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1、可修改黄冈市2019年9月质量检测英语试题参考答案第一部分:听力(30分)15 CCBCA 610ACCBA 1115BCAAA 1620 BBABA第二部分:阅读理解(40分)2125 CBDDB 2630 DADCD 3135AABDA 3640EBFDC第三部分:英语知识运用(45分) 第一节:完形填空(30分)4145DBCAA 4650BCDAA 5155CADBB5660CCDAB第二节:语法填空:(15分)61. have decreased/have been decreasing 62.worse 63.an 64. why 65. are used 66. to stick

2、 67. for 68.protecting 69.unlikely 70.solution第四部分: 写作(35分)第一节:短文改错:(10分) In the beginning of the new term, our school organized military training. In the first three day, At days our instructor taught us how to walk and stood like a real soldier. On the last day of military standtraining, we were h

3、onoring for our achievements. Through our efforts, they won the first prize. honored we After the four-day military training, my classmates and I was expressed our thanks for our instructors 去掉 hardly work. He not only taught us how to behave like a soldier but also showed us meaninghard theof honor

4、 or teamwork. Never will I forget that he taught me. and what第二节:短文写作(25分)One possible version: Dear Tom, Hearing that you want to know my journey in Beijing during this summer holiday, Im delighted to introduce it to you in detail. Our first stop was Peking University, of which all Chinese students

5、 dream. We admired Unknown Lake and Bo Ya Tower there. The second day, we rushed to Tian anmen Square at 3:00 a.m. Staring at the flag rising slowly, I felt proud to be a Chinese. In the afternoon, we headed toward the Palace Museum, which used to be the palaces where the Chinese ancient royals live

6、d. The last day, we visited the magnificent Great Wall. Never will forget this meaningful journey, where we have harvested knowledge, dreams, happiness and friendship. Hope you can visit China one day. Welcome to China! Yours sincerely, Li hua试题答案解析第一部分:听力录 音 原 文Text 1W: Why didnt you come to see th

7、e film with us yesterday? Were you sick?M: No, I had seen it twice already.(1)Text 2W: Thats a fair price. Its suitable for a new driver like me. The problem is that I still cant afford it.(2)M: But you like this car, right? Tell you what. If I could get the price down another $500, would you be abl

8、e to buy it?Text 3W: Im flying to Seattle tomorrow, but Ive never been on an airplane. Im scared.M: You could always take a train or drive. Seattle isnt that far.W: I already bought a plane ticket, so I have to fly.(3)Text 4M: When will the meeting begin?W: According to the schedule, it should be at

9、 9:30. It will last for an hour and a half.(4)Text 5W: Gosh! Have you seen this, Richard?M: What?W: In the paper,it says there is a man pretending hes from the electricity company. Hes been going over to peoples homes, saying hes come to check that everything is safe.and while they are out of the ro

10、om, he steals their money, handbag, or whatever else he can find and makes off with it.(5)Text 6W: Have you read any good books lately?M: Im reading a book about a woman who travels to Africa.(6) The book I read before that one was about a man who leaves his job and builds a house on a mountain.W: I

11、 just read one about two women who traveled to Europe in the 1940s. It was really good. Id like to give up my job, too! Lets travel the world!(7)Text 7M: Im thinking of studying in Europe next year.W: Oh, really? Which country?M: Well, France is my favorite country,(8) but I went to there already a

12、year ago, so Im thinking of going to Germany or Italy.W: My sister is in Italy right now. She left six months ago.(9) I just called her last week, and shes having a great time.M: I actually have a meeting with my teacher this afternoon to talk about which country would be the best for me.(10)W: Well

13、, good luck! I have to run and get my daughter from her dance lesson.Text 8W: Hello, Im new to the neighborhood, so I thought Id bring over some cookies and introduce myself. Im Melissa. My husband and I just moved here from Oregon.M: Hi, Melissa. Its nice to meet you, and thanks for the cookies! Im

14、 William. This is my wife Peggy and my daughter Miranda.(12) Would you like to come in for a glass of milk?(11) We can eat the cookies you brought.W: Sure, thank you!M: So, why did you move here?W: My husband got a new job at the hospital. Hes a nurse.(13)M: Oh, thats wonderful. My sister is actuall

15、y a doctor there. Im sure theyll run into each other. Yum, these cookies are great! So, what do you do?W: Im a writer. My second book was just published, actually.Text 9W: How are you doing, Jonny?M: Ive been a cough potato lately, killing time by watching TV.(14) Oh, by the way, did you hear the ne

