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1、Biosecurity and Management for Disease Control疾病防制的生物安全和管理,作者:Larry Firkins, DVM, MS, MBA University of Illinois 美国伊利诺斯大学兽医学院,Biosecurity 生物安全,Prevent the introduction of pathogens 预防引入病原体 High health pigs are very susceptible to infection 高健康猪对感染非常敏感,Biosecurity Measures生物安全的措施,Follow a stringent s

2、anitation plan so disease pathogens are removed when pigs are removed实施严厉的卫生计划,使病原体在进猪时已被清除。 Heat and dryness kill pathogens加热和干燥能杀死病原体,Biosecurity Measures生物安全的措施,Must remove all manure and organic matter必须先清除所有的粪便和有机物 Clean all mats清洗掉所有的污垢 Allow room to dry让猪舍干燥,Pathogen Survival Times病原体存活时间,E.

3、coli 大肠杆菌90 days天 Salmonella沙门氏菌270 days if cool and damp 阴冷潮湿条件下可存活270天 TGE传染性胃肠炎病毒1 year if cold寒冷时可活一年 Swine Dysentery猪痢疾60 days (mice: one year) 60天(在老鼠体内可活一年) Roundworm EggsSeveral Years 蛔虫卵 数年,Disinfectants 消毒剂,Following washing and allowing the room to dry, apply appropriate disinfectant清洗后让房

4、舍干燥,然后施用合适的消毒剂 Sprayer application喷洒,Rotate Disinfectants消毒剂轮换使用,ChlorhexidineNolvasan 氯己定 洗必泰 ChlorineBleach 氯 漂白粉 FormaldehydeDC&R 甲醛 Potassium Peroxymono-sulfate Virkon S 维康,Biosecurity cont.生物安全(续),Workers must always wear clean clothing and boots. 工作人员必须总是穿着清洁的工作服和胶靴 Care for highest health sta

5、tus pigs first. Return only after proper cleaning of self, clothing and boots. Possible shower in and shower out. 首先照看好高健康状态的猪。只有在对自身、工作服和胶靴进行正确清洗之后才能进入。进入和离开猪场都应进行淋浴 Exclude all nonessential personnel from the farm. Visitors shower prior to entering the unit.排除猪场中所有的非必需人员,来访者必须淋浴后才能进入场内。,Biosecurit

6、y (cont.)生物安全(续),Farm personnel should have NO contact with swine outside the herd. 猪场工作人员决不可接触外界的猪 Locate as far away as possible from other swine units.本猪场应尽量远离其它猪场 Aggressive control procedures for rodents, flies, and stray animals. 应严厉控制老鼠、苍蝇和外来动物,Biosecurity (cont.)生物安全(续),Vehicles from outside

7、 the farm should not enter unless cleaned and disinfected. 外来车辆未经清洗和消毒不得进入猪场 Dead animals should be placed outside the perimeter for pick up and disposal. 死猪应置于场界以外以供外运和处理,Biosecurity (cont.)生物安全(续),Load out facilities should be placed at the perimeter of facilities. 装猪设施应位于猪场边界处 A perimeter fence s

8、hould be placed around the premises to keep out unwanted visits from wild animals, pets and people. 场界围栏应将猪场房舍包围在内,以防外界野生动物、宠物和人员进入,Biosecurity (cont.)生物安全(续),All incoming breeding stock should be isolated for 30 to 60 days and retested. 对所有入场的种猪都必须隔离30 60天,然后再次进行检疫。 Clark Purdue University Clark 美国

9、普度大学,Health Management Strategies卫生管理策略,Depopulation- Repopulation清场重新进猪 All-out, All-in Production 全出全进 Early Weaning 早期断奶 Segregated - SEW 早期隔离断奶 Age Segregated Rearing 不同年龄隔离饲养 Multiple-site Production 多点生产体系 Parity-Based Management 按胎次进行管理,Depopulation- Repopulation 清场-重新进猪,Remove all pigs on a

10、site 将同一地点的猪全部清除 Clean and disinfect area 对全部场地进行清洗和消毒 Repopulate after 4-6 weeks 46周后重新进猪 Several types of repopulation 重新进猪可有不同的方式 If have new gilts on separate site, down time and cash flow may be interrupted for only 4-6 wks.如果新母猪在另一场所,则推迟付款和现金流转只能打断46周,All-in, All-out Production全进全出生产体系,Initiat

