1、 部编六年级小学英语阅读理解的做题技巧 (一)、阅读理解一般分为故事幽默类、说明、科普类等。 故事幽默类一般前面都在为幽默做铺垫,只有读到最后才能显现出幽默之出来。1这类短文一般难度不大,认真阅读,仔细选择,问题都可以解决,如Write a Letter to Mary, 等A Dirty Boy, On the Bus 2小学的说明,科普类短文都十分浅显,只要具备一点科普常识都会读懂的,如,Time, the Spring .,问题也十分明显,从文中都能找到答案等,即使文章较长Festival . .同学可动手做做下题:根据短文内容选择答案1.Sam is very good at scho
2、ol, but he is not clean. His face and hands are often dirty. He washes ).肥皂them with water only. He does not use soap(Sam has an uncle. One day his uncle goes to see him. He looks at him and says, “Sam, I know what you ate for breakfast this morning.” “What?” Sam looks at his uncle and says. “Eggs”
3、says his uncle, “Your face and mouth tell me that.” )!”前天“You are wrong, uncle!”says Sam, “Not today or yesterday,but the day before yesterday( ( )(1).Who is Sam? A. He is English. B. He is a student. C He is a young pioneer. D He is a teacher. )(2) Whats the Chinese for “dirty”?( ”“ D Its “好的 C Its
4、 “坏的 “. B Its “A. Its “ 脏的干净的” )(3) Whats on Sams face and mouth?( A Eggs. B Soap C Water D Bread ( )(4) Which of these is not wrong? A Sam doesnt wash his face and hands every day. B. The uncle thinks the boy ate eggs last morning. C Sam doesnt like eggs at all. D. Sam doesnt know his uncle. ): The
5、re is some rice here. Eat it like this,my children.母鸡2.Hen( Chickens: Like this, Mother? Hen: Yes,thats right, good. ): There are some chickens here. I want to eat them.Eagle(鹰 Hen: Dont worry, my children . Let me do with it. Eagle:Can you let me eat some chickens,Mrs.Hen? )near here.猎人Hen:No, you
6、cant. There is a hunter( Eagle: I must go now. Hen: Lets go home, my children. Chickens: All right. ( )(1) The chicken likes to eat the _. A hen B rice C chicken D his children ( )(2) The hen _look after her children. B cant C is D isntA can ( )(3)_saves the chickens. A The hunter. B The hen C The e
7、agle D A man )(4)The eagle cant eat_ at last.( A the chickens B go. C the hunter D the hen (二)、解题时有以下几种方法:(1)略读法:关键是在能抓住文章要点的前提下以个人最快的速度阅读,获得足够的信息以便准确地回答有关文章主旨和大意的问题。要特别注意文章首尾两段,第一段往往点明文章主题或作者意图,而最后一段则常常总结归纳或重述文章的主要内容。要学会寻找文章段落的主题句,因为把每段主题句的意思综合起来实际上就是全文的中心思想,文章的 主题句也可能出现在段落中间或结尾。(2)查阅法:考生可以不需要阅读整篇文
8、章,而只需找出可能包含所需信息的部分,然后加以阅读就行。查阅法主要用于获得具体的信息,即谁、什么、什么时间、什么地点、什 么原因以及如何发生等有关或者具体的数字。(3)同义互释法:在小学升学考试中有些深层理解或者判断推理的问题可以采用同义互释 法。(4)判断推理法:有时4个题项中不止一个可以作为答案项,这时就应该意识到该题是一个判断推理题。要根据文章的主旨和作者的意图,选择比较,去伪存真,选出切合文章主 旨和作者意图的最佳答案。 (三)、同学们在做阅读理解时应注意的问题有哪些?、弄清文章体裁,快速理解文章。对不同体裁的文章,要根据其体裁特点,运用不同的方法快速阅读,正确理解。记叙文一开始交待人
9、物、时间、地点、事件,然后详细叙述原因。议论文中,作者先提论点,再加以分析,或举例论证,得出结论。说明文中,作者先 提出说明对象,然后从时间、空间、用途、方法、步骤等不同侧面加以说明。、仔细研读首尾句,预测文中细节。小学升学考试英语文章往往隐去了标题,这给抓文章中心带来了困难。然而,英语的写作特点一般是按总-分-总这一思路来写的。因此,研读首、尾句,不但可以帮助考生抓住文章的内容,还可以揣测作者的态度、意图,从而进 一步猜出作者着重要写的细节。、略读选答,带问阅读。做英语阅读理解题时,首先应浏览一遍所提问题及选项,然后 带着这些问题有目的、有针对性地阅读文章。、联系生活常识,及早排除错误选项。
10、阅读理解中四个选项,有时有一个或两个与常识或其他学科中所学的知识不相符。我们可先将其排队在阅读中对所剩下的选项进行筛选就 容易多了。5、解题前要仔细通读全文,遇到难解的词组和句子不要急躁,尽量根据上下文悟出其义, 分析判断,整题解完后要认真复查。带着问题读查短文解题时要6、注意不要改变自己的阅读习惯。有的考生先看题目后看文章,有的先看文章再看题目,你平时怎么练,考试就怎么做。临时改变自己的习惯效果往往不好。其次,看清楚题目是概括中心型还是推理判断性。概括某一段的中心时注意这一段的首句和尾句;推理判断题 要注意题目问的是作者的态度,不是你的态度。 二、阅读理解 ,判断正误阅读理解2 Yang L
