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1、中考英语书面表达复习( word)一、中考英语书面表达(含答案详细解析)1 面表达社会需要 , 代呼 。 善行、 心的感 ,存在于每个人的心中。但很多人缺乏的不是感 ,而是一种 示感 的勇气。 你身 的人或事点 , “点 ”成 正能量的一种行 吧!是什么行 你点 ? 述一件你点 的事情。你从他/ 她身上可以学到什么? 我 一起分享吧! 根据以下提示要点,写一篇文章。注意: 1 数: 80 左右; 2不要出 真 的人名及校名。Make a list of the persons thatyou should give a“ like”buttonTell us one of the experi

2、ences that you clicked a“ like”buttonWhat could you learn from him/her?【答案】 I should give my uncle a “like ”.Hebuttonisvery tall and very strong. He punishes the bad people and protect the good people. He always helps others. He is my hero. He works hard.When I grow up, I want to be a policeman like

3、 my uncle. I want to help people and protect them, so they can live a safe life.【解析】 是一篇 材料作文, 述一件我点 的事情,我从他/ 她身上可以学到什么。 合所 材料,可知本文主要考 一般 在 ,人称 数第一,三人称,注意主 一致 ,句子 构主要 系表 构和 构,注意一些常 句式的 用,比如:Ishould , He is ,He always helps,Iwant to,so they can等句式的 用。写作中注意运用代 ,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述 序,符合 关系。点睛:本文 构 凑, 言

4、。开 介 了我要点 的人,接下来介 他的情况,最后指出我从他身上学到的 西。此 give sb sth, work hard, grow up, want to do sth, live a life 等 些 的运用也 文章增色不少。2 上要初中 了,大家都是依依不舍的。班主任决定在下周 一 School ”主 班会 , 邀 全班同学参加。 你根据以下提示,写一篇 言稿。“ My Life At美好的回 1.与同学融洽相 ;2.得到老 的帮助;3. 得交 生机会;4.参加志愿者活 。不开心的事情1.好朋友李 学;2.不擅 文写作。1.升上理想的学校;未来展望2.能 更多朋友;3. 你 充(至少

5、两点)My Life At SchoolHow time flies! Its unbelievable that Im going to graduate from my beloved school.【答案】 My Life At SchoolHow time flies! It s unbelievable that I many things to remember. m going to graduate from my beloved school. There areIn the junior school, I got along well with my classmates

6、. The teachers are very friendly and they are ready to help me. The most unforgettable thing is that I got a chance of becoming an exchange students and spent two months in Australia. I learned a lot from the experience. I also remember I served as volunteer to help others. Certainly, there were als

7、o unhappy things. My good friend Li Hua went to another school. I was very sad. Luckily, we kept in touch with each other through emails. Besides, I was not good at Chinese writing.I hope I can go to a dream school and make more new friends. I also wish I can do better in all subjects when I am in h

8、igh school and can go to a good college.【解析】【详解】这篇作文要求我们以My Life At School 为题,写一篇发言稿。题目中利用表格的形式,展示了文章的具体内容,学生们可以此为提纲进行写作。审题可知,这篇短文应主要使用一般现在时和一般过去时,注意根据表达需要使用正确时态,并注意谓语动词的正确形式。内容应主要包括三部分:首先是初中三年里的美好回忆;然后是不开心的事情;最后展望自己未来的高中生活。表格中有非常具体的提示,但不能逐词翻译表格中的短语,应把他们变成自己的话,并用英语表达出来。写作时应注意:文章中应包括表格中的所有信息,不能遗漏要点;第


10、的时态和人称,语法规范,用词准确,注意了动词正确形式的变化。句式结构完整,符合英语的表达习惯。语言准确、得体,表达自然、流畅。短文中使用了丰富的句型和短语,如The teachers are very friendly and they are ready to help me. The mostunforgettable thing is that I got a chance of becoming an exchange students and spent two months in Australia.Luckily, we kept in touch with each other

11、 through emails. Besides, I was not good at Chinese writing.I also wish I can do better in all subjects when I am in high school and can go to a good college. 等。3 “ inspire 一词”的汉语解释是 “激励;鼓舞;赋予灵感;或启发思考 ”等。请以 “ The person who inspired me 为题”写一篇不少于 80 词的短文,向校报的英语园地投稿。要点: 1. What kind of person is he/ s

