



1、1.商务谈判中开始会谈的一般用语Now that we are all here, lets begin the talk, shall we?现在人都到了,咱们开始,怎么样?What do you think if we begin now?我们现在开始,好吗?If you dont mind, I think wed better begin right away.你要是不介意,我们就开始吧。Suppose we get down to business now?现在我们开始怎么样?Lets get straight down to business now?我们直截了当谈问题吧。Well

2、, I know youre all extremely busy, so why dont we get started?我知道你们都特别忙,那就赶紧开始吧。As we are familiar with each other, lets come straight to the point.大家都是熟人,我们就开门见山吧。Weve gone too far off the point. Lets return to the topic under discussion.咱们离题太远了,还是回到正题上来吧。Lets have a word about delivery, OK?咱们谈谈交货问

3、题,好吗?Lets have a talk over the question of payment terms, if you dont mind.你要是不反对,我们就谈谈付款条件。Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?谈到付款方式,能否告诉我,你们这方面通常怎么做?单词词组解析:right away: 立刻get down to: 开始认真考虑。在本文的句子中是指立刻开始讨论吧。还可以加入一些其他的形容词,比如:get straight down to.

4、 更突出了直截了当的意思。off the point: 离题,跑题。delivery: 递送,交送,交货。在贸易交流中,这个词的意思是交货。payment terms: 付款方式。在商务合同中还有很多其他条款,比如:检验条款,包装条款等等。2.商务交流中如何表示不同意对方意见在商务往来的交流中很多时候都会达不成共识,如果要表达不同意对方的意见有以下表达:Im sorry, I disagree with you there. I dont think thats the way with it.对不起,我不同意你的看法。我认为那不是办法。This works against common se

5、nse. I dont go along with it for one minute.这有悖常理,我一点也不同意。Im totally against the proposal of making transshipment at Hong Kong.我完全反对在香港转船的建议。I wouldnt say that. I think its only a matter of time.我不认为如此,我认为这只是个时间问题。I dont like the idea of substituting Type No. 15 for the portion undelivered.我不同意未交货部分

6、改用15型代替。Its absolutely impossible. I really cant accept the idea.这完全不可能。我实在不能接受这个主意。3.商务谈判中如何表示同意AgreementGood idea! I totally agree with you. 好主意!我完全同意你的意见。 We are all for your suggestion as to how to render better service. 我们完全同意你关于提供更好服务的建议。 I think you are right. 我认为你是对的。 Excellent! Thats exactl

7、y what I think. 好极了!那恰恰是我所想的。 That sounds reasonable. We need to get the best possible deal. 听上去有道理。我们应该获得更好的交易条件。 I share your views. 我同意你的意见。 I support your opinion. 我支持你的意见。 Ive no objection. 我没反对意见。 Im in favor of your proposal. 我赞成你的意见。 Suits me fine. 这对我合适(我同意)。4.商务交谈中如何礼貌地打断别人的话在商务谈话中,有时会对别人的

8、看法有不同意见,而打断别人的话是很不礼貌的,怎么才能礼貌地打断别人的话呢?1. Sorry to interrupt you, but will you first let us know your idea of annual sales? 2. May I interrupt you a moment? 3. Excuse me for interrupting you. I hope you will explain yourself in more detail. 4. If you dont mind, may I say one word here? 5. Just a moment, please. Allow me to s


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