11、ed in farrowing phase of production 开始于分娩期 Moved to nursery and now in finishing phase 转栏到保育舍,但从现在起到肥育期则不再转栏Improved health 改善健康 Improves a.d.g., performance 改善生产性能 By room on smaller operations 在小型猪场按饲养室实施 Promotes batch farrowing 鼓励分批分娩 By building, or site on larger operations 在较大的猪场按猪舍实施,或整个猪场同时

12、实施,SEGREGATED EARLY WEANING (SEW)早期隔离断奶,Pigs are weaned at an early age 10-21 days and segregated from other swine on the farm.仔猪早在1021日龄断奶并且就在猪场中隔离开来 Segregation is usually to separate buildings or sites 100 meters to several kilometers “隔离”通常是指将猪舍或饲养场所置于100米至数公里以外 e.g. North Carolina to Iowa - 150

13、0km 比如,从北卡罗来那州到伊阿华州有1500千米以上,Goals of SEW早期隔离断奶的目标,Control infectious disease 防制传染病 Improve productivity 提高生产率,How Does SEW Function早期隔离断奶如何发挥作用,Sows immune from infection or vaccination produce colostral immunity 母猪经感染或免疫接种会在初乳中产生抗体 The colostral immunity protects pigs from infection 初乳中的抗体传递给仔猪可保护

14、仔猪免受感染 Colostral immunity is short-lived and pigs must be moved before protective immunity is lost 初乳免疫力维持时间较短,必须在免疫力消失之前将仔猪隔离开来,Immunity in Young Pigs幼猪的免疫力,1,2,3,Age -Weeks 周龄,Passive immunity被动免疫力,Active,Immunity 主动免疫力,4,Protective level 保护水平,Immunity免疫力,Why SEW Works:早期隔离断奶为什么有用,1. Blocks vertic

15、al transmission of disease from sow to pig 阻断疾病从母猪垂直传播给仔猪 Bacterial pathogens do not cross placenta 病原细菌不能穿过胎盘 Some viruses will cross placenta - PRRS, Aujeszkys, Swine Fever 有些病毒可穿过胎盘猪繁殖和呼吸综合征、伪狂犬病、猪瘟 Colostral immunity protects piglets 初乳免疫力可保护仔猪,2. Blocks horizontal transmission of disease from p

16、ig to pig 阻断疾病在仔猪间的横向传播 Weaned in groups 按群断奶 Groups are segregated 按群隔离 Biosecurity needed 需要生物安全措施 All-out, all-in production 全出全进生产体系,Why SEW Works:(cont.)早期隔离断奶为什么有用(续),SEW早期隔离断奶,Colostral immunity protection length is different with each disease 初乳免疫力的保护期在每一种疾病都是不同的 Weaning age is critical to s

17、uccess of disease elimination 断奶日龄对于排除疾病来说是至关重要的 Weaning age depends on specific diseases present in herd. 断奶日龄决定于猪群内的特定疾病,Maximum Weaning Age of Pigs to Eliminate Organisms排除病原微生物的最大断奶日龄,Organism Weaning age (days) 病原微生物 断奶日龄 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae21 胸膜肺炎放线杆菌 Pasteurella multocida多杀性巴氏杆菌10

18、 Mycoplasma pneumonia猪肺炎支原体10 Haemophilus parasuis副猪嗜血杆菌14? Salmonella choleraesuis猪霍乱沙门氏菌12 Swine Dysentery猪痢疾21 Aujeszkys Disease伪狂犬病21 Transmissible Gastroenteritis (TGE)传染性胃肠炎21 PRRS猪繁殖和呼吸综合征 0 Yeske. 1994,Nutrition for SEW Pigs 早期隔离断奶仔猪的营养,Must be excellent必须优良 Complex diets - lactose, lysine,

