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1、托福语法解析整合 为了让大家更好备考托福考试,整理了托福语法解析的技巧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福语法解析:全真题解析这一部分囊括了1998年1月至2000年10月托福考试的所有考题。笔者对其每道题进行了包括试题解析,思路分析,考生易犯错误,必要或是不必要知识点(必要知识点为那些为了解题而必需知道的知识点;不必要知识点为那些即使考生不知道这些知识点,根据我们介绍的解题技巧和方法也可以做对题目,这些知识点的忽视并不对解题造成威胁),句子中文翻译等详细阐述,其目的在于具体告诉学生如何运用我们的方法解题。在阅读这部分的时候,要抓住解题分析的思路和具体思想,尽快熟练作题正确的方法,为以后自己

2、高效率高质量做题打下基础。1998年1月toefl 语法考题分析1. between 1870 and 1890 the total population of tile united states_.(a)that doubled(b)doubled(c)it doubled(d)when doubledkey: b分析:第一步考虑句子的完整性。发现题干部分没有动词,所以可以确定,空里面要填的是谓语动词,而非从句,由此得出b选项。必要的知识点:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构)。本句题干部分没有一个动词,所以可以确定,空里面要填的肯定是谓语动词,而非从句,由此直接得出b。参考译文:在1870到1

3、890年期间,美国的总人口数量翻了一倍。2. intended to display the work of twentieth century artists, _ in 1929.(a) the opening of the museum of modern art(b) so the museum of modern art opened(c) why tile museum of modern art opened(d) the museum of modern art openedkey:d分析:还是句子的完整性问题,从第一步的分析即可得出答案。方法同上题,题干中有一个动词,但是可以

4、确定只是一个分词形式,不是谓语动词,而正确选项必定含有主谓语,由此,排除a,b,c。不必要的知识点:句子没有主语谓语,逗号前为状语成分。而c也明显不对,如果why.是个问句,则必须是why did the museum.如果是个从句,整个句子没有主句。b中的so是个conj.连接两个句子,但是前面intended to desplay不是一个整句,所以不对。参考译文:开放于1929年的现代艺术博物馆,意在向众人展示二十世纪艺术家的作品。3. the earth has a tremendous amount of water, but_ in the ocean.(a) almost all

5、of it is(b) it is almost all of(c) is of it almost all(d) all is of it almostkey:a分析:第一步分析句子的完整性,由于but前已经是完整句,故无法得出答案。进入第二步,比对各选项的差异。发现四个选项中所包含的词是相同的,只是顺序不同,并且只有a选项主谓完整,可以和空格后的in连接。almost all of it是主语,is是谓语。必要的知识点:转折连词(conj.) but前后结构必须对应。本题中,but前是单句,因此but后也应为完整句。参考译文:地球上有极为丰富的水资源,但是这些水大多存在于海洋水当中4. _

6、 have sense organs in a canal known as the lateral line, which allows them to respond to changes in water pressure caused by nearby motion.(a) that tile fish(b) fish(c) when fish(d) if tile fishkey:b分析:第一步,分析完整性。发现缺少主语,很明显由此得到b选项。不必要知识点:考点是主谓结构。 which allows.是一个定语从句,所以前面的肯定是一个主句。已经有了谓语和宾语,那么正确选项肯定是个

7、主语,所以选b。参考译文:鱼身体上叫做lateral line的管道里有感觉器官,这个感觉器官使得他们能够感应到周围水域由运动所产生的压力。5.direct information on the chemical composition of the moon became available in 1969 _ of the first apollo mission to land on the moon.(a)with the return(b)returning(c)when returned(d)and the returnkey:a分析:通过第一步分析句子的完整性发现,空格前已经是一

8、个完整句了,故无法得出结论。第二步,比对选项的差别。句子中谓语动词是became,由此可推断,空里边要填的是状语,从句或者是谓语的并列成分。答案a。with the return of介词短语做状语。(b)对于b选项,如果放入句中,根本无法确定是做何成分语义也不对;(c)这个从句没有主语,错;(d)没有谓语,谓语并列成分不成立。必要的知识点:1.when引导的壮语从句,从句主谓必须完整。故排除c。2.and是连词,前后对应的成分要相同。如本题中的:完整句+and+完整句。故排除d。参考译文:随着第一次登月的阿波罗行动的完成返航,人们获得有关月球化学成分的第一手资料。6. _ completel

