



1、13-14牛津八下Unit7同步词汇练习. 词汇填空A. 根据所给英语解释或者汉语意思,用合适的单词填空。 1. Tomorrow is Mothers Day. But Jim cant (have enough money to buy or to do something) a gift for his mother. 2. The best gift a doctor can give to a (people who are ill, especially those in hospitals) is to make him or her healthy and happy agai

2、n. 3. A(n) (采访者) from Jiangsu TV is asking Mr Lee some questions. 4. All the Chinese felt very (自豪) when they watched Yutu land on the moon successfully on TV. 5. As science and technology (发展), life has become much more colourful.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. Tom cant be a policeman because of his colour (bl

3、ind). 7. An (operate) was done in time and the sick dog was saved. 8. In our class, NBA fans are (most) boys. Not many girls show interest in it. 9. Some (medicine) teams were sent to the disaster areas in time.10. After the accident, he received (treat) in hospital.C. 从方框里选择合适的词或词组,并用其正确形式填空。cure,

4、support, go to hospital, disease, case11. There were reports of about 5 of H7N9 in this city in 2013.12. We are sure that people can find good ways to AIDS.13. The old mans heart has brought him many problems.14. With more and more peoples , ORBIS will be able to do more for the blind people.15. Jim

5、 has . He says he has a bad cold. 单项选择( ) 1. Is doctor Wang UNICEF volunteer? No, he is ORBIS doctor. He has worked for it for years.A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an D. a; a( ) 2. How did you learn to cook this dish? I learnt it a video. I have learnt to cook many dishes watching videos.A. on; on B. by;

6、for C. on; by D. for; by ( ) 3. Can you tell me what Tiangong 1 is? Tiangong 1 is used a space laboratory (实验室). It has worked well in space for over two years. A. by B. with C. as D. of( ) 4. Can you tell me something about ORBIS? It is a working for blind people. It has helped over 19 million peop

7、le in the past 30 years.A. bank B. school C. business D. charity( ) 5. Ann is really the apple in her parents eyes. So she is. And they looked very when Ann got good grades.A. proud B. nervous C. worried D. sad( ) 6. Because of pollution, many fish here have lost their areas. Yes. And some even have

8、 lost their .A. lives; live B. lives; living C. life; living D. living; lives( ) 7. What happened to Mrs Lee? She was badly hurt in the accident. Luckily, she in time.A. operated on B. was operated C. was operated on D. was operating on( ) 8. Are you getting on well with your project? Well, it is ha

9、rd for me to with it. But I will never give it up. A. carry out B. carry on C. carry away D. carry off( ) 9. When the big ship “Titanic” fell down into the sea, there were over 2,200 people . And only about 700 of them survived.A. in board B. on the board C. in the board D. on board( )10. Must these

10、 old people pay for the medicine? . The medicine is offered to them for free.A. No, they needntB. No, they mustntC. Yes, they must D. Yes, they need. 根据所给汉语意思,填空完成下面的句子。1. 如果你小心的话,绝大部分流感(flu)是可以预防的。 If you are careful, most flu .2. 现代医学发展真快啊! modern medicine !3. 这只小猫咪出生的时候就有眼疾。 This little cat .4. 昨

11、天一些学生的父母受邀来观看演出了。 Yesterday, some students parents .5. 小时候,我付不起坐公交车上学的钱,所以每天都是步行上学。When I was young, I couldnt . So I had to walk to school every day.参考答案:. 1. afford 2. patient 3. interviewer 4. proud 5. develop 6. blindness 7. operation 8. mostly 9. medical 10. treatment11. cases 12. cure 13. disease 14. support15. gone to hospital. 1-5 ACCDA6-10 DCBDA. 1. can


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