11、ing: Liu Tao, lets go shopping. Liu Tao: It sounds good. Its sunny and warm. Yang Ling: Look at that sign. What does it mean? Liu Tao: It means you cant eat or drink in the shop. Yang Ling: Im tried. Lets have something. Liu Tao: Ok, there is a juice shop over there. Lets go. Yang Ling: Look, there
12、is a sign, too. Liu Tao: Yes, it means you cant smoke here. Yang Ling: Aha, I dont smoke. Liu Tao: Me too. Yang Ling and Liu Tao go shopping. )(1 The weather is sunny and cool. 2)( You can eat and drink in the shop. 3)( You can smoke at the juice shop. 4)( Liu Tao smokes. 5)( 11)【答案】( 02)( 0)(3 0)(4
13、 0 )(5 【分析】对话大意:杨玲和刘涛谈论在商店和果汁店看到一些标志所表达意思。【解析】(1)句意:杨玲和刘涛去购物。根据Yang Ling: Liu Tao, lets go shopping.可知杨玲和刘涛 去购物了,故答案为正确。 可知天气晴朗温暖,故答案为错误。Its sunny and warm.2)句意:天气晴朗凉爽。根据(3)句意:你可以在商店里吃喝。根据It means you cant eat or drink in the shop.可知在商 店里不能吃喝,故答案为错误。(4)句意:你可以在果汁店抽烟。根据Liu Tao: Yes, it means you cant
14、smoke here.可知在 果汁店不能抽烟,故答案为错误。(5)句意:刘涛抽烟。根据Yang Ling: Aha, I dont smoke.可知刘涛不抽烟,故答案为错 误。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译对话,然后根据对话内容,判断句子正确或错误。 3阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误 Long, long ago there lived a king. He was very old and he had no children. So he wanted to select a new king in the country. One day, the king asked his min
15、isters to give all the children in the country some flower seeds 湡?潴摬琠敨?尠桗?慣?汰湡?桴?潭瑳戠慥瑵晩汵映潬敷獲眠汩?敢琠敨欠湩? A child named David planted the seeds and looked after them carefully. But day after day, no flowers came out from the basin. He was very disappointed. It was time to show the most beautiful flower
16、s. The children from all over the country came with their beautiful flowers.very was he flowers, beautiful the saw he When children. the of front in walked king The unhappy. Suddenly, he saw a child carrying an empty basin. He was very glad and asked the boy, Why do you carry an empty basin? The boy
17、 cried and told him the truth. The king laughed, You are an honest boy. You will be the future king. In fact, the seeds had been boiled. The king wanted a new king. )(1 The child with the most beautiful flowers will be the king. )(2 There were no flowers in Davids basin. )(3 The seeds from the king
18、can grow flowers. )(4 David will be the future king. )(5 11)(【答案】 02)( 13)( 04)( 1 5)( 【分析】该短文主要老国王通过种花选拔新国王的故事。【解析】(1)细节阅读,根据So he wanted to select a new king in the country.得知要选新国王,故答 案为:正确。(2)细节阅读,根据Who can plant the most beautiful flowers will be the king.得知种出最漂 亮的花的竟成为国王,故答案为:错误。(3)细节阅读,根据no fl
19、owers came out from the basin.得知David的盆里没有花,故答案 为:正确。(4)细节阅读,根据In fact, the seeds had been boiled.得知那都是些煮熟的种子,故答案 为:错误。(5)细节阅读,根据You are an honest boy. You will be the future king.得知David将成为国 王,故答案为:正确。【点评】此题目要求快速阅读文章,把握内容、了解大意,然后细致阅读,抓住主要内容 和细节,标出关键词,然后做出选择,完成题目。 4阅读理解阅读短文,匹配。 Winter is a beautiful
20、 season. My favourite season is winter. Its often snowy in many countries. And the outside is white. In winter, the days are shorter. And the nights are longer. It often gets dark very early. But I like snow, so I often go skiing(滑雪) on Sundays with my family. When it snows, everything turns white.
