Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from试题_第1页
Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from试题_第2页
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Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from试题_第5页
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1、Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?Section A课前漫步A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。 I温故 根据图片完成句子。注意be from与come from的用法。1 The boy _ (be) from Jilin.2 The computer comes _ Zhejiang.3 The flowers _ (be) from Yunnan.4 The fruits _(be) from Xinjiang.5 The boy and the girl _(not be) from Beijing.知新 你

2、知道它们是哪国的国旗吗?在国旗下写出相应的国名。1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _II在线翻译 请给出相应词组的中英文。1 come from_2 the United Kingdom _3 笔友_4 说英语 _5 什么语言_III读图填空 根据图片选择相应的城市名。Sydney New York Paris London Tokyo1. Jim is from_ . He wants to make friends with us.2. Gina is from_. She likes Japanese food.3. Li Ping likes to trav

3、el in_ .4. Ken was born in _ .5. Where does your pen pal live? She lives in_ .课堂学步A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。 I.单项选择1 -Where _ he _?-He lives in Beijing.A. is; from B. does; come from C. does; live D. does; like2-Do you speak English or _? - English. A. England B. Japan C. France D. Chinese3

4、Toronto is in _. A .Canada B. France C. Japan D. the USA4-_ do Lily and Jane come from? -The United States.A. Where B. Who C. What D. Why 5._like English very much . We can speak English well.A.I and my pen pal B. My pen pal and IC. My pen pal with I D.I with my pen palII.能工巧匠 按要求作题 每空限填一个单词1 Are yo

5、u from Torntto?(改为同义句) _ you _ form Shanghai?2. Ted speaks English and Chinese every day.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _Ted _ every day ?3. her, pen pal, the United States, in, live. (连词成句) _pen pal _ _the United States.4. My pen pal speaks English. (改为否定句) My pen pal _ _ English.5.I think. He is not from Mexico.(合

6、并为一句) _he Mexico.III. 有问必答 根据信息完成句子1. Jim is English. He is from _.2. Were _.We come from China.3. Harry is a Canadian.He comes from _.4. Chuan Dao is a _.He is from Japan.5. The twins are American. They are from _.课后阔步A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。I慧眼识错 下列各句都有一处错误,请标出并改正1.Im 13 year old now. 2

7、.I have many good friend at school. 3. They are come from England. 4. My pen friend lives at New York. 5. I can speaks English and Chinese. II聊聊吧 请给下列句子编号,并将编号(1-10)填入题前圆圈内,使其成为完整的对话。III.文苑漫步 根据这封信完成这张身份卡片。PEN PAL WANTED Im Huang Jihong. My English name is Jim.Im a 14-year-old boy. I live in the cit

8、y of Chengdu in China. I speak Chinese and I can speak a little Japanese. I have a small family, my father, my mother and me. Im lonely(孤单). I enjoy playing basketball and I like English very much, but I cant speak it well. So I want a pen pal to help me with my English.Please write to me if you wan

9、t, too.Chinese Name: _English Name:_ Age: _Country:_Language:_Family: _Address: _Favorite Sport: _Favorite Subject: _Section B课前漫步All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。 I 单项选择 请在四个选项中选出一个不同类的。1 Asubject B. sister C. mother D. brother2. A. China B. French C. the United States D. Japan3. A. love B. city C. l

10、ike D. dislike 4. A. what B. why C. world D. where5. A. Singapore B. New York C. Canada D. AustraliaII.寻找规律 阅读并完成表格。NameCountrylanguageCapital CityCity he livesPeopleLiu LiChinaChineseBeijingJinanChineseJohnthe USAEnglishWashington DCNew York1MaryAustralia2CanberraSydneyAustralianTomthe UKEnglish3Lo

11、ndonEnglishmanPeter4FrenchParisParisFrenchmanDaveJapanJapaneseTokyoTokyo51 _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._III. 词形转换 用所给词的适当形式填空。1 How many _(language) are there in the world ?2 They are from three _ (country).3 Sam _(live) in Pairs.4 Lucy with her friends_(be ) from Japan.5 My pen pal likes _(play) sports.随堂学步All

12、 that glitters is not gold.闪光的不一定都是金子。 I单项选择1-Can you speak English? -Yes, but only _.A. a little B. little C. a few D.few2.Please write _ tell me about yourself. A. and B. but C. on D. of3. They go to school _Monday _ Friday.A. to; toB. to; fromC. from; to D. in;to4. _is my pen pal .Shes _ Toronto.

