口译学习经验分享口译作为英语学习者的一项较高的能力要求,需要学习者付出大量的时间和精力。那么会有学习者问有没有学习口译的技巧和好的方法呢?以下就把我从老师那里学到的经验结合自己工作中的一些经验和体会写出来和年轻的口译工作者分享,希望对大家有所帮助。1.要博闻强记众所周知,口译和笔译相比,具有许多的困难。笔译在碰到问题时可以查词典,可以请教别人,遣词造句可以反复推敲;而口译却没有了这些便利,你必须马上把讲话人的意思用另一种语言表达出来,容不得你犹豫与思考。因此,作为一个好的译员,除了必须具有坚实的语言基础以外,还必须要有丰富的各种相关知识。如果有可能,在执行口译
3、可以用如履薄冰来形容,因此马虎不得。2. 要替人受过无论是何种性质的谈判,谈判的过程是双方谈条件的相互讨价还价最终达成一致的过程。因此这些谈判中争执是免不了的。有时候,讨论的双方在对自己前面的承诺或条件做出修改或让步时,为了避免承认自己所说过的错话,降低自己在谈判中的地位,会把责任推给译员,说是译员没有按照自己的意思翻译,或翻译错了。在这样的时候,译员一定要沉得住气,甘于替人受过,千万不能来个矢口否认,说自己没有错。而且在这样的谈判结束后,领导也不会见得主动向你表示道歉。这是口译这一行的不成文的行规。你选择了这个职业,你就得这样做,千万不能因年轻气盛而受不得委屈。3.要随机应变在口译工作中,译
4、员的随机应变能力也是很重要的。比如说,有时发言者会插入一段笑话,调动听众的情绪。而有外语知识的人都知道,由于语言和文化的差异,在一种语言一种文化里很好笑的一段笑话,翻译成另一种语言,在另一种文化里,很可能一点都不好笑。如果在口译时译员碰到这种情况,该如何处理呢?以前我看过一篇*,说的是一个译员急中生智,给听众讲了与发言者所讲的笑话内容毫不相干的另外一段笑话,结果听众听完笑话,哈哈一笑,发言者不明就里,以为大家体会到了他所讲的笑话,也就心满意足了。4. 要忍饥受饿会议会谈完了,吃饭的时候,口译还不能闲着。往往在饭桌上还有许多的讨论。且不说介绍菜名和饮食文化,这是译员所必须做的,许多时候,双方会借
6、而音调低沉地翻译,意思是表达了,但效果却会大打折扣。因此,一个优秀的口译,一定不是一个性格内向木纳的人。我自己因为曾经在下乡期间担任过农场文艺宣传队的队长,对唱歌跳舞演剧均懂一点,在翻译时,还能根据讲话人的声情并茂而尽量接近翻译资格英语三级口译汉译英真题:苏州工业园汉译英:苏州工业园题目20xx年10月27日商务部钟山同志在苏州工业园区中新联合协调理事会第十六次会议上的发言first of all, on behalf of the ministry of commerce of china, i would like to express my agreement with the work
7、 report of the bilateral working committee presented to the council, and the interpretation made by the president of the bilateral working committee. at the same time, i am glad with the achievements gained by the suzhou industrial park during the 20 years since its foundation, and sincerely thankfu
8、l to singapores support to the park.苏州工业园区的发展历程,是中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的成功缩影,也是中新两国平等互利、精诚合作的真实写照。20年来,苏州工业园区在规划建设、招商引资、科技发展、社会治理、体制机制创新等方面取得了显著成效,成为新时期中国对外开放和开发区建设的成功典范。尽管苏州工业园区在开发建设过程中也不可避免地遇到过困难和挑战,但是,双方始终坚持苏州工业园区发展目标不动摇,真诚以待、和衷共济,依靠双方的智慧和力量解决各种难题,创造了令合作双方自豪的成绩。这些成绩的取得,得益于两国领导人的亲切关怀,得益于双方各理事单位的大力支持,也得益
9、于江苏省、苏州市和园区建设者们的不懈努力。the development history of the suzhou industrial park is a successful epitome of chinas reform and opening up, as well as the socialist modernization, and also a mirror of the equality, reciprocity and sincere cooperation between china and singapore. during the 20 years, the suz
10、hou industrial park has gained remarkable achievements on planning and construction, business and investment inviting, scientific and technological development, social governance and system and mechanism innovation, becoming a successful model of chinas opening up and development area construction i
11、n the new era. there were inevitable difficulties and challenges during the construction of the suzhou industrial park, but the two parties always adhere to the development goal of the park, working together with one heart and sincerity, and solve all kinds of difficulties with the wisdom and streng
12、th of the two parties, creating splendid achievements. these achievements are attributable to the kind concern of the leaders of the two countries, the support from the members of the council, and the unremitting efforts of jiangsu province, suzhou city and the builders of the park.商务部作为中方理事会牵头单位,对园
13、区发展一直予以高度重视,会同各理事单位一起加大对园区在科技创新、金融服务以及服务业开放等方面的支持力度。今年是园区开发建设20周年,园区又将迎来一个新的发展阶段。as a leading member of the council of the chinese side, the ministry of commerce has always paid high attention to the development of the park, and together with other council members, strengthened support to the park i
14、n scientific and technological innovation, financial services and opening up of the service industry. this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the park, representing the start of a new development stage.希望园区全面总结开发建设成果和中新合作经验,充分发挥双边合作优势,不断深化合作内涵,扩大合作领域,更加突出以市场为主的开发建设模式,推动园区社会管理创新,
