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1、托福口语话题词汇汇总 托福口语家庭教育类话题词汇汇总1. emotional availability父母不仅需要在小孩成长的时候陪在身边,更需要从精神上给小孩以支持。2. a firm hand但是父母也需要立场坚定。当小孩做错的时候,父母也需要有一个坚定的立场。3. too much freedom kills freedom太多的自由也会杀死自由。听起来互相矛盾,实则非常有道理的一句话。4. run into a wall没有约束的小孩迟早也有一天会撞到南墙。5. when i go too far, my mother is going to invervene当小孩走的路太离谱时,母

2、亲会进行干预。6. im in charge of my own life母亲会告诉小孩是自己主宰生命。7. watch over me但她同时也会监督小孩。8. not seeing yourself in your child把小孩当成自己的第二世来对待是不公平的。9. who is the better teacher?没有最好,也没有更好。亲人和朋友都是不同的好老师。10. 关于西方小孩18岁经济独立美国大学学费昂贵,很多家长付不起,小孩只能独立。但也还有很多父母是支持小孩读大学的。托福口语话题示范回答question:should the university education b

3、e free?sample answer:i dont agree with the statement about university education for free. first of all, although it is a right for every student who needs education to enter into universities no matter he/she is rich or poor but free education can cause tension on teaching resources and available fa

4、cilities. without any charge of tuition for college students, universities will suffer a great budget and resources pressure. so under this circumstance, an essential measure should be taken by government such as intensify education funding to meet the demand of universities. therefore i dont think

5、its wise to make university education for free but it is accessible for university to cut tuition.托福口语娱乐类话题关键词汇和句型体育词汇: basketball, badminton, court, field, figure skating花样滑冰; golf, hiking徒步旅行; ice skates溜冰鞋; running, roller skating 滑旱冰;rowing boat划艇; stadium 运动场;swimming, swing秋千; table tennis, tr

6、ack, volleyball, windsurfing帆板运动;etc.文艺词汇:ballet芭蕾舞; classical dancing古典舞; comedy 喜剧; dance hall舞厅; dancer, disco迪斯科舞厅;folk dance民间舞;light music 轻音乐; melody优美的旋律, 曲调;orchestra管弦乐队;pop music流行音乐; singer歌手; staff, stave 五线谱; rhythm 节奏; score 总谱,乐谱; orchestra 乐队; conductor 乐队指挥; band 管乐队; solo 独奏,独唱; d

7、uet, duo 二重奏,二重唱; trio 三重奏,三重唱; quartet, quartette 四重奏, 四重唱; quintet 五重奏, 五重唱; choir, choral society 合奏,合唱; etc.乐器词汇:(1) stringed instruments弦乐器: fiddle, violin小提琴; viola中提琴; cello大提琴; bass低音乐器; guitar吉他, 六弦琴; harp竖琴, etc. (2) wind instruments管乐器: mouth organ口琴; flute长笛; saxophone 萨克斯管; trumpet喇叭; o

8、boe双簧管; clarinet竖笛, 单簧管, 黑管, etc. (3) keyboard instruments键盘乐器: piano钢琴; accordion手风琴; electronic keyboard电子琴; etc其它娱乐:acrobatics杂技;amusement park游乐园; bumper cars碰碰车;circus act马戏节目;fancy dress ball 化装舞会;假面舞会; fireworks焰火;floor show夜总会的节目表演;jukebox 自动点唱机; magic魔术; puppet show木偶剧;wire-walking走钢丝;etc.常

9、用短语:an outing at the beach, climbing the mountain, dancing at a birthday party, going for a walk, going swimming, going to the movies /concerts, meeting new people, staying out all night, etc.常用句型:1. do you want to try2. id like to see the exhibition of modern art / painting.3. i want to go shopping

10、 because 4. if it stops raining, we can play tennis / volleyball / badminton, 5. lets go dancing tonight.6. lets go windsurfing 7. shall we go to the discotheque this weekend?8. shall we have a picnic on the vacation?2. 实例:narrator:maggie has a quiet life. she wants to try some new, exciting activit

