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1、 冀教版九年级英语上册第一单元导学案 柞水县穆家庄九年制学校 党学芳 穆家庄九年制学校九年级英语Lesson 1学习案主 备 人 党 学芳审核学生题 目Lesson 1:Whats Wrong, Danny?班级学 习目 标1.掌握本课所学重点词汇及句型。2.灵活运用看病常用语。重点本课的重点词汇及句型。难点need的用法。独学内容一默写单词_二短语1. 叫醒;吵醒;醒来_2. 穿衣服_3. 发(高)烧_4. 照x光片_5. 上车/下车_6. 指向/指着_7 后悔做了某事_8.某处疼_ 9.原谅我_10.开车去某地_三:佳句赏析1.凌晨三点钟。丹妮叫醒他的父母。2.怎么了,丹妮?。3.我感觉不

2、舒服。我胃疼4.现在我后悔吃了如此多的面包圈。5.-我们需要马上去那儿吗? -是的,我们必须。6.丹妮的爸爸迅速穿上衣服。学法指导 教师授课方案 学生学习笔记 1、学生按照学案要求进行查书查资料学习,对疑难进行标记。 2、小组内进行交流。3、在导学案书写要求规范工整。对组探究1. 看病常用语。2. regret的用法。3. need的用法(做实义动词和情态动词)。组与组进行交流学习,老师参与。 展 示 交 流Task1:单词; Task2:短语;Task3:佳句; Task4:探究1;Task5:探究2 ; Task6:探究3;每组黑板前展示,讲解。学教后反思 当 堂 检 测 一用所给单词的适

3、当形式填空。 1. Jenny didnt feel _(good) today. She feels even _(bad). 2.Get _(dress) quickly, or we will be late. 3. Is your back still _(pain)? 4.Need we _(get) dressed now? 5. My stomach _(hurt). 6.Your hair needs _(cut). 二.根据汉语意思完成句子。1.明天早晨八点请叫醒我。Please _ at 8:00 tomorrow morning. 2.你怎么了,杰克?_, Jack? 3

4、.-你感觉怎么样,丹妮 -我这儿疼。-_, Danny?-Ive _ here . 4.我现在后悔当初那么年轻就辍学了。I now _ school so young. 5.穿上衣服后,我将吃饭 。 After I _, Ill have breakfast.6.你需要好好休息。You _.批改评语: Lesson 2 :A visit to the dentist 一 学习目标1.掌握的词汇:dentist,refuse,toothache,rotten,fortunately,headset,aching,German,2. 短语和句型 :go to the dentist, right

5、away. Have you ever had a headache? How do you take of your teeth? Im really afraid of going to the dentist. I had no choice but to go with her.二 预习案 1. 预习单词,各组完成各组的学习任务。2. 小组交流各自看病的经历。3.根据汉语意思补全句子:1. 当你牙痛时你感觉怎样?How do you feel when you _?2. 你怎样保护你的牙齿?How do you _ your teeth?3. 除过看牙医我别无选择。I had _ bu

6、t to go with her4.牙医办公室里的人们穿着奇怪的衣服。There were people dressed _in the dentists office.5. 牙医朝着我笑,我一点也不恐惧了。The dentist _me, I was not afraid _.三 探究一.How do you take care of your teeth?你怎样保护你的牙齿?take care of意为“照看,照顾”,其同义短语为_.E.g:she is old enough to take care of/look after herself.拓展:“好好照顾某人,”则用他_.或 _探究

7、二I dont know why ,but I have had this fear since I was very young .翻译: Since引导时间状语从句的用法探究三 refuse的用法探究四 I had no choice but to go with her .翻译: had no choice but to do sth 的用法 but此句中作介词,意为“除了”。后面的不定式是介词宾语。He want nothing but to stay here for another day.他只是想在这里再待一天注意:如果谓语动词为实意动词do的某种形式,but后可省略to。I c

8、an do nothing but let him know.四 课堂检测案 填空1.He is afraid of_(eat)this medicine three times a day.2. I had no _(choose) but _(accept)the fact. 3. The boy doesnt know this _(say)4. You are sick, you may refuse _ (take) part in the match. 5. I _ ( teach) English since I came to this school.6.There were

9、many strange_ (sound),they _ (sound)terrible.五 学后反思Lesson3 Good food,Good health 一 学习目标1. 词汇:grain, vitamin,mineral,fibre,corn,protein,bean,Asian,soy,calcium , 2. 短语和句型结构::be made of/from由.制成; stay /keep healthy 保持健康;be full of=be filled with装满; a balanced diet 平衡的饮食;be different from与.不同;be the sam

10、e as 与.一样 Eating foods from grain gives you vitamins, minerals and fibre To have a balanced diet, you need to eat some from each food group.二 预习案 1. 预习单词,各组完成各组的学习任务。2. 做一个调查,看看你小组成员的饮食情况。3.预习自测。根据汉语意思完成句子1. 这儿的气候与汉南的气候大不相同The weather here is quite _ _ the weather in Hainan.2. Pop music is _(更受欢迎的)

