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1、Welcome to plus English,How do you go to school,There are many ways to go somewhere. Look at these,pictures.Do you know what they are,bike,ship,bus,subway,plane,train,foot,by,bus,plane,subway,train,ship,bike,I go to school by bus,I go to England by plane,I go home by subway,I go to by train,I am Pop

2、py,I dont have a bike ,and I dont have money,Iwant,to go to park,what can I do? can you help me,on,foot,airport,underground station,Liu,How do you go to school,Sarah:My home is near,Usually I go to,school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike,What,about you,Liu:I usually go to school by bus,Now lets begin

3、the group work,discuss how do you go school,獵獵慵汬屹獜浯瑥浩獥,come on!O(_)O,post,office,bus stop,park,home,apartment block,Zhang:Sarah,lets go to the park this afternoon,Sarah,Great,But,how do you go to the park,Zhang:lts easy.Come to my home by bike.We can go to the bus,stop on foot,Then we go to the park

4、 by bus,Sarah:OK.But,where is,your home,Zhang:My home is,near the post office,Sarah,Which floor,Zhang,The fifth floor,Room 5A,Sarah:OK.This afternoon,See you,at 2 oclock,Zhang,See you then,traffic light,stop,wait,go(*_,stop at a red light,wait at a yellow light,go a green light,traffic rules,I am,lo

5、st,let me,help,you,Xiaoxin,How can l get to Zhongshan,Park,Policeman,You can go by the NO.15,bus,Xiaoxin:Can l go on foot,Policeman:Sure, if you like.lts not far,foot,脚,bike,自行车,train,火车,bus,公交车,plane,飞机,ship,轮船,subway,地铁,by,乘,traffic,交通,traffic light,交通灯,traffic rule,交通规则,stop,停,wait,等待,1,How do yo

6、u go to school,2,where is your home,3,How can I get to the park,4,Can l go on foot,A,Usually I go to school by bus,sometimes I go on food,D,Sure,lts not far,C,You can take the NO.15,bus,B,lts near the post office,选出不同类的单词,)1,A,yellow B,rules C,red,2,A,on foot B,by plane C,by way,3,A,light B,stop C,go,4,A,school B,China C,Canada,5,A,fifth B,one C,fourth,五、根据句子意思,填正确单词。,30,1,_do you go to school ? I go to school _,foot,2. How _you go to school? My home is _,3.I go to school on foot, _,I _ by bike,4. We must kno


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