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1、单元简析(单元内容、目标等)MODULE3Unit1. Robots will do everything.Unit 2. On Monday Ill go swimming 教学准备与分析1、教学内容学生用书:第四册第三模块第一、二单元活动1,2,3,活动用书:第四册第三模块第一、二单元活动1,2,32、教学目标1)技能与知识目标A.基本要求学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everything.词汇: robot、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。1.学会目标语句:One day, robots will do e

2、verything.2.词汇: robot、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。3.口头运用 One day, robots will do everything.句子表达自己对未来的预测。识别词汇 everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our,并能根据提示书写that,our。4.能运用情态动词“can”描述,培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:Sunday,Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, help, ho

3、meworkB.初步要求口头运用 One day, robots will do everything.句子表达自己对未来的预测。识别词汇 everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our,并能根据提示书写that,our。C复习巩固用 “On Monday Ill go swimming.”以及 “Will you play football on Monday? Yes, I will./ No, I wont.”的语言结构。2)运用能力目标a、能听懂老师发出的指令,迅速做出反应。b、能根据提供的信息,完成新词的学习与训练。c、能运用所学知识进行简单的英语交

4、流3)素质教育目标培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。3.教学重点学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everything.词汇: robot 、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。口头运用 One day, robots will do everything.这类语句表达自己对未来的预测。正确拼写从星期一至星期天的英语单词。学会用 “On Monday Ill go swimming.”等的语言结构。4.教学难点灵活、正确运用本课的句子。5.课时计划4课时(4 periods )上课时间 授课班级 执教人 课题MODULE

5、3Unit1.Robots will do everything.课型新授课课时2课时教学目标教学重难点教学方法第一课时:知识与能力、过程与方法、情感与态度知识目标:学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everything.词汇: robot、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。1.学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everything.2.词汇: robot、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。3.口头运用 One day, robots will

6、 do everything.句子表达自己对未来的预测。认知目标:识别词汇 everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our,并能根据提示书写that,our。能力目标:能运用情态动词“can”描述.情感目标:培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。教学重点:学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everything.词汇: robot 、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。口头运用 One day, robots will do everything.这类语句表达自己对未来的预测。教学难点:学会目

7、标语句:One day, robots will do everything. 教学方法:情景驱动法课前准备(师、生)录音机和磁带,挂图 单词卡片学生学具书 第 一 课 时 教 学 过 程教学环节师 生 活 动批注(关注要点、重点把握、难点处理)Teaching procedures: (1) Warming up: -Greeting. -Listen and act : e.g. wash clothes watch TV run walk play the flute play football jump do homework make a cake row a boat play t

8、able tennis (运用肢体语言来复习动词及动词词组,为本课will 的学习做好铺垫)(2) Presentation: Show a robot to the class and say “Today were going to talk about the robots.”Describing the robots, it can sing. It can dance. One day, robots will do everything. (运用图片展示robot的含义) Ask to the students “What else will the robots do?” Sho

9、w the CAI to students. (让学生看课件了解机器人能做什么不能做什么) Now show the text to the students. Look at the book and ask. What can Damings robot do? Will robots do the housework? Will robots help children learn?.Write the answers on the board: It can walk.Then drill this sentence and then change the word “walk”.Ta

10、lk about the sentences: They will do the housework. They will help children learn.Write the sentence on the board One day, robots will do everything. (用磁卡带替换动词及动词词组,让学生运用所学。同时理解one day的含义)Continue the words learning: housework help children learn In groups, talk about the robots then report.(3) Prac

11、tice: Do exercises in AB. In pairs act the text. Draw a robot and say what the robot can do .In pairs or in groups then report. (4) Production: Look at Exercise 3 in the book and talk about what the robots will do in the future.|教学意图:上课前的热身运动,边唱边表演符合小学生的年龄特点,吸引了学生的注意力,稳定了学生的情趣,也活跃了课堂气氛。)(教学意图: 学习新词时

12、,采用磁卡带替换动词及动词词组的形式进行操练,学生兴致极高,课堂气氛非常活跃;同时引入竞争机制,贯穿整个教学过程,使全体学生保持一种学习的积极状态,并培养学生的竞争意识和合作精神。)课堂练习Draw a robot and describe it. Using This is _. It can _. It will _.课后作业Game: Guess what their robots will do. Then act. (让学生先画出自己的机器人,并展示给其他学生看,让其他学生猜一猜。运用任务并检查。)板书设计Module 3 Robots Unit 1 Robots will do e

13、verything.It can walk.One day, robots will do everything.教学反思上课时间 授课班级 执教人 课题MODULE3Unit1.Robots will do everything.课型新授课课时2课时教学目标教学重难点教学方法第二课时:知识与能力、过程与方法、情感与态度知识目标:学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everything.词汇: robot、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。1.学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everythi

