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1、托福口语保量更要保质 托福口语保量更要保质 提分说得多更要说得好托福口语高分需考虑语速问题想取得托福口语考试高分,有内涵有逻辑还不行,还得考虑速度问题。如果整体都很好,但是老师一个没有听清楚,岂不白费。有些人觉得托福口语说快的话,效率比较高,最直接的效果便是可以在规定的时间内多说一些。而且这样会给人以不拖沓的感觉,干脆利落,印象分比较高。口语说得太快听不懂也是白搭但是事实上,新托福口语考试是机考,本身就不能用其他的面部表情和肢体语言进行辅助的表达,考试的时候还会有一起参加的其他人的影响,所以托福口备考时语还是要以让别人听懂为第一要务。说得快不等于说得多更不等于废话连篇至于大家认为的说话越多,也

2、许就会越有优势,这其实是不能定论的。说话的量的多少,要看能否把意思表达清楚,只要能完整清晰地表达出自己想要表达的东西,就不必要说那么多的话,毕竟这是考试不是聊天需要寒暄。相信同学们心里都有了一定的想法,不管是托福口语语速怎样,重要的是自己在考场上把握一定的度,还要考虑时间分配的问题。托福口语26分的口语第一题模板参考口语模版 personwell, as for as im concerned, frank is the most helpful teacher to me, and i have to main reasons for that.to begin with, he is re

3、ally concerned about all the students in his class. for example, he would meet me and other student after class to make sure we understood his lessons.also, personally speaking, he is of great help to those ambitious students who are willing to go abroad to further their education. for instance, he

4、helped students who were eager to attend foreign universities fill out their applicant and edit their personal statement till very late.i respect and admire my mother more than anyone else in this world as far as im concerned.first and foremost, she treats me with extraordinary patience and an open

5、mind forever. when i was little and naughty, it took my mom many efforts to teach me about good and bad. when i get radical, my mother was patient enough to bring me back to the track.in addition, she was always supportive we i raised reasonable request., since she trusted me to make my own decision

6、s, like how to spent my pocket money or which study group to join.as for as im concerned, what makes a good friend is someone who is honest and has a good sense of humor.for one thing, i just look for someone whos honest to me no matter what. he should not tell stories behind my back; he should tell

7、 me my short-comings at my mouth, but never praises me in front of me.besides, id love to spend more time with someone who can make me laugh and is fun to be around. that is to say, he can really life my spirits whenever i get down or upset. therefore i could always feel soothed and relieved in the

8、time i spent with him.口语模版 objectsas a big fan of fantasy stories, i especially have fun with j.k rowlings harry potter series for theyre challenging, relaxing, and more importantly, the tale is terrific.for one thing, ive got the feeling that the plots are carefully made up. in addition, i believe

9、the author just has got the power to make complicated stories so straightforward.even though some of the conversations were too long to make the whole story go smoothly, ill still have to admit that such novel really worth a “two-thumbs up”.i would like to learn how to play guitar most for there are

10、 millions of merits of learning a musical instrument.for one thing, it would be a most talented skill to achieve. for example, could take my guitar to all kinds of parties to demonstrate my gift of music and i bet it would be exciting.to be more specific, i could join a band and play songs with othe

11、r musicians. and may be, we could make some pocket money in that way making a lot of friends who have the same sense of music with me.ping pong is a very popular sport in china.to play it, all you need are just a ping pong table, a pair of rackets and a ping pong ball. however, its full of skills an

12、d wisdom. facing such a fast-moving ball and sometimes even with rotation, the players must be able to judge and respond very quickly. most people here play ping pong during their spare time and they view it as a good way of relaxing and exercising.also there are many professional ping pong players

13、in china. they have won a lot of honor for our country, and they have developed a kind of ping pong spirit, that is never giving up and keeping innovating.as far as im concerned, the most distinctive thing in my daily life is my cell phone, because it has amazingly changed my life in 2 main aspects.

14、to begin with, it helps me communicate with the world around me. by using my cell phone, i could easily keep in touch with my friends, family members, classmates, you know, everyone! and even in dangerous situation, it could save my life. ill just have to make a call telling others that im in danger

15、.more importantly if i have to say, its also a great entertainment. when i get bored, its a music box, cuz my favorite mp3 music and mpeg4 movie clips with in my cell will easily cheer me up.according to my understanding, the most impressive opportunity that was given to me was to draw a report for

16、a government agency, on the distribution of health food in beijing 2 years ago.for one thing, it was the most special chance for me in my life for the reason that i learned a lot of practical skills during the process. for first hand data, i had to visit hundreds of drugstores in the city.in additio

17、n, i finally understood that dealing with employees can be very troublesome. for instance, many of them got suspicious about my intention and finally, i had to make several trips to the same store to meet their supervisor to talk them into my outcome of the research and then everyone else.well, what

18、 i like is a modern department with large rooms since it makes me what i am now.first, i could always feels relaxed and soothed inside, since it has high ceilings and a few pieces of chic furniture so it would feel more spacious then ever.besides, im also crazy about the big picture windows that i c

19、ould throw open in summer, so that the whole place would be light and airy. and so my room like that will really lift my spirits whenever i feel down or upset.according to my understanding, my life goal is to become a respectful teacher.for one thing, my mother used to be a math teacher and i rememb

20、er watching her correcting students home work till 2 oclock every night, thinking being a teacher is the noblest job in the world. after i went to college, i selected several courses about teaching methodology and attended a series of seminar discussing teachers quality.besides, i got the feeling th