12、he ?2. How did he/ she inspire you ?要求: 1. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。2. 语言流畅,字迹清楚。【答案】 The person who inspired meMany people around gave me deep impressions. They helped me, encouraged me and inspired me. But the person who inspired me most, I think, is my friend Wang Peng.Wang Peng is a small thin boy with tw

13、o big black eyes. He doesnt talk too much, but always keeps a smile on his face. He is warm-hearted and ready to help others. If I need any help for my math exercises, he is always the one that can help me out. As a good student, he studies very hard. In the early morning, you can see him stand near

14、 a tree and read English intensively. Few students can arrive at school as early as he is. He also does well in many sports, such as badminton and ping-pang. He got the first prize in last years ping-pang competition.You can see the good personality and the spirit of persistence in this small body.

15、He is my idol and I wish I could be a student as good as he is.【解析】【详解】这篇作文要求我们以The person who inspired me 为题,介绍一个曾经激励过你的人。题目中用问题的形式给予了提示,审题可知,短文应包括两个部分的内容:首先介绍这个激励过你的人是谁,他是怎样的一个人;然后介绍他是如何激励你的。学生们可以这两个问题为提纲,发挥想象力,充实细节信息,组织语言,连贯成文。短文应以一般现在时和一般过去时为主来叙述,人称是第三人称和第一人称,注意谓语动词形式的变化。写作时应注意:首先要符合题目要求,包括题目中要求


17、一人称为主来叙述,主要使用了一般现在时和一般过去时,动词形式变化准确,注意了第三人称单数形式以及过去式形式的变化,语法规范。用词准确,语言得体,句式结构完整,符合英语的表达习惯。短文中使用了一些较好的句型和短语,如But the person who inspired me most,I think, is my friend Wang Peng. 、 Wang Peng is a small thin boy with two big black eyes. 、 He doesnt talk too much, but always keeps a smile on his face. 、

18、If I need any help for my math exercises, he is always the one that can help me out. 、 He also does well in many sports, such as badminton and ping-pang. 、 He is my idol and I wish I could be a student as good as he is. 等等。4书面表达根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。每年春节,每个孩子都能收到来自长辈的压岁钱(lucky money )。随着生活水平的提高

19、,大部分孩子得到越来越多的压岁钱,有些甚至通过微信(WeChat)或支付宝(Alipay)收压岁钱。同学们该如何管理自己的钱,让自己的钱用得更有意义?请结合自己的实际写一篇文章,词数80 词以上,文中不能出现真实校名和人名。内容包括如下:1. 你的压岁钱的来源和用途;2. 对合理使用压岁钱的建议(至少3 点);3. 呼吁大家节约用钱,把自己的压岁钱用在最需要、最有意义的地方。【答案】 Every Spring Festival I receive a lot of lucky money from my parents and relatives. Now I even get it thro

20、ugh WeChat or Alipay. I usually buy some of my favorite books, school things and some fancy clothes. Sometimes I also buy some gifts for my parents.In order to make good use of the lucky money, I think we can do the following things. First, we should save part of the money for our study instead of w

21、asting it on video games. Second, it is a good idea to buy something useful for our parents or teachers so that we can show our love to them. What is more, why not donate our lucky money to the poor kids in need? Helping others makes us happy.All in all, let us manage our lucky money properly. We sh

22、ould use our money in a meaningful way.【解析】【详解】每年春节,每个孩子都能收到来自长辈的压岁钱(luckymoney )。随着生活水平的提高,大部分孩子得到越来越多的压岁钱,有些甚至通过微信(WeChat)或支付宝(Alipay)收压岁钱。同学们该如何管理自己的钱,让自己的钱用得更有意义?这是一篇给材料作文,本题所给材料比较详细,写作中注意将所给内容表达出来,不能逐字翻译。通过阅读材料可知这篇短文主要使用的人称就是第一人称,时态为一般现在时态,注意谓语动词的变化。动笔前可以按照材料内容列出简单提纲,写作中注意语义通顺,符合逻辑关系。上下文之间可以适当使

23、用连接词。【点睛】文章使用了很好的短语和句子: In order to make good use of the lucky money, I think we can do the following things. First, we should save part of the money for our study instead of wasting it on video games. 这些给文章增色不少。5书面表达某英文 “家 的 化 ”主 征文活 。 根据下表提示,以“The Changes in MyHometown” ,用英 写一篇100 左右的短文,不必逐字逐句翻 。生