9、y harmless to the environment is very difficult and usually economically unsound.(a) cleaning products that(b) cleaning products are(c) cleaning products are made(d) making a cleaning productkey:d分析:第一步,分析句子主谓宾语的完整性。发现句子已经有了谓语和宾语,选项一定是主语成分。故排除了含有谓语的b,c选项。第二步,比对剩下的a,d选项。尽管都为名词性结构,但a中that后应为完整句,从句缺少谓语

10、,故选d。必要的知识点:从句的结构完整参考译文:要使得清洁产品对环境完全无害是非常困难的,而且通常也是不太经济划算的。7.one of ulysses s. grants first acts as president of the united states was to name tile seneca chief donehogawa _ of indian affairs.(a)as was commissioner(b)commissioner(c)was commissioner(d) him commissionerkey:b分析:第一步,分析完整性,发现句子主谓完整,故排除含谓

11、语动词的a和c。进入第二步,比对b和d。d选项中的him与commissioner在结构上重复,使句子中有了三个宾语,故排除,只剩下b选项为正确答案。必要的知识点:name可以接双宾语结构,即:name+名词1+名词2。不必要的知识点:固定搭配。name sb. _ 横线上的东东肯定是宾补。单格名词做宾补。name sb.+ 职务,任命某人为x.x职务。参考译文:ulysses s.grant,担任美国总统之后的第一个行动之一,便是任命scd作为印第安人事务的专员。8.one of the most ancient arts, _ in different parts of the world

12、.(a) for weaving to develop independently(b) the independent development of weaving(c) weaving, to develop independently(d) weaving developed independentlykey:d分析:第一步即可解题。句子缺少谓语,只有d选项中含有谓语动词,故选d。不必要的知识点:one of the most ancient arts是主语weaving的同位语。参考译文:编织作为最古老的工艺之一,在世界各地独立发展。9. _ classified as a carni

13、vore, the north american grizzly bear eats berries and even grass.(a) just as(b) because of(c) although(d) eitherkey:c分析:第一步,分析句子完整性。逗号之后是一个完整句,所以逗号之前一定是状语成分。第二步,比对选项。四个选项全都是连词,无从判断正确选项。那么,第三步,只能根据句意来判断。发现“carnivore食肉动物”与“berries and even grass吃素”之间,是转折的关系,故选表转折的连词although。不必要知识点:考点是连词用法和省略结构。看选项部分,

14、全都是连词,那么可以断定该连词是因果还是转折,还是顺接。就要看逗号前后两部分的意思了.逗号前carnivore食肉动物,逗号后,berries and even grass,可断定前后意思相反,所以选c参考译文:虽然北美灰熊被归入食肉动物之列,但它吃浆果甚至是草。10. not only - much bigger than any planet, but unlike the planets, it consists completely of gaseous material.(a) the sun is(b) the sun, which is(c) is the sun(d) that

15、 the sunkey:c分析:第一步首先分析句子完整性,缺少主谓,又看到前面是not only,很明显这里应该是倒装才对。必要知识点:考点是倒装结构。not only + 倒装, but (also).故选c。参考译文:太阳不仅比其他任何行星都大,而且不想别的行星,太阳完全由气态物质组成。托福语法解析:名词有关名词的题目在历届toeel考试中占相当大的比例,但题形却非常单一易解。名词的命题焦点主要集中在名词的单复数问题上。试题通常分布在written expression (16-40题中。名词的考题过于简单。反而易被忽略,所以还应当加倍留意。名词常考题型及解题要点1. 可数名词的复数概念必

16、须加-s,不可数名词任何时候都不可接-s全真例题分析(1) every year colorado is visited by millions of tourists who come for a variety of teason. (92.8)答案 d reason为可数名词,a varity of 表示多数概念,故(d)应改为reasons。(2)rebecca latimer, a political commentator and the author of several book ,was the first woman to become a united states se

17、nator. (92.10)答案 c book为可数名词,several表示多数概念,故(c)应用复数形式books。(3) the most useful way of looking at a map is not as a piece of papers but as a record of geographically organized information. (91.1)答案 c paper表示“纸张”时是不可数名词,不能接-s。(4) andrew wyeth is famous for his realistic and thoughtful paintings of per