21、at i am or lat least will be qualified to be a good teacher, for the reason that i took a part-time job of teaching english in a high school for nearly 2 years to polish my teaching and communicating skills.口语模版 eventswell, in my opinion, my 20th birthday, my first surprising party by my friends, su

22、rprised me most, and i have 2 main reasons for that.first of all, i was amazed by the definition of true friendship as some of my old friends from south africa traveling 20 hours by air coming to celebrate my birthday, who attacked me dramatically with a birthday cake.another reason that was surpris

23、ing to me was that they took a photo of me which made him whole occasion unforgettable. finally, they sang a birthday song for me according to western tradition, which is totally beyond my expectation.i got the feeling that just as people in western countries do, we chinese hold spring festival to c

24、elebrate our lunar new year, which is the biggest event for each family as well as the whole nation.first, on the eve, there usually is a big family reunion, and all the families from all over china will be sitting around the same table, feasting, toasting and chitchatting. at 12 sharp, we set off f

25、ireworks and let out crackers to celebrate the coming of chinese new years.after that, we visit our friends and relatives to send our best wishes. the olds will send money into red envelopes and hand out to the kids to symbolize their growing up one year older peacefully.as far as im concerned, the

26、most important decision i have ever made is choosing mathematical finance as my major.thats a relatively new subject in china, and many people here even dont know what it is about. actually, i didnt have much knowledge of it either when i made the decision. i finally chose it just because i found ma

27、th very interesting and kind of felt that i would like to do something related to economics in the future.however, after four years study, now i find i love it very much. moreover, i have made up my mind to go to usa for further study. i believe i can make some academic achievement in this area.acco

28、rding to my understanding, the most efficient traffic in my country china should be buses.almost every city has well developed bus system, which means each bus route covers many streets and each street can be covered by many bus routes. so its very convenient to go to a place by bus, and normally yo

29、u need transfer at most for one time.moreover, bus has some other advantages over other traffics. first, the bus can run on some streets which are forbidden for other traffics like taxi. second, you neednt worry about parking places, which may be the most boring problem for those who prefer private

30、cars.last year when i was shopping down town, my purse got stolen. i lost all my money and the cell phone. i dont know anybody there, for a while i didnt know what to do.fortunately i saw a police officer standing on the other side of the street, so i went up and asked whether i could borrow his cel

31、l phone. i was only hoping that he could help me contact someone i know. however, what he offered was even better; he called for a policeman patrol car to send me home. it may not be a big deal for the policeman, but im so grateful for the help he gave me when i need it most.口语模版 placesi have been l

32、onging for hawaii ever since i first saw its beautiful view on tv.for one thing, hawaii is an island of great charm and when thinking about it, a series of gorgeous scenes will come to my mind. thousands of people are lying on the golden beach enjoy the beautiful sunshine; children are happily playi

33、ng with sand and seawater which reminds me of my childhood.moreover, i heard that people in hawaii are very kind and hospitable; they will give their visitors garland to indicate their warm welcome. i wish i could go to hawaii for a visit one day.if i have a chance to go to a new restaurant, theres

34、nothing i like better than to spend some time in a restaurant with good atmosphere and soft music.for one thing, i enjoy the delicious coffee and cookies provided, such as easy eggs, grilled trout and baked founder.more importantly, the interesting magazines available and small chess games soothe me

35、 as well. sometimes ill invite my most intimate friends to go there together, and we will sit comfortably and have some nice and cozy chitchat about the latest news.托福网考口语实战:注意把握阅读节奏新托福的口语考试部分的第三题和第四题要求考生首先在45秒钟内读完100字左右长度的单一段落,今天我们讨论一下如何掌握新托福口语考试中的阅读节奏。我们有时会担心,阅读速度的加快会影响阅读理解的准确率,其实这是一种误解。当然,盲目追求阅读速

36、度必然要影响阅读理解的质量。我们应该做的是掌握正确的阅读节奏:“根据快和慢两种速度交替而成的节奏来变化自己的阅读速度。” 唱歌因韵律节奏而动听,说话因轻重缓急而悦耳,阅读也是一样,快慢相间的阅读速度才能收到良好的阅读效果。我们知道,句子是由词组成的,但同一句中的各个词的分量不尽相同,有的起着关键的作用;段落是由句子构成的,然而同一段落中的各个句子的分量也是不尽相同的,有的是关键句、核心句,有的则起着辅助说明的作用,为阐述中心思想而服务。这些关键词、关键句表达的正是段落的重要信息,抓住了它们就等于抓住了段落的核心,就知道了什么地方应该加快速度,什么地方应该放慢速度,当然也就掌握了阅读节奏。一般而

37、言,对于关键词和关键句应该慢读,做到充分理解,牢牢把握;而对非关键词和非关键句应加快阅读速度,抢出时间,用以反复阅读重点句或归纳总结。请看下面的示例:例1:阅读下面的段落:a lot of people think that cultural anthropology is just about studying the special and strange aspects of a society, but anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life that seems so ordinary that the people in the society think they are not significant.阅读此句,我们不难找到一些关键词,如:cultural anthropology, the special and strange aspects of life, but, anthropologists, interested, ordinary, significant。这些关键词反映了此句的主要信息:“许多人认为文化人类学就是研究特殊而奇怪的社会现象,但人类学家有时还对一些人们认为不重要的、看起来很普通的生活现象感兴趣。”通过分析关键词,我们又发现“but”这个具有转折意


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