11、ies on her vacation. what will she try? she goes to a travel agency for advice. suppose you are a travel agent. what will you say to maggie?you may begin to prepare your response after the beep.2 seconds beeppreparation time: 15 secondsresponse time:45 secondsnarrator:please begin speaking after the

12、 beep.2 seconds beepsuggested answer:we have an interesting trip to manila for one week. you will do a lot of things. you go to museums and you go shopping. the shopping is good. you go to beaches near manila. you swim, you windsurf or you can just walk at the beach. you go hiking in the mountains.

13、and at night you can hear great music, go to good restaurants and walk around the streets.词汇与解析: words and expressions1. beach n. 海滩2. hiking n. 徒步旅行3. manila n. 马尼拉(菲律宾首都)4. museum n. 博物馆5. windsurf v. 风帆冲浪答案解析:maggie计划利用假期去体验一下令人兴奋的活动,于是她去旅行社咨询。作为一名旅行社的工作人员,你需要了解顾客的需求,例如:旅行的目的地,旅行的时间及行程。在此基础上,你可以向

14、顾客推荐不同的旅游路线,告知旅游的日程安排。旅行社的工作人员向maggie推荐的马尼拉之行可谓是丰富多彩,短短的一周内,游客要参观博物馆,去商店购物,还要去海滩,可以在海里游泳,冲浪或者沿海滩散步(you go to beaches near manila. you swim, you windsurf or you can just walk at the beach.),尽情地享受生活。自然,去山里远足也是必不可少的。观赏异国的山山水水别有一番风情。晚上安排游客去听音乐或者到高档餐馆就餐,让游客欣赏不同风格的音乐,了解当地的饮食文化。通过参加各种各样的娱乐活动,游客的视野更加开阔,身心也得

15、到了放松。随着经济的发展、生活水平的提高,人们不只停留在满足基本的物质生活需求上,而是追求更高的精神文化生活。托福口语常用的数词句型托福口语句型:数词句型1. it takes me three clear / cleanly days. 它花了我整整三天时间。2. there are fifty and odd (or and more) students in our class. 我们班有五十余人。3. the total expense amount to a hundred dollars. 全部费用合计100 美元。4. we were fifteen, all told. 我们一

16、共十五人。5. the delegation consisted of 15, inclusive of (including) two interpreters. 代表团共十五人,包括两名翻译在内。6. there were fifty people present, not counting (excluding) the children. 出席者达五十人, 儿童未计算在内。7. we take a rest at intervals of two hours. 我们每隔两小时休息一次。8. i ask you to teach me every other day. 我请你每隔一天来教

17、我。9. beijing is ten times as big as my home town. 北京有我的家乡十个那么大。10. the sun is a huge blazing ball, a million times larger than the earth. 太阳是个庞大的炽燃火球,比地球大一百多万倍。11. by comparison with 1992, the foreign trade turnover of that country in 2003 increased (to) 3.5 times. 与1992年相比,这个国家2003年对外贸易总额增加了2.5 倍(增

18、加到3.5 倍)。12. that table measures three feet by three. 那张桌子三英尺长,三英尺宽。13. he valued the house for me at ?,500. 这房子他替我作价为三千五百镑。14. his coat is rated at 20 yuan. 他的大衣值价二十元。15. the job was finished at a sitting (a stretch). 这工作一下子(一口气)就做完了。托福口语精美句子18句1.its not that i dont want to tell you the truth but t

19、hat i have promised maggie i wont tell anyone.2.ive been working hard all day and now i do need a good rest. i really deserve it.3.she has persisted in learning english and japanese in the past ten years.4.i dont think my english is that good. actually, im still learning.5.i dont think the movie was that interesting. in fact, i fell asleep during the most exciting scene!6.your english is very good.i wouldnt say that. theres still a lot for me to learn.7.studying for a test is actually very boring.8.it takes a few years time to learn to speak en


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