



1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners? section A 3a-4c 教学设计本课分析本课是人教版九年级第一单元第二课时,3a-4c是第一个阅读板块。阅读课文以第一人称讲述了因为对英语电影的喜爱,一名英语学习比较困难、被动的学生转变为主动学习英语并且热爱英语的故事。阅读语篇在训练、发展学生阅读水平的同时,能帮助他们意识到提高学习兴趣和改进学习方法的重要性。活动3a通过提出三个问题,帮助学生掌握文章主要内容;活动3b语篇内容和本单元的重点语言结构“by+动词-ing形式”结合,对作者使用的英语学习方法进行梳理。 学情分析学生经过本单元第一课时的学习后,对

2、学习方法的英语表达有了一定的了解,初步接触了目标语言,基本掌握了“by+动词_ing形式”,能够用这个结构进行简单的表达,但是对于学习过程中出现的问题和具体的改进措施还不能顺利地表达清楚。整体设计 【教学设计】1. 学生能掌握重点词汇及目标语言。2. 掌握“by+动词_ing形式”的用法。 【教学重难点】 重点:重点词汇:repeat,take,notes,pen pal,physics,chemistry,memorize the sentence patterns. 目标语言: I can understand the meaning by watching their body lang

3、uage and expressions on their faces. 难点:1. 熟练运用目标语言谈论自己在英语学习中存在的困难和有效的学习方法2. 在说的过程中体验、感知目标语言等内容,并学会运用所学进行简单的写作。【课时安排】1课时【课前准备】 1. 了解学生学习英语中存在的困难,让学生在小组内汇总学习英语有效的学习方法。2.课前扫描课本截图。 3. 学生提前带好词典 4. 准备好录音机、制作多媒体课件及学案。 【教学方法】 任务型教学法、情境交际法、自主学习法与合作学习相结合。教学设计 教学过程设计【新课导入】Step 1: Lead-in1. Ask students if the

4、y have any difficulties in leaning English ,and then ask others to give some advice.(设计意图:通过让学生呈现英语学习困难,并分享学习经验,从而导入话题,也为下一步的语言素材的导入和扩展作铺垫。) 【新知呈现】 Step 2 : Presentation1. While sharing how to lean English ,present the new words : repeat , take notes , pen pal , physics , chemistry, memorize the sen

5、tence patterns,and so on.2. Ask students to talk about how to lean English and try to use the new words and expressions.(设计意图:给予学生必要的辅助信息,谈论学习困难和学习方法,让学生有表达的欲望,有话可说并能诉诸表达的实际行动,从而快乐高兴地学习英语。)【新知学习】 Step 3 : Reading Before reading Ask students to predict what they will read in this passage with the hel

6、p of the title and picture. Make sure not read the words in the passage. The following questions may help them: (1). What do you think the text is about when you read this title? (2). Whats the girl doing in the picture? (3). How do you think the girl who is leaning English according to the picture/

7、 (4). How does watching English movies help us lean English ?Or what can we lean from an English moves?(设计意图:通过指导学生扑捉视觉信息中有助于阅读预测的“线索”如; 标题、插图等,传授一系列阅读预测的方法和技巧,循序渐进地培养学生的预测技能。)While reading1. Let students scan the passage and check their prediction.(设计意图:向学生讲清楚阅读预测的重要性,树立学生掌握预测的决心和信心,激发他们的动机和兴趣。)2.

8、Get students to read the passage and try to read and find out the answers to questions in 3a ,and encourage students to ask their partners for help if needed.(1) Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to lean English ?(2) What did she do in English class /(3) What is the secret to language leaning / Answ

9、ers:(1) The teacher spoke too quickly.She was afraid to ask questions.She didnt like her English class(2) She hid behind her textbook and never said anything.(3) Listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language leaning. (设计意图 :让学生初次阅读课本,按照3a要求完成活动,可以鼓励学生在形成自己理解判断的前提下,与周边同学讨论协商、

10、修正、完善自己的作答,培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力。学生翻开课本,集体大声齐声朗读3a活动列出的问题,确认大家正确理解问题,必要时教师可用母语适当解释,如; the secret to leaning English等语言点。教师巡视时,学生的问题可以及时解答。)3. Ask students to read the passage more carefully again,and focus on the detail about”lean English by watching movies.” Complete the sentences with what Wei Fen lear

11、ned from watching movies. Use words and phrases from the passage.(1) I can understand the meaning by watching their _and the_on their faces(2) I can get the meaning by listening for just the _.(3) My pronunciation improved by listening to the _in English movies.(4) I learned _sentences like “Its a p