16、ws?W: No, what happened?M: They are going to turn the city square into an entertainment park.(15)W: Wonderful. I am glad that ugly big thing will be gone.(15)M: You really are? In my opinion, the square is 100 times better than entertainment park.W: I dont see why. I think even a museum is much bett

17、er than a square.(15)M: The square is a symbol of our city and is a nice place for everybody to walk around.W: Well, I dont know if that huge and boring thing can be our symbol, but I know for sure the city has dozens of parks where you can take a nice walk.M: I know what you mean. But dont you thin

18、k that we will no longer have peace and quiet once the entertainment park opens?(16)W: Does that matter? To me, more importantly, the entertainment park means employment.M: So what?W: Income. If you have income, you have money to spend, which, in turn, will create more jobs.Text 10Welcome to this ye

19、ars national tennis championship. Were pleased that you will be here throughout the week to cover the championship matches.(18) Remember that you need to wear and display your press IDs at all times. This promises to be an exciting and special week. Following the play each day, selected players will

20、 be brought to the media center, where all of you will have an opportunity to ask questions in the interview area. Considering both players and members of the media, we ask that you kindly turn off all mobile phones in the interview area.(19) When you are called upon, please wait for a microphone to

21、 be handed to you before asking your question. Now I am pleased to welcome Brolio Segui, last years winner. Hell talk about this years championship and answer questions.(20)第二部分:阅读理解A篇应用文【解题导语】 本文介绍了一些老师的艺术教学设计。文段节选自网站的一篇文章。21. C 考查细节理解 根据题干关键词Jennifer可知选C。22. B 考查细节理解 第一个和第二个教

22、学设计都提到的材料是粉笔chalk,可知选B。23. D 考查细节理解 根据第四个教学设计的教学目标可知是为了提高孩子们对周围颜色的感知能力。可知选D。B篇记叙文【解题导语】 本文讲述了一位外国友人从小就爱上长城,长大后游历长城,结识爱妻,并做长城的清道夫的事迹。文段节选自的一篇文章。24. D 考查细节理解 根据第一段第一句William Lindesay has been interested in the Great Wall of China since seeing it in a school atlas(地图册) as a chil

23、d in England.可知William Lindesay自从孩提时在学校的地图册上看到长城就爱上了长城。 25. B 考查词义猜测题 根据划线词后的 populated regions where there was little chance of help if the runner had an accident. 可知人口稀少的地方提供帮助的机会也少,选B。26. D 考查细节理解 根据第三段第三句 Modernization and development were making the situation even worse.可知现代化和开发恶化了长城的处境。27. A 考

24、查推理判断 根据第二段可知他历次艰难探险长城推断出他是意志力坚强的一个人;根据第三段他不图名利做长城的清道夫推断出他是一个大爱无私的好人。C篇议论文【解题导语】 本文介绍了飞蛾眼睛的凹凸不平激发了研究者开发一种未来可能会变形的手机屏幕。文段节选自 www. ScienceA的一篇文章 28. D 考查细节理解 根据第二段第二句和第三句The other problem, he says of the brightened screen, is it kills the battery. So Wu and colleagues have produced a batter

25、y-sparing alternative: an anti-reflective screen-coating.可知为了节约电池的使用而开发的这种防反光屏幕涂层。29. C 考查细节理解 根据第二段第四句 Based on the eyes of moths. 可知是飞蛾的眼睛激发了开发者的灵感。30. D 考查细节理解 根据第二段第七、八句That uneven surface reduces the reflection of light off their eyesthought to help the bugs escape predators(捕食者), and see bette

26、r in low light. So Wu and his team built a similar surface with tiny dimples(凹), to cut down on glare.可知是凹凸不平的表面减少了光的反射。31. A 考查推理判断 根据最后一段最后一句可知研究者希望未来的手机会自己变形。D篇说明文【解题导语】 本文介绍了培养同理心是教导孩子尊重他人的一门必修课。文段节选自/的一篇文章32. A考查细节理解 根据第一段第二句 In a world where self-satisfaction is emphasiz

27、ed, it is in short supply but high demand. 可知人们往往强调自我满足,以自我为重。33. B考查推理判断 根据第二段第五、六句Not only is it the ability to recognize how someone feels, but it also values and respects the feelings of another person. It means treating others with kindness, dignity, and understanding.可知同理心不仅要识别一个人作何感受, 而且也要重视尊

