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1、 并列句What is 一、 二、连词 (一)平行 (二)转折 (三)选择 (四)递进 (五)因果 三、逻辑关系词 (一)平行 (二)转折 (三)选择 (四)递进 (五)因果 四、分析 (一)长难句分析: (二)分析长难句步骤 并列句What is 一、 用连词连接两个句子I love you, you love that dog. I love you. you love that dog. I loving you, you love that dog. I love you, but you love that dog. Although I love you, you love tha

2、t dog. 二、连词 (一)平行and, not only.but also (二)转折but, yet, while, whereas (三)选择or (四)递进then (五)因果for, so 三、逻辑关系词 逻辑关系词:连词、副词、介词、介词短语 试译: 有朋自远方来不亦乐乎 There exist a train of companies coming from the distance so I become more than delighted. There exist a train of companies coming from the distance. as a c

3、onsequence, I become more than delighted. There exist a train of companies coming from the distance, and as a consequence, I become more than delighted. 连词和其它逻辑关系词的区别在于,连词的前面要么用逗号要么没有标点符号;而其他的逻辑关系词前面要么用句号要么加连词and (一)平行equally, likewise, similarly, at the same time, in the meanwhile (二)转折however, nev

4、ertheless, conversely, unexpectedly, on the contrary, by contrast (三)选择alternatively (四)递进besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, subsequently (五)因果thus, therefore, as a consequence/result, consequently 你还记得那天吗,我没有通过四级考试,一个人在雨中哭泣,你走过来拍拍我的肩膀告诉我人生没有终点 Do you still keep the day in mind? I failed t

5、o pass CET4, and consequently, I shed tears alone in the rain. At the same time, you came up to me then beat my shoulder, telling me here exists no destination in life. 四、分析 (一)长难句分析: I was beaten and he ?只要见到有并列连词的出现通常都会有省略,翻译的时候先把省略的部分补充上后再做翻译 那如何查找省略的内容呢?? 一句话只要有省略,就一定会省略在连词后而不是连词前。所以连词后面有的成分连词前面

6、通常都有(如果连词后只有一个成分,连词前一定能找到它的对应成分;如果连词后有多个成分的话,连词前不一定都能找到它们的对应成分,但是至少能找到一个对应成分)连词前面有而连词后面没有的成分便是省略的内容 (二)分析长难句步骤 动词-连词(当连词连接两个名词时忽略)-定语-状语 例句一: Under modern conditions,this requiresvarying measures of centralized control ? andhence the help of scientists such as economistsandoperational research exper

7、ts. this(主语)requires(谓语)varying measures(宾语) ? the help(名词)of specialized(定语) 定;and+n+? varying measuresthe help; of centralized controlof specialized scientists 目前,这需要集中控制各种各样的措施所以这也需要专家的帮助比如说经济学家和操作研 ? 究专家(运筹学家) 例句二: The datasuggest, for example, that physically attractive individuals are ? more l

8、ikely to betreated well by their parents, sought out as friends,and pursued romantically. suggest, are(一定是动词); sought , pursued(可能是动词过去式或非动词即过去 ?分词) The data(主语)suggest(谓语)that从句(宾语) physically attractive individuals(宾从主语)are(宾从谓语)more.romantically(宾从表语) and+ved+adv(副词只能做状语) ?treatedsought outpursue

9、d; well by their parents(adv+介短)as friends(介词短语不能做宾语)romantically(实意动词后的成分不是宾语就一定是状语) 数据表明颜值高的人更可能受到父母的宠爱,更可能交到朋友更容易受到他人的追求 ? 练习: 练习一: Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes for pictures or music was ?not only a loss of happiness, but might possiblybe injuriousto the intellect, andmore p

10、robably to the moral character. Darwin(主语)was convinced(谓语,其中was为助动词帮助完成被动)that+句子(宾 ?语) more probably(adv状语)to(介词) 句子长的原因:由not only,but also并列的两个句子共同充当宾语;在but also后面 ?还有一个and并列的两个句子 and+状语+介词+名词 ? more probably(状语)possibly to the moral characterto the intellect 达尔文认为失去了对于画画和音乐的爱好不但失去了快乐而且很可能对他的智商造成

11、了伤 ?害,并且更可能对他的道德品质也造成了伤害 练习二: It is said that in Englanddeath ispressing, in Canada inevitable and in ? California optional. 据说在英国死亡很快就要来临,在加拿大死亡是不可避免的,在美国死与不死是可选择的 ? 练习三: As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, ?their extended family relationships,the informa

12、l flow of informationis cut off,and with it the confidence thatinformationwill be avialable when neededandwill be trustworthy and reliable. the informal flow of information(主语)is cut off(谓语)As .relationships ?(状语)trustworthy and reliable(and不算连词,当连词连接两个单词的时候忽略这个连词),thatinformation .reliable同位语从句 and

13、+介词短语+n+定语 ?the informal flowthe confidence of informationthat.reliable 随着家人搬离他们稳定的社区,搬离他们多年的朋友,搬离他们的亲戚关系,这种非正式 ?的信息流就被切断了,并且和信息流一起当需要的时候我们就能够得到这些可靠的信息的自信也随之消失了 练习四: Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behaviorwill continue to be ? rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems. n+of behavior(定语)+will continue(谓语)+to be rejected(宾语) ? and+with it(介词短语)+adv(状语)+n+to s


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