21、There is thick snow on roads, streets, trees and houses. Its a beautiful world! My friends and I like making snowmen. Sometimes we play with snow. Its very interesting and exciting. Winter _ A. shorter. The days are _ B. like making snowmen. The nights are _ C. is snowy. My friends and I _ D. is int
22、eresting. Playing with snow _ E. longer. D ;B;A;E【答案】C【解析】【分析】该短文主要介绍“我”最喜欢的季节冬季以及在这个季节看到的和做的一 些事情。 。得知冬天下雪,故选C(1)细节阅读,根据Its often snowy in many countries. 。得知冬天白天很短。故选A(2)细节阅读,根据 In winter, the days are shorter. 。得知冬天夜晚很长,故选E(3)细节阅读,根据And the nights are longer.(4)细节阅读,根据My friends and I like making
23、 snowmen. 得知我和朋友喜欢堆雪人,故 。选B(5)细节阅读,根据Sometimes we play with snow. Its very interesting and exciting.得知玩雪 。很有趣,故选D【点评】考查对篇章的把握和细节的辨别能力。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正确 选择。 阅读理解5 My summer holiday is coming to the endDuring the holiday,we went to Dalian for a visit,I saw the beautiful sea there,it was really amazin
24、gThe sea water was as blue as the sky,and it was very cleanAlso,the beach in Dalian was very nice,we built a small sand palaceWhen I was swimming in the sea,as if I was a little fishI like that feeling very muchI also spent time to study for schoolI read many books,practiced math problems,and I was
25、very happyI finished all of my homework Where did she go during the holiday? 1)( C. SanyaA. Shanghai B. Dalian How about the sea water? 2)( C. both A and BA. blue B. clean What did they do on the beach? 3)( C. Built a small sand palaceA. Pick up shells B. Have a sun bath on the beach Did he like swi
26、mming in the sea? )(4 he didnt C. No,he did B. Yes,he doesA. Yes Did he finish all his homework? )(5 ,he didnt C. No B. Yes,he doesA. Yes,he did B1)【答案】( C2)( C)(3 A)(4 A )(5 【分析】本文主要介绍了作者是怎样度过她的暑假的。【解析】(1)细节理解 . 题意:他在假期期间去哪儿了? 根据短文中的语句“ During the holiday, B .”,可知她在假期期间去大连了。故答案为:we went to Dalian f
27、or a visitthe as blue as was water sea “The 题意:海水怎么样?根据短文中的语句 . )细节理解2( C .”可知海水是蓝色的和干净的。故答案为:sky,and it was very clean(3)细节理解 . 题意:他们在海滩上做什么? 根据短文中的语句“ the beach in Dalian was very nice,we built a small sand palace”可知他们在海滩上建立了一个小沙宫 ,故答案 C .为:(4)细节理解 . 题意:他喜欢在海里游泳吗? 根据短文中的语句“When I was swimming in t
28、he sea,as if I was a little fishI like that feeling very much”可知他喜欢在海里游泳,故答 A .案为:(5)细节理解 . 题意:他完成了他所有的作业了吗? 根据短文中的语句“I finished all of A .可知他完成了他所有的作业,故答案为:my homework” 【点评】本题考查对细节的识别能力和推理,答题时注意在文章中寻找答案。 读短文,判断下列句子正误阅读理解6 During holidays,Kitty usually goes to see the exhibits in many museums,such a
29、s the history museum,the art museum,the museum of science and technology and the museum of natural historyThere are thousands of wonderful things in museum.There are paintings,sculptures(雕塑),costumes(服饰),swords(剑),ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals(动物标本)and many othersIt is always a good review of history to visit thos
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