11、than classic music among the young.3. 每天早起是一个好习惯。_Getting_ _up_ early every day _is_ a good habit.4. 面包是以小麦为原料制成的。Bread _is _ _made_ _from_ wheat.5. 这种杯子是玻璃制的。 This kind of cup _ _ _ glass.6. 金钱并不总是快乐之源。Money is not always _a_ _source_ _of_ happiness.三 探究一.contain v. 包含(不用进行时态) Sth. contain sth. 某物中

12、含有某物 The speech contains some interesting ideas.这个演讲包含一些有趣的想法。探究二 a source of 的来源 Source n. 可数名词 根源,来源 The sunshine is a good source of energy. 阳光是一种不错的能量来源。探究三 be made from +材料 (从成品中看不出原材料) Be made of + 材料(从成品中能看出原材料)由制成 The chair is made of wood. 这把椅子是木质的。 Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制造的。拓展: be

13、made in + 地点 在制造 Be made by+sb. 由某人制造 Be made into + 成品 被制成探究四 be popular with sb. 很受的欢迎be popular among 很受某个群体的欢迎。 四 课堂检测案 I选择: ()1 Do you believe that paper is made_ wood?Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made_ paper.Afrom; from Bfrom; of Cof; from Dof; of( )2_makes your teeth and bones st

14、rong A.Calcuim B.protein C.Vegetables D.Fruit()3.You _ worry about me. Its nothing serious.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. wont()4. Do you eat _ breakfast?A. something rich for B. anything rich for C. rich something at D. rich anything at()5. Writing brushes _ bamboo and animals hair.A. are made of B

15、. can be made into C. are made into D. made byII选用所给词的适当形式填空。1)Breakfast,lunch and supper are all_(meal).2)Look! No _(smoke)is written on the wall.3)The baby is_(terrible) ill.Lets take her to the hospital at once.4)What are the two_(different) between the two books?5)Is the bottle_(fill)with water五

16、 学后反思Lesson4 Dont Smoke , Please ! 一 学习目标1.掌握的词汇: harmful,disease,breathe,public,law,whenever,risk,somebody. 2.短语和句型结构:plenty of(许多) have a rest (休息) be bad for (对没有好处) Iwant to see how Danns feeling. Did you know that our great grandfather had lung disease? Smoking is also bad for your heartSmoking

17、 is not allowed in some public places. 二 预习案 预习自测。1.对有害处 _2.数以百万的 _3as a result _ 4talk about _ 5.get into _ 6give up _ 三 探究一Whenever someone offers you a cigarette ,you should always say no .whenever/whatever/wherever/however/whoever no matter when探究二1harmful adj. 有害的;导致损害的语境 Why is smoking harmful

18、? 为什么吸烟是有害的?We want to know why it is harmful to health to eat too much. 我们想知道为什么吃太多对健康有害。探究 be harmful to意为“对有害处”。探究三somebody pron. 有人;某人语境 When somebody talks about smoking,change the topic. 当有人谈论吸烟的时候,换一个话题。There is somebody at the door. 门口有个人。探究 somebody为不定代词,常用于肯定句,其同义词为someone。somebody作主语时,谓语动

19、词要用单数形式。注意 在否定句和疑问句中,一般要把somebody改为anybody。()_ is waiting for you at the gate. He wants to say thanks to you. ASomebodyBAnybody CEverybody DNobody探究四If your family members smoke, encourage them to stop smoking. 如果你的家人吸烟,鼓励他们戒烟。探究 encourage为及物动词,意为“鼓励”,其常用结构encourage sb. to do sth.意为“鼓励某人去做某事”。()The

20、teacher always encourages us _ English in public.AspeakBto speak Cspoke Dspeaking四 课堂检测案 单项选择( ) 1 My father_the Party for thirty years. A.has joined B.has been in C.joined D.has been a member( ) 2.I have _ homework to do now. A.many B.a lot C.plenty of D.lot of ( ) 3.What do you think of China? _A.

21、 Very much B.Its great C.The people D.Yes, I doII用所给词的正确形式填空。1)Dont you think smoking is (harm) to our health?2)My parents always encourage me (work) hard.3) You should (try) it again.I believe you can succeed.4)There are (million) of people in the city.五 学后反思Lesson 5 Janes lucky life一 学习目标1.掌握的词汇:

22、damage,unable,dare,wheelchair,control,telephone,hers,cheer,lick,disabled,focus,pity. lucky(副词)luckily2.短语和句型结构:a kind of disease(一种疾病),be unable to do sth(不能够做某事)=be not able to do sth, dare to do sth(敢于做某事),be/get married(已婚的), get married to sb=marry sb (和某人结婚) 二 预习案1. 预习单词,各组完成各组的学习任务。2. 小组讨论吸烟的危

23、害3预习自测。I 根据汉语完成句子:1.If we study hard, well _(会有一个幸福生活).2.Your father _(不会帮你)you, because it is your business.3.Jack _(不敢游泳)in the lake.4.Tom _(结婚)Marry ten years ago, they have_(结婚) for ten years.5.My brother has a book_(装满照片).II 用单词的正确形式填空:1. The woman is _(marry)and has a new baby.2. Lucy often ge

