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1、letter of recommendation,目的,推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去获得某个职位、参与某项工作或求学等而写的信件。常用于留学申请和求职等。,注意几点,1)语气热情诚恳,推荐的内容实事求是。 2)信文篇幅以一页为宜,但也不能寥寥数语,敷衍了事。 3)精心组织正文内容。,正文内容,正文内容一般包括以下几个方面,应予精心组织: 1)为便于对方查阅、归档,正文部分应尽快提及被推荐者的全名,其所用字母、大小写、连写和分写等拼写法,应与被推荐人的申请信或简历上的拼写法完全相同。 2)开宗明义,表明态度,说明自己乐意推荐某人,自己同被推荐人之间的关系。 3)接下来可介绍与推荐人何时认识、熟

2、悉程度、有何联系等内容。 4)正文中的重点是对被推荐人的人品、能力、性格特点作介绍。尽可能做到言简意赅,点面结合。例如: 5)正文的最后部分,一般以提出建议作为结束,即推荐人建议校方或用人单位对被推荐人的申请惠予考虑,录取或聘用被推荐人。有时,也可就对方接受自己的推荐表示谢意结束全文。 6)签名之后应注明推荐人的职衔或职称。如果使用的是普通信笺,而不是带有信头的公文信笺,不便于对方联系,最好在职衔或称呼之下再注上推荐人的通讯地址(包括单位名称、地址、电话、邮政编码等)。,书信基本格式举例,june 26, 2016 to whom it may concern, i take pleasure

3、 in recommending to you miss li qian, who has worked as a part-time secretary in my company for 2 years from 2014-2015. she is very competent at typing & shorthand & has fulfilled her duties well. on her present job, she handles a number of letters every day. as her immediate supervisor for the last

4、 2 years, i am sure that she is qualified to be a very good secretary. she is a hard-working & enthusiastic person & is on good terms with the other members of our staff. now she will graduate from south china normal university in july this year, and she wants to move on to a job with further challe

5、nges and higher pay, for which she is surely qualified. i sincerely hope that her application will have your kind attention. very truly yours, chen wen,求职推荐信举例1,求职推荐信举例2a letter of recommendation for a co-worker,dear ms. johnson, as ben smiths teammate at xyz agency for the past five years, ive bene

6、fited from his creative problem-solving, tireless work ethic, and willingness to do whatever it takes to create a product that will translate the customers vision into reality. ben is directly responsible for increasing client retention by x percent, and i know for a fact that his reputation and com

7、mitment helped the company bring in several large new clients, of which wakeup soda is the most visible example. (you remember the billboards everyone was talking about this summer. that was his project.) as a colleague, ben is incredibly generous with his time and expertise, which includes everythi

8、ng from 10 years of management experience to an expert-level knowledge of indesign, illustrator, and photoshop. beyond that, his co-worker, i have to say that his humor and good nature make long nights and tough deadlines much easier on his team. id be happy to answer any questions you might have ab

9、out his specific skills and experience. thanks, and best regards, jane a(555)555-5555,求学推荐信举例1,to whom it may concern: i am writing this letter of recommendation at the request of ms. jane smith, a former student of mine atgoodwelluniversity. after witnessing ms. smiths performance in my class, i ca

10、n state with confidence that she will be a positive addition to your institution. i instructed ms. smith in the courses introduction to management 1 and 2, which she took over the course of one year. ms. smith quickly showed herself to be a conscientious student, and she did not hesitate to particip

11、ate in discussions and raise various concerns and questions of her own. it was evident from the beginning of the class that she has a strong interest in the subject matter, and this was reflected in her grades as well. i am pleased to learn that ms. smith now hopes to pursue further studies in busin

12、ess and management, and based on her performance in this class, i feel strongly that she is well-suited for such a course of study.,studying in your graduate school will inevitably bring many challenges and demands. i believe that ms. smith is uniquely suited to face these demands. when she took my

13、course introduction to management, she, unlike her classmates, was not a business student, but rather was taking the class in order to pursue her interest in the subject matter. in this way, she was at a disadvantage, as many of her classmates had already received varying levels of instruction and t

14、raining in business. ms. smith proved undeterred, however. she is a quick learner and she is confident in her abilities. when faced with challenges, she confronts them head on and seems to enjoy the process of learning and overcoming difficulties. i was quite impressed by ms. smiths performance and

15、attitude in my course, and it is for these reasons that i wholeheartedly recommend her to your program. i believe that she possesses the determination and intellect to complete the course of study and progress to a successful career. if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to conta

16、ct me. sincerely, linda johnsonassociate professorgoodwelluniversity,dear sir / madam: it is my great pleasure to write this letter in support of miss jane smiths application to your esteemed university. i instructed miss smith for the course introduction to the tourism industry. she was unquestiona

17、bly one of the most able students in the class, and her work in the class consistently reflected a level of insightfulness and attention to detail that is unique to miss smith. her reports were always prepared on time, and she stood out among her peers for her eagerness to engage in the process of l

18、earning and discovery. simply put, miss smith was a true pleasure to have in class.,求学推荐信举例2,miss smith was happy to voice her own viewpoints during class discussions, and often asked me for further clarification of points i covered in my lecture. in addition to her confidence and eagerness to learn

19、, miss smith also made a good impression on me due to her pleasant personality. certainly, she seemed to get on well with classmates and teachers at all times, and i imagine that she will do the same when she is in your institution. based on my observation of her abilities, i strongly believe she ha

20、s the potential to be an outstanding student at your university. i therefore recommend her for admission to your masters program. please do not hesitate to contact me for more information. yours sincerely, susan johnsondirectordepartment of tourismgoodwelluniversity,practice 1 translation,1) 现向贵公司诚意

21、推荐,她曾在澳大利亚和美国接受培训,专业技术不容置疑。她既富创意又很务实。,i am happy to recommend to your company. she was trained in australia and the usa and her technical skills are unquestionable. she is imaginative and, at the same time, very practical.,practice 1 translation,2) 我毫不犹豫地向您推荐,他/她为人诚实可靠,工作尽心尽责。虽然他/她有时候不是十分善于和同事合作,但是他/她工作极其努力,工作效率很高。,i can recommend to you without the slightest hesitation. i have always found him/her to be a totally loyal and honest worker who can be relied upon. although he/she does sometimes find it a little difficult to interact with other members of staff,


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