



1、初级商务英语词汇练习 初级商务英语词汇练习(1)将题后的单词转换为适当的词性,填入空格内:1 the ( ) of yellow and blue form bine2 the store is in an ideal ( ) to draw tourists.situate3 the thiefs ( ) of guilt closed the case.confess4 there is no ( ) between the nations.relate5 he had a long telephone ( ).converse答案:1 combination2 situ

2、ation3 confession4 relation5 conversation找出与中括号内单词意义相近的单词:1. steam can generate electricity by turning an electric generator.a.change duce c.stop d.spread2. he earned high commendation from the people for his bravery.a.reward b.pride c.praise d.consideration3. the policeman halted the speeding

3、car to see if the driver was drunk.a.stopped b.found c.chased d.caught4. i have a sore throat from cold.a.strong b.weak c.clear d.painful5. i will show you the magnificent palace of the king.a.grand b.ancient c.dull d.colorful答案及解析:1. 正确答案:b题目翻译:发电机可以转化让水蒸汽产生电. 选项翻译:a.改变b.产生c.停止d.覆盖2. 正确答案:c题目翻译:他的勇

4、敢赢得了人们很高的赞扬 选项翻译:a.报答b.自毫c.表扬d.考虑3. 正确答案:a题目翻译:警察让超速的车停下检查司机是否喝酒. 选项翻译:a.停止b.发现c.追捕d.拿4. 正确答案:d题目翻译:我感冒喉咙痛. 选项翻译:a.强壮b.微弱c.干净d.痛5. 正确答案:a题目翻译:我带你去看国王华丽的宫殿. 选项翻译:a.伟大的b.古代的c.钝的d.彩色的初级商务英语词汇练习(2)完整拼出下列句中空格处的单词(注意是完整拼出):1. although he was a f( )e at school, he became a successful man later. 失败者2. he wa

5、s so c( )s to know what was in the letter that he opened it ,even though it was addressed to his sister. 好奇的3. will you be quite f( )k with me about this matter? 坦白的4. in their school they have an i( )l of ten minutes for recess. 间隔的时间5. the police watched the cafe to which the robber was known to r

6、( )t. 常去答案及解析:1. 正确答案:failure 题目翻译:尽管他在学校是个失败者,最后他还是成了一个成功的人.2. 正确答案:curious 题目翻译:他太好奇信里是什么,就打开了,尽管是寄给他姐姐的.3. 正确答案:frank 题目翻译:你能非常坦白的告诉我这件事吗?4. 正确答案:interval 题目翻译:在学校里,有十分钟的休息时间.5. 正确答案:resort 题目翻译:警察们监视了强盗们常去的咖啡馆.将中括号中词换为适当的词性,填入空格内:1. horrible the little girl has a ( ) of snakes and spiders.2. int

7、imate the ( ) with which the two friends talked showed how fond they were of each other.3. confuse if you write more clearly, you will prevent the ( ) of your readers.4. utter his crazy ( ) disappointed everyone around him.5. proof in order to ( ) the servants honesty, she left a bag containing money on the table.答案解析:1.正确答案:horror 题目翻译:小女孩怕蛇和蜘蛛.2.正确答案:intimacy 题目翻译:两个朋友亲密的谈话显得他们多喜欢彼此.3.正确答案:


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