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1、托福口语常用词汇高级表达积累:pardon还可以这么说 托福口语常用词汇高级表达积累:pardon还可以这么说托福口语pardon高级表达:come again?这句话跟中文“再来一遍”是不是很像?英文让别人再说一遍也可以这样讲,口语里也很常用。例:come again? i didnt quite hear you.能再说一遍吗?我刚才没听清。托福口语pardon高级表达:can you run that by me again?英文里有个词组是run sth by/past sb,意思是告诉某人某事,让对方考虑一下。不过,上面这个句子并不是让别人再考虑一下,而是需要对方再说一遍。另外,英文

2、里还有一个和run相关的句子,也是类似的含义。例:could you run through that again?你能再说明/演示一遍吗?托福口语pardon高级表达:其它说法一览what?什么?huh?啊?sorry? im sorry?不好意思,刚说啥?speak louder, please?麻烦能大点儿声吗?would you please slow down?可以说慢一点吗?im sorry. i didnt catch your meaning.对不起,我没听懂你的意思。just a minute! i dont quite follow what you are saying.


4、义的使用方法也会不同。谁可以毫无保留的爱:托福初学者大家可以借助模版帮助理解以及记忆答题套路。模版可以在我们不清楚状况的时候在旁边帮扶着带着我们往前走。目标分数为23分及以下的同学内功不够深厚但备考时间有限的同学大家可以挑一款用起来舒服的模版,直接套用。谁可以不理不睬:已经非常熟悉且已经掌握了每道题的答题框架的同学目标分数为24分及以上的同学内容深厚且备考时间比较充裕的同学大家可以完全放弃掉模版这根拐杖,按照当下遇到的题目本身的情况,在覆盖到所有答题要点的基础上,来呈现自己的答案。让模版出来和大家见见面吧那我们就劳烦tpo23出马,带大家见见套到题目中的综合题模版的样子吧。task 3acco

5、rding to the announcement, the university has decided to cancel the international news section, because other news sources could have a better coverage of that section and the new space could be used for listing events and activities around the campus.in the listening material, the woman thinks that

6、 its a good change. cause very few students would read the international news section. before the campus paper getting around the campus, students have already known the major stories from local paper or from the internet.as to use the new space to list campus events and activities, it would be very

7、 helpful for the students. cause right now, some of the information are posted everywhere, and are hard to be kept track of. if they are listed in the campus newspaper, students could just cut it out, carry it around, and check it anytime, anywhere.task 4the reading passage introduces the concept of

8、 reference group, which means the groups of people who we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate.in the listening material, the professor uses his own example to explain how his behavior was affected by two different reference groups.when he started his university study, he alway

9、s hung out with some arts students. he thought they were cool and he really admired them. so he started to imitate their casual dressing style, like dressing in the t-shirts and jeans and sneakers. these arts students could be considered as his first reference group.after graduation, he got a job in

10、 a company. he thought his colleagues were really impressive. so he started to spend weekends with them, and changed his attitude, his taste of the dressing style, from the casual one to a nicer and a little more formal one. its a good example of how his reference groups had changed because of the c

11、hange of his age and circumstance.task 5the man has a problem. there is a new bus schedule and the bus will leave earlier, which means after his chemistry class, he couldnt catch the bus in time to his work.there are two solutions to this problem.he could either start his work later or ride a bike t

12、o his working place after the chemistry class.personally, i recommend him to ride his own bike.because its not far and will take him only 15 mins. plus, he could get some exercise from riding. i know there would be bad weather sometimes, but i think he just could take an umbrella with him.besides, i

13、f he starts his work on time, he neednt to work late at night and could have a good rest, so it wont influence his next days classes.task 6the professor talks about two ways that carnivorous plants get their nutrients.the first way is active trap, which means the plants could move to capture the ins

14、ects. like the venus flytrap, the sweet nectars on their leaves could attract insects. when insects land on their leaves, the leaves actively get closed and form a cage, so the insects couldnt fly away. then, the venus flytrap could get the nutrients from the insects.the second way is passive trap,

15、which means the plants dont have any moving parts to trap things. like the sundew plants. they produce some sweet stuff to attract the insects as well. though they dont move at all, they can produce something sticky. when insects land on their leaves, the insects get glued and trapped there. in this

16、 way, the sundew plants could absorb the nutrients from the insects.托福口语怎样拥有足够的idea?准备托福口语题的过程中,没有足够的idea是很多人都会面临的一个托福口语备考问题,要想克服这一病症,不断的积累背景知识和从更宽广的角度去谈论都是托福口语备考的良方。托福口语题是大陆考生比较头疼的,很多考生反复参考,都无法取得理想成绩,这有可能是发音的问题,或者是表达不清晰,不流利的问题,当然,还有一个可能是你在托福口语备考中犯了“幼稚病”。比如在谈论这个话题:describe a job that you would like

17、to do in the future。的时候,一个学生说:i think good job is no job but have much money。我们暂且不去评论这个学生的语法问题,但从学生想要表达的内容上来看,一个好的工作就是不做事就有钱拿,这样的观点,可能很难得到考官的赞同吧。真正的好的内容应该是积极向上的,有自己独到见解的。所以这样的回答所能得到的分数就可想而知了。这种回答就极其的幼稚,但是,我们又如何让自己的回答不再如此让人发笑呢?要有足够的ideas我们就以工作这个话题为例,什么样的工作才算是好工作哪?有人喜欢工作well-paid,secure,有人则更看重 challen

18、ging,exciting,认为那样的工作才worthwhile, rewarding。有没有free time,公司是否提供较好的pension benefit,medical benefit,working condition,和colleague是否相处融洽也都是很多人在择业前考虑的因素。可一个工作也总有不让人满意的地方,如果工作太 demanding,职员会感到它stressful。又或者这个工作boring,dangerous,要不就是工人们必须在difficult environment中工作,都会造成负面的情绪。比如,我们在谈论工作的时候可以说:money is good, but i want a job which is also rewarding in other ways. it shouldnt be boring like some other jobs, and there should be always something unexpected. thus ill feel i am doing something worthwhile。此外,在某些话题的论述上容易犯“幼稚病”的一个很重要的原因就是对这个话题的不了解。托福口语 综合部分第一题做题技巧新托福独立口语第一题备考策略当口语


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