24、活条件差,道路狭窄,房屋破旧。 去 染 重,垃圾遍地。.(适当 一至两点) 在 境:政府采取措施来改善 染,城市 得越来越整 。生活:住房 敞明亮; 多人搬 了新公寓。越来越多的人有自己的汽 ;生活舒适。交通:新的 机 已投入使用多年。be in use(投入使用);旅游:每年有成千上万来自各地的游客。将来希望 (两点)要求: 1. 短文的开 已 你写好,不 入 数;2. 短文必 包括所有内容要点,并适当 ,使短文 通 ;3. 文中不得出 真 的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。Changes my hometownMy hometown has changed a lot over the yea

25、rs.In the past,_【答案】 My hometown has changed a lot over the years.In the past, my hometown was very poor and the streets were very narrow. Houses were small and old. Rubbish was everywhere. Few people would like to come to my hometown. Now the government takes measures to improve the pollution and t

26、he city becomes cleaner and cleaner. The houses are big and bright. Many people have moved into new apartments. More and more people have their own cars and live a comfortable life. The new airport has been in use for two years. There are thousands of tourists from all over the country every year.I

27、hope my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.【解析】【 解】 篇作文要求我 以The Changes in My Hometown ,介 一下自己的家 些年来 生的 化。 目中用表格的形式, 我 比的家 的 去和 在,我 用正确的英 将 些内容表达出来,并 将来提出两点希望。 可知,作文的基本框架和大概内容都有了,需要注意的是在描写 去的 候,需要适当 一到两点; 有 将来的希望也需要学生自己发挥。这两个地方需要学生们展开想象,合理发挥,注意要与文章的其他部分能够很好的结合起来,内容也要统一,符合题目要求,合情合理。表达时,需要注意


29、语法规范、准确。短文里还使用了一些较好的短语和句型,如 In the past, my hometown was very poor and the streets were very narrow. 、Now the government takes measures to improve the pollution and the city becomes cleaner and cleaner 、 More and more people have their own cars and live a comfortable life 、There are thousands of tou

30、rists from all over the country every year. 等等。6 书面表达请将短文写在答题卡相应的位置上。一直以来,同学们对作业持有不同的观点。在你班的主题班会上,同学们进行了 “Is daily homework necessary ? ”的讨论,请你根据提示和要求,并结合自己的实际经验,发表你的观点。YesNoTake up too much time ;Help us understand what we have learned ;Make us less interested in studying ; .Practice makes prefect

31、; .Your opinion :要求:180 词以上。2文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。【答案】 Dear students ,Im glad to give a report about my ideas on daily homework. I think its necessary for us to do daily homework.Doing daily homework can help us understand what we have learned in class. For me, I always have some difficulties in mastering

32、 all of what I have learned in class. Through daily homework, I review the knowledge and think over the difficulties. Little by little, I have a better understanding.So I always believe“ Practice makesperfect”In my opinion, daily homework is necessary for us students. But it shouldnt be too much. It

33、 canimprove our skills. Daily homework should be different and colorful. It might be some extensivereading, a paper or even just a game. We should be left enough free time so that we can dothings we really like to do.Thats all. Thanks.【解析】写作分析: 之后能明白写作任 是要写出一篇小 文, 每日的作 到底是不是必要的。首先需要 述正反两方面的 点,其次 合自己

34、的 , 表自己的 点。写作 程中要注意 准确,注意正确使用 ,借助 例、 来佐 自己的 点。写作亮点:首先用一个自然段来 明写作的主 ,表达出自己的 点( 作 是很必要的),可以借助 it is necessary for sb to do 的句型。其次,开始具体 述 点, 述的 候要适当使用 例,相关用到的短 有have some difficulties in doing 在做 的 候有困 , review the knowledge 复 知 , think over the difficulties来回思考 点,Little by little一点一点地。恰当的 也 文章增色不少,例如用

35、到了“Practice makes perfect熟能”生巧 个 。最后可以用 理的方式来介 做作 的必要性,例如用到了improve our skills提高我 的技能,在 里也有一点亮点,就是 作 也要有 化性,要丰富多彩,体 了作者的深度思考, 体来 出色地完成了既定的写作任 。7假如你叫李 ,最近你班里的美国交 生 Lucy 想要感受中国的 文化。周末你和父母商 后,打算邀 她去老舍茶 。你通 微信告知她:要去哪,在那要做什么以及何 何地 面。提示 : Laoshe Teahouse, drink tea, Peking Opera, magic shows, gate提示 : Whe

