1、中班幼儿英语家庭教案 中班英语家庭教案1一、 教学内容学习mommy, daddy, me, sister, brother。二、 教具准备围裙或梳子、领带、胡子、coco指偶、单词图卡、dvd、coco头饰、洋娃娃、玩具车三、 教学游戏1. 找朋友 2.follow me 3. guessing game四、 教学过程一)warm up热身帮助幼儿认识教师和其他幼儿,慢慢学会自己与其他幼儿的英文名。让幼儿能跟随教师张嘴大声地读:hello, miss joyce! 并与周围幼儿进行问侯。二)resection呈现主题复习coco。教师戴上coco的头饰,扮演两个角色(coco, joyce)
2、的对话。1、学习问侯语:t: whats your name? s: my name is coco. 看看她是谁,她是我们的好朋友,她叫coco.教师:who can say hello to coco? 幼儿:hello, coco. 教师:great! come here, a hug for you.如果幼儿勇敢地与coco打招呼,可让幼儿摸一摸指偶。适当鼓励幼儿。以同样的方式复习:joyce, nick.2、学习单词:daddy教师戴上coco的指偶,并戴上表示爸爸的领带,学习爸爸粗阔的声音,扮演双重角色。coco: hello, daddy. im coco, im happy.
3、daddy: hello, coco!指着带领带的自己,神秘地请幼儿猜猜这是谁? 然后指偶coco说出:daddy, daddy. 这时再从身后神秘地出示daddy的图片。3、以同样的方式学习单词:mommy, sister, brother. 最后将coco的照片放在黑板上学习单词me。最后请幼儿观看dvd并跟读五、游戏1. 找朋友将卡片摆好,教师读出单词,请幼儿找出对应的词卡。找对的幼儿可以当小老师,带领大家读词卡。2. follow me幼儿完全摩仿教师,教师变换音量或变换声调(男、女、童声),幼儿也照做,教师读几遍,幼儿也读几遍。3. 猜猜看 guessing game随意抽出一张词卡
4、,只给幼儿看背面,做动作,摩仿声音,请幼儿猜猜是什么单词。猜对的幼儿击掌表示鼓励。最后让幼儿从袋子里摸出单词正确读出。课程结束。中班英语家庭教案2活动目标:1、学习单词“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解“for you.”的含义。2、愿意演唱歌曲,体会与同伴共同庆祝的快乐。活动准备:排练情景表演、歌曲磁带、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件活动过程:一、greeting1、teacher and children say “hello!” “good morning!”each other.2、teacher and children singnic
5、e to see youtogether.二、reviewt and c read the rhymehorse.三、learn.1、t and c watch tv of birthday party.“where is it?”“yes,its dogs house.”t comein the house, “oh,this is a tv.lets watch tv,ok?”2、t and one child show together.t: “hello,im cat.today is dogs birthday,ill go to this party.”t: “ding-dong!
6、”c: “what is it?”t: “im cat.”c: “come in, please.”t: “happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.”t1: “thank you.”3、c learn “cake” “gift” “card”.(1)t shows and reads “cake” “gift” “card” one by one,c say with t.“whatsthis?”“keikgiftca:d”(2)c reads alone. “whats this?” “yes, here you
7、 are.”(3) t shows pictures,c practice together.(4)game, “who is the first?”4、t shows a picture and reads “a cake for you.” c say with t.四、game “birthday party”1、t show a lot of pictures, “lets go to party.who wants to try?”2、c say with t, one child take a picture.3、one child and t knock at door prac
8、tice sentences.4、c say with t again.a part of c play the game.五、song1、t and c come in the house,say “ happy birthday.”to dog.2、t and c singhappy birthday.六、ending.t and c leave the dogs house.中班英语家庭教案3english plan of little classclass:the little classchildrens number:23 teacher:jerrycontents: my fam
9、ilyteaching objective:a. know families “daddy,mommy,sister,brother” and say it correctly.b. like to speak english.teaching preparation:a. some stickers,some cards of apples.b.flash cards of mommy daddy brother sister.c. draw two bags on the blackboard.d. two toys of hand,a toy of bor bor,tape of boo
10、k 2.teaching procedurei. warming up:1. greetings: boys and girls,good morning.how do you do?.nice to meet you.what day is it today?2. rhtym:lets dance.(teach them the rhyme).ii. revisionreview alphabet “af”:boys and girls,now lets say the alphabets together.(say the text of lesson 1)iii. presentatio
11、nthe alphabets babies are very happy!now,melody show you bor bors families.(show them the cards of daddy,mommy,brother,sister)now they wake up.lets greet with them. “good morning,daddy,good morning,mommy,good moring brother,good morning sister.”(or teach them text)iv. game1. apple bag:“boys and girl
12、s,melody will show you some things.look carefully.they are two apple bags.who say words(or text) well,melody will ask you to put a apple in the bag.are you ready?yes,ready!go!”2. hands:show them two toys of hands.when teacher say “brother”(or “good morning,brother”),children should pat the card of “brother” with the toys of hands.3. bor bors kiss:told children that child say the text well will get bor bors kiss.4. melodys gift:give children say the words or text well some stichers.v. conclusionboys and girls,wake up early every morning.that you
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