19、porcine plasma, blood meal, fish meal, whey, methionine复杂日粮乳糖、赖氨酸、猪血浆、血粉、鱼粉、乳清 Highly palatable高度的适口性 Small amounts, fed several times a day 每天应少量多次地饲喂 Diet changed frequently频繁变换日粮,Segregation 隔 离,Dependent on moving a clean pig to a clean facility 将清洁猪移舍至清洁设施之中 Separate clean pig from all other sw

20、ine 将清洁猪与所有其它的猪隔离开来 Risk of becoming infected is minimal 遭受感染的风险最小 Seven day age variation - maximum 最多相差7天,Disadvantages of SEW 早期隔离断奶的缺点,Special management procedures required 需要特殊的管理措施 Excellent nursery facilities necessary 必须有优良的保育期设施 Extra costs 额外的成本 Facilities and movement of pigs 设施和移舍 Cloth

21、es, vehicles, showers, boots 工作服,车辆,淋浴设备,胶靴,Disadvantages of SEW早期隔离断奶的缺点,May not be practical in smaller operations 在小型猪场可能不适用 Subsequent reproductive performance may be less 以后的繁殖性能可能降低 Decreased farrowing rate, lower litter size, prolong weaning to estrus分娩率降低,窝产仔数减少,断奶到发情间隔天数增加 Increase in acute

22、 disease outbreaks急性疾病爆发增加,影响 SEW在中国应用的因素Factors affecting the application of SEW in China,Availability of Specialty Feed Ingredients -特种饲料原料(乳清粉,血浆蛋白粉)的供应VAT 通风及环境管理Ventilation and Environmental - 机械通风 Power Ventilation - 加热 Supplemental Heat 全进全出 生长肥育舍All-in/All-Out Grow-Finish Facilities 培训 Train

23、ing Issues 管理 Management Factors,Summary of Segregated Early Weaning早期隔离断奶 结语,Can produce high health status pigs from endemically infected herds 可从有地方性传染病的猪群中产生高健康猪 Requires attention to detail 需要注意细节 Early weaning, segregation, and excellent biosecurity are necessary 需要早期断奶,隔离,以及优良的生物安全措施 With dis

24、ease risk at a minimum, opportunity for optimum performance 疾病的风险最小,性能最佳化的可能性最大 Greater opportunity for improved economic returns 有较大可能提高经济收益,Multiple -site Production多点生产,Separation needed to prevent contamination of early weaned pigs 需要进行隔离,以便预防早期断奶仔猪受到污染 Distance required:需要的距离 5 km ideal and pre

25、ferred最好间隔5公里 100 yards (100 meters) may be adequate in some situations 有些情况下100码(100米)就足够了 Two-site, three-site production二点,三点生产 On-site, two- and three-site production 一点,二点和三点生产,Two-site Production二点生产,Breeding and Gestation,Farrowing,Grow-Finish,-distance 100 meters- 距离 100米,Nursery,配种,妊娠 分娩,保育

26、 生长肥育,Three-site Production三点生产,Breeding-Gestation,Farrowing,Nursery,Finishing,100 m 100米,100 m 100米,配种,妊娠 分娩,保育,肥育,Wean to Finish 断奶至肥育,Breeding-Gestation 配种-怀孕,Farrowing 分娩,F,F,F,F,F,F,100 m 100米,Dynamics of Wean-Finish断奶至肥育的动态,Environmental management 环境管理 heat source 热源 ventilation 通风 Waters 饮水

27、Comfort mats 仔猪垫 2 turns per year 每年2轮 Costs 成本,Advantages of W-F “断奶-肥育”饲养方式的优点,Reduced transportation 减少运输 Lower labor costs for cleaning and disinfecting 减少清扫和消毒所需的劳力 Less stress on piglets from moving and resocialization 减少因移舍和混群而对仔猪产生的应激 Potential for increased average daily gain and feed conve

28、rsion 可改善平均日增重和饲料利用率,Remaining questions 其余问题,Ideal stocking rate 理想的饲养密度 Management level required to start pigs 开始养猪所需的管理水平 Environmental management 环境管理 Improved production-new building phenomenon 改善生产新建猪舍,Parity Segregation按胎次隔离,Gilts farrow on one site新母猪在同一地点分娩 Parity 2+ sows farrow on another location 二胎以上母猪在另一地分娩 Gilts are moved after they have weaned their first litter, possibly after rebreedin


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