



1、常见的三种职业教育投资 in uncertain economic times, you may hesitate to spend money to advance your career. but some investments - of money and time - can really pay off.在经济不稳定时期,你可能舍不得花钱来为自己的职业投资。但是一定金钱和时间的投资可能真的会带给你不错的回报。one of the main ways to invest in your career is through education.投资你的事业的一个主要方法就是教育。don

2、t think of it as going back to school, which sounds like you didnt get it right in the first place and doesnt feel good. instead, think of it as a way to broaden your knowledge.不要认为教育就是再回到学校去,这听起来就好像你当初没学好一样,也会让你感觉不舒服。再教育是找到一个方法来拓宽你的知识。here are three ways to invest in you career through education:以下

3、有三个方法教你怎样在职业教育上投资:1)get a degree.取得一个学位。complete your bachelors degree or get a masters degree, mba or even a ph.d.完成你的学士学位或考取一个硕士学位,mba甚至是博士学位。were looking at global competition, said patti wilson, ceo of careercompany in silicon valley. an advanced degree can help you get promoted or move between

4、industries.硅谷careercompany公司的ceo patti wilson说:“我们正面临的是全球的竞争,高学历能够给你带来晋升,也能让你随心所欲地转行。”some people say workers in midcareer or later wont have time to recoup the cost of an advanced degree. its a calculation that may push you toward a program that you can complete while working. but there are other f

5、actors to consider, wilson said. an advanced degree can facilitate the move to consulting for an experienced worker, for example.有人说在职业生涯中期或晚期的工作人士没有时间来享受更高的学位带来的益处。正是这种考虑可能会让你随便选一个能够在工作期间完成的课程。wilson说,其实还有其他的因素可以考虑。比如,高学位可以帮助你成为资深员工的顾问。2)become certified.取得认证。technical fields, project management an

6、d human resources are just some fields in which certifications can help advance a career. certifications are generally less time-consuming and expensive than degree programs.在技术行业,项目管理以及人力资源等领域里,证书都可以让你获得职业的提升。行业证书和学位证书比较起来说,花费的时间更少,金钱成本也相对较低。3)learn cross-cultural communication skills.学习跨文化沟通的技巧。if

7、 youre working outside your native country and not speaking your native language, consider taking classes in accent reduction and american business etiquette.如果你在国外工作,日常语言也不是母语,那就考虑参加有关消除口音以及美国商务礼仪的课程。how do you know if you need these classes? if youre lucky, your boss will tell you. but you may simply notice that youre not getting promoted to


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