已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、托福口语如何让表达更为流畅自然 托福口语如何让表达更为流畅自然?解读口语评分标准细节托福口语评分标准细节解读先来看一下托福官方指南og中关于口语评分标准的细节,涉及到表达也就是delivery方面最高评分标准4分的要求首先就是well-paced flow(fluid expression),而略低一级的3分评分标准中则是相对要求更低一些的with some fluidity of exression,更低的几个分数标准中这条要求就彻底不见了。也就说,考生的表达能否做到well-paced flow对于口语是否能拿到高分是非常关键的。那么什么是well-paced flow(fluid exp

2、ression)呢?well-paced比较好理解,就是良好的节奏,在看来,托福口语表达中良好的节奏应该是指整体表述和考试时间之间的把握与平衡。说得简单一些,就是考生能否在规定时间内恰到好处的说完所有想说的内容,既不出现到点没说完,也不出现提前很多时间说完然后尴尬冷场的局面。这个更多考察的是大家对于考试时间的分配和使用。而另一个点flow或者说fluid exression很多同学就不太清楚具体意思了,在看来这一点其实也就是*要讨论的流畅自然。大家可能会觉得,流畅自然不就是随便说,说的顺一些吗?其实没那么简单,想要做到真正意义上符合托福口语高分评分要求的flow,大家还需要注意这几点。托福口语

3、表达怎样做到流畅自然?那么,托福口语表达想要做到流畅自然,考生在具体的叙述过程中需要注意哪些细节呢?1. 合理的停顿次数和时间也许大家会觉得,流畅自然意味着叙述过程中不能出现停顿,也就是所谓的卡壳。这种看法其实并不全面。在看来,完全没有停顿,一口气说到底,本身想要在托福口语中实现就是相当困难的。而考生如果真的这么做了,不仅会给人留下不够自然的印象,也难免会让考官怀疑是不是提前背了模板直接在考试中背书,得分反而会受到影响。大家可以想象一下自己在日常对话中,也难免会出现一些自然的正常的停顿,也许是为了组织接下来要说的内容,也许只是为了喘一口气。因此,托福口语中出现少量的停顿其实是完全可以接受的,也

4、不会影响得分。当然,过多次数的停顿,或是停顿时间太长还是不行的,这一点大家需要特别注意。考虑到托福口语本身给出的准备时间很短,考生不太可能在准备时间里就已经想好了接下来要说的所有内容每一个用词和句式,因此大家势必会在叙述过程中出现一边说一边组织语言的情况,适当的停顿才会显得更加自然一些。2. 语调的正常起伏与变化另一个关于流畅自然表达的注意要点在于语调变化。中文和英文在口语表达上存在的一个比较明显的区别在于,中文叙述中大家的语调变化在大部分情况下其实是比较少的,而英文则恰恰相反,这也就导致了很多同学在初听英语时会觉得老外的表达方式是不是有点夸张了。由于这种区别,许多同学在托福口语表达时也会出现

5、语调过于平淡缺乏起伏的情况,可能全程都是一个平铺直叙的语调,没有任何强调突出的地方,也没有重读轻读的区别,这在老外考官听来也同样是非常奇怪不够自然的。所以,考生进行口语回答时,不仅要注意发音的正确性等基本要求,也需要在语调方面下一点功夫,该有的符合老外正常认知的语调起伏升调降调都不能少,这样才能算是流畅自然的口语叙述。3. 表述方式要具有规范性这一点可能大家不太懂,什么叫有规范性?在看来,就是不能出现太过随意的口语表达。托福口语考试不是日常聊天,大家通过美剧电影学习到的一些看似在日常对话中经常出现的表达方式很多时候都并不能算是规范性的表达。托福口语考试考察的也不是你日常聊天的水平而是你对口语的

6、规范化使用。举个例子,日常对话中这样的一个句子:i believe, well, how do i put it, right, its not right to judge a person by his appearance. 这句话其实内容表达不错,观点也很正确,但是在规范性上显然是有所不足的,开头出现了太多随意的内容。比较规范的表述应该是i believe its not right to judge a person by his appearance. 如果大家还是觉得不太能理解规范化的含义,那么不妨设身处地回想一下,你在平时和同学朋友随意聊天以及面对老师长辈讨论一些严肃话题时说话

7、方式是否一样。这其中的差别大家可以仔细体会一番,相信就能理解托福口语规范化的实际意思了。总之,规范性的托福口语表达,既能体现出你对口语的重视,也能展现出大家说口语时的自信和从容,而无论哪一点,都会给考官留下更好的印象,对评分大有裨益。托福独立口语高频话题资深讲师批改分享:玩游戏的目的本期托福独立口语高频话题some people play games for fun, while others play games in order to win. which do you prefer and why?学生对此话题的表述答案for me, playing games is one of th

8、e most useful ways to get relaxed. having worked for the whole day, im always exhausted, and eager to get rid of this bad feelings by having some fun. playing game is so helpful that it enable me to forget the worries and the stress in the day. however, if you play games just in order to win, you wi

9、ll be irritable, especially when you lose the game. people around you will take you as a person who are difficult to get well with. this will make it hard for you to know more friends.资深讲师批改意见发音部分需注意的几个词(pronunciation)1 fun2 whole3 win4 feeling5 take6 worked7 irritable语法方面出现的错误(grammar)1 a person wh

10、o are difficult to get well with改正:a person who is difficult to get along with2 it enable me to forget the worries改正:it enables me to forget my worries表达部分存在的问题(expression)1 one of the most useful ways to get relaxed改正:one of the best ways to relax2 to know more friend改正:to make friends此高频话题高分口语模板分享

11、when i play games, i play for fun. i believe that playing games is one of the best ways to relax. after working all day, im always exhausted, so playing games and having fun enables me to forget my worries, and not be so stressed. some people play games just to win, but i beleive if you play games t

12、o win, and you dont win, you will be irritable. and people will think youre difficult to get along with. so it will be a lot harder for you to make friends. so thats why i prefer to play for fun because there is no pressure involved. i can help myself relax, and its just more fun that way.托福独立口语高频话题

13、资深讲师批改分享:改变生活的经历本期托福独立口语高频话题describe a special experience that has changed your life.学生对此话题的表述答案one special experience i have is that last summer vacation, i participated in a program to be a community sponsored teacher in a mountain area. though life there was very tough. the time i spend there, i

14、will never forget. from the light in the childrens eye i knew that, not every one in this world could have the good condition like us to be well educated. so we should treasure what we have now to study hard and to be a useful person for the society.资深讲师批改意见发音部分需注意的几个词(pronunciation)1 world2 study3

15、it costs?语法方面出现的错误(grammar)the time i spent thre i never forget i will never forget改正:the time i spent there2 light in childrens eye改正:light in childrens eyes表达部分存在的问题(expression)1 to be a useful person改正:to be a contributing member of society此高频话题高分口语模板分享one special experience that i had was last s

16、ummer vacation when i participated in a program to be a teacher in a mountain area. the life style there was very tough, but i will never forget the light in the childrens eyes. seeing the children, i realized not everyone has the opportunity to receive a good education. because of this, i realized

17、we should treasure our opportunities and we should stuy hard and be a contributing member of society.托福独立口语高频话题资深讲师批改分享:大学教育重要性提升?本期托福独立口语高频话题do you agree or disagree with the following statement that university education is more important now than it was in the past?学生对此话题的表述答案i think university ed

18、ucation is more important now than it was in the past. in the past, only a few people can enter university. but now, college graduates are all over the world. so university education has become a necessity to find an idea job. and also, our society is in need of qualified talents in all fields?. with university education, we can make contributions to our society.


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