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1、最新初三英语英语阅读理解汇编模拟试题 一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 阅读理解1 Fiona likes to listen to music. She likes to listen to classical music. Now she is listening to Beethovens Symphony (交响曲) No. 5. The music is about fate knocking on the door. Fate is the unseen power of life. Fate changes our lives. Fate designs our lives. Fiona

2、 likes this music. She feels the power of music. Suddenly, somebody knocks on her door. She goes to the door and opens it. There is a man at the door. The man is old. He has grey hair and a grey beard (胡须). She doesnt know who the person is. The man says he is her father. She closes the door in fron

3、t of the man. She stays at the door and thinks. She has a father. But he is dead. She doesnt know the man at the door. She doesnt understand why he says he is her father. She wants to call the police. Just then she can see a photo under the door. The man is giving her a photo. She looks at the photo

4、. She can see herself with a man she doesnt know. It is her because she took many photos when she was a young girl. Is the man who is standing in front of her door her father? She must find the answer. She opens the door. She asks the man whether he is lying or not. The man tells her he is telling t

5、he truth. She invites him for a cup of coffee. They sit down and drink coffee. They start talking about life. He tells her everything that he knows. She listens. Sometimes she is surprised. Sometimes she cries. Sometimes she laughs. They are listening to Beethoven. This time it is not fate, but her

6、father who is knocking on the door. What kind of music does Fiona like? )(1 A. Folk music. B. Pop music. C. Rock and roll. D. Classical music. Why does Fiona open the door again? )(2 A. Because the man gives her a photo of her and her father. B. Because she realizes the man standing outside is her f

7、ather. C. Because she wants to know whether the man is her father. D. Because she wants to listen to the mans stories. How does Fiona feel during the talk with the man? 3() D. A, B&CB. Sad. C. Happy. A. Surprised. Where can you find this passage? 4)( A. In a music book. B. In a storybook. C. In a sp

8、orts book. D. In a science book. D) (1【答案】 C)(2 D3)( B )4(【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述主人公菲奥娜在听贝多芬的第五首歌的时候,她听到门外有敲门声,她打开门却意外地有人叫她为女儿,她感到很吃惊,爸爸明明已故,但是此时的这个所谓“爸爸”的男人又似曾相识,打开门后两人谈了许多往事,往事让菲奥娜有时吃 惊,有时哭泣,有时微笑,最后他们一起听贝多芬的歌曲,最好父女相认。 。D可知,她喜欢听古典音乐,故选She likes to listen to classical music.)细节题。根据1( Is the man who is stand

9、ing in front of her door her father? She must find ()细节题。根据2 。the answer.可知,因为她想知道是否这个男人是她爸爸,故选C可Sometimes she is surprised. Sometimes she cries. Sometimes she laughs.(3)细节题。根据 。知,她有时开心有时伤心有时吃惊,故选D 。)推断题。本文讲述菲奥娜和父亲相认的故事,可知这篇文章应来自故事书,故选B (4【点评】考查阅读理解能力,细节题和推断题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题要从文中 寻找答案;推断题需要根据上下文,推断出需要

10、的信息。 阅读理解2Nairobi of edgea farming community on the (边缘) come I am Turere. I from Kitengela, . Since the age of nine. I have helped to look after my familys (肯尼亚)National Park of Kenyacows. As a child, in my free time. I enjoyed playing with electronics. I made my own inventions, (仪such as electroni

11、c toys from car parts and other things. I also built other electronic devices for my neighbors. 器) At the age of 13, I invented something that changed my life. It also changed the lives of many people in my community. One night, a lion from the park came into my familys farm and killed one of our co

12、ws. I was angry. However, killing the lion, I thought, was not the best way to solve the problem. Instead, I decided to invent a solution The first idea I got was to use fire, because I thought lions were scared of fire. But I came to realize that didnt really help, because it was even helping the l

13、ions to see through the cowshed . So I didnt give up. I continued.(牛棚). I was trying to trick the lions into And a second idea I got was to use a scarecrow(稻草人) that I was standing near the cowshed. But lions are very clever. They will come the thinking)first day and they see the scarecrow, and they

14、 go back. But the second day, theyll come and they say, this thing is not moving here, it is always here! So he jumps in and kills the animals. So one night, I was walking around the cowshed with a torch(手电筒), and that day the lions didnt come. And I discovered that lions were afraid of a moving lig