15、加快转型升级、创新发展,为推进中国产业优化升级和新型城镇化建设提供有益借鉴。商务部与各中方理事单位将一如既往地支持园区发展,解决园区建设中遇到的实际困难和问题,为中新友好合作和苏州工业园区进一步发展作出积极的贡献。i hope that the park would comprehensively summarize its development achievements and the experience of china-singapore cooperation, give full play of the advantages of bilateral cooperation, c
16、ontinuously deepen cooperation connotation, expanding cooperation fields, highlight the development mode centered on market, promote the innovation of social management, speed up transformation and upgrading, and accelerate innovative development, in order to provide experience to chinas industrial
17、upgrading and optimization and new-type urbanization. the ministry of commerce and other council members will support the development of the park as always, solve the difficulties and problems during the construction, and make positive contributions to china-singapore friendly cooperation and the fu
18、rther development of the park.翻译资格英语三级口译英译汉真题:中国发展的三座桥英译汉:中国发展的三座桥last night, when i was coming into town from pudong airport, i crossed the beautiful huangpu river on the lupu bridge. this reminded me of chinas talent in making bridges and made me think of three other important bridges.昨晚,我从浦东机场进城,
19、通过卢浦大桥跨过了美丽的黄浦江。这让我想起了中国在修桥方面的天赋和另外三座重要的桥梁。bridge number one: 40 years ago, china started to build a “bridge to the world” by opening its economy and by kickstarting reforms that have changed the lives and prospects of hundreds of millions of peoplehere and and beyond china.第一座桥梁:40年前,中国开始建造“通往世界的桥梁
20、”。开放经济,启动改革。改变了数亿人的生活和前景,不仅仅是在中国。by transforming itselfthrough trade, hard work, and learning from otherschina has also helped to transform the global economy. progress in this country has played a significant role in boosting productivity, innovation and living standards in countries around the wor
21、ld.中国在通过贸易、勤奋努力和向他国学习来实现自我转变的同时,也帮助全球经济实现了转型。中国的发展对于提高世界各国的生产力、创新能力和生活水平发挥了重要作用。yes, there is always more work to be done. on these bridges, you dont want traffic jams. there is room for even greater openness in chinas domestic market, which can help strengthen the global trade system. and there is
22、scope for further reforms that can help unlock the full potential of many private-sector firms.当然,总有可以进一步改进的空间。中国的国内市场还有更大的开放空间,这有助于加强全球贸易体系。另外,还有待进一步推进改革,促进释放众多私营企业的全部潜力。bridge number two: china is building a “bridge to prosperity” by rebalancing its economy towards consumption-led growth, rather t
23、han export- and investment-led growth.第二座桥梁:中国正在建造“通往繁荣的桥梁”。促进经济的再平衡调整,实现消费带动、而非出口和投资驱动的经济增长,building that bridge is well underway. in the first three quarters of this year, consumption contributed 78 percent to chinas gdp growth, up from 50 percent only 5 years ago.这座桥梁的建设正在进行之中。今年前三个季度,消费对中国gdp增长的
24、贡献率达到78%,而5年前仅为50%。this transitionwhich is symbolized by the china international import expois good for china, especially in terms of rising standards of living for the chinese people, and good for the world, including all those who see china as a vital and vibrant market for their goods and service
25、s.这一转变以中国国际进口博览会为标志对中国有利,特别是提高了中国人民的生活水平;同时,也对世界有利,包括所有将中国作为货物和服务重要和充满活力的市场的国家。again, we can see the progress and rebalancing in the numbers: for example, chinas current account surplus is projected to be less than 1 percent of gdp this year, compared with about 10 percent in 20xx.相关进展和再平衡进程同样体现在数字中
26、:例如,中国的经常账户顺差预计今年不到gdp的1%,而20xx年约为10%。bridge number three: china is building a “bridge to the future” by harnessing the power of international cooperation, especially on trade.第三座桥梁:中国正在建造“通往未来的桥梁”。利用国际合作的力量,特别是贸易方面的国际合作。on behalf of the imf, i have called on all countries to de-escalate and resolve the current trade dispute
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