



1、潘基文海地地震后的演讲中英对照 .txt爱尔兰一个不离婚的国家,一个一百年的约定。难过了,不要告诉别人,因为别人不在乎。真话假话都要猜,这就是现在的社会。excellencies,dear colleagues,dear friends,above all, dear families of those to whom we sadly bid farewell:各位来宾,亲爱的同事们,亲爱的朋友们,最重要的是,我们沉痛道别的人员的亲属们:let us begin by thanking the families and friends who have traveled far to be

2、with us. to those who could not be here, please know that our hearts are with you.首先,我们要感谢不辞辛劳前来参加追悼会的亲属和朋友们,并对不能前来的亲属和朋友们说,我们与你们心心相连。weare joined by duty stations around the world ? the men and womenof our proud united nations. among them are the members of our un mission in haiti, who have carried

3、 on despite their pain and hardship. i thank mr. edmond mulet and his courageous staffwho are workingtirelessly- day in,day out inminustahun stabilizationmissionin haiti. i highly commend you and i am deeply grateful to all of you.我们自豪的联合国世界各工作地点的男女工作人员与我们一道参加今天的追悼会。其中包括联合国海地特派团的成员,他们强忍痛苦,不畏艰难,坚持在自己

4、的岗位上。today, we commemorate the single greatest loss the un has suffered in its history.we remember 101 lives of consequence. wehonor 101 unique paths that joined in haiti to write the larger story of the united nations. these women and men were our own. they were family.今天,我们缅怀在联合国历史上最惨重损失中牺牲的人员。我们缅

5、怀101 个英烈。他们沿着101 条独特的道路聚集到海地,谱写联合国的辉煌篇章,可歌可敬。他们就是我们的男女工作人员,是我们的家人。they came to haiti from all corners of the world, from all walks of life. yet theyshared a commonconviction, a belief in a better future for the people of haiti, and a common resolve to help them build it. now those 101 paths come tog

6、ether one finaltime, here in this chamber, through us - families and friends, colleagues and loved ones.他们从世界各个角落、各界各层来到海地。但他们却有一个共同的信念,这就是,坚信海地人民有更好的未来,而且怀着帮助海地人民建设这样一个未来的共同决心。现在,通过我们,1也就是通过他们的家人和朋友、同事和亲近的人,这101 人在这个大厅里最后相聚。the world knew them as trusted diplomats, dedicated humanitarians and consc

7、ientious professionals. they were doctors and drivers, police officers and policy advisers,soldiers and lawyers, each contributing to the mission, each in his or her own way.对于世界而言, 他们是值得信赖的外交官, 乐于奉献的人道主义工作者, 有良知的专业人员。他们是医生和司机、警官和政策顾问、士兵和律师,每个人都以自己的方式为执行特派任务做贡献。to us they were even more. we knew the

8、m, very personally. songs, their dreams. now we cannot forget the last email, last meal together, the last au revoir. their words echo:is where i need to be.we knew theirsmiles,theirthe lastconversation,thedontworry about me. this对我们而言,他们远远不止是这些。我们彼此相识相知。我们记得他们的音容笑貌,他们的歌声,他们的梦想。我们怎能忘记他们发出的最后电邮,与他们的最

9、后交谈,与他们的最后聚餐,与他们最后一次道别。 他们道别的话语仍然在耳边回响: “不要为我担忧。 这正是我应去的地方。”at the united nations, we dont simply share office space; we share a passion for a better world. so it is no surprise that many of these 101 paths criss-crossed theglobe throughthe years.in cambodia and thedrc. eritreaand east timor.kosovo

10、andsierra leone. whether they came to haiti, or came from haiti, they knew that hopeshinesin even the darkestcorners.and so theychased the flame.wherever theywent,they carried the light of hope. and as they fulfilled their mission in haiti, theyilluminateda profoundtruth:earthquakesare a forceof nat

11、ure,but peoplemove theworld.在联合国,我们共享的不仅是办公空间,我们还共享建设美好世界的热情。正因为如此,多年来,在这 101 人中,许多人的足迹遍布全球各地。在柬埔寨和刚果民主共和国,在厄立特里亚和东帝汶,在科索沃和塞拉利昂,处处可见他们的足迹。无论是来自其他国家,还是来自海地本土,他们都明白,即使在最黑暗的角落,也闪耀着希望。因此,他们奔着希望的火焰而去。他们走到哪里,就把希望的火炬带到那里。他们完成了在海地的任务,同时说明了一个深刻的道理:地震是一种自然力量,但推动世界的是人民。today, our hearts are heavy with a burden

12、 almost too difficult to bear. yet perhaps like you, it is gratitude that i feel most of all.今天,我们心情沉重,几乎难以自拔。然而,我感触最深的是感激,这或许与你们的心情相同。gratitude to the international community for the spontaneous, whole-hearted and unstinting support in the face of this tragedy.2我们感激国际社会在此悲痛时刻自发地、由衷地和慷慨地给予支持。gratitu

13、de to the rescue teams, aid workers, governments and ngos non-governmental organizations that rallied to our side, determined to help haiti to recover and,in time, to“build back better.”我们感激各国救援队、 救援人员和政府支持我们, 他们决心帮助海地复原, 并在今后 “重建,并建设得更好” 。gratitude to the people of haiti, for their strength, resili

14、ence and faith, the faith of human spirit, the spirit that burns in all of us today.我们感激海地人民,他们展现了毅力、韧劲和信念,这是人类精神信念,是今天在我们所有人心中燃烧的信念。i commendand appreciatethe leadershipof president ren 閉 prevaland his governmentand his people. gratitudefillsthischamber, profound thanks thatour world and ourlives w

15、ere touched by the grace and nobility of these 101 un heroes.这个大厅充满了感激之情。101 位联合国英烈的人格魅力和崇高精神打动了世界,影响了我们的生活。我们深深感激他们。ladies and gentlemen,女士们,先生们,in life, we are measured by the company we keep. to those here today, let us know that this is our measure. this is the company we keep.to those we have l

16、ost, let us say: we will never forget you. we will carry on your work.与什么样的人为伍,是衡量我们人生的一大标杆。我们要对今天聚集在这里的各位说,他们就是标杆,就是我们与之为伍的榜样。我们要对牺牲的人员说,我们永远不会忘记你们。我们将继承你们的遗志。in a moment we will read out their names, the roll call of highest honour. look attheir pictures. look into their eyes. remembertheir smiles and their dreams.toget


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