15、ht. So I had an idea. What was Turere interested in when he was a child? )1( B. Looking after cows. A. Tricking the neighbors. C. Playing with electronics. D. Making car parts What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 4 refer to? )(2 A. The lion. B. The scarcer. C. The cow. D. The cowshed Whats

16、the solution to driving the lion away? 3)( A. Using a moving light B. Using a torch C. Using a scarecrow What can we get from the passage? )4( A. The lion killed all the cows. B. Turere killed the lion at last. C. The lion no longer lived in the park. D. Tureres invention made peace with lions. C1)【

17、答案】 ( B2() A)3( D )(4【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要叙述来自基腾格拉,一个位于肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园边缘的农业社区的男孩Turere。从九岁开始。帮忙照看我家的奶牛。作为一个孩子,在的空闲时间。喜欢玩电子产品。有自己的发明,比如汽车零件和其他东西做成的电子玩具。还为邻居制造了其他电子设备。13岁时,我发明了改变我生活的东西。它也改变了我 社区许多人的生活。 (1)细节理解题。由 As a child, in my free time. I enjoyed playing with electronics.可知他对 。玩电子产品感兴趣。故选C (2)代词的指代题。由上句 B

18、ut the second day, theyll come and they say, this thing is not 。稻草人不会动,故选Bthis thing= a scarecrow , moving here 。可知it是指 (3)细节理解题。由And I discovered that lions were afraid of a moving light. 可知赶走狮子 。A的方法就是使用移动光,故选 (4)推理判断题。由 So one night, I was walking around the cowshed with a torch , and that day th

19、e lions didnt come.可知用移动光的方法能赶走狮子杀害村子里动物,又不用杀死狮 。D子。图雷尔的发明与狮子和平共处,故选 【点评】考查阅读理解,首先通读全文,了解全文大意,其次分析问题,抓住关键词,在 文中寻找相关信息,确定答案,最后再检查一遍,确保答案正确。 阅读理解3 Why do I live? Why do I wish for anything, or do anything? Is there anything in my life that will not be destroyed by my death? Like Leo Tolstoy, the famou

20、s Russian writer, many people ask these difficult questions. Tolstoy spent his whole life trying to answer these difficult questions. As a young man, he thought people could achieve perfection if they tried hard enough. So he worked very hard to be the best in everything. He thought that he would fi

21、nd meaning and truth in success. In 1850s. Tolstoy wrote his first stories. He wrote about his life in the army. He also told stories about his childhood. These works were published and Tolstoy became a well-known writer. He earned the respect he always wanted. Many rich and smart men met and talked

22、 with the and (信仰)faith about lot a talked They him. like writers were them of Some Tolstoy. meaning of life. But soon Tolstoy recognized that these men were not perfect. Now he knew they could not answer his questions about faith. So in the 1860s, Tolstoy tried a different way to find the meaning o

23、f life. He opened a school for the children of his serfs-the people who worked on his land. These workers were very poor. He wanted to help them because he thought they were more honest than the rich people he knew. Tolstoy learned a lot from his workers. He understood how they worked hard to suppor

24、t their families. He began to believe that marriage and family would give his life meaning. So in 1862, Leo Tolstoy married a young woman named Sonya Behrs. The next 15 years were the best years of Tolstoys life. It was during this time that he wrote his most famous books-War and Peace and Anna Kare

25、nina. Many experts say that War and Peace is one of the greatest books ever written. In these books, Tolstoy believed humans should live a simple life and take care of their families. Tolstoy thought this would satisfy him and bring him happiness. Leo Tolstoy is still a very respected writer today.

26、His faith and writings have influenced many people all over the world. Which is the correct order of the following events? 1)( Tolstoy served in the army.Tolstoy got married. Tolstoy wrote War and Peace.Tolstoy opened a school. -known writer. Tolstoy became a wellA. B. C. D. Why did Tolstoy want to

27、be the best in everything when he was young? )(2 B. To achieve perfection.A. To prepare for his books. D. To show his wisdom.C. To make a lot of money. Tolstoy thought he would learn a lot from his workers because they were _. )(3 D. patientC. friendly A. poor B. honest According to the passage, whi

28、ch of the following is the most important to Tolstoy? )(4 .D. Fame (名声)A. Family. B. Success. C. Wealth. What does the passage mainly talk about? 5)( A. Leo Tolstoy: Living for writing. B. Leo Tolstoy: Influencing the world. C. Leo Tolstoy: Being the best in everything. D. Leo Tolstoy: Searching for

29、 the meaning of life. C)(1【答案】 B2)( B3)( A)(4 D 5()【解析】【分析】大意:文章主要介绍了著名的俄罗斯作家 Leo Tolstoy 的生平以及他对生 命的意义的寻找。 In 1850s. Tolstoy wrote his first stories. He wrote about his life )细节理解题。根据第三段1( in the army. 在18世纪50年代,他写了他在军队的生活,可知,为最早发生的事;根据第三段最后一句These works were published and Tolstoy became a well-kno

30、wn writer.这些作品被发表, Leo Tolstoy成为一位著名的作家,可知随后发生;根据第五段 So in the 1860s, Tolstoy tried a different way to find the meaning of life. He opened a school for the children of his serfs-the people who worked on his land. 所以在18世纪60年代,他为农奴的孩子们在他的土地上工作的人们开办了一所学校,发生在18世纪60年代;根据第六段So in 1862, Leo Tolstoy married

31、 a young woman named Sonya Behrs. 可知,在1862年,Leo Tolstoy与一个名叫Sonya Behrs的年轻女子结婚,发生在1862年;根据倒数第二段 The next 15 years were the best years of Tolstoys life. It was during this time that he wrote his most famous books-War and Peace and Anna Karenina. 他写了他最著名的书战争与和平和安娜卡列尼娜,可知在婚后的15年里,托尔斯泰写了战争与和平等书,发生在1862年

32、 。C。故选后。因此事件发生的正确顺序为: (2)细节理解题。根据第二段 As a young man, he thought people could achieve perfection if they tried hard enough. 作为一个年轻人,他认为如果人们足够努力就可以达到完美的状 。B态,可知他年轻人想做最好的那一个,是因为他想达到完美。故选 (3)细节理解题。根据第五段 He wanted to help them because he thought they were more honest than the rich people he knew. 可知,Leo

33、Tolstoy帮助这些工人是因为他认为工人们比 。他认识的富人更为诚实。故选B (4)推理判断题。 根据倒数第二端In these books, Tolstoy believed humans should live a simple life and take care of their families. Tolstoy thought this would satisfy him and bring him happiness. 在这些书里,Tolstoy相信人们应该过简单的生活并照顾家庭。Tolstoy认为这会 。来说,最重要的是家庭。故选A使他愉快并给他带来快乐,因此对Tolstoy

34、 (5)主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了著名的俄罗斯作家 Leo Tolstoy 的生平 。D以及他对生命的意义的寻找。故选 【点评】考查阅读理解,首先快速浏览、分析问题,抓住关键词;其次带着问题通读全 文,了解文章大意,找到依据,确定答案;最后再检查一遍,确保答案正确。 阅读理解4 In about 1503, during Christopher Columbuss fourth and final trip to America, his ship was seriously damaged in a storm. Columbus and his men had to live

35、 on a small island for several months while they tried to repair their ship and return to Spain. At first, the local people on the island were very kind to the European visitors, giving them all the food and clothes they needed to survive. However, as the months passed, the local people became more

36、and more unhappy with their guests, who were tricking and stealing from them. Finally the locals decided to stop helping. Without food or any way to leave the island, Columbuss group was soon in serious trouble. Luckily for Columbus, he had a book about the stars and planets on his ship. It describe

37、d the movements of all the objects in the night sky. The book, written by a well-known German and how long it would last.scientist, said there would be a total lunar eclipse(月食) Columbus worked out the difference in time between Germany and North America. He then had a meeting with the local leaders

38、 just before the eclipse would take place. In this meeting, Columbus told them his god was angry because the local people were no longer giving food. So his god would take away the Moon to punish them. At the moment Columbus finished talking, just as he had planned, the Moon began disappearing.and f

39、ood quickly agreed to provide Columbus with frightened The local leaders grew and anything else he wanted. But first, Columbuss god had to return the Moon. Columbus told them stay would his ship. Knowing the Moon the he would have to discuss idea with his god on to just before the Moon began about c

40、ompletely hidden for 48 minutes, Columbus returned any men no longer had until that day on, they finally left, Columbus and his reappear. From trouble getting the food they needed. At first, the local people helped Columbus and his men by . )(1 A. giving them food and clothes B. building a house for

41、 them C. repairing their ship D. providing them with a book The local people became angry because the Europeans . 2)( A. looked very different B. had nothing to trade C. were cheats and thieves D. wanted to take their land ?3()Where did Columbus learn about the lunar eclipse D. From the locals.C. Fr

42、om his group. A. From a book. B. From the Moon. ?4)What can we learn about the Europeans from the passage( A. They all believed in God. B. They never returned to Spain. C. They admired the local people. D. They caused their own problems. A)(1【答案】 C2)( A3)( D 4)(【解析】【分析】文章大意:大约在1503年,克里斯托弗哥伦布第四次也是最后一

43、次到美国旅行时,他的船在一场风暴中严重受损。哥伦布和他的部下在一个小岛上住了几个月。一开始岛上的人对他们很友好,但是后来他们偷盗当地人的东西,当地人就停止了所有的供应,哥伦布了解天文,他计算出了月食的时间,说是上帝对当地人不给他们提供帮 助的惩罚,于是当地人就开给他们提供帮助了。 (1)细节理解题,根据 At first, the local people on the island were very kind to the European visitors, giving them all the food and clothes they needed to survive. 可知一开

44、 。始的时候,当地人给他们吃的穿的,给他们提供帮助,故答案是A (2)细节理解题,根据 However, as the months passed, the local people became more 壳可知欧 and more unhappy with their guests, who were tricking and stealing from them. 。洲人对他们欺骗,偷盗所以他们生气了,故答案是C The book, written by a well-known German scientist, said there would (3)细节理解题,根据 可知,哥伦布是

45、从书上知道的月食be a total lunar eclipse(月食)and how long it would last. 。A发生的时间,故答案是)逻辑推理题,根据文章内容可知,欧洲人遇到的问题是他们自作自受,故答案是(4 。D【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节理解题和逻辑推理题。细节理解题要可以直接从文 中寻找答案;逻辑推理题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。 阅读理解5 Scrapbooking is a hobby. It was popular for more than 500 years. People called it a friendship book. They ke

46、pt pictures, letters, poems and other things they wanted to remember. Today people collect many things in scrapbooks. Some people have funny collections, like the worlds most awkward ideas or pictures of the worlds most ugly dogs. Other people may collect stories about the bad weather. It is easy to

47、 get started. First, you should decide what you want to collect. Start with just one idea. Next, you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue. You need the scissors to cut out the pictures or stories. You need the glue to stick them to the background paper. You can be busy and colle

48、ct many things or lazy and collect few things. Itll be lots of fun to make your scrapbook and you can share it with your friends. How long was scrapbooking popular? 1)( D. more than 550 yearsB. 500 years C. over 500 years A. less than 500 years What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word awkw

49、ard? 2)( 残疾的D. C. 美妙的 愚蠢的A. 聪明的 B. are mentioned to make a scrapbook? (物品)3)How many items ( A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. To make a scrapbook, what do you need first? )(4 A. Glue. B. Scissors. C. A book. D. An idea. Whats the best title of the passage? )(5 A. Scrapbooking B. The History of Scr

50、apbooking D. How to make a ScrapbookC. What Is a Scrapbook? C1)【答案】 ( B2)( C)(3 D)(4 A )(5【解析】【分析】本文介绍了剪粘书的通途,可以保存照片、信件、诗歌和其他他们想记 住的东西。 。C可知它流行了500多年,故选1 ()细节题。根 It was popular for more than 500 yearscollect may people Other dogs. ugly most worlds the of pictures )词义猜测题。根据2( stories about the bad we

51、ather 世界上最丑陋的狗的照片。其他人可能会收集坏天气的故事 。B可知awkward指愚蠢的,故选 (3)细节题。根据you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue 你需要一本 。C背景纸、剪刀和胶水的书可知3种物品被提到制作剪贴簿,故选 (4)细节题。根据 First, you should decide what you want to collect. 可知要制作剪贴簿,你 。D首先需要,故选 。A Scrapbooking适合做标题,故选 (5)主旨题。根据本文介绍了剪粘书的通途,可知 【点评】考查阅读理解

52、。本文涉及细节题,词义猜测题和主旨题四种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案,词义猜测题需要根据上下文提炼相关信息锁定词意,主旨题需要通 读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。 阅读理解6 A zero-waste life is a lifestyle that hardly creates any rubbish. So, a zero-waste store is about providing a kind of everyday and pleasant-looking zero-waste products to help people start on a zero-waste li

53、fe journey. Zero waste or danshari was first suggested by a French woman called Bea Johnson. Her idea is: live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different kinds of ways to save the environment such as stopping the use of one-off objects; giving unwanted things to others or giving them away to organizations like the Red Cross. Yu Yuan, 27, is deeply interested in this idea. She and her boyfriend have lived in Beijing for many years. And earlier she used to buy things without thinking


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