28、重其他人的感受。这就意味着要善待他人、尊重他人、理解他人。干扰项C罪犯正在欺骗受害者,并不是真正的同理心,仅仅只是识别一个人作何感受却没有重视尊重其他人的感受。34. D 考查句意猜测 根据划线句的前一句可知只有孩子的情感需求得到满足他们才会给予他人同理心。35. A 考查主旨大意 本文从为什么要教孩子具备同理心,同理心是什么,再到如何教孩子具备同理心,后三段主要讲的就是如何教孩子具备同理心。E篇议论文【解题导语】21世纪威胁公众健康的最大挑战之一就是睡眠缺乏流行病,那如何睡个好觉,本文提出了几点建议。节选自2019年8月28日TED的一篇文章。36.E 考查篇章结构 根据空的后一句 if y

29、oure struggling with sleep at night, avoiding naps during the day, I have two pieces of advice for you.如果你晚上睡不好觉就要避免在白天睡觉,我有两条建议。可推知空为询问如何睡好觉。37. B考查篇章结构 启空后句可知第二条建议为保持凉爽。38. F 考查篇章结构 承接空前一句 卧室的稳定要控制在65华氏度左右,或者大约摄氏18度。这是大多数人睡眠的最佳选择39. D 考查篇章结构 根据空前句睡眠并不是一个可选的奢侈的生活方式。可知空为睡眠是一个不容置疑的生理需要。40. C考查篇章结构 根据

30、空前一句中的the decrease of sleep睡眠的减少。第三部分 英语知识运用第一节 完形填空 记叙文【解题导语】本文讲述了作者拨打911救妈妈的一次经历文段节选自英语广场的一篇文章。41. D 根据第一段第三句中The next second下一秒可推知此空为上一秒。42. B 根据58空前的training 可知此空为train训练。43. C 根据本句中的when the horse kicked her. 马把妈妈踢飞了。44. A 根据本段的一连串动作可知妈妈落地,翻滚,屈膝起来,用手捂脸。45. A 我被突如其来的意外事故震到了。46. B 根据后句中answer可知此句

31、为asked.47. C 根据前后句妈妈没有回答反而跑进屋内。48. D 根据后句我把马牵到马厩可知妈妈想我确保马是安全的。49. A 根据本句中scary(吓人的)or前为同一情感色彩词mean(凶狠的),也呼应了前文。50. A 有时候意外就是莫名其妙的发生。51. C 呼应47空后的句子妈妈跑进屋子。此时我应该也是跑进屋子看妈妈。52. A 根据本句拨打911,接电话的应该为接线员。53. D 直升飞机正等着带走妈妈去医院。54. B 我也去了医院。55. B 根据后句妈妈会好吗?此刻我很担心害怕。56. C 手术之后在医院呆了5天,妈妈才回家。57. C 妈妈回来我很开心。58. D根

32、据42空可知妈妈好了之后又开始训马。59. A政府因我怎样处理紧急情况,帮助了妈妈而奖励我。60. B通过这件事让妈妈相信她可以依靠我。第二节 语法填空 新闻【解题导语】几十年来,美国蜜蜂的数量一直在大幅度下降。一项新研究表明,某种杀虫剂可能令情况进一步恶化。节选自2019年8月18日CNN news的一篇文章。61. have decreased/have been decreasing 考查现在完成时、现在完成进行时。62. worse 考查形容词的比较级。63. an 考查冠词。64. why 考查连词。65. are used考查一般现在时的被动语态和主谓一致。66. to stick

33、 考查动词不定式。67. for 考查介词。68. protecting 考查现在分词。69. unlikely 考查形容词前缀。70. solution 考查名词变形。第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错【解题导语】本文讲述了我在开学之初的军训经历。1. 考查介词。2. 考查名词单复数。3. 考查动词不定式。4. 考查过去分词。5. 考查代词。6. 考查被动语态。7. 考查形容词。8. 考查冠词。9. 考查并列连词。10. 考查名词性从句的连词。2019年黄冈市高三9月英语命题双向细目表 高三英语命题人蕲春一中汤瑞林预测总体难度中等审题人黄冈市高中英语命题组题型题号文体分值考

34、查目标简单中等较难2019年高考考纲试题来源听力1-20每小题1.5分,共30分1. 考查学生对一般性话题的英语对话或简短独白的细节把握能力和简单推断能力。1. (24)喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)2. (16)问路(Asking the way)3. (29)意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)4. (9)提供帮助(Offering help)5.(25)肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty) 6.(15)购物(Shopping)7.(34)判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)8.(1)问候(Gr

35、eetings) 9. (24)喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)10.(2)介绍(Introduction) 改编阅读理解A篇21-23应用文每小题2分,共40分21.细节理解24.文学与艺术(Literature and art)9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)原创文段节选自网站的一篇文章22.细节理解23.细节理解B篇25-27记叙文24.细节理解18.自然(Nature)19.世界与环境(The world and the environment)原创文段节选自的一篇文章25.猜测词


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