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1、为什么托福口语得分偏低 为什么托福口语得分偏低?4个原因和应对方法盘点,下面就和大家分享为什么托福口语得分偏低,希望能够帮助到大家,来学习一下吧。为什么托福口语得分偏低?4个原因和应对方法盘点对题型和解题技巧没有熟悉就匆忙上阵考托福口语,就像和敌人打仗。你不知道敌人怎么出招,你也就不知道你自己应该出什么招。这样,你打败仗就是必然的。应对建议:熟悉题型缺乏迅速组织好答案的能力考生在托福口语考试中,面临两点压力:1、时间紧、任务重。托福口语的答案准备时间只有15-30秒,答题只有45/60秒。如果考生没有接受过正规的训练,考生在考场上必将不知所措的、语无伦次。2、要迅速呈现“完整的答案”,这也就要



4、标准三大维度,它们分别是delivery、language use 以及topic development。我们来看一下官方指南上对于这三点的解释。01 deliverydelivery :how clear your speech is. good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns语言表达:考生是否能做到清晰的表达,好的表达应该流畅清晰、发音正确

5、、语速适中、语音语调自然。02 language uselanguage use:how effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. raters will be listening for how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.语言运用:考生是否能有效使用英文语法和词汇来表达自己的观点。评分人会考察考生能否熟练运用简单和复杂的语言结构和恰当

6、的词汇。03topic developmenttopic development:how fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas. good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow.话题发展:考生是否能


8、误,但不会混淆意思。话题发展:回答一直在持续并且充分满足了题目要求。总体上话题展开比较充分而且具有连贯性。论点之间的关系清楚明了。我们将以上内容做一总结:由此可见四分回答也并不是完美无暇的,高分回答也可能会犯一些小错误,只要不影响整体回答的完整性和可理解性即可。下面我们来看一道例题帮助大家更好的理解评分标准。some universities require first year students to live in dormitories on campus. others allow students to live off campus. which policy do you thi

9、nk is better and why? include details and examples in your explanation.sample 1i think the better policy is to make student live in the dorm, because the first year student live in the dorm.because i think they can be safer first, because they are from.most are come from other town, so they dont rea

10、lly know the environment. so.i think it safer. huh.moreover i think they can make friends in the dorm so they can have good relationship to know on the.on the universitys.is.i mean.they know better the environment. especially they dont have cars.sample 2um. i think its better for the first- year stu

11、dents to live on campus rather than off campus. main reason because they are new to the city and its safer for them to live on campus where theres more security. because they dont know much about the city in the first place. uh. second of all, it helps them to become more familiar with the surroundi

12、ngs where they have to study. it also helps them to meet new people. living in the dorm encourages friendships with people who you might not.um.seem very comfortable with first time. and it helps to meet new people, it helps to doing with the seniors if any live in the dorm.老师给大家两个sample responses,为

13、了方便理解也给出了两个回答的文本,大家理解后可以自己判定一下如果你是rater,你会给这两个答案给多少分?哪一个更符合我们四分的评分标准?托福口语模板:动物是否应该享有和人一样的权力郝新宇老师的sample response:personally speaking, i think animals should be entitled to have the same right to pursue happiness and health as humans. the main reason is that this will enable our human beings to have a harmonious society. animals, especially pets, no matterit is a dog or a cat, should also have the right to have healthy food to eat, clean water to drink, warm houses to live in and good environment to enjoy and so on. in


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