24、ts up late and_(go)to school_(with)having breakfast.3. What a _(luck)girl she is!4. She always likes talking by _(use) the body language.三 探究一.be able to 和be unable to是反义词用be able to 和be unable to的适当形式完成句子His grandmother_read without glasses. Im afraid I wont _visit you on Saturday.(3) Jim could pla

25、y the piano very well when he was ten .(同义句)Jim _ _ _ play the piano very well when he was ten .探究二From her wheel chair,Jane cheers as her son runs and kicks the ball.她的儿子跑着踢球时,简在轮椅上欢呼.辩析:as ; when; while(1).as 意为“一边一边”或“与同时”,.例如: They talked as they read books.(2).when意为“在的时刻或时期”,表示时间点与时间段,从句谓语动词可以

26、是终止性动词,也可以是持续性动词.例如: When I got home,my mother was cooking.(3).While 一般只表示“时间段”,不表示 “时间点”从句谓语只限于使用持续性动词.有时表示两个动作同时进行。例如: While I was doing my homework , my father was watching TV.Eg: (1)They talked _ they walked. (2) _ I got home,my father was reading. (3)_ She was young,she liked dancing。(4)_ I was

27、 sleeping, my father came in.探究三dare v. 敢;敢于;挑战语境 But she dares to try many things. 但是她敢于尝试很多的事情。She doesnt dare to meet her teachers eyes. 她不敢与老师对视。探究 dare作行为动词(实义动词)时,有人称和数的变化,后常接动词不定式作宾语。和其他的行为动词一样,在否定句和疑问句中,其形式的变化要借助于助动词do。拓展 dare还可以用作情态动词,后跟动词原形,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。How dare she do things like that

28、 to me? 她怎么敢对我做那种事?探究四control v. 控制;管理;支配语境 She controls her wheelchair with her mouth. 她用嘴控制她的轮椅。Firefighters are still trying to control the big fire. 消防队员仍在尽力控制大火。探究 control用作及物动词,意为“控制;管理;支配”,其后接宾语。拓展 control还可以用作名词,意为“控制,管理”。探究五Jane is married and has two children.简结婚了并有两个孩子。语境 Tom and Mary has

29、 been married for ten years. 汤姆和玛丽结婚10年了。探究 句中的be married意为“结婚”,强调状态,可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。be married to sb.意为“和某人结婚”。辨析 be married 与get married(1)二者都译为“结婚”,都可以和介词to连用。(2)be married 指“状态”,可与一段时间连用;而get married 指“动作,过程”,不能与一段时间连用。拓展 marry用作及物动词,意为“结婚;嫁;娶”,其后直接接宾语。marry sb. 不能说成marry with sb.。四 课堂检测案 选择正确的选项

30、()1.She _ out alone at night.A dare not to go Bdares not go Cdoesnt dare to go Ddoesnt dares go ()2.Its true that the brain _ every part of the body.AcontrolsBconnects Cremoves Dtrains()3The fire spread through the hotel so quickly. It seemed that nobody would_ get out.Aunable toBable to Cbe unable

31、to Dbe able to()4. My sister got _ a teacher last year.Amarried to Bmarry with Cmarry to DMarried()5. Mary, did your friend get married in 2010?Yes, she_ for nearly four years.Ahas married Bhas got married Chas been married Dwas married五 学后反思 Lesson6 Stay away from the hospital一 学习目标1. 词汇:appendicit

32、is,appendix,sleepy,mention. 2. 短语和句型结构:fall ill(生病), take out(取出,拿出, ),notanymore _ stay in bed(呆在床上) fell feel terrible(感到难过/不舒服) ask /tell sb (not) to do sth(要求/告诉某人(不要)做某事 ;feel much better(感觉好多了); have something to do( 有一些事情要做) 二 预习案 1. 预习单词,各组完成各组的学习任务。2. 预习自测。完成本课练习册I,II.三 探究一.探究一sleepy adj. 困

33、倦的,瞌睡的;安静的,冷清的语境 I felt terrible and very sleepy. 我感觉糟糕并且非常困。Im so sleepy. 我好困啊。辨析 sleepy, asleep与sleep(1)sleepy是sleep的形容词形式,意为“困倦的,瞌睡的”。(2)asleep是形容词,常用作表语。fall asleep意为“入睡”。She fell asleep in class. 她在课堂上睡着了。(3)sleep为动词,意为“睡觉”,也可以用作名词,意为“睡眠”。I dont want to sleep. 我不想睡觉。I hope to improve my sleep by medicine. 我希望通过药物来改善我的睡眠。探究二so that以便,为了;因此,结果语境 I think we should try hard to form good habits so that we can stay healthy and stay away from the hospital! 我认为我们应该尽力养成好习惯,以便我们能保持健康并远离医院! (1)so that可以引导目的状语从句,相当于in order that。 在从句中,常使用can/could/may/might/will/should


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