18、son and plans in rural pennsylvania and maine (93.5)答案 c person为可数名词,根据句意,这里应是多数概念的people。2. 名词的数应与其前面的修饰成分一致解题要点 下述单词和短语决定名词的单复数:a / an every much many some several this those other one of等等全真例题分析(1) a time zone is a slightly irregular north-south belts that extends from pole to pole (92.10)答案 c 中心

19、名词belts前有不定冠词a,故应改为单数belt。a / an与其中心名词之间隔有冗长的定语成分,此名词常是考题焦点。(2) although mockingbirds superbly mimicthe songs and calls of many bird they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues. (94.1)答案 b bird为不可数名词,它前面的修饰语many即决定了它应用复数形式。(3) the fritillaries, one of the larges

20、t group of bufferflies, are found not only in this country but in many other pants of the world as well (94.5)答案 a 短语one of后面必须接名词的复数形式,即groups。(4) manganese does exist naturally in a pure state because it reacts so easily with other element. (91.1)答案 d 形容词other后面接复数的可数名词,故element 应加-s.(5) in 1987 t

21、he sales of ice cream in the united states amounted to fifteen quarts per year for every persons in the country. (92.1)答案 d 形容词every后面应接单数名词,即person。3. 名词的数应与谓语动词一致全真例题分析(1) approximately fifty percent of the package utilized in the united states are for foods and beverages. (92.5)答案 a 主语是package的百分

22、比率,谓语动词are则决定了package的复数形式。(2) human being have thirty-three or thirty-four vertebrate, bat a snake may have as many as three hundred. (93.8)答案 a 谓语动词have表明主语应是复数形式,即human beings。(3) beneath the deep oceans that cover two-thirds of the earth tantalizing secret of the planet are concealed. (91.10)答案

23、c 谓语动词are 决定了主语secret应接复数形式-s。4. 一个名词修饰限定另一个名词时,第一个名词只能用单数形式解题要点 当你看到两个名词连用时,一定留意第一个名词的单数的形式。全真例题分析(1) employments agencies bring together persons qualified for specific jobs and employers who have those jobs available (90.10)答案 a 名词emplogments修饰说明后面的名词agencies,其作用相当于一个形容词,故应用单数形式。(2) acrylic paint

24、enables artists to experiment with many colors effects. (90.5)答案 d名词colors修饰说明effects,应用其单数形式。(3) susan sontags aversion to the traditional critical practice of extracting morals meanings from art is reflected in her novels. (92.1)答案 b morals应用单数形式修饰后面的名词meanings。托福语法解析:冠词有关冠词的考题在toefl测试中所占比例较小,但出现频

25、率较高,而且是单一题型反复再现,即不定冠词a和an混淆错用。这类题目全部集中在written expression(16-40题)中。其次,定冠词the的用法也是考试范围。冠词常考题型及解题要点1.不定冠词a与an的区别解题要点 “a”后面接以辅音开始的字词“an”后面接以元音开始的字词。当a、b、c、d四个选择答案中出现有a或an,应首先察看它后面的单词,以判断此不定冠词是否正确。全真例题分析(1) the montreal international exposition,“expo. 67”was applauded for displaying an degree of taste s

26、uperior to that of similar expositions.(答案) b 改为a degree。if a atom loses any of its electrons, it becomes positively charged and can combine chemically with other atoms.(答案) a改为an atom(3) since the beginning of this century the united states government has played an role in the supervision and use o

27、f the nations natural resources.(答案) a改为a role(4) a electric current can consist of charges that are positive, negative, or both.(答案) a 改为an election2. 可数名词前面通常要有冠词或其它限定形容词, 非泛指的可数名词一般不能独立存在。全真例题分析(a) a march is highly rhythmic piece of music first used by military bands to accompany marching. (94.1

28、)(答案) a 名词短语 piece of music 前面应加不定冠词:a highly rhythmic piece of music(2) the sonometer is instrument used to study the mathematical relations of harmonic tones. (93.8)(答案) a改为an instrument, instrument为可数名词,前面应有冠词。(3) accounting is described as art of classifying, recording, and reporting significant financial events.(答案) a 名词art,表示“一门艺术”这个概念时,应加冠词。此句应改为an art。3.冠词的错误使用或遗漏全真例题分析(1) th


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