13、A. It, at B. It, from C. This, at D. This, from5.-What does he like _? -Swimming. A. do B does C doing D. to do II.在线翻译 根据汉语完成句子1. 我认为这个女孩不是来自巴西。I _ think the girl is _ Brazil.2. 我不能尽快给你回信。I cant _ _ you soon. 3. 这部电影的名字是漫长的周末。This movies name is _ _ _.4. 在学校他们喜欢上历史课和法语。They like _ and _ classes at

14、school.5.中国是个非常有趣的地方。China is _ _ _.III. 文苑漫步 看图根据上下文和首字母提示,完成短文。A: Hey,Tim.Is he y_ pen pal?B: Yes.He is a cute boy.A: W_ his name?B: Peter.A: Where is he f_?B:The United Kingdom.A:W_ does he live ?Does he live i_ London?B:Yes,he does.A:What l_does he speak?B:English a_ Chinese.A:Do you often get h

15、is e-mails?B:Yeah.We write and send e-mails o_ Saturdays.课后阔步A man can do no more than he can.凡事都应量力而行。 I.一线穿珠 根据横线后的标点,将下列词语组成完整的句子。_?_?_._._._ II.句子配对 从B栏中找出A栏的答案。A( )1.Wheres your pen pal from? ( )2.What language does your pen pal speak? ( )3.Where does your pen pal live? ( )4.How old is your pen

16、 pal? ( )5.Whats your pen pals favorite subject? Ba. He lives in Tokyo.b. He is 13.c. Its math.d. He speaks Japanese. e. Hes from Japan.III. 文苑漫步 选取合适的选项完成短文 Dear Tom,Thank you 1 your letter. I show (给看)it to some of my 2 in school. Some of my classmates 3 friends in other (其他的) 4 ,too. They also ge

17、t letters 5 their friends. One of the letters 6 from Australia. One is from 7 .Now I want 8 you about my family. My 9 are teachers. I have a brother and a sister. My sister 10 in a school. My brother is a student.Please write to me soon.Yours,Han Mei1.A.for B. to C. of2.A.parentsB. sistersC. classma

18、tes3.A.hasB. there areC. have4.A.countryB. countrys C. countries5.A.forB. inC. from6.A.areB. isC. do7.A.EnglishB. EnglandC. French8.A.to tellB. to speakC. to say9.A.fatherB. parentsC. sister10.A.workB. does workC. works Self Check要点回眸A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.一心不能二用。 各就各位 选择合适的单词并用

19、适当的形式填空。speak French favorite sport Canada haveGina is from _. She lives in Toronto. She _ Chinese and English , but she doesnt speak Japanese. Lucys favorite _ is volleyball, and she plays the guitar. Gina _ a pen pal in France. His name is Jim and he lives in Pairs. He speaks English and _. Jim do

20、esnt play volleyball, but he plays basketball and tennis. Basketball is his _ sport. He cant play the guitar, but he can play the piano and sing.连线中考Fact speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。 1.-Is this a postcard _ Tom? - Yes, he said he enjoyed his life in Beijing . (2006 辽宁) A to B. from C. of D. with

21、2.How many _ are there in the international village? (2006 汕头) A. Chinese B. Russian C. American 3Our teacher always tell us _ more English in and out of class. (2006 重庆) Aspeak B. spoken C. to speak D. speaking4.I often go shopping with my mother_ Sunday mornings. (2006 南通)Ain B. at C. for D. on5.-

