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1、2017托福独立写作真题及范文,2017.1.7,You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a persons honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader?,2017.1.14 As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires a

2、ll students to do one of the following for one month during the break: 1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.) 2、Students must volunteer to wo

3、rk in the universitys city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.) Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why? Given detailed examples an

4、d reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.,2017.2.18,Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who

5、 often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do. Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character.,2017.2.25,Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication

6、 of his or her personality or character.,2017.2.26,Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently.,2017.3.4,Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movi

7、e, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?,2017.3.11,Do you agree or disagree: its better to relax through watching a film and reading a book than doing physical exercises?,2017.3.25,Which one of the reason is most important in helping students to study in c

8、olleges and universities? 1.Having access to the university tutors who can provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulties in study 2.Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends 3.Having excellent teachers in high school who can help students before the univer

9、sity,2017.4.1,You have long been friend with someone. If they do something that you dont like, should you still be friends with him or her?,2017.4.15,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with the people who have a good sense

10、 of humor.,2017.4.23 Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit? 1、to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community 2、learning to play a sport 3、learning to play a musical instrument,2017.5.6,Do you

11、agree or disagree: It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends?,2017.5.13,Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (5-10 years old)? 1. Being helpful to others 2. Being honest 3. Being well-organised,2017.5.20 At some universities, stu

12、dents take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions, students

13、almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.,2017.5.27 Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (ages 5 to 10)? Why? A Being helpful to others B Being honest C Being well-organized Use specific examples and evidences to support your answer.,

14、2017.6.3,Do you agree that people easily learn from the friends beside them?,2017.6.10,Some people like to buy and eat their meals at restaurants frequently, while others like to do this at home. Which do you prefer? Why?,2017.6.25,Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone

15、 else than to work for the business of ones own family.,2017.7.1,What is the most useful action for people to help protect the environment: 1. Travel by bike or walk to destination 2. Reuse and recycle waste materials 3. Purchase local organic food.,2017.7.2 A city wants to help teachers of its high

16、 school students (age14-18)improve their teaching. It is considering two plans: 1. Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that train

17、ing for other teachers in school. 2. Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually.,2017.7.8,Some people think that we should keep away from others to improve our relationship, because being away from peo

18、ple reminds us of how important they are. Others think we should always stay with others to have good relationship because we can communicate with them more often. What do you think?,2017.7.15,Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught b

19、y only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit young students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not?,2017.8.26,Do you agree or disagree: Nowadays its easier to maintain good health than it was in the past?,2017.8.27,Do you agree or dis

20、agree with the following statement : Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problem to the public.,2017.9.9 Your friends have the opportunity to choose either one

21、 of two types of majors (fields of study), which one of the following two majors do you think is a better choice, and why? A major that would allow him to finish years of study and get a degree sooner (so that he would begin to work full-time quickly) or a major that requires many years of study tha

22、t would provide him with more employment opportunities and offers in the future. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do not memorize some certain examples.,2017.9.16,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays children rely too

23、 much on the technology, like computers, smart phone, video games, for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the childrens development. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.,2017.9.17,A lot of high school students now chea

24、t more than before in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most effective way to stop this phenomenon? 1. To ask parents to monitor ( signing homework to prove no cheating involved) 2. To increase penalty or punishment to the students

25、 who cheat 3. To ask teacher to create homework assignment in which students can hardly cheat,9.23 At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kin

26、ds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make this decision, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why. Do you agree or disagree: its better to relax through watching a film and reading a book than doing physical exercise

27、s?,2017.9.24 Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of ones own family Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child(5-10 years old)? 1.being helpful 2.Being honest 3.Being well organized,2017.9.24

28、 A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (age14-18) improve their teaching. It is considering two plans: 1. Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come b

29、ack to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school. 2. Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually. Do you agree or disagree:it is impossible that always be honest with your fri

30、ends.,2017.9.30,Do you agree or disagree: Company should pay for employees to get university degree?,10.14 Some people think that success is most important in their life. Others think that its more important to be happy when they fail. Who do you agree with and why?,10.15,Most adults believe that mo

31、dern children (5-10 years old) behave worse than those in the past. What action parents should take do you think will have the most positive effect on children to help them behave better like respecting and treating others kindly? 1. limit the types of the TV programs and movies they watch 2. spend

32、more time talking with children 3. supervise and monitor children while they are playing with their friends Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.,10.21,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Students nowadays are more interested in politics than in the past. Use s

33、pecific reasons and examples to support your answer.,11.4,High school teachers (teachers of students ages 14-18) spend most of class time lecturing (speaking) while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are hi

34、ghly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for student learning and why?,11.5,University students are often encouraged to study fields in which significant job growth (a large increase in job opportunities) is expected; these fields curren

35、tly include science, technology, engineering, and math, do you believe students should consider studying fields related to these subjects even if they are more interested in other subjects? Why or why not?,11.11,Parents give their children weekly money to buy whatever they want. Some people think th

36、is can cause bad habits and ideas about money in children. Others think the opposite. Whats your opinion?,11.12,Older teenagers (16-19) should be allowed to work at paid part-time job or not.,11.18,The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the followi

37、ng do you think is the most important for the nations government to take to protect the environment. 1. Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy. 2. Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there. 3. Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.,11.25,Do you agree or disagree the following statement: The more money a


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