14、ng.2.词汇: robot、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。3.口头运用 One day, robots will do everything.句子表达自己对未来的预测。认知目标:识别词汇 everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our,并能根据提示书写that,our。能力目标:能运用情态动词“can”描述.情感目标:培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。教学重点:学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everything.词汇: robot 、everything、 one day、h

15、ousework、learn、 our。口头运用 One day, robots will do everything.这类语句表达自己对未来的预测。教学难点:1、用 will谈论将来可能发生的事情。 2、能运用情态动词“can”描述。 3、everything中“th”的发音。教学方法:情景驱动法课前准备(师、生)录音机和磁带,挂图 单词卡片学生学具书 第 二 课 时 教 学 过 程教学环节师 生 活 动批注(关注要点、重点把握、难点处理)Step 1 Warm up1、Greeting2、师带领全班同学做一组TPR活动。“Do as I say”。(师边下指令边做动作。)Step 2 Pr

16、esentation1、 任务呈现与课文导入(1)热身活动后,教师假装擦擦汗,对学生说:Im very tired.As you know,sometimes we have to do many things.Thatll make us tired.If someone can help us ,thatll be good .Who can help us ?Can robots help us ?(出示机器人的图片作为提示。)引导学生得出肯定的回答,然后告诉学生:Today,were going to talk about the.(2)师继续对机器人进行描述:They can sin

17、g .They can dance.They can talk.One day ,robots will do everything!They will play basketball.They will pick fruits(3)师提问:What else will the robots do ?(导入新课)2、课文教学(1)教师通过与单个学生的对话引出课文:Have you got a robot?No, you havent.Our friend Daming has got a robot.Lets have a look .Then tell me what this robot

18、can do and what this robot cant do.(2)呈现挂图并播放课文录音。(3)教师提出问题,请学生带着问题再听一遍录音,然后试着对问题做出回答。(What can Damings robot do ? Will it do the housework ? Will it help children learn?Will it do homework for children?(4)教师根据学生回答板书例句“It can walk.”(领读句子并通过播放课件理解句子。带领学生操练该句型,然后进一步要求学生替换句子中的单词“walk”,造出其他句子。)(5)教师提问:D

19、aming hopes his robot will do many other things.What will the robot do ?(引导学生回答问题,并试着说出完整的句子。)师板书例句: One day, robots will do everything.(6)师继续讲解:The robot cant do these things now .Maybe they can do these things sometime later .So we should say :They will do the housework .(讲解并朗读,用类似方法讲解help childre

20、n learn)(7)教师将学生分组并自由谈论他们对机器人的期望,然后向全班汇报。教师进行总结:“So robots will do everything.(教授新单词 everything,注意“th”的发音。)Step 3 Consolidation1、请学生分角色朗读课文,教师给予适当的评价和奖励。2、完成学生用书(活动3)|师生互相问候,共同做一组TPR活动,不仅营造轻松愉悦的氛围,而且为后面的教学做好铺垫。 教师提出问题让学生思考,很自然地导入新课。课文教学采取了先看图听音,然后教师提问题,学生带着问题再听音并试着回答问题的形式进行。符合小学生的认知特点。在教学中采取自主、合作、探究

21、的学习方式,让学生能够在轻松愉快的氛围中学习。发挥了学生学习的主动性。适时分角色朗读课文并完成一定的任务。通过做游戏,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。把课文内容表演出来,培养学生口语表达能力和表演能力。使知识得到了很好的拓展。给学生留下思考的空间,让学生带着问题走出课堂。课堂练习以小组为单位参加游戏(Guess what their robot will do .)课后作业分角色表演课文内容。板书设计Module 3 Robots Unit 1 Robots will do everything.It can walk .One day, robots will do everything.They

22、will do the housework .(do our homework ) (help children learn)教学反思上课时间 授课班级 执教人 课题MODULE3Unit 2. On Monday Ill go swimming 课型新授课课时2课时教学目标教学重难点教学方法第三课时:知识与能力、过程与方法、情感与态度Content: Module 3 Unit 2 On Monday Ill go swimming.Function: Talk about the plan of seven days in a week.Teaching points: 1.Words a

23、nd phrases: homework, help, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 2. Sentences: On Monday Ill go swimming. Will you play football on Monday? Yes, I will./No, I wont.Teaching properties: tape recorder, cards, pictures课前准备(师、生)录音机和磁带,挂图 单词卡片学生学具书 第 三课 时 教 学 过 程教学环节师 生 活 动批注(关注