12、iece of cake”(5) I can find the meaning of new words by looking them up in a _.Answers: (1) body language;expressions (2) key words (3) conversations (4). useful (5) dictionary (设计意图:要求学生再次阅读为本,训练学生关注细节的能力。核对3a 答案,学生再次细读课文,尤其关注文中“看电影学英语”的细节,对其好处进行划线摘录。)After readingGet students to make sentences wit

13、h the language points: an English movies called Toy Story , fall in love with the secret to a piece of cake ,It serves someone right ,and so on.(设计意图:读后语言学习与操练,鼓励学生运用所学语言现象遣词造句,在阅读的基础上训练写作能力,学生回忆课文细节内容,尽可能地不看课文的前提下完成3b的活动,然后再与课文核对,检查、修正自己的作答,反思自己的错误原因。)Step 4 : Grammar focus1. Ask students to read t

14、he sentences in the part and conclude the characteristics about verbs.2. Read again and find out the ways of learning English. 观察与思考读课文第二段,找出 by doing 的句子,提问的how句型以及不同的形式的语言结构,总结其用法:(1)I also realized I could get the meaning by listening to just key words. (2) My pronunciation improved as well by li

15、stening to the conversations in English movies. 你能正确地使用英语表达出下面的句子吗?他们通过与家人吃团圆饭的方式来庆祝这个节日。 They celebrate the festival _ _ a big dinner with family. (设计意图:通过自我探究,自我发现,自我总结知识的特征和规律,在感知体验中提升,让学生意识到在谈及方式方法时,常与“by + 动词-ing”形式有一定的伙伴关系。常用动词清单:learn , study ,practice , improve , repeat , review , develop等。)

16、Step 5 : Work on 4a and 4b1 . As students to read sentences ,and then match the questions and answers.2 . Ask students to make sentences using the structure “doing sth. By doing”. Using information that is true for you and fill in the blanks. (设计意图:通过连线和造句,让学生巩固目标语言,并分析学习方法与经验.)Step 6: Work on 4c1 .

17、 Work in pairs . Get students to check what they do to learning English and then interview their partners.2 . Encourage students to summarize the useful ways of learning English and then make their own learning plan.3 . Ask students using the title “Do we study by doing the same thing ?”to

18、 their classmates . ( 设计意图:通过说的方式输出功能句型,并指导如何将学运用到实际交际中,说后进行笔头小结,练习写的能力。) 板书设计 Unit 1 How can we become good learner ? Period 2 Section A 3A-4C I can understand the meaning by watching their body Language and the expressions on their faces. My pronunciation improved as well by listening to the Conve

19、rsations in English movies. 教学反思 本节课的设计以读写为主,合理保证学生语言学习的输入与输出比例,同时真正实现了语言的交际功能。在 Grammar focus 的操练部分学生需要规范地书写,学生熟练程度不够,容易出现小错误。 本节课中存在以下几个有待改进的地方:学生接受新知的敏感度有差异,以导致某些环节开展程度不够,还需要进一步加强训练。并且,学生的书写要规范,还要予以高度重视 ,在今后的教学中随时要给学生指出,教师的书写要起到示范作用。Unit 1 How can we become good learners?Period 2 Section A 3a-4c学

20、案 【课型】读写课学习目标1.复习所学的重难点句型及句式结构。2.总结学习英语的有效学习方法。3.练习运用所学的句型及句式结构。学习过程【自主学习】1.阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。2.总结表达学习方法的用法,读学案上的探究题,并合作探究完成。【新课导入】分享英语学习中的困难和自己的学习方法。【新知呈现】1.学习新词汇:repeat,take notes,pen pal,physics,chemistry,memorize the sentence patterns。2.复习“do doing”结构,并运用新词汇练习该结构;3.阅读3a并回答3个问题;4

21、.重新阅读3a,完成3b。【拓展提升】1.找出下列语言现象并用其造句:an English movie called Toy Story,fall in love with.,the secret to.,a piece of cake。2.学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。【跟踪训练】.单词拼写1.Do you have any (单词卡)? 2.Please read (大声地);I cant hear you. 3.Your (发音) sounds good. 4.English (语法) is very important. .从括号中选择适当的词汇完成句子1

22、.Children put out the fire (with,by) pouring water on it. 2.Im sorry.I cant (pronunciation,pronounce) this word. 【课堂练习】.单项选择1.If you dont know a word,you must in a dictionary. A.look it up B.look up it C.look over itD.look it out2.The old man makes a living driving a taxi. C.forD.by3.Can you teach me the computer? to use C.what to useD.what using4.Some students think studying grammar is too . A.boringB.bored C.boreD.interested5. the English club at school is the best way to impro


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