22、Whats your favorite subject, Mike? -_.Its interesting. (2006 北京) AToys B. Math C.T-shirts D.E-mail 答案点拨1.B 根据答语,问句的意思应为“这是Tom来得明信片吗?”句中from介词,意思为“来自”,后跟人或地点。2.A how many表示多少,后跟可数名词的复数形式,B、C选项的复数形式为Russians(俄罗斯人)、Americans(美国人)。故应用Chinese, 其单复数相同。 3.C 句子的意思为“我们的老师总告诉要在课内外多讲英语。”tell动词,后跟动词不定式表示告诉某人干某事

23、。4.D 本题考查时间介词的用法,在具体时间的上午、下午或晚上应用介词on。5.B 问句的意思为“Mike你最喜欢的科目是什么?”,所以答案应为math。单元自主检测时间:60分钟 满分 :100分 得分:_单元在线A merry heart goes all the way.心旷神怡,事事顺利。 I.单词拼写 根据句子的意思和首字母完成单词(5分)1 I l physics,but I dislike math.2 Swimming is my f sport.3 He is from France.He speaks F . 4 I think Jack will come back s

24、. 5Please write and tell me about y_.II. 词形转换 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. -What language does the girl speak?-She (speak) Japanese.2. I like (go) to the movies with my friends.3. Whats (she) favorite subject?4.Does she speak (Japan)?5.His brother wants _(have) a pen pal in China.III. 有问必答 根据实际情况回答问题。(10分)Whe

25、re are you from? _.2. Where do you live? _.3. What language do you speak? _.4. Do you have any brothers and sisters? _.5. Whats your favorite subject? _.单元探究An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。 IV单项选择(10分)1. My favorite _ is China. A. language B. subject C. country D. city 2He

26、len is _. A. 14 year old B. 14-year-old C. 14 years old D. 14-years-old3My pen pal lives _ Paris.A. at B. in C. to D. from4Where _ you come from? A. are B. do C. does D. is5_ is the capital of the United Kingdom.A.New York B. Paris C. London D. Tokyo6Lily French because she thinks its too difficult.

27、 A. like B. dislike C. likes D. dislikes7 from England, Jim or Li Lei?A. Who are B. Who come C. Who D. Who is8They often play basketball _ weekdays. A. on B. in C. for D. at9Tom, do it _.A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself10 Can you _ “jiaozi” _ English?Asay, with Bspeak, in Csay, in D. speak, with

28、V. 聊聊吧 根据内容补全对话,使句子通顺完整看这些奥运健将们分别来自哪里。(10分) 1. A: _ is No.1 from?B: He comes from_.2. A: _ No. 2 from China, too? B: No, _ from _.3. A: _ _ No.3? B: He is _.VI能工巧匠 按要求作题 每空限填一个单词(10分)1Her grandmother lives in Singapore City.(划线部分提问) _ _her grandmother _?2Please write a letter to me soon.(同义句转换) Plea

29、se _ _ me soon.3He likes to go shopping.(同义句转换) He likes _ _.4They are action movies(改为单数句子) _ _ an action movie5. I think it is interesting(改为否定句) I_ _ it _ interesting单元创新As a man sows, so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 VII.文苑漫步(20分)A根据短文填下面的表格。Xiang Xiangs pen pals:names countries cities Dick The USAWa

30、shington DC Jim AliceB根据短文内容选择正确答案。 I am Kate in Beijing. I am now a student of Grade One in a middle school in China. Mary Green is my pen pal. She is thirteen years old. She is in Grade Seven in a middle school in the USA. My English teacher says we are in the same grade. How funny( 有趣的 ) it is!In

31、 her letter, Mary says she goes to school five days a week. She gets to school at 8:30 in the morning. She doesnt go home for lunch but has it at school. She comes home at three oclock in the afternoon. Sometimes she plays games with her friends after school. She often has a little homework.( ) 1. Mary is _ girl of thirteen years old in a middle school. A. an American B. a ChineseC. an Australian


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