24、要点、重点把握、难点处理)Teaching procedures: 1. Warming up Write the numbers1-7on the board. Write the words Monday to Sunday under the numbers. Have them predict the meaning of the words, Monday, Tuesday and so on.Point to the words and say them. Have the students repeat them.Now tell the students that you ar

25、e going to say a day and they have to use an ordinal number and say which day is it.2. Now point ,ask and answerHave the students suggest activities that they do and write a list on the board .e.g. play football, ride a bike, go swimming, read a book, watch TV, go to the cinema, go to school, walk i

26、n the park, play with a friend, do homework. Then draw the following calendar on the board:MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayHave the students copy the calendar in their exercise book .They should write activities on the calendar.Then have the students work in pairs and tell one anot

27、her what they will do on the seven day of the week.e.g.S1: On Monday I will watch TV. S2: I will do my homework on Monday.3. Listen and say ,then sing and clapBefore singing the songHave the students look the picture and say what type of song this is.Have the children say the names of any clapping s

28、ongs or games they know. Then act.While singing the songPlay the tape and let the student listen to the melody. Then play the spoken version of the song and have the students repeat the line.Divide the students into seven groups. Asking each group a day of the week respectively. Have the students in

29、 each group write their day on a piece of paper. Explin that they must hold up their day of the week as they sing that word in the song, now have the class sing the song.|师生互相问候,共同做一组TPR活动,不仅营造轻松愉悦的氛围,而且为后面的教学做好铺垫。 教师提出问题让学生思考,很自然地导入新课。在教学中采取自主、合作、探究的学习方式,让学生能够在轻松愉快的氛围中学习。发挥了学生学习的主动性。适时分角色朗读课文并完成一定的

30、任务。通过做游戏,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。把课文内容表演出来,培养学生口语表达能力和表演能力。使知识得到了很好的拓展。给学生留下思考的空间,让学生带着问题走出课堂。课堂练习Play the tape and let the student listen to the melody. Then play the spoken version of the song and have the students repeat the line.课后作业制定自己一周的学习和课外活动计划。板书设计Module 3 Unit2 On Monday Ill go swimming homework 家庭作业

31、 help 帮助 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日教学反思乌鲁木齐市第四十小学 英语学科 四年级备课通案上课时间 授课班级 执教人 课题MODULE3 Review Module课型新授课课时1课时教学目标教学重难点教学方法知识与能力、过程与方法、情感与态度知识目标:学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everything.词汇: robot、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。1.学会目

32、标语句:One day, robots will do everything.2.词汇: robot、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。3.口头运用 One day, robots will do everything.句子表达自己对未来的预测。识别词汇 everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our,并能根据提示书写that,our。4.能运用情态动词“can”描述,培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:Sunday,Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursda

33、y, Friday, Saturday, help, homework认知目标口头运用 One day, robots will do everything.句子表达自己对未来的预测。识别词汇 everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our,并能根据提示书写that,our。:能力目标:a、能听懂老师发出的指令,迅速做出反应。b、能根据提供的信息,完成新词的学习与训练。c、能运用所学知识进行简单的英语交流情感目标:培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。教学重点:学会目标语句:One day, robots will do everything.词汇: robot

34、、everything、 one day、housework、learn、 our。口头运用 One day, robots will do everything.这类语句表达自己对未来的预测。正确拼写从星期一至星期天的英语单词。学会用 “On Monday Ill go swimming.”等的语言结构。教学难点:1、用 will谈论将来可能发生的事情。 2、能运用情态动词“can”描述。 3、everything中“th”的发音。教学方法:情景驱动法课前准备(师、生)录音机和磁带,图片学生学具书。活动用书 第 四 课 时 教 学 过 程教学环节师 生 活 动批注(关注要点、重点把握、难点处

35、理)小学英语第四册第3模块检测题一、 按时间顺序排序。SaturdayMondayTuesday FridayThursdayWednesday Sunday二、 选出不同类的单词,将序号填在题前括号中。( )1. A. Tuesday B. picnic C. Friday ( )2. A. basketball B. football C. Sunday( )3. A. take B. long C. wide( )4. A. cake B. biscuit C. homework三、把正确的选项填在括号里。(15 分)( )1.We _going to fly kites. A. is

36、B. am C. are( )2 .Will you take a ball? No, I _. A. wont B. doesnt C. isnt( )3 She will_ basketball tomorrow. A . play B. playing C. plays( )4 . Ill have a class_ Monday. A . on B. in C. under( )5. It will_ in Beijing. A. be windy B. windy C. snows( )6. -Why not? - tomorrow is Friday. A. So B. And C. Because( )7. -Will you watch TV on Monday? -No, . A. I will B. I wont C. Im not四、看图回答 (16 分)run snow row a boat play football skip1. What is he doing? 2.


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