36、re are you going?What will you do there?When and where will you meet?【答案】 Hi, Lucy! I know you like Chinese traditional culture. I want to invite you to Laoshe Teahouse this Saturday morning. We are going to drink tea, watch magic shows, enjoy Peking Opera, and eat Chinese traditional food in Laoshe

37、 Teahouse. We can experience Chinesetraditional culture there. Let s meet at the gate of Laoshe Teahouse at 8:30, OK? See you.【解析】 是一篇 材料作文,我通 微信告 Lucy 要去哪,在那里要做什么以及何 何地 面。 合所 材料,可知本文主要考 一般 在 和一般将来 ,人称 第一人称,注意主 一致 ,句子 构主要 系表 构和 构,注意一些常 句式的 用,比如:I wantto , We are going to,We can , Let s meet at 等句式的

38、用。写作中注意运用代 ,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述 序,符合 关系。点睛:本文 构 凑, 言 。开 介 了我想要邀 你去老舍茶 ,接下来介 我 去那里做什么,最后指出我 要在何 何地 面。此 want to do sth, invite sb to, let sb dosth, at the gate of等 些 的运用也 文章增色不少。8 中国 文化源 流 ,代代相 。近期各校都在开展学 中国 文化活 。某网站正在开展以 “弘 中国 文化 ” 征文, 你用英文写一篇 道,介 你校上周 的“ 中国成 故事 ”活 并 你的收 与感受。提示 :Chinese idioms, story,

39、 collect, share, learn from, acient提示 : What did you do during the activity of Telling Chinese idioms story? What did you learn from the activity? What do you think of it?【答案】 The activity of“Telling Chinese idioms story” was held in our school last week.In order to take part in this activity, I col

40、lected lots of Chinese idiom stories in advance. Many students, including me, actively shared the Chinese idiom stories in the activity. After each story, the teacher explained the meaning of idioms and how to use it correctly. We learned a lot from our teacher.I did lots of reading in the process o

41、f preparation. My reading ability has improved greatly. What more, I realized the richness of Chinese acient culture. I really had a good time on the activity.【解析】【详解】1.题干解读:这是一篇提纲类书面表达,只给了一些要点提示,但都不很明确。学生除了要把所给要点提示都表达出来外,还要进行适当拓展,使文章内容充实。2.例文点评:例文采用三段式;用第一人称来叙述讲成语故事活动;因为活动已经举办,所以时态采用一般过去时;对参加活动的过程描

42、写完整且条理清晰。3.高分亮点:短语: in order to ,take part in , lots of , learn from , in the process of , Whats more, have agood time 。句型:被动句型。9请根据表格内Zhang Ying 的一些表现的提示用英语写一篇短文,把她介绍给你的外国朋友 Mary 。TimeGood habitsBad habitsIn the morningGet up earlyEat junk food for breakfastQuarrel (争吵)with herIn classAsk some ques

43、tionsclassmates sometimesAfter schoolAlways exerciseGo home lateWatch TV or play computerIn the eveningHelp her parents with houseworkgames for more than an hour要求: 1、语言要通顺,表达要正确。2、文章要求包含表格中的所有提示。3、词数不少于60 个英语单词。4、文章开头结尾已给出,不计入词数。【答案】 One possible versionDear Mary,I m very glad to introduce(介绍) my c

44、lassmate Zhang Ying to you. She is a 14-year-old girl. She has a lot of good habits. She gets up early every morning. In class she likes to ask her teachers some questions. After school she always exercises ( for a long time ) . After supper she helps her parents with housework. (She is really a goo

45、d girl. ) But she has some bad habits, too. She often eats junk food for breakfast. Sometimes she quarrels with her classmates in class. Shedoesn t go home on time and she always watches TV or plays computer games for more than an hour in the evening. (This makes her parents unhappy. ) I think Zhang Ying is a very good girl. Do you think so?YoursHuang Deshun【解析】试题分析:这是一篇提纲类作文,题目中给出的材料较为齐全。写作中注意将张颖的情况介绍清楚。根据材料可知,本文主要用一般现在时态,第三人称进行叙述,写作中主语时态及主谓一致等问题。注意不要遗漏要点,做到语句通顺。为了使意思更加连贯可适当使用连接词。【亮点说明】本文在写作中使用了很多固定句式,如:be glad to do sth高兴做某事


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