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1、Unit 7 What she highest mountain in the world?Section A (1a-3c)、词汇运用。(A)根据句意和汉语提示填写单词。1.(厚厚的)clouds cover the mountain top all year around2.Do you know how(深的)the Fiver is?3.About 200, 000(游客)came to Tai erzhuang AncientiTturing May 1holiday. It S difficult to believe .4.Most peop les 1iv ing(条件)are

2、 beco ming better and better now5.Could you give us some advice on how to(保护)these wild an imals?(B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。6.Thousands of(tour)come to visit the park every day.7.After she worked hard at it for three hours she(success)i n sol ving thep roblem.8.Lang Lang is a great pianist with lots of(achie

3、ve).9.Of all the students in our class Mona is the(you ng).10. Miss Green is the only woman mountain二、根据汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。(climb)in the team.1.据我所知,这是世界上最高的湖泊。,this is the highest lake in theworld.2.他们上周吸收了一些新的篮球运动员。They3.面对困难,戴维是这么勇敢。David is so bravedifficulties .4.屠呦呦成为第一位获得诺贝尔奖的中国女性。Tu Youyou became

4、 the firstwomanthe Nobel P rize.5.可以随便问我关于机器人的任何问题。some new basketball p layers last weekto ask me any questi ons about robots三、四单项选择。)1. Try to keep asas you can whe n you are in the libraryA. quietB. quietlyC. noisynow.)2. In order to pass the exam you need to work muchA. hardB. harderC . hardest

5、D . hardlyof all the persons I know.)3. Mr. Wang is very friendly to us. He is)4. It s hard toA . p atie nt B . less p atie ntC . more p atie ntD . the most p atie ntair if you sta nd on the lop of a high moun tain.A. take afterB . take off C . take in D .take to)5. Yibin is one of the most beautifu

6、lin Sichua n.A. cityB. citiesC. citys四、完形填空。Natural resources are thi ngs that we use that come fromEarth. Our naturalresources are limited有限的).This means that they will not _1forever. Some arerenewable(可更新的),like when you_2_one down, you plant a new tree Others arenot renewable, like when you dig c

7、oal(煤)out of the 3. once it is usee, it is gone.People realize the _4_that Earth natural resources are limited , and can dothings to help con serve 节约)those resources 5 you try to con serve a n aturalresource you try to use less of it, so it does not get used up so 6. One way thatpeople con serve fu

8、el燃料),like gasoli ne, is by ridi ng a bicycle or walk ing whe n the7_s short in stead of driv ing everywhere.Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stayB . Wecan con serve water 9 mak ing sure that our pipes and taps do not leak漏). We canalso make_10choices to con serve

9、 wate, like on ly using the dishwasher or washi ngmachi ne whe n they are full . Every one can make con tributi ons to p rotect ing n aturalresources()1. A . lastB . sp readC . burnD. change()2 . A . turnB. cutC. putD. move()3. A.stationB. buildingC . groundD . brick()4. A.n ewsB. planC . decisi onD

10、 . fact()5. A.WhenB. AlthoughC . WhateverD . Whether()6. A.slowlyB. hardC . regularlyD . fast()7. A.moneyB. spaceC . p laceD . dista nee()8. A.aliveB. aloneC . aslee pD . awake()9. A.aboutB . forC . byD . with()10. A.generousB . funnyC . wise D . surprising阅读理解。五、Have you ever wan ted to achieve som

11、eth ing really amaz ing in life?Well, Greg Morte nson wan ted to climb a moun tain but he en ded up helping thousa nds of people to have a better lifeGreg s story began with failureIn 1993. he set out to climb K2, the world secondhighest mountain. But Greg never made it to the top. After five days,

12、he stumbled(踉M)into the village of Korphe in northern Pakistan, injured(受伤)and hungry. The kind villagers there looked after him for several daysGreg: saw that the villagers were very poor and hungry and some of them were ill . Also , the village school didn have a roof(屋顶)and the children wrote on

13、the ground with sticks . Greg knew he wan ted to do somethi ng to help. 11 build you aschool, ” hfeold the villagers.“I promise Greg went back home to the USA to raise money for the school He even lived in the car to save mon ey! Fin ally he went back to Korphe and built the school . But this was ju

14、st the beg inning of someth ing bigger!S ince the n, Greg s orga ni zati on has built around 80 schools and runs many others in P akista n and other coun triestoo.G-reg hasn ffnished yet. He does many other things to help people in poor countries. He has got many prizes but it s the smiles of the ch

15、ildren he has helped that make him happy!Greg has just written a best selling book about his story called Three Cups ofTea. It s an interesting aexCiting book which tells us what ordinary(普通的)peoplecan do with courage and determ in ation决 心)!)1. What was wrong with Greg when he got to the village fo

16、r the first time?A. He fell ill .B. He was badly hurt and hungry.C. He lost his way. D. He failed in his business.)2. How did Greg keep his promise to build a school?A.He raised and saved mone.yB.He did business to make mone.yC.He wrote a book to sell for money.D.He borrowed money from his friends.)

17、3. What does the underlined wordthis ”refer to?A. Saving money.B. laving in the car.C. Raising money.D. Building the school.)4. What s the main idea of this passage?A.Building schools can help people to have a better life.B.We have to do something in return to those who help u.sC.Ordinary people can

18、 make a difference to peoples livesD.Climbing mountains is a good start to help poor people.参考答案、(A)1 . Thick 2. deep 3. tourists 4. conditions5. protect(B)6. tourists 7. succeeded 8. achievements 9. youngest 10. climber、1. As far as I know 2. took in3. in the face of 4. Chinese; to win5. Feel free三

19、、I. A考查as. as sb. can的用法。句意:当你在图书馆时尽可能保持安静。2. B考查比较级。a little, much, a lot, even等词可以放在比较级前表示比较的程度。3. D考查最高级。根据后面的标志词of all the persons I know可以判断用最咼级。4. C考查固定短语。take after与相像;take off脱下,起飞;take in吸收;take to开始从事。根据句意可知take in符合,故选C。5. B “0ne of+the最高级”后面的名词用复数.表示 最的之一”四、1. A上句说 我们的自然资源是有限的”空白处所在句进一步解

20、释:这就是说它们将不会永远”根据语境应该用last(持续;持久)。cut。3. C本句列举不可更新资源,当你把煤挖出”根据语境应该用名词2. B本句列举可更新资源,如砍倒一棵树.再栽上一棵。所以动词用groun d(地面)。4. D根据上下文语境,人们认识到地球上的自然资源是有限的这个名词应该用fact(事实;实际)。5. A本句表时间,当时候”所以用when引导状语从句。6. D句意为你尽量少用它,所以它就:存会这么快用完。”在这里fast为副词。7. D作者提出节约燃料措施:短途骑自行车或步行代替驾车。名词distanee意为路程;距离”8. A stay alive意为 保持鲜活;